[android-developers] Re: WebView and Button in layout, only one of them can be clicked.

2009-04-16 Thread Raphael

Could you post your layout xml file? Thanks.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:29 PM, kevin kevin_x...@yahoo.com wrote:

 My LinearLayout has a button and a WebView. The problem is that only
 the first one in layout can be clicked, the other is not. If I put
 WebView first into the layout, the button is not clickable. If put
 button in the layout first, then WebView is not clickable.

 Is there a setting to enable this?


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[android-developers] Re: com.android.dx.cf.code.SimException: local variable type mismatch

2009-04-16 Thread fadden

On Apr 16, 12:26 am, Tomasz Stechly tomasz.stec...@gmail.com wrote:
 When I am running the activity I am getting now different error. Do
 you know what it may be (see log below). Should I send separate
 message to the group?

The first bunch:

 D/installd(   27): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/data/app/vmdl67263.tmp' ---
 I/dalvikvm(  402): DexOpt: illegal method access (call
 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V from
 D/dalvikvm(  402): VFY: unable to resolve exceptionIdx=1153
 D/dalvikvm(  402): DexOpt: load 2026ms, verify 9272ms, opt 287ms
 D/installd(   27): DexInv: --- END '/data/app/vmdl67263.tmp' (success) ---

aren't fatal at this stage, but the classes in question will
eventually fail verification.  I think you lost a chunk of the log
here; the actual message about the exception looks like VFY: unable
to resolve exception class %u (%s).  Since these are just warnings at
this point, it's no big deal.

 I/ActivityManager(   66): Start proc com.stechly.hello for activity
 com.stechly.hello/.Hello: pid=409 uid=10020 gids={}
 W/dalvikvm(  409): VFY: unable to resolve direct method 15358:
 Ljava/lang/Object;.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;
 W/dalvikvm(  409): VFY:  rejecting opcode 0x70 at 0x
 W/dalvikvm(  409): VFY:  rejected
 Lcom/stechly/hello/Hello;.super$1$clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;
 W/dalvikvm(  409): Verifier rejected class Lcom/stechly/hello/Hello;

This is... strange.  Dalvik has virtual methods and direct
methods, the former being object instance methods, the latter
encompassing constructors and methods declared static or private.
Object.clone() is a virtual method, but com.stechly.hello.Hello.super
$1$clone is attempting to invoke it as if it were a direct method.
The verifier is rejecting it.

I believe the correct VM behavior here is actually to resolve the
method and then throw an IncompatibleClassChangeError.  Either way
your code isn't going to run.

I don't know if this is a bug in dx (using the wrong form of invoke-*)
or something weird in the class file.  As with the initial problem,
sending samples to danfuzz should improve our diagnostic
abilities. :-)

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[android-developers] Re: MSM7201A low-level access android api

2009-04-16 Thread thiago_alencar

Thank you Dave,

[Dave]: Android is an application processor stack. There is no
provision for access to baseband API's except through the Java level
telephony API's.

[Thiago]: This baseband API you refer to is only available accessible
upon license agreement or so? Is that the way to access this
information then?

[Dave]:  It's not practical to standardize a baseband stack - there's
a strong dependency on the underlying hardware architecture.

[Thiago]: I understand your statement - however, if we could access
the baseband stack at all, it would be a great advance already to a
more open phone. All would be necessary is a documentation on how to
obtain that information - with that in hands we could make it work (no
problem if only in specific hardware). Is this not available on
purpose, or is it not possible?

I appreciate your answer.


On Apr 16, 5:23 pm, Dave Sparks davidspa...@android.com wrote:
 Android is an application processor stack. There is no provision for
 access to baseband API's except through the Java level telephony

 It's not practical to standardize a baseband stack - there's a strong
 dependency on the underlying hardware architecture.

 On Apr 15, 7:48 pm, thiago_alencar thiago...@gmail.com wrote:

  This is my last try to finding the answer to the question - really
  didn't find any documenation on the MSM72001A chipset anywhere.

  The question is regarding how far we can access the resources provided
  by the MSM7201A chipset of the current Android phone, specifically the
  RF stack (I think its based on ARM9, correct?).

  Android is linux based and open source - however, with a quick look at
  android's low-level hardware libraries, I found only a few classes
  regarding the camera - how is android accessing the this chipset's RF
  functions? Or is it simply treated as a modem (i.e., AT commands)? Or
  is this not available for us to access at all due license issues with

  Aditionally, if I want to modify Android's kernel, how would the
  procedure to burn this new image to the phone basically work?

  I would appreciate any help.
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[android-developers] Re: Parcelables / project.aidl in SDK 1.5

2009-04-16 Thread ludovic.perrier

I have create the folder after the launch of build (for infinite loop)
and it's ok my apk is build
Thanks for your help

On 16 avr, 23:32, ludovic.perrier barbapa...@gmail.com wrote:
 When I haven't the folder error the build is infinite blocked at 24%
 in gen directory I haven't the /de/felixbruns/jotify/

 The message display in console (in loop)
 [2009-04-16 23:30:00 - droidify] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses
 attribute for an anonymous inner class that doesn't come with an
 associated EnclosingMethod attribute. (This class was probably
 produced by a broken compiler.)

 On 16 avr, 23:27, Xavier Ducrohet x...@android.com wrote:

  Errors during build.
   Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project 'droidify'.
   Resource '/droidify/gen/de/felixbruns/jotify' does not exist.

  Lets fix this one first.

  There's a bug in ADT 0.9_pre where those folders are not created
  automatically. We've fixed it on our side, but you'll simply have to
  create them manually (jsut once, unless you do a clean).

