
just tried this again with the ADT 0.9.3 (downloaded today) and
Android 1.6 r1 (also from today) and in the "Virtual Devices"-Window I
can see my newly created AVD with a green checker to the left: "A
valid Android Virtual Device".

ANDROID_SDK_HOME is properly set to "C:\Users\nico;" for user and
system-environment variables.

I can also see the emulator-image being properly created in "C:\Users

I'm using Windows7 RC 64Bit with a 64 Bit JDK and Eclipse is running
(or has to run) with its own 32 Bit JRE.

Any ideas?

On 27 Aug., 03:21, Xavier Ducrohet <x...@android.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 4:21 AM, Phoenix<phoenixsen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Aug 25, 4:41 pm, Xavier Ducrohet <x...@android.com> wrote:
> >> I see that you have changed the location of the user folders (in S:
> >> instead of C:)
> > There are user folders on both S: and C:.  Only the Desktop and My
> > Documents special folders are on S:.  Everything else (including App
> > Data) is on C:.  [The documents are shared between operating systems
> > on different partitions]
> > Android (or Eclipse?) has been the only thing to use S:.
> >> When the user location is not the default one, we have seen some cases
> >> where windows reports the location of the user folder differently
> >> depending on which API you use (the command line tool and Eclipse use
> >> a Java API, while the emulator use a windows C++ API).
> > That would explain why the command line tools and Eclipse could see
> > my_avd just fine, but the emulator could not find it.
> > But, shouldn't Android be set up to use HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH?  Standard
> > environment variables.
> I think there are difference on XP/Vista which makes using those hard
> to use (back in the previous SDK we were using LOCALAPPDATA but we
> ended up having the same problem).
> What we use on java is the "user.home" property setup by the VM. Looks
> like the Java VM thinks your home is in S:\...
> I look again into these 2 env variables and see if they could be used.
> > Also, a single line in the installation instructions could have
> > prevented this confusion.  When Android can see the AVD from the
> > command line and the Eclipse gui, but not from the emulator, and no
> > explanation is given (especially on the first test project), it's ...
> > disheartening.
> I agree. We should at least have the emulator output a message saying
> where it's looking for the AVD and how to fix the problem if it's not
> where the AVDs are created.
> > In any event, with the ANDROID_SDK_HOME variable set to the S:
> > "home" (which is not the real home directory, that is on C:), the
> > emulator now works.
> Well we don't want to go and set a permanent env on your machine. I
> guess we could but relying on existing standard env variables should
> be better. I mean, what happens if the user removes it or change the
> location of his/her home folder but doesn't update this?
> In any case we do need to find a solution.
> Xav
> --
> Xavier Ducrohet
> Android Developer Tools Engineer
> Google Inc.
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