The 1245z HO-68 pass was without a doubt the most fun I ever had on an FM
bird. It was the first time I could get a real feeling on how crowded the FM
bird's get over EU. I was actually competing with the EU's for contacts! I
worked f6byj, ea5sr, and on5ue. I copied the calls of 5 more EU's but
couldn't work them due to the crowd that was working the bird. I also backed
off a bit after hearing other stateside stations calling to give them a shot
at the stronger EU's. Worked nz3m, and heard ki4tz, n1sdh, and others
stateside. I can't imagine how this pass would have been on a weekend! A big
thank you to Alan BA1DU, and the rest of the CAMSAT members...

73 Jeff kb2m

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