  This may fix your other issues. let me know.


  On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:15 PM, ludovic.perrier barbapa...@gmail.com 


   IJotifyService.aidlinterface in com.thoout.droitify

   package com.thoout.droidify;

   //import java.util.List;
   import de.felixbruns.jotify.media.Playlist;
   import de.felixbruns.jotify.media.Track;
   import de.felixbruns.jotify.media.Album;
   import de.felixbruns.jotify.media.Artist;

   interface IJotifyService
      int login(String login, String pass);
      ListPlaylist getPlaylists();

  Aidlparcelable class in de.felixbruns.jotify.media

   package de.felixbruns.jotify.media;
   parcelable Playlist;

   Playlist have Track member who have Artist and Album member all these
   class implement Parcelable

   In de.felixbruns.jotify.media there are:

   I have also random problem build error is:
   Errors during build.
    Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project 'droidify'.
    Resource '/droidify/gen/de/felixbruns/jotify' does not exist.


   Errors during build.
    Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project 'droidify'.
    Resource '/droidify/gen/com/thoout/droitify' does not exist.

   I'am on mac


   On 16 avr, 22:33, Xavier Ducrohet x...@android.com wrote:
   Unless you post youraidlfile, it's going to be hard to help you.


   On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 1:11 PM, ludovic.perrier barbapa...@gmail.com 

finaly it's not good

My building process is infinite and blocked at 24%
I see that the generated IService.Java (of my Service.aidl) file is
update each 5 second! and the console display this warning:

[2009-04-16 22:10:41 - MyProject] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses
attribute for an anonymous inner class that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. (This class was probably
produced by a broken compiler.)

Please help me...

On 16 avr, 19:12, ludovic.perrier barbapa...@gmail.com wrote:
I have found!

When parcelableaidlfile is in other package
we must set an import on parcelable class inaidlinterface

Happy Codding!

On 16 avr, 18:56, ludovic.perrier barbapa...@gmail.com wrote:


 I have the same problem, and it don't work yet. I have a question, 
 mechanism works ifaidlinterface file isn't in same package ofaidl
 parcelable class?


 On 15 avr, 03:34, Xavier Ducrohet x...@android.com wrote:

  I have just realized something.

  If you create/edit parcelable typeaidlfiles, this does not 
  trigger a
  recompilation of the interfaceaidlfiles that depends on it. In 
  fact,aidlfiles are only recompiled when theaidlfile is touched.

  We'll do a quick fix for the final ADT 0.9 (which will most 
  likely be
  a full recompilation of allaidlfiles whenever 1aidlfile is
  changed), and implement true dependency support later to minimize
  unneeded recompilations.


  On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Xavier Ducrohet 
  x...@android.com wrote:
   I just did a quick test following the information in the link I 
   above and it is working for me.

   Make sure youraidlfile declares the package it's in (like any 
   java class).


   On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Xavier Ducrohet 
   x...@android.com wrote:
   oh I missed this message :(

   Let me do a quick test...

   On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:18 AM, Zach Hobbs 
   ho...@helloandroid.com wrote:

   Some more info:

   - I tried creating anaidlfile with the same name as the 
   class, and I get an error in the console like: path to 
   class.aidl:1 interface package.class should be declared 
   in a

[android-developers] Re: How to keep focus highlight on ExpandableList group....

2009-04-16 Thread John Hansen
I found a partial answer to this. In general, you can use the following to
select and highlight
a group item:


But, it doesn't work in the OnGroup callback for setOnGroupClickListener
(which is really where I need it to work). Will keep reviewing this.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:26 PM, John B. Hansen jnahan...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm using an ExpandableListActivity and notice that whenever I select
 a group item (to expand or collapse it), it highlights briefly and
 quickly un-highlights.

 For my application, I want the group items to remain highlighted. I've
 tried requestFocus() and several other things but nothing is working.

 Anyone know how to keep a selected group item (after expand or
 highlighted and focused?

 Any help appreciated.


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[android-developers] Re: How is android's AlertDialog layout define?

2009-04-16 Thread Edward Falk

On Mar 23, 12:27 pm, Lucius Fox lucius.fo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can you please tell me where I can the layout xml file for theAlertDialog?
 I try to do a 'grep for 'alert1' in all the files in the source tree,
 it does not return anything.

I believe it's frameworks/base/core/res/res/layout/alert_dialog.xml

However, there are no elements named 'body.

The structure of the xml file is:

LinearLayout parentPanel
  LinearLayout topPanel
LinearLayout title_template
  ImageView icon
  DialogTitle alertTitle
ImageView titleDivider
  LinearLayout contentPanel
ScrollView scrollView
  TextView message
  FrameLayout customPanel
FrameLayout custom
  LinearLayout buttonPanel
Button button1
Button button3
Button button2

I'm guessing the FrameLayout custom is the one you want, but
android.R.id.custom didn't resolve, so I'm stuck.

IMHO, if you need to customize an alert dialog beyond setting the
title and message, maybe it's time to start thinking about just
implementing your own, subclassed from Dialog.

And speaking of which, anybody know anything about embedding links in
the text of an AlertDialog?  I tried adding

   a href=http://foo.com/docs/;online documentation/a

to the string resource, and it displays correctly, but the user can't
click it.
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[android-developers] Re: How is android's AlertDialog layout define?

2009-04-16 Thread Arnaud Weber
look at the api demos samples. there are plenty of nice examples there.

2009/4/17 Edward Falk ed.f...@gmail.com

 On Mar 23, 12:27 pm, Lucius Fox lucius.fo...@gmail.com wrote:
  Can you please tell me where I can the layout xml file for
  I try to do a 'grep for 'alert1' in all the files in the source tree,
  it does not return anything.

