Hi All,


The Dayton Amateur Radio Association sponsored ARRL TI-2 Space will be
conducted next week in Dayton from July 12 through 15.  The purpose of this
teachers institute is to instruct teachers on how to access satellites for
use in their classrooms.  The four day institute will involve a lot of
on-the-air activity on the birds.  I hope that you will listen up for the
teachers who will be working the birds for the first time and help
participate in the TI by making contacts with them.  They will be novice
satellite operators so I hope you will forgive mistakes as they learn the
ropes.  It will be interesting to see how 8 ground stations operate from one
location!  (The stations consist of FT817s, ARROWS and computer controlled
G5500 rotors.)


If anyone needs a contact with W1AW/8, I will be using that call sign
periodically while doing some demonstrations during the TI.  If you have a
specific request, let me know via e-mail and I'll listen for your call


CU on the birds and I appreciate your patience during this TI.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Coordinator

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT






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