[no subject]

2002-02-07 Thread Neubert Anja-CAN111

Ich arbeite mit Analog 4.11 und dem Betriebssystem Windows 2000. Als Studentin musste 
ich lernen mit dem Programm umzugehen und bekam auch spezielle Fragen dazu gestellt. 
Ich weiß, dass ich mit dem Kommando exclude spezielle Daten in den Reports filtern 
kann, aber nicht, wie man diese Daten aus den Zusammenfassungen filtert. Und nun zu 
meiner Frage: Filtere ich die Daten hier auf die gleiche Art und Weiße? Wenn nicht, 
wie dann? Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Anja Neubert

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Re: [analog-help] Adding PDF files in Request Report

2002-02-07 Thread Stephen Turner

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Steven Wren wrote:

> Hello
> I am trying to add PDF files to list in the request report, to see how
> many times a particular PDF is downloaded.  I have added the type PDF to
> and
> so it then should be included in the request report??
> that did not seem to work, so the floor was set to 0 (REQFLOOR 0s) and it
> now shows some pdf files with 0 requests, but not the actual file that has
> been downloaded many times...
> further confusing, it shows up a number of times in the Failure report
> section...
> Does anyone know how I can get the PDF file included in the request
> report?


It looks like you did the right thing, except I think you want 0r not 0s for
the floor.

If you still have trouble, look at the output with SETTINGS ON -- this will
tell you in English what analog thinks its options are set to.

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UKhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01

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Re: [analog-help] Counting redirects

2002-02-07 Thread Aengus

"D. Alvarado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I haven't found an immense amount of literature on "REDIRINCLUDE" or
> "REDIRHOSTINCLUDE", but do those commands only include files that
> have been redirected to by other files?  That is, given a page on
> my server "a.html", I would like to count the number of times that
> page has been requested via a redirect.  Could I do this through
> the use of "REDIR" commands?  What would be a situation where I'd

If you just looked at that log entry yourself, would you be able to tell
if it was the result of a redirect? If the referrer field is the
redirecting page, then you could use that, but I'm not sure whether
browser update the referrer field when following a redirect.

If the source of the redirects is a script of some sort, your best bet is
to have the script make it's own log of the requests that it has


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[analog-help] Re: your mail

2002-02-07 Thread Stephen Turner

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Neubert Anja-CAN111 wrote:

> I use the analog 4.11 and I work with the operating system Windows 2000. I
> had to learn how the program works and then I bbecame special problems,
> which I shall solve. But I couldn´t it, thats why I need your help.  I
> know that I can exclude several files with the command exclude by reports,
> but can I do this with the summarizes in the same way? When not, how I can
> do this? Thanks for the help. 

Yes, all of the reports have EXCLUDE commands which can exclude individual
lines. For example, BROWREPEXCLUDE for the Browser Report, and
BROWSUMEXCLUDE for the Browser Summary.

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UKhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01

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[analog-help] Analysing Vicomsoft Internet Gateway W3C Extended Format

2002-02-07 Thread Peter Reid

I'm running Vicomsoft Internet Gateway (VIG) router software on my 
Mac server, which provides shared Internet access to a small network 
of mixed Mac and PC clients.  This produces a log file that is 
supposed to be in W3C Extended format.  However, whenever I try to 
analyse this log file with Analog 5.1d (Mac version) I get a stream 
of error messages and no significant output in the Report.html file.

In analog.cfg, I have the following log format settings:



My VIG log file starts as follows:

#Software:  "Vicomsoft Log Generator"
#Version:   1.0
#Date:  2002-02-07  03:00:02
#Start-Date:2002-02-06  03:00:01
#End-Date:  2002-02-07  03:00:00
#Fields:datetimec-ipc-dns   s-ips-dns 
cs-method   time-taken  x-bytes-sent 
x-bytes-receivedx-src-port-id   x-dest-port-id
#Remark:Gateway Traffic Log ( W3C Extended Log Format )

(note: the #Fields: line is a single line but has wrapped in this e-mail)

and typical log entries are as follows:

