Dear All,

I am trying to use Wisat32 for unattended automated satellite tracking and have 
some questions if anyone could help me clarify:

1. Is it possible for Wisat32 to run a normal .bat batch file say 20 seconds 
before AOS and 20 seconds after LOS?  This is used for power on and off to the 
satellite equipment.  Previously WISP used to be able to do this, but I do not 
see the settings in Wisat32.
2. Is there any setting to ignore passes below a predefined elevation, for 
example below 5 degrees.

Thank you.

Sion Chow Q. C.,
Also: WQ2C /HL1, 9V1QC, JG1XHM,
ex: 9W2QC, AB3IO

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