 I believe it's frameworks/base/core/res/res/layout/alert_dialog.xml

 However, there are no elements named 'body.

 The structure of the xml file is:

 LinearLayout parentPanel
  LinearLayout topPanel
LinearLayout title_template
  ImageView icon
  DialogTitle alertTitle
ImageView titleDivider
  LinearLayout contentPanel
ScrollView scrollView
  TextView message
  FrameLayout customPanel
FrameLayout custom
  LinearLayout buttonPanel
Button button1
Button button3
Button button2

 I'm guessing the FrameLayout custom is the one you want, but
 android.R.id.custom didn't resolve, so I'm stuck.

 IMHO, if you need to customize an alert dialog beyond setting the
 title and message, maybe it's time to start thinking about just
 implementing your own, subclassed from Dialog.

 And speaking of which, anybody know anything about embedding links in
 the text of an AlertDialog?  I tried adding

   a href=http://foo.com/docs/;online documentation/a

 to the string resource, and it displays correctly, but the user can't
 click it.

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[android-developers] Re: Button On Map

2009-04-16 Thread puk


I asked the question on this mailing list myself with no response
thread/ac596b6b85d2548c#). So a friend makes me pay attention to your

How did you manage to get that speech bubble on your map?
I used the MyItemizedOverlay.java from the MapsView-Tutorial.

I found out that there are 2 onTap calls:
   protected boolean onTap(int index)
return true;
   public boolean onTap(GeoPoint p, MapView mapView) {
return true;
What to change in this functions to get the speech bubble?
Should I set something to allow an onTap call?
Where can I find more about that stuff. Google's reference is a little
bit confusing to me.

Thank You and
Best wishes to all of you :-D
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[android-developers] Re: Re: how on earth do you access command line?

2009-04-16 Thread Raphael

Indeed, you need to close and reopen the command prompt after changing
the environment variables.

Glad it worked. You now know command-line :-)

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:58 AM, nathan schwiz sch...@gmail.com wrote:
 nvm, I had to close out the command prompt entirely for changes to
 take effect.  Thanks for your help!

 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 2:57 AM, nathan schwiz sch...@gmail.com wrote:
 hmm ok I appended C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin and C:\Program
 Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\bin both with the semicolons before them
 to my path variable and hit ok.  But Im still getting the same error
 message in the command prompt.

 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 2:46 AM, Raphael r...@android.com wrote:
 I used android-developers@googlegroups.com like for your first post.
 Since you use gmail, simply hit the reply all button to my posts.


 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:41 AM, nathan schwiz sch...@gmail.com wrote:
 ok, what email address to I plug into cc?

 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 2:36 AM, Raphael r...@android.com wrote:
 Note: I'll reply by adding the list as CC: -- that's necessary so that
 others can find this thread later when googling for a similar issue.
 You should do the same and simply use reply-to-all.

 On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:46 PM,  sch...@gmail.com wrote:
 I really appreciate this help. Yes I do have the latest JDK installed. 
 I goto the enviroment variables I have variables for my user account and
 also system variables. Both of them have a Path variable, which one 
 should I
 edit? Also, just to be clear they are 'PATH' for the user account and 
 for the system variable, no 'path'. And another question? If I edit these
 and change them to the jdk are they most likely going to break the other
 programs that it was set too? Thanks again for your time!

 On Apr 15, 2009 1:24am, Raphael r...@android.com wrote:
 That error may mean two things:

 1- Do you have Java installed? You probably got one for Eclipse. If

 not, get the latest from java.sun.com.

 2- If you have java installed, it's not in the path by default.

 To fix #2:

 - open Control Panel  System,

 - Advanced tab

 - Environment Variables button at the bottom

 - Add the JRE bin to the path, e.g. edit the path variable to add

 something like this at the end:

  ;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07\bin

 - Say OK tons of time

 - Re-open your command prompt and try again.


 On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:22 PM, schwiz sch...@gmail.com wrote:

  thanks for the reply but when I am getting an error.  Here is a copy

  of the command and the error.  Any ideas?



  \toolsandroid create

   avd --name myAVD2 --target 2

  'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

  operable program or batch file.






  On Apr 14, 12:18 am, Raphael r...@android.com wrote:

  First open a dos box, also called a Command prompt:


  Under XP:

    Start menu  all programs accessories  command prompt

  Under Vista just search for command prompt in the Start seach box.


  Then use the cd command (=change dir) to change the directory to

  where you installed the SDK.

  If you want to make things easy, just place the sdk in c:\sdk using

  the windows explorer and type this:



  cd \sdk\tools


  Then you can create your AVD like this:


  android create avd --name myAVD1 --target 1


  android create avd --name myAVD2 --target 2


  The target 1 will be for Android 1.1 and target 2 for Android 1.5


  Let us know if that helps. Google command prompt tutorial for more
  help :-)





  On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 9:53 PM, schwiz sch...@gmail.com wrote:


   So im wanting to fiddle around with the new sdk but I never learned

   how to use command line in any IDE (does my school just suck or is 

   not very common)   Anyways I need to create an AVD with the command

   line can someone please tell me the steps or tell me somewhere I 

   read up on this.  Ive tried google searching command line eclipse,

   the only results I get are nifty commands I can use once I actually

   find out how to get a command line.  Im using windows.


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[android-developers] Re: no location folder found under data directory for 1.1

2009-04-16 Thread Raphael

Would you like to give a bit of context on that error? What where you
doing, what's giving this error, what were you expecting.