2002-02-06  18:18:24192.168.181.1:49178 -   banners.yellowpages.co.uk   TCP 
1.000   722 490 2   1
2002-02-06  18:18:25192.168.181.1:49180 -   TCP 
13.000  124126502   1
2002-02-06  18:18:24192.168.181.1:49177 -   TCP 
14.000  234478802   1
2002-02-06  18:19:24192.168.181.1:49182 - TCP 0.000   854 
47907   2   1

(note: the log entries have wrapped in this e-mail, they all start 
with 2002-02-06 and are on a single line in the actual log file)

The error trace I'm getting is:

analog: Warning C: Unknown configuration command: ignoring it:
   2002-02-06 18:21:50
analog: Warning C: Unknown configuration command: ignoring it:
   2002-02-06 18:22:41

analog: Warning C: Unknown configuration command: ignoring it:
   2002-02-07 01:15:31
analog: Warning F: Failed to open logfile WebSTAR.log: ignoring it
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty time reports
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Request Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty File Type Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Directory Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Domain Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Organisation Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Search Word Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Operating System Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty File Size Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Status Code Report

with "analog: Warning C: Unknown configuration command" against EVERY 
log entry!

I've even tried changing the LOGFORMAT to EXTENDED, but still get 
error messages for every log entry line.

Has anyone got any experience of trying to analyse this type of log 
file or does anyone have any suggestions/ideas?

Thanks for any help.

Best regards

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk
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Re: [analog-help] Analysing Vicomsoft Internet Gateway W3CExtended Format

2002-02-07 Thread Peter Reid

>On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Peter Reid wrote:
>>  analog: Warning C: Unknown configuration command: ignoring it:
>> 2002-02-06 18:21:50
>>  analog: Warning C: Unknown configuration command: ignoring it:
>> 2002-02-06 18:22:41
>>  with "analog: Warning C: Unknown configuration command" against EVERY
>>  log entry!
>"Unknown configuration command" means you've told analog to read this as a
>configuration file, not a logfile.
>Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UKhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/

I guessed that's what Analog "thinks", but it's not what I'm doing 
according to the instructions!  All I'm doing is running Analog with 
my log file named as "access_log.txt" which is what I've set up in 
the analog.cfg as the name of log files:

LOGFILE "access_log.*"

I understood that Analog would treat a W3C Extended format log file 
as a file containing BOTH configuration info AND log entries.  This 
is how Analog "understands" the actual content of such a file, by 
parsing the configuration lines starting with "#" first isn't it?

I get the same result if I simply drag & drop my log file onto Analog.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk
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[analog-help] Re:

2002-02-07 Thread Aengus

"Neubert Anja-CAN111" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know that I can exclude several files with the command
> exclude by reports, but can I do this with the summarizes
> in the same way? When not, how I can do this? Thanks for
> the help.

FILEEXCLUDE will cause Analog to totally ignore a specified file or set of
files. The log entries that include those lines won't be processed at all,
so none of the information in that line will be included in any report
(the host information won't count, the byte count wont be used, the
referrer and browser won't be added to the relevant reports.

The only sign of such lines will be the "Unwanted logfile entries" in the
General Summmary.


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Re: [analog-help] Analysing Vicomsoft Internet Gateway W3C Extended Format

2002-02-07 Thread Stephen Turner

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Peter Reid wrote:
> analog: Warning C: Unknown configuration command: ignoring it:
>2002-02-06 18:21:50
> analog: Warning C: Unknown configuration command: ignoring it:
>2002-02-06 18:22:41
> with "analog: Warning C: Unknown configuration command" against EVERY 
> log entry!

"Unknown configuration command" means you've told analog to read this as a
configuration file, not a logfile.

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UKhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01

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Re: [analog-help] Analysing Vicomsoft Internet Gateway W3C Extended Format

2002-02-07 Thread Stephen Turner

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Peter Reid wrote:
> I guessed that's what Analog "thinks", but it's not what I'm doing 
> according to the instructions!  All I'm doing is running Analog with 
> my log file named as "access_log.txt" which is what I've set up in 
> the analog.cfg as the name of log files:
> LOGFILE "access_log.*"
> I understood that Analog would treat a W3C Extended format log file 
> as a file containing BOTH configuration info AND log entries.  This 
> is how Analog "understands" the actual content of such a file, by 
> parsing the configuration lines starting with "#" first isn't it?

