Re: [analog-help] How do you specify the output directory?

2002-04-16 Thread Stephen Turner

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Jason Bodnar wrote:

> I've tried specifying OUTFILE in my analog.cfg like so:
> OUTFILE /opt/apache/
> and
> OUTFILE /opt/apache/
> but I still get an html page sent to stdout and analog tells me it won't make
> any charts:
> analog: Warning D: Turning all pie charts off because OUTFILE is stdout and
> CHARTDIR is unset
> so how do I tell analog where to dump ALL the output?

The command looks right. Are you sure that configuration file is being read
at all? Do you have another OUTFILE command overriding the first one?

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK
"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01

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[analog-help] My Log Files won't read!

2002-04-16 Thread Simon Smyth

I have downloaded, unzipped and run analog 5.22.  I have managed to get the
sample log files running, but when I import my own log file, I get a blank
report page.  I think this is because the config file does not recognize my
log files.  Any ideas?


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[analog-help] debug and settings

2002-04-16 Thread john

I am using Analog 5.21 on Windows 98.

In trying to understand, like Susana Pumar Pavon, un-resolved 
numerical addresses, I tried to follow a recent helpful suggestion to 
use DEBUG to get some information.

However it appears that if I have debug ON, and a settings file, 
nothing is produced except the closing F message for my 
configuration file. Also the output file is not written.   If I take the 
settings parameter away, then I get what appears to be a full set 
of debug messages (although none for dns resolution, but I am 
guessing this is due to the run being only DNS READ, I'll try it again 
with DNS WRITE later), and the output file is written.

I tried moving the debug statement around in the config file, before 
and after the output - the setting is on the command line with a 
redirect to a txt file, but it makes no difference.

I can not find anything in the docs about SETTINGS interferring with 
DEBUG and OUTPUT - is it supposed to?  Have I missed something 
obvious?  If so apologies.  Since I appear to get what I need, this is 
not holding me up, but I am now curious.


Vernon Bowles Ltd   Voice: +44 115 945 2279   Mobile: +44 07881 826 135
35 Dovedale Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6JB, England
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Re: [analog-help] debug and settings

2002-04-16 Thread Aengus


> I can not find anything in the docs about SETTINGS interferring with
> DEBUG and OUTPUT - is it supposed to?

SETTINGS ON tells Analog to do a "dummy run" and just display what
settings would be used if it was running properly.

It doesn't matter where you put SETTINGS ON.

SETTINGS ON isn't "interfering" with DEBUG and OUTPUT, they just don't
have any function when Analog is just displaying it's current settings.


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Re: [analog-help] My Log Files won't read!

2002-04-16 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Simon Smyth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> I have downloaded, unzipped and run analog 5.22.  I have managed to get the
> sample log files running, but when I import my own log file, I get a blank
> report page.  I think this is because the config file does not recognize my
> log files.  Any ideas?

Did you specify your log file in the configuration file? Is it a
format Analog can auto-detect? Did Analog produce any warning or error
messages that might help diagnose the problem?


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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[no subject]

2002-04-16 Thread melinda Yuan


I had analog-5.02 in my RedHat 6.2, because I want
to use the latest analog version, so I installed the analog-5.22 into my 
RedHat 6.2 machine. I did
following steps
(2)run analog
(3) edit analog.cfg file by setting
LOGFILE  /usr/local/apahce/logs/access.log*,
OUTFILE index.html,
and then I edit the httpd.conf file by setting
"Alias /analog/  /usr/local/analog-5.22/"
and restart the Apache  Server, but when I open the
web browser, and type, it came out still
with analog-5.02 version.
How do I do to remove the version 5.02 and to make
my v5.22 work properly?
Does my configuration process for v5.22 correct?
Any suggestion is welcome.


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Re: [analog-help] Analog upgrade

2002-04-16 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

melinda Yuan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> I had analog-5.02 in my RedHat 6.2, because I want
> to use the latest analog version, so I installed the analog-5.22 into my 
> RedHat 6.2 machine. I did
> following steps
> (1)"make"-compiling,
> (2)run analog
> (3) edit analog.cfg file by setting
> LOGFILE  /usr/local/apahce/logs/access.log*,
> OUTFILE index.html,

This will put the report in the Analog directory. Most likely, you
should put it somewhere in your web space.

You need to run Analog after you make the changes to update the
report. Then you can verify the report -- it should contain the
version of Analog at the bottom.