Thanks in advance,

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 3:05 AM, jj jagtap...@gmail.com wrote:

 no location folder found under data-location-gps directory for 1.1,
 which contains the mock provider file.

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[android-developers] Re: SDK 1.5, Unable to load XML wizard

2009-04-16 Thread Raphael

Outch, class not found on the wizard. I have  3.4.2 Build id:
M20090211-1700 running on x86/win32 with no issue, so that's quite

Would it be possible for you to try to remove ADT and reinstall it?
The steps of 3.4 are as follow (for 3.3 the UI was a bit different):
- Help  Software Updates
- Installed Software tab
- select Android DDMS, Android Development Tools and Android Editors
(tell me if it's there or not) and then click Uninstall on the right.
Let it compute dependencies, then Finish.
- Restart eclipse if you're asked for it.
- Reopen the panel, switch to the Available Software tab
- Check the line jar:file:C:\somepath\ADT-0.9_pre.zip!/
- Click Install
- Restart when requested to do so.

Let us know if that helps or not.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Al alcapw...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Eclipse Version:

 Version: 3.4.2
 Build id: M20090211-1700

 This is from the log file:

 !SESSION 2009-04-15 18:02:46.421
 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
 BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_GB
 Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86

 !ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 4 2009-04-15 18:09:22.671
 !MESSAGE Could not create action delegate for id:

 !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.registry 4 1 2009-04-15 18:09:22.671
 !MESSAGE Plug-in com.android.ide.eclipse.adt was unable to load class
        at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.findClass
        at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.findClass
        at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.loadClass
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.loadClass
        at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.loadClass
        at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.loadClass
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPlugin.createExtension
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.createDelegate
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.selectionChanged
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.init(PluginAction.java:112)
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ObjectPluginAction.init
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ActionDescriptor.createAction
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ActionDescriptor.init
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ActionDescriptor.init
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginActionBuilder.readElement
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ObjectActionContributor.readElement
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.RegistryReader.readElements
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.RegistryReader.readElementChildren
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ObjectActionContributor.readConfigElement
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ObjectActionContributor.isApplicableTo
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ObjectContributorManager.isApplicableTo
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PopupMenuExtender.addObjectActions
        at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PopupMenuExtender.menuAboutToShow
        at org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager.fireAboutToShow

[android-developers] Re: Elan sues Apple for multitouch patent infringment... and guess what....

2009-04-16 Thread Raphael

Kill thread.

Please move your noise over to android-discuss or /dev/null.

This group is for developing with the SDK.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 2:57 PM, JP joachim.pfeif...@gmail.com wrote:

 $ show system /noprocess
 VMS V5.5-2 on node ETERNAL  12-JAN-2005 16:32:04.67  Uptime  4292

 (OK I made that up I typically got only to a few years)

 On Apr 15, 8:20 am, Sundog sunns...@gmail.com wrote:
 No argument here. VMS, baby, VMS.

 On Apr 15, 8:32 am, JP joachim.pfeif...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Apr 15, 7:11 am, Jean-Baptiste Queru j...@android.com wrote:

   Second, more importantly, many people who read and participate in this
   group and other official Android discussion groups work for companies
   where company policy is to avoid reading or learning about any
   patent-related subject, ...

  Oh boy no question the 80s HAVE been the best years in our profession.
  I want my VAXen back.

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[android-developers] Re: SDK 1.5 Build Error

2009-04-16 Thread Raphael

Do you have external JAR files or anything else that's trying to bring
that awt class?

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Chris McCurdy
christopher.mccu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm attempting to test one of my applications in the SDK1.5
 environment, but when it tries to build, I get this error:

 [2009-04-15 12:33:13 - Battle Bricks]
 trouble processing java/awt/font/NumericShaper.class:
 [2009-04-15 12:33:13 - Battle Bricks]
 Attempt to include a core VM class in something other than a core
 It is likely that you have attempted to include the core library from
 a desktop
 virtual machine into an application, which will most assuredly not
 work. If
 you really intend to build a core library -- which is only appropriate
 part of creating a full virtual machine binary, as opposed to
 compiling an
 application -- then use the --core-library option to suppress this
 message. If you go ahead and use --core-library but are in fact
 an application, then please be aware that your build will still fail
 at some
 point; you will simply be denied the pleasure of reading this helpful

 But I've tested my other application in the environment, and it worked
 fine. I've looked through my imports, and none of my files import
 NumericShaper, so I'm confused as to why it seems to think that it is
 being referenced.

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[android-developers] How to dump the content of sqlite via adb shell command

2009-04-16 Thread Meryl Silverburgh


I am trying to dump the content of sqlite via adb shell command.
Here is what i did:

$ adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *

# sqlite3
SQLite version 3.5.9
qlite .databases
seq  name file
---  ---  --
1temp /sqlite_stmt_journals/etilqs_S9bmllRuggSwGfp
sqlite .schema main
sqlite .tables

My questions I try both 'tables' command and dump the schema for
'main', I can't find my table.
Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong?

In my java code, I am able to insert value to DB like this:

Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(content://com.mycompany.app/test);
 final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
Uri result = cr.insert(CONTENT_URI ,

Thank you.

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[android-developers] Re: How to dump the content of sqlite via adb shell command

2009-04-16 Thread Marco Nelissen
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Meryl Silverburgh 
silverburgh.me...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am trying to dump the content of sqlite via adb shell command.
 Here is what i did:

 $ adb shell
 * daemon not running. starting it now *
 * daemon started successfully *

 # sqlite3
 SQLite version 3.5.9
 qlite .databases
 seq  name file
 ---  ---
 1temp /sqlite_stmt_journals/etilqs_S9bmllRuggSwGfp
 sqlite .schema main
 sqlite .tables

 My questions I try both 'tables' command and dump the schema for
 'main', I can't find my table.
 Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong?