Well, it does parse those lines, but that's not a "configuration file" in
analog teminology. Have you declared the same file as a configuration
file too? If so, you need to remove that instruction.

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UKhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01

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[analog-help] How to get rid of %1 in report

2002-02-07 Thread Jacob-Steen Madsen


Several of my repport is having this comment append to it:
"This report shows the first %1 results by number of requests. This report
is sorted by number of requests."
I use Report magic to "polish" my reports.

As far as i know i have not asked, neither analog nor report magic only to
use the first %1 number of requests.

you can look at http://www.sdu.dk/dou/webstatistik/

Any Suggestions?


Jacob-Steen Madsen

Syddansk Universitet
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M
Tlf:65 50 28 69
Alt-tlf:65 50 28 75
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[analog-help] Still unable to create User Report

2002-02-07 Thread Funmi Beckley

I am still unable to run a user report after following all of the advice.
Is it possible to see an example of what one looks like?



-Original Message-
From: Funmi Beckley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 5:04 PM
Subject: [analog-help] User Report Generation Problems

> I am unable to produce a User Report even though I have the following line
'USER ON' included in my config file.  I have recorded users in the logfile
and configured the server to authenticate all users. I have also included
the following lines in the analog.cfg file: 
> > APACHELOGFORMAT (%S - %j [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j] "%j > %r %j" %c %b "%f"
"%B" > "%u") > USERALIAS REGEXPI:user=(.*?) (;|$) $1 > > 
I have a cookie called 'user' to record all users. Could you please let me
know what else might have to be done or inform me of any mistakes I might be
Best regards, 

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Re: [analog-help] Analysing Vicomsoft Internet Gateway W3CExtended Format

2002-02-07 Thread Peter Reid

>Well, it does parse those lines, but that's not a "configuration file" in
>analog teminology. Have you declared the same file as a configuration
>file too? If so, you need to remove that instruction.
>Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UKhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
>"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01

No, I don't mention that file anywhere else in analog.cfg.  Also, 
I've tried dragging & dropping files with other names and get the 
same result.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk
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Re: [analog-help] Still unable to create User Report

2002-02-07 Thread Aengus

"Funmi Beckley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am still unable to run a user report after following all of
> the advice. Is it possible to see an example of what one looks
> like?

Can you post 3 or 4 lines from your logfiles.


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Re: [analog-help] How to get rid of %1 in report

2002-02-07 Thread Stephen Turner

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Jacob-Steen Madsen wrote:

> Help..
> Several of my repport is having this comment append to it:
> "This report shows the first %1 results by number of requests. This report
> is sorted by number of requests."
> why?
> I use Report magic to "polish" my reports.
> As far as i know i have not asked, neither analog nor report magic only to
> use the first %1 number of requests.
> you can look at http://www.sdu.dk/dou/webstatistik/
> Any Suggestions?

Does this happen if you use analog on its on without Report Magic? If not,
it's probably a RM problem and should go to the reportmagic-help mailing

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UKhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01

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Re: [analog-help] Analysing Vicomsoft Internet Gateway W3C Extended Format

2002-02-07 Thread Stephen Turner

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Peter Reid wrote:

> >Well, it does parse those lines, but that's not a "configuration file" in
> >analog teminology. Have you declared the same file as a configuration
> >file too? If so, you need to remove that instruction.
> >
> >--
> >Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UKhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
> >"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01
> No, I don't mention that file anywhere else in analog.cfg.  Also, 
> I've tried dragging & dropping files with other names and get the 
> same result.

You're on a Mac? Try running it by double-clicking the app instead of
dragging and dropping.

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UKhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01

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Re: [analog-help] How to get rid of %1 in report

2002-02-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Stephen Turner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Jacob-Steen Madsen wrote:

>> Help..
>> Several of my repport is having this comment append to it:
>> "This report shows the first %1 results by number of requests. This report
>> is sorted by number of requests."
>> why?
>> I use Report magic to "polish" my reports.
>> As far as i know i have not asked, neither analog nor report magic only to
>> use the first %1 number of requests.
>> you can look at http://www.sdu.dk/dou/webstatistik/
>> Any Suggestions?

> Does this happen if you use analog on its on without Report Magic? If not,
> it's probably a RM problem and should go to the reportmagic-help mailing
> list.

