Try putting the following line in your manifest file:

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" />

I don't know if that will fix all of your problems, but that should take
care of the warnings about the API level requirements.


There are only 10 types of people in the world...
Those who know binary and those who don't.

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 2:26 PM, boyscout ninja <>wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm a total beginner with Android. I'm just trying to run the sample
> I've found in the O'Reilly "Android Aplication Development" book
> (MJAndroid). But when I launch the aplication the subject message
> appears.
> Using android-sdk-windows-1.5_r3
> In the java console I've found
> [2009-09-07 22:15:21 - MJAndroid] WARNING: Application does not
> specify an API level requirement!
> [2009-09-07 22:15:21 - MJAndroid] Device API version is 2 (Android
> 1.1)
> But the LogCat of the DDMS is plenty of problems:
> 09-07 20:09:35.066: ERROR/mountd(19): could not read initial mass
> storage state
> 09-07 20:09:35.486: ERROR/flash_image(28): can't find recovery
> partition
> 09-07 20:09:48.626: ERROR/MemoryHeapBase(52): error opening /dev/pmem:
> No such file or directory
> 09-07 20:09:48.626: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(52): Couldn't open /sys/
> android_power/wait_for_fb_sleep or /sys/android_power/wait_for_fb_wake
> 09-07 20:09:48.695: ERROR/GLLogger(52): couldn't load <>
> library (Cannot find library)
> 09-07 20:09:48.835: ERROR/GLLogger(52): couldn't load <>
> library (Cannot find library)
> 09-07 20:09:53.656: ERROR/BatteryService(52): Could not open '/sys/
> class/power_supply/usb/online'
> 09-07 20:09:53.656: ERROR/BatteryService(52): Could not open '/sys/
> class/power_supply/battery/batt_vol'
> 09-07 20:09:53.656: ERROR/BatteryService(52): Could not open '/sys/
> class/power_supply/battery/batt_temp'
> 09-07 20:09:54.045: ERROR/EventHub(52): could not get driver version
> for /dev/input/mouse0, Not a typewriter
> 09-07 20:09:54.087: ERROR/EventHub(52): could not get driver version
> for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter
> 09-07 20:09:54.125: ERROR/System(52): Failure starting core service
> 09-07 20:09:54.125: ERROR/System(52): java.lang.SecurityException
> 09-07 20:09:54.125: ERROR/System(52):     at
> android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
> 09-07 20:09:54.125: ERROR/System(52):     at
> android.os.ServiceManagerProxy.addService(
> 146)
> 09-07 20:09:54.125: ERROR/System(52):     at
> android.os.ServiceManager.addService(
> 09-07 20:09:54.125: ERROR/System(52):     at
> 09-07 20:09:54.147: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(52): Crash logging skipped,
> no checkin service
> 09-07 20:09:54.896: ERROR/SystemServer(52): Failure starting
> StatusBarService
> 09-07 20:09:54.896: ERROR/SystemServer(52):
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> 09-07 20:09:54.896: ERROR/SystemServer(52):     at
> (
> 09-07 20:09:54.896: ERROR/SystemServer(52):     at
> 285)
> 09-07 20:09:54.896: ERROR/SystemServer(52):     at
> (
> 09-07 20:09:54.896: ERROR/SystemServer(52):     at
> 09-07 20:09:54.905: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(52): Crash logging skipped,
> no checkin service
> 09-07 20:09:55.526: ERROR/GpsLocationProvider(52): Could not open GPS
> configuration file /etc/gps.conf
> 09-07 20:09:55.526: ERROR/GpsLocationProvider(52):
> /etc/gps.conf
> 09-07 20:09:55.526: ERROR/GpsLocationProvider(52):     at
> 227)
> 09-07 20:09:55.526: ERROR/GpsLocationProvider(52):     at
> 09-07 20:09:55.526: ERROR/GpsLocationProvider(52):     at
> (
> 09-07 20:09:55.526: ERROR/GpsLocationProvider(52):     at
> (
> 09-07 20:09:55.526: ERROR/GpsLocationProvider(52):     at
> (
> 09-07 20:09:55.526: ERROR/GpsLocationProvider(52):     at
> (
> 09-07 20:09:55.526: ERROR/GpsLocationProvider(52):     at
> (
> 09-07 20:09:55.526: ERROR/GpsLocationProvider(52):     at
> 09-07 20:09:55.535: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(52): Crash logging skipped,
> no checkin service
> 09-07 20:10:15.085: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(107): ERROR: thread attach
> failed
> 09-07 20:10:28.256: ERROR/dalvikvm(213): trace /sdcard/x.trace=0x0
> errno=13
> 09-07 20:10:28.296: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213): Uncaught handler:
> thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):
> java.lang.InternalError: file open failed
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> dalvik.system.VMDebug.startMethodTracing(Native Method)
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> android.os.Debug.startMethodTracing(
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> android.os.Debug.startMethodTracing(
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> com.microjobsinc.mjandroid.MicroJobs.onCreate(
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> 1122)
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> 2104)
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> 2157)
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> android.os.Looper.loop(
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> (
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> 09-07 20:10:28.327: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(213):     at
> dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
> With all this stuff I'm totally lost, could someone give me a hand?
> Thank you!
> Iván
> >

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