A couple days ago, I noticed that to get a 500 Hz signal for CW-2 (nominally 
145.9190 MHz) to decode the BPSK-1000 signal, I had to change the 
unDoppler-shifted frequency on my USB receiver from 145.918500 MHz to 
145.918280 MHz, a change of 220 Hz.

This new value have been consistent over a couple days of careful watching. I 
don’t believe it to be an error in the keps or clock as it has been true both 
at the beginning and end of the pass. My receiver has been on for over a month, 
so unless a component changed value suddenly, ....

Has ARISSat-1 changed, has my radio changed, or does only my hairdresser know 
for sure?

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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