This was posted to both lists. I responded to the reportmagic-help
list. An upgrade to the latest version fixes this.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Analysing Vicomsoft Internet Gateway W3CExtended Format

2002-02-07 Thread Peter Reid

>On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Peter Reid wrote:
>>  >Well, it does parse those lines, but that's not a "configuration file" in
>>  >analog teminology. Have you declared the same file as a configuration
>>  >file too? If so, you need to remove that instruction.
>>  >
>>  >--
>>  >Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK 
>>  >"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." 
>>BBC, 2/Jul/01
>>  No, I don't mention that file anywhere else in analog.cfg.  Also,
>>  I've tried dragging & dropping files with other names and get the
>>  same result.
>You're on a Mac? Try running it by double-clicking the app instead of
>dragging and dropping.

Tried this and get the same result!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk
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[analog-help] Webstar V Log Problems

2002-02-07 Thread Patrick Gormley

I have been working on this for the past few days and no matter what I do
Analog (5.1c) will not produce any logs from my
Webstar V logs.  Someone gave me the following two lines to place in my
Analog cfg file:

LOGFORMAT (%m/%d/%Z\t%W%h:%n:%j\t%c\t%s\t%r\t%j\t%f\t%b\t%B\t%S\t%q\n)

However, everytime I run Analog I get a message saying that some 60,000
lines in my file (almost all) were unwanted.  I have disabled every EXCLUDE
command I can think of with no results.  The last Analog.out file is below.
Can anyone see what is the problem?

analog: analog version 5.1/Mac
analog: Warning C: Character 1 not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
  (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)
analog: Warning C: Character Q not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character w not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character 6 not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character 7 not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character l not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character L not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character R not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character j not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character Z not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character Y not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character y not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character p not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Character P not used in REPORTORDER: adding it at end
analog: Warning C: Too many arguments for configuration command: ignoring
  of line starting:
  SEARCHENGINE http://www.excite.ca/* s
analog: Warning D: In Domain Report, SORTBY (alphabetical) doesn't match
  SUBSORTBY (bytes)
analog: Warning D: In Directory Report, SORTBY (requests) doesn't match
analog: Warning D: In Browser Summary, FLOOR (requests) doesn't match
analog: Warning M: Logfile OS X:Applications:Analog:Logs:EastHS.log.txt.gz
  contains lines with no virtual hosts, which are being filtered
analog: [18:23:58] 1 lines read
analog: [18:23:58] 2 lines read
analog: [18:23:59] 3 lines read
analog: [18:23:59] 4 lines read
analog: [18:23:59] 5 lines read
analog: [18:23:59] 6 lines read
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty time reports
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Request Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Redirection Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Failure Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Directory Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Host Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Domain Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Referrer Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Referring Site Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Redirected Referrer Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Failed Referrer Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Virtual Host Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty User Failure Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Organisation Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Search Query Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Search Word Report
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Browser Summary
analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Operating System Report

Patrick Gormley
Lapeer East High School
Lapeer MI 48446
--Lord, help me go the distance.  I want to cross the finish line, not
riding or coasting, but running.

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Re: [analog-help] Webstar V Log Problems

2002-02-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Patrick Gormley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> I have been working on this for the past few days and no matter what I do
> Analog (5.1c) will not produce any logs from my
> Webstar V logs.  Someone gave me the following two lines to place in my
> Analog cfg file:

> LOGFORMAT (%m/%d/%Z\t%W%h:%n:%j\t%c\t%s\t%r\t%j\t%f\t%b\t%B\t%S\t%q\n)
> (%m/%d/%Z\t%W%h:%n:%j\t%c\t%s\t%r\t%j\t%f\t%b\t%B\t%S\t%q\n)

You only need on or the other of these. The second overrides the first
making the format available to logs defined in other files (or the
command line)

> However, everytime I run Analog I get a message saying that some 60,000
> lines in my file (almost all) were unwanted.  I have disabled every EXCLUDE
> command I can think of with no results.

Unwanted lines mean they were excluded with an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE
command. Corrupt lines mean they didn't for the format. Your log
format is correct if most of the lines in your file are not corrupt.
One of your INCLUDE or EXCLUDE commands must be filtering all those


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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