> and then I edit the httpd.conf file by setting "Alias /analog/
> /usr/local/analog-5.22/" and restart the Apache  Server, but when I
> open the web browser, and type, it
> came out still with analog-5.02 version. How do I do to remove the
> version 5.02 and to make my v5.22 work properly? Does my
> configuration process for v5.22 correct? Any suggestion is welcome.

This may not be safe. You should not put Analog anywhere in your web
server space. Although on Apache / Unix it may not be a problem, it's
not recommended.

Try running Analog again and see if that fixes it. If not, make sure
that the version of analog you have installed and are running is 5.22,
not 5.02


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] How do you specify the output directory?

2002-04-16 Thread Jason Bodnar

> The command looks right. Are you sure that configuration file is 
> being read at all? Do you have another OUTFILE command overriding 
> the first one?

It seems the configuration file is not being read. I set CHARTDIR and still
get a message about CHARTDIR not being set.

I'm running analog like so:

# analog -G /opt/apache/

Am I not specifying the config file correctly? The docs say -G.

If it matters, I'm using a RedHat rpm:

# rpm -qi analog
Name: analog   Relocations: (not relocateable)
Version : 5.22  Vendor: (none)
Release : 1 Build Date: Wed 20 Mar 2002
11:01:38 AM CST
Install date: Sun 14 Apr 2002 07:25:44 PM CDT  Build Host:
Group   : Utilities Source RPM: analog-5.22-1.src.rpm
Size: 2460088  License: distributable
Packager: Johan Petersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Summary : WWW server logfile analysis program

Jason Bodnar

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[analog-help] What is the best way to include only GETS or POSTS from only Authenticatedusers?

2002-04-16 Thread glee


I have managed to successfully use Analog (& RMAGIC) to decode the log
files produced by my domino server. I am amazed by the power and
capabilities within Analog - certainly more than any web log packaged I
have reviewed. Everything that I read in your documentation seems well
thought out.

I am using Analog to evaluate the past 2-3 years of data from a test site.
I have managed to generate user reports for read activity.

I have two questions:

1. What would be the best way to INCLUDE ONLY web requests authenticated
users? (Meaning I don't care about any requests until a user is logged in)

2. What would be the best way to INCLUDE ONLY web POSTS for authenticated
users (Meaning I only want to track posts by users who have logged in)

Thanks in advance for your assistance.



READS FROM AUTHENTICATED USERS: CN=Mickey Mouse/O=Disney [15/Apr/2002:01:43:35
+0800] "GET /test/test.nsf/bttnprev.gif?OpenImageResource HTTP/1.1" 304 0 CN=Mickey Mouse/O=Disney [15/Apr/2002:01:43:35
+0800] "GET /test/test.nsf/bttnnext.gif?OpenImageResource HTTP/1.1" 304 0

POSTS FROM AUTHENTICATED USERS CN=Mickey Mouse/O=Disney [15/Apr/2002:01:43:36
+0800] "POST /test/test.nsf/$$ViewTemplate+for+MsgBdByDate?OpenForm&Seq=1
HTTP/1.1" 302 209 CN=Mickey Mouse/O=Disney [15/Apr/2002:01:43:46
+0800] "POST /test/test.nsf/$$ViewTemplate+for+MyPostsByDate?OpenForm&Seq=1
HTTP/1.1" 302 210

# The following 4 LOGFORMAT lines allow me to read in a native Domino txt
LOg file
# Each LOGFORMAT line, tells ANALOG how to process a differenlt formatted
# This line is for a Date and Request only
LOGFORMAT ([%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j] "%j")
# This line is for a Date and a "MULTI FAILED" - we will ignore the rest of
the line
LOGFORMAT ([%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j] [MULTI FAILED] [host: %j] %j)
# This line is for any line that has an [OK] in it such as a Bad Script
Request whatever that is
# Example:[13/Apr/2002:09:45:09 +0800] [OK] [host:] Bad
script request -- no variation is executable
LOGFORMAT ([%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j] [OK] %j)
# This line is for any line that has (WORM REQUEST) on it

# Next line is for a request with no user name
LOGFORMAT (%S %j - [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j] "%j%w%r%wHTTP%j" %c %b)
# Next line is for a request that has a user name in the full format of CN
=./O=... format
LOGFORMAT (%S %j CN=%u/O=%j [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j] "%j%w%r%wHTTP%j" %c %b)
### END LOGFORMAT LINES -ERIC  04-15-02 3:45 PM

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