Here is the H-IIA F23 launch plan from JAXA document..

T      event
-----  ----------------------------------
00:00  liftoff
01:39  solid rocket booster burnout
01:48  solid rocket booster separation
04:05  fairing separtion
06:36  1st stage main engine cuttoff
06:44  1st/2nd stage separation
06:50  2nd stage engine ignition
14:58  2nd stage engine cuttoff
15:49  GPM main satellite separation
24:09  ShindaiSat separation
28:19  STARS-II separation
32:29  TeikyoSat-3 separation
36:39  ITF-1 separation
37:59  OPUSAT separation
39:19  INVADER separation
40:39  KSAT2 separation

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Launch Services presents final
countdown status report.

Happy chasing!

Mssa  JN1GKZ    Tokyo

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