You didn't specify a database file when you launched the 'sqlite3' command.

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[android-developers] Re: How do i save a (large) edited JPEG with full 24bit colordepth without getting OutOfMemoryErrors?

2009-04-16 Thread Streets Of Boston

Bumpedy bump ... :-)

On Apr 13, 8:46 pm, Streets Of Boston flyingdutc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I managed to handle a full size image (2048x1536) (moving around,
 zooming, some colorfilters, etc). However, i can only load these
 images in memory as RGB_565, one at a time. I try to free as much
 bitmap memory as possible (by recycling every possible bitmap cached/
 open in my app), and then load the full-sized image in RGB_565 format.
 This works well.

 The user can make some modifications (color balance, brightness, etc)
 and I like to save the resulting image in a JPEG file. However, on
 screen, all edits are shown in RGB_565. You can see the posterization
 because of the reduced pixel-depth. The quality degradation on the
 screen is a minor problem. My main problem is to apply these edits to
 the actual and higher quality ARGB_ data of the original JPEG

 Trying to load a ARGB_ JPEG file with size 2048x1536 is not
 possible. I get an out-of-memory error.
 Is there any way to apply color-filters to ARGB_ data (instead of
 RGB_565) so that i won't lose a lot of image-quality when trying to
 save modifications into a JPEG file?
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[android-developers] Re: Straight-forward BroadcastReceiver to open/read file

2009-04-16 Thread Keith Wiley

Doesn't anyone know how to do this?  I've seen other apps do it.  For
example, Linda File Manager shows plenty of other apps as options for
opening files, but I can't get it to show mine.  If I'm missing some
obvious source of documentation then I apologize, but perusing the
javadocs doesn't convey the necessary information for a question of
this abstraction (that approach is better for learning what a specific
class wants or what an interface provides, but it doesn't *teach*
whole ideas, it doesn't work that way) nor do any of the documents in
the developer guide specifically address this issue (many documents
touch on this issue but the actual syntax and how the necessary pieces
of the manifest coordinate with the associated java classes is not
exemplified), and none of the API Demos address this topic either (it
really *can't* since API Demos is a single conglomerated app, which
pretty much precludes it from this particular question which is about
app-to-app communication).

I'm very frustrated right now.  From the single unbelievably curt
reply I received, I get the impression that everyone thinks this is a
stupid question.  What additional source of documentation or
educational material is everyone else using that I have completely
missed (is there an entire additional website everyone else is aware
of which I haven't found yet?).  Is this task so incredibly easy that
even asking the question, much less asking that it be answered, is
considered inappropriate use of the forum?  Is that why the question
is being ignored?

Besides the javadoccs, the articles in the dev guide, and the API
Demos code, what other resource is there?  Not that they aren't great
resources of information with their domains, but some topics are of a
style that they simply are not answered by those three sources.

I would greatly appreciate any pointers on this task.  I simply do not
know what else to read at this point.  I've read everything I can
find.  It's time to ask a question and have someone answer it.

Thank you.

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[android-developers] Re: Straight-forward BroadcastReceiver to open/read file

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Murphy

 Doesn't anyone know how to do this?

If by this, you mean:

I would like my app to pop up in the list of options for opening
certain file types in the various file manager, email, and web browser

Then you need to implement one or more activities, with intent filters
that contain:

-- the actions you support on the content (e.g., ACTION_VIEW, ACTION_EDIT)
-- the MIME type you support
-- the android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE and/or the
android.intent.category.SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE as appropriate

That should enable the other applications to find you by introspection
(e.g., addIntentOptions() for menus). This assumes, of course, that the
applications in question use this facility versus something else.

 and none of the API Demos address this topic either


 From the single unbelievably curt
 reply I received, I get the impression that everyone thinks this is a
 stupid question.

How does one curt reply indicate that everyone thinks this is a stupid

IMHO, it's more a case that very few developers are doing what you want to
do. Heck, I had to hunt and hunt and hunt a week or two ago just to find
*anything* that supported this feature.

 Is this task so incredibly easy that
 even asking the question, much less asking that it be answered, is
 considered inappropriate use of the forum?  Is that why the question
 is being ignored?

There is a lot of traffic on these lists. There are only so many people
who answer questions. There are even fewer people in position to answer
questions on dusty corners of the API such as this one. Personally, I am
teaching an Android class this week, and so am not keeping up on many

Do not assume that any given post is guaranteed to get answers,
particularly in the six-and-a-half hours (Apr 16, 4:26 pm to Apr 16, 10:55
pm) between when you asked your question your last followup.

In other words, chill out, dude.

 Besides the javadoccs, the articles in the dev guide, and the API
 Demos code, what other resource is there?

A zillion blog posts, anddev.org, JavaRanch's Android board,
AndroidSnippets.org, a half-dozen books, some knols, ...

 It's time to ask a question and have someone answer it.

You only waited 6.5 hours for an answer. If you want guaranteed feedback
in that short of a timeframe, hire a consultant.

Otherwise, give any query 24-48 hours, then if needed repost with a
*bump*. Or, try posting in other forums (e.g., anddev.org, JavaRanch),

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!

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[android-developers] Re: Accessing internal scrollbar drawable

2009-04-16 Thread Peter Carpenter

That's fantastic Jeff, thanks!
Not obviously intuitive though, so I don't feel quite so stupid!

