[amsat-bb] Why do hamsats?

2009-10-16 Thread Rocky Jones

Bruce.  I changed the title.  I didnt like Frank doing what he did in public 
and as far as I am concern the exchange is over.

I got three points from you're piece...and they are good ones.

First..the educational benefits of suitsat 1 and 2.

I have no doubt thanks to folks like you (and others) there was educational 
value (and perhaps inspirational value) from the suitsat experience.  No doubt.

The other day when LCROSS was suppose to do the plume thing we had about 15 
kids over (early in the morning) to watch it through the 12 and 4.5 inch 
tube.  Santa Fe TX is a semi rural area with large farms...and the kids are 
use to getting up early, but a bunch of neighborhood kids came over with the 
invite of the 10 year olds...and we had eggs for breakfast and models and some 
computer tracking programs running...and even though there was nothing to be 
seen (turns out by almost anything!) there was a great deal of fun, some good 
education opportunity and all that.

Problem is that the big question (the 80 million dollar question) still 
remains...1) did the mission do what it was suppose to do and 2) was it the 
best use of 80 million dollars to answer that question (as well as the unique 
opportunity the launch provided).  Those are answers that do not get 
ameliorated by the educational value of what occurred.

Education is a good thing, but but unless it is the primary goal of whatever 
was being done then the primary thing has to have value commensurate with cost  
all on its own.  

Ham radio is about communicating.  If we want to turn its primary task into 
education then it will look very very different.

Second the odds of success.  I had let the topic drop until it was brought up 
by someone else.  It is to me depressing.  AMSAT NA in particular seems to be 
(at least in my view) on a high technology kamikaze mission.  The reason Oscars 
I through 13 were quite successful is that they each (might have had problems) 
built on the success and knowledge of the last one.They were robust, single 
focused (ie they were transponders and limited at that).  Todays efforts are 
one gadget after another in my view.   Hence the sat population is decreasing.

Suitsat 1 failed technologically (grin) even though it was a very simple 
satellite.  Prudent engineering doctrine would say try it or something 
slightly more complicated again and get it correct before moving on to 
something vastly more complicated.  Instead it is we cannot get people to work 
on it if it is not something cool.  as if getting a vehicle into space that 
works shouldnt all on its own be something ...

The folks who are in charge have chosen this path...see how it works.

Third...I have no problem with them taking the opportunity  

Many years ago we brought the airplane that is today the preeminent two engine 
heavy into the old Denver Stapleton airport so the launch customer could show 
it off.   (it was pretty cool actually, even though the concrete could handle 
the light weight of the big twin, the asphalt covering couldnt and boards had 
to be put down to keep the trucks from sinking).  The launch customer (UAL) 
brought out a Boeing 247 for comparison.

One of the first things that they did was open the airplane(s) up for school 
kids.  They had pilots and flight attendants in current and period 
outfits...the educational value was pretty splendid.

But it meant nothing if the Big Twin couldnt keep the wings on it (the problem 
with its sister) 

Robert WB5MZO

PS...as for being sarcastic...I confess the end got the better of me.  it 
detracted from my point!  

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[amsat-bb] Why do hamsats? (Or anything else...)

2009-10-16 Thread Mark VandeWettering
I'll limit my comments to two issues:

 Ham radio is about communicating.  If we want to turn its primary task into
 education then it will look very very different.

Part 97.1 tells us what the intended (not always realized, it must be
said) purpose of amateur radio is.   it certainly is intended to be a
communication service, but the regulations also recognize the
importance of education in Part 97.1(c):

(c) Encouragement and improvement of the amateur service through rules
which provide for advancing skills in both the communications and
technical phases of the art.

Education (particularly self-education) has always been a principle of
amateur radio.Indeed, from 97.3(a)(4), the definition of amateur

 (4) Amateur service. A radiocommunication service for the purpose of
self-training, intercommunication and technical investigations carried
out by amateurs, that is, duly authorized persons interested in radio
technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest.

It does list intercommunication, but it also lists self-training
and technical investigations, which certainly have a clear
educational mandate.  I admit that most hams don't seem to take this
educational mandate very seriously, but it is there, and I applaud
AMSAT in their educational efforts.   In the grand scheme of things, I
think having school kids talk to astronauts in orbit probably does
more social good than allowing hams work DX.

Secondly, regarding the chances of success of ARISS-Sat-1, first, I
hope you are wrong.  I hope it is successful, and that the SDX
transponder provides some unique opportunities for radio amateurs.
As to whether flying such a payload is a reasonable use of this rare
launch opportunity, I think it clearly is.   Yes, we could kick a very
basic linear transponder out of the ISS, and it would float around in
LEO and allow you to make some contacts, but so what?  What purpose
would be served?   To get to _affordable_ amateur satellites, we have
to find a way to actually pay for launches.  This means (among other
things) limiting mass, and that means relying on the benefits that
digital control can in controlling and minimizing power consumption.
 You can't just run a bent pipe transponder on a 1U cubesat and expect
anything useful to develop.   We need to think

Robert also mentioned the decreasing satellite population.   It isn't
decreasing because satellites are becoming more expensive: indeed, as
Bob Bruninga has pointed out, the actual hardware costs of satellites
have fallen dramatically.  The problem is that we can't get people to
donate free launches to get our stuff into orbit.AO-10 had a mass
of about 90kg.Arianspace wants 1.8 million euros to launch that
into HEO orbit.   The cost of the development and construction of the
satellite is just the smallest fraction of that cost.   To make
satellite launches affordable, we need to figure out new ways to
shrink the mass, provide careful power control, and either accept
lower orbits or figure out new ways to boost satellites to higher
orbits (I find the micropropulsion work to be very interesting).

It's a pity we can't harness the power of complaining to boost things
to orbit...

73 Mark K6HX
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