I will try to operate on SO-50 from EL96 on Saturday
and Sunday, 15 and 16 February as follows:

15Feb2014   1302-1315utc  46deg elev max
15Feb2014   2322-2334utc  31deg elev max

16Feb2014   1149-1201utc  36deg elev max
16Feb2014   2209-2221utc  53deg elev max

The morning passes will have limited visibility to
the north,  however, I will try to operate from a
better location on the late afternoon passes.

I cannot promise that I will be on all passes but I
will try.

If you work me and need a card, please send an email
to my qrz.com address with qso details.
Do not send any SASE's.

John K8YSE

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