-Original Message-
From: android-developers@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jeff Sharkey
Sent: Thursday, 16 April 2009 5:34 PM
To: android-developers@googlegroups.com
Subject: [android-developers] Re: Accessing internal scrollbar drawable

You're probably looking to resolve the attribute by passing it through
the current theme.  Something like this might work:

TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue();
outValue, true);


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:12 PM, Peter Carpenter
peter.carpen...@skytechnologies.com wrote:


 Hopefully this is a simple one.

 My application requires me to draw a scrollbar myself (and include the
 old-school physical up/down buttons.  I can't do this via XML as all of
 my screens are generated on the fly by data received over a socket. Like
 a web browser.

 Now the drawables I'm after are scrollbar_vertical.9 and
 scrollbar_handle_vertical.9  however these are no longer visible in
 the SDK.
 I've been poking around and found that
 android.R.attr.scrollbarThumbVertical seems to describe what I'm
 after, however if I try to load this using
 getResources().getDrawable(android.R.attr.scrollbarThumbVertical) I
 get a Resources$NotFoundException...

 All of the scrollbar parameters in view are protected, but not visible
 because the sdk jar file purposely hides them. Grrr!
 Ie - ScrollBarDrawable is exactly the class I want, but I quote from the
  * For now, we'll hide it so it can be cleaned up later.
  * {...@hide}

 Does anyone know how I can get the standard scrollbar drawables or am I
 really going to have to copy them in as my own resources?



Jeff Sharkey

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[android-developers] Re: If Android support multiple PDP.......then ?

2009-04-16 Thread Eric Chen
I do not see  *the scenario on Windows Mobile.* Could you give me the link ?

Best Regards

Eric Chen

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:16 PM, 葉子 kodomo...@hotmail.com wrote:

 The general use for multiple PDP (mPDP) is that when we use one PDP(A)
 to download a file, and we want to send a mms message via another PDP
 (B), the original PDP(A) will not be disconnected.

 This is the scenario on Windows Mobile.

 My question is ,if Android had supported mPDP, how does one
 application know which PDP should be used to transfer data ?

 Or Application (ex: Browser) doesn't care these issue, and it will try
 all PDP to transfer data ?

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[android-developers] Re: Straight-forward BroadcastReceiver to open/read file

2009-04-16 Thread Keith Wiley

On Apr 16, 8:21 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

 -- the actions you support on the content (e.g., ACTION_VIEW, ACTION_EDIT)
 -- the MIME type you support
 -- the android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE and/or the
 android.intent.category.SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE as appropriate

 That should enable the other applications to find you by introspection
 (e.g., addIntentOptions() for menus). This assumes, of course, that the
 applications in question use this facility versus something else.

Great.  I'll look into that.  Thank you.

  and none of the API Demos address this topic either


I appreciate the pointer.  Thanks again.

 There is a lot of traffic on these lists. There are only so many people
 who answer questions. There are even fewer people in position to answer
 questions on dusty corners of the API such as this one. Personally, I am
 teaching an Android class this week, and so am not keeping up on many

I am not faulting the few knowledgable folks who volunteer their time
on these forums.  I think it's great.  I'm just reiterating basically
what you said above, that the question to answer ratio is low
(regardless of the reason, which is a very good reason).  Just makes
things stressful.

 Do not assume that any given post is guaranteed to get answers,
 particularly in the six-and-a-half hours (Apr 16, 4:26 pm to Apr 16, 10:55
 pm) between when you asked your question your last followup.

 In other words, chill out, dude.

:-)  It's not just the one post.  It's the overall pattern of
genuinely trying to figure something one responsibly on my own,
reading a lot of different sources for a long time, eventually giving
up and actually asking for help, and then getting what was in effect a
brush-off answer that really didn't help me.  Maybe she was busy, I
don't know, but there's no denying it didn't help me, and after I had
already put in the time on the other source.  You have to consider the
fruitless searching that preceded eventually asking for help...but in
addition, I take your point.  Noted.

At any rate, thank you very much for the response.

Where do you teach your class?

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[android-developers] Re: Elan sues Apple for multitouch patent infringment... and guess what....

2009-04-16 Thread JP

Duck, there's a new sheriff in town

On Apr 16, 5:02 pm, Raphael r...@android.com wrote:
 Kill thread.

 Please move your noise over to android-discuss or /dev/null.

 This group is for developing with the SDK.


 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 2:57 PM, JP joachim.pfeif...@gmail.com wrote:

  $ show system /noprocess
  VMS V5.5-2 on node ETERNAL  12-JAN-2005 16:32:04.67  Uptime  4292

  (OK I made that up I typically got only to a few years)

  On Apr 15, 8:20 am, Sundog sunns...@gmail.com wrote:
  No argument here. VMS, baby, VMS.

  On Apr 15, 8:32 am, JP joachim.pfeif...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Apr 15, 7:11 am, Jean-Baptiste Queru j...@android.com wrote:

Second, more importantly, many people who read and participate in this
group and other official Android discussion groups work for companies
where company policy is to avoid reading or learning about any
patent-related subject, ...

   Oh boy no question the 80s HAVE been the best years in our profession.
   I want my VAXen back.
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[android-developers] Re: problem in using context.getCacheDIr() in emulator.

2009-04-16 Thread Honest

Thanks for your quick reply. But i do not know why it is giving error
while calling prepare() from MediaPlayer.

On Apr 16, 7:36 pm, David Turner di...@android.com wrote:
 If you use SDK 1.1, there is no cache partition in the emulator, unless you
 use the -cache file option.

