
I don't know all of the obstacles involved, but your suggestion is the best one 
I've heard during the course of the SuitSat-2 discussion this week. The 
trade-off, of course, will be a lower orbit/smaller footprint, with passes that 
are a couple of minutes shorter than those of the current FM LEO satellites. 
Here, I em definitely willing to accept that to have 
another amateur-communications platform with multiple operation modes go active 
with the probability that it would stay active for at least a few years.

Thank you for this post.

73 to all,

Tim - N3TL

From: Howie DeFelice <>
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2009 10:33:17 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] SS-2

I agree with "the Bobs" and others that you have to play the cards you're dealt 
and be part of the solution. Allot of people put many hours of time, effort and 
their own money into AMSAT and I certainly thank them all. 

I disagree that we should abandon the "HEO fetish" as it was put. At the moment 
it seems unlikely there will ever be another AO-40 but there could be 
opportunities for ride shares to higher orbits. But for that to remain even a 
remote possibility, we need to "be in the game". By continuing to be a visible 
member of the space community we enhance our chances of finding new 
opportunities for transport to space. We must continue to be flexible and adapt 
to whatever opportunity comes along. I think that is exactly where AMSAT has 
been moving. 

This may be a dum question but, since so much effort has gone into building 
SuitSat-2, why are we throwing it out the ISS door? It appears we have multiple 
unused antenna ports on the ISS. If we connected SS-2 to one of those it will 
stay in orbit a long time, we don't need to repackage it to survive space or 
put in batteries. I'm sure there would be a process to make that happen not to 
mention maybe install an antenna. Even if it took another year to make happen, 
wouldn't it be worth it?

Howie AB2S

Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.
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