[android-developers] non screen android device

2016-02-02 Thread Daniel Givoni
Hi i have an un usual question:


thanx for the help

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[android-developers] Wearable CapabilityApi

2016-02-02 Thread mahesh gujare

I noticed that Wearable.CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener APIs 
onCapabilityChanged method is not getting called.

I followed the steps provided in documentations here. 

I understand this NodeApi was deprecated recently. I looked up for example 
usage of CapabilityListener in googlesamples on github. Could not find any.

FindMyPhone example 

does use CapabilityAPI however, the callback mechanism is different, and 
does not use CapabilityListener.

If you can throw some light on this or share example usage that will be 


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[android-developers] Re: Get the background Running app list.

2016-02-02 Thread Mehroz Munir

On Wednesday, 8 July 2015 18:45:03 UTC+5, Seshu wrote:
> Hi All,
>  How can we retrieve the list of background runnings apps list in 
> android. currently i am using 
> public List getRunningTasks (int maxNum). 
> But this method is deprecated in API level 21 i.e., from Lollipop onwards. 
> is there any alternative method to get the running apps list. please try to 
> help me guys
> Thanks
> S.Seshu.

So is ther any alternative for this ? 

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[android-developers] EP4 account

2016-02-02 Thread ghouse . h
Hi Guys,

I am looking for setup ep4 (saty ) account in android mail app. i dont know 
anything about that procedure . if anybody knows about please let me know 
the procedure.

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[android-developers] Wearable Device Showing Play/Pause Card With No Wearable Application

2016-02-02 Thread Michael Carr
I am a developer on a Enterprise application that works a lot with audio 
either being streamed to or from a server with Bluetooth functionality.

Whenever this application is installed on a device, the paired wearable 
brings up a card (see below