On 19 Dec 2009 at 8:55, Alan Kung wrote:

Date sent:              Sat, 19 Dec 2009 08:55:10 +0800
From:                   Alan Kung <alank...@public3.bta.net.cn>
Subject:                [amsat-bb]  XW-1 Schedule on Dec 19 Renew
To:                     amsat-bb@amsat.org
Send reply to:          Alan Kung <alank...@public3.bta.net.cn>

> XW-1 FM and digital store-forward transponder will work on Dec. 19 at
> On:  0124UTC
> Off: 0143UTC
> On:  1146UTC
> Off: 1206UTC
> 73
> Alan Kung, BA1DU
> XW-1 Project Manager

It is quite a nice christmas gift for the amateur satellite community who was 
offered by China. XW-1 will make possible transatlantic 
contacts when he will be over central atlantic ocean. In North America the 
following grids will be in range for EU contacts: FM 27-28 FN  
04-05-10-12. In my grid FN36 i will have a 5 deg elevation at max and it will 
be lower for the grids i mentioned.

Congratulations Alan and for all of your team.  You are the proof that our 
amateur satellite future will be more and more internationally 
driven XW-1 and SO-67 and all the other project in the making is and will only 
lead and guided the next satellite builders to redefined 
their next steps.

Is a new HEO capabilities can emerge? i believe yes and it will probably come 
from unexpected new launchers sources. 

The global world warming effect and the greenhouse gas effect will need new 
measurement tools. A strong pressure will be put on ways to 
measure those greenhouse gas and satellite will be the ultimate tool. It is a 
new potential where amateur radio satellite builders can 
exploit? At our local level here we use the emergency communication argument, 
with this global warming potential disastrous consequences at 
an international scale the amateur radio community will have to shift the usual 
emergency communication focus towards emergency global 
warming communications.

Satellite monitoring and  international greenhouse gas space watch will 
represent a lot of new openings. The amateur radio satellite world-
wide network is able to handle a lot of data downlinks,  data who can be 
transferred through internet at any point on the earth. APRS and 
DPRS is already monitoring and sending weather reports from all over the world 
is a pollution index can also be transmitted aside of all 
the other weather data parameters? What about a PC screen showing the global 
pollutants evolution on a day by day basis live data coming 
and relayed by amateur radio satellite. The possibilities are endless will we 
be able to positioned ourselves accordingly???

Some will say it is fiction but what's it's call fiction today often became 
tomorrow reality.


Luc Leblanc VE2DWE
Skype VE2DWE

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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