 If you use the preview SDK 1.5, then a cache partition file is automatically
 created for you when you create an AVD, and
 will be used automatically when you start the emulator with this AVD.

 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Honest honestsucc...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello, I am using linux so i have installed Android in it.  I am
  getting the exception while calling prepare() from MediaPlayer
  object.  The following is my code.

  File bufferedFile = new File(context.getCacheDir(),playingMedia +
  (counter++) + .dat);[/b]


 mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
 System.out.println(before preapare);
  [b] mediaPlayer.prepare();[/b]

  I am adding the code tutoril also so if any one of you have few
  minutes then please check it.  Accoridng to my opiong it i facing some
  problem in accessing file system so. Can some one tell me what could
  be wrong in it ?

  another thing which i want to know is Can some one tell me
  context.getCacheDir() will return ?
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[android-developers] how to check if sdcard is mounted in program

2009-04-16 Thread sunwrt

Any guy knows how to check if sdcard is mounted in program

Thanks in advance!
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[android-developers] Re: how to check if sdcard is mounted in program

2009-04-16 Thread Jean-Baptiste Queru



On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 9:34 PM, sunwrt wrt.su...@gmail.com wrote:

 Any guy knows how to check if sdcard is mounted in program

 Thanks in advance!

Jean-Baptiste M. JBQ Queru
Android Engineer, Google.

Questions sent directly to me that have no reason for being private
will likely get ignored or forwarded to a public forum with no further

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[android-developers] Re: If Android support multiple PDP.......then ?

2009-04-16 Thread 葉子

I can't find the related links, I listen this infos from my

Please ignore this information.

BRs, K.

On 4月17日, 上午11時52分, Eric Chen jude...@gmail.com wrote:
 I do not see  *the scenario on Windows Mobile.* Could you give me the link ?

 Best Regards

 Eric Chen

 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:16 PM, 葉子 kodomo...@hotmail.com wrote:

  The general use for multiple PDP (mPDP) is that when we use one PDP(A)
  to download a file, and we want to send a mms message via another PDP
  (B), the original PDP(A) will not be disconnected.

  This is the scenario on Windows Mobile.

  My question is ,if Android had supported mPDP, how does one
  application know which PDP should be used to transfer data ?

  Or Application (ex: Browser) doesn't care these issue, and it will try
  all PDP to transfer data ?

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[android-developers] Re: How to dump the content of sqlite via adb shell command

2009-04-16 Thread Meryl Silverburgh

How can i find out the name of the database file?

In my java code, I did this:

Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(content://com.mycompany.app/test);
 final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
Uri result = cr.insert(CONTENT_URI ,

Can you please tell me what is the name of the DB file?

On 4/16/09, Marco Nelissen marc...@android.com wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Meryl Silverburgh 
 silverburgh.me...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am trying to dump the content of sqlite via adb shell command.
 Here is what i did:

 $ adb shell
 * daemon not running. starting it now *
 * daemon started successfully *

 # sqlite3
 SQLite version 3.5.9
 qlite .databases
 seq  name file
 ---  ---
 1temp /sqlite_stmt_journals/etilqs_S9bmllRuggSwGfp
 sqlite .schema main
 sqlite .tables

 My questions I try both 'tables' command and dump the schema for
 'main', I can't find my table.
 Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong?

 You didn't specify a database file when you launched the 'sqlite3' command.


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[android-developers] Question about Android lifecycle

2009-04-16 Thread Lucius Fox


I read http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/fundamentals.html#lcycles

which said The foreground lifetime of an activity happens between a
call to onResume() until a corresponding call to onPause(). During
this time, the activity is in front of all other activities on screen
and is interacting with the user. 

But when I look at  handleLaunchActivity of ActivityThread.
It first calls  performLaunchActivity() and then call handleResumeActivity().
But I look at the performLaunchActivity() implementation, it does not
calls Activity's onDraw() method. So how can android makes sure the
Activity's onDraw() at least once before it calls the Activity's

In other words, how can the implementation of  handleLaunchActivity of
ActivityThread make sure this The foreground lifetime of an activity
happens between a call to onResume() until a corresponding call to
onPause(). During this time, the activity is in front of all other
activities on screen and is interacting with the user.  is true?

Thank you.

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[android-developers] Re: Question about Android lifecycle

2009-04-16 Thread Dianne Hackborn
onDraw() isn't called before onResume(); the window isn't generally
displayed until after onResume() returns, at which point the view hierarchy
(not the activity) will take care of having it drawn as needed.  This is
what we want so that the activity can do all of its setup for being resumed
before it is drawn.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Lucius Fox lucius.fo...@gmail.com wrote:


 I read http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/fundamentals.html#lcycles

 which said The foreground lifetime of an activity happens between a
 call to onResume() until a corresponding call to onPause(). During
 this time, the activity is in front of all other activities on screen
 and is interacting with the user. 

 But when I look at  handleLaunchActivity of ActivityThread.
 It first calls  performLaunchActivity() and then call
 But I look at the performLaunchActivity() implementation, it does not
 calls Activity's onDraw() method. So how can android makes sure the
 Activity's onDraw() at least once before it calls the Activity's

 In other words, how can the implementation of  handleLaunchActivity of
 ActivityThread make sure this The foreground lifetime of an activity
 happens between a call to onResume() until a corresponding call to
 onPause(). During this time, the activity is in front of all other
 activities on screen and is interacting with the user.  is true?

 Thank you.


Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Note on Size of Apps

2009-04-16 Thread droozen

Cool. Thanks guys!

On Apr 15, 1:02 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 Correct.  The numbers are intended to tell you how much space the app is
 using in /data, thus how much space you would make available for other
 things if you removed that data.  The code for the built-in applications is
 in /system, so only their data files are included in those numbers.

 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:29 AM, deepdr...@googlemail.com 

 deepdr...@googlemail.com wrote:

  As far as I know, internal, inbuilt apps count zero for the app size
  itself. Just try and clear i.e. all browser data and it shows up as 0
  The 4k I think is for some data stored by the calculator like the last
  result to be re-shown on application start.



  On Apr 15, 4:12 pm, droozen droozenr...@gmail.com wrote:
   So I wrote my own calculator app because I wanted to have some
   different functionality than the calculator that comes with the phone.
   Now, I notice the calculator that came with the phone, when looking
   through the Manage Applications, only shows as being 4kb in size. My
   calculator ends up being 104kb after all is said and done.

   Anyone have an idea why the huge difference in size? I mean, I know I
   built my calculator to do more than the built in one, but I didn't
   think it was doing 25 times more stuff than the built in one! I can't
   even make an empty Word document that small (4kb). A Notepad document
   with 10 characters takes up 4kb on disk.

   I'm not complaining, just curious. Is the built in calculator app that
   shows up in Manage Applications just a shortcut, or whatever, into the
   OS, and the functionality actually resides there?

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.
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[android-developers] Re: how to check if sdcard is mounted in program

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Anacker

Or, as code:

if ( !android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals
(android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED) ) {
... SD card is not mounted

works perfectly...

On Apr 16, 9:37 pm, Jean-Baptiste Queru j...@android.com wrote:


 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 9:34 PM, sunwrt wrt.su...@gmail.com wrote:

  Any guy knows how to check if sdcard is mounted in program

  Thanks in advance!

 Jean-Baptiste M. JBQ Queru
 Android Engineer, Google.

 Questions sent directly to me that have no reason for being private
 will likely get ignored or forwarded to a public forum with no further
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[android-developers] Re: how to check if sdcard is mounted in program

2009-04-16 Thread Desu Vinod Kumar
public static boolean isSdPresent() {
go through this


On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:04 AM, sunwrt wrt.su...@gmail.com wrote:

 Any guy knows how to check if sdcard is mounted in program

 Thanks in advance!

Desu Vinod Kumar

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[android-developers] Re: Beginner Question / Calendar API

2009-04-16 Thread Nithin

Hi Andreas,

Did you get the answer, put all user permissions in manifest and try.


On Apr 8, 4:21 am, andreas andreas.str...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I'm really just a beginner and fiddling a little bit around with java
 and my G1. I'd like to create acalendarevent from the phone and
 learned, that there is no AndroidAPIfor thecalendar.

 I thought it should be possible to access the googlecalendarvia web.
 I googled a bit and found some code to try. If I start it as a java
 programm on my home pc, it works well and adds an event to mycalendar:

 import com.google.gdata.data.DateTime;
 import com.google.gdata.data.Person;
 import com.google.gdata.data.PlainTextConstruct;
 import com.google.gdata.data.extensions.EventEntry;
 import com.google.gdata.data.extensions.When;
 import com.google.gdata.util.ServiceException;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.net.URL;

 public class TestMyCal {

          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException,
 ServiceException {
         // Set up the URL and the object that will handle the
                 URL postUrl = new 
         CalendarService myService = new CalendarService(exampleCo-
                 myService.setUserCredentials(MYNAME, MYPASSWORD);

         EventEntry myEntry = new EventEntry();

         myEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(My test event));
         myEntry.setContent(new PlainTextConstruct(It might work.));

         Person author = new Person(It's me, null, m...@home.com');

         DateTime startTime = DateTime.parseDateTime
         DateTime endTime = DateTime.parseDateTime
         When eventTimes = new When();

         // Send the request and receive the response:
         EventEntry insertedEntry = myService.insert(postUrl, myEntry);


 Great. Now I tried to put that into a Android application:

 package com.android.hello;

 import android.app.Activity;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import com.google.gdata.client.calendar.CalendarService;
 import com.google.gdata.data.DateTime;
 import com.google.gdata.data.Person;
 import com.google.gdata.data.PlainTextConstruct;
 import com.google.gdata.data.extensions.EventEntry;
 import com.google.gdata.data.extensions.When;
 import com.google.gdata.util.AuthenticationException;
 import com.google.gdata.util.ServiceException;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.net.MalformedURLException;
 import java.net.URL;

 public class HelloAndroid extends Activity {
     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
         // Set up the URL and the object that will handle the
         URL postUrl = null;
                 try {
                         postUrl = new 
                 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                         // TODO Auto-generated catch block

         CalendarService myService = new CalendarService(exampleCo-
                 try {
                         myService.setUserCredentials(MYNAME, MYPASSWORD);
                 } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
                         // TODO Auto-generated catch block

         EventEntry myEntry = new EventEntry();

         myEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(My test event));
         myEntry.setContent(new PlainTextConstruct(It might work.));

         Person author = new Person(It's me, null, m...@home.com');

         DateTime startTime = DateTime.parseDateTime
         DateTime endTime = DateTime.parseDateTime
         When eventTimes = new When();

                 try {
                         EventEntry insertedEntry = myService.insert(postUrl, 
                 } catch (IOException e) {
                         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                 } catch (ServiceException e) {
                         // TODO Auto-generated catch block



 The program just runs fine, no errors (not using 

[android-developers] End user IP for android

2009-04-16 Thread AnuR


 I am developing a webservice application for android. I need an End
user IP for executing some calls to the server. Is there anything like
IP for android phones that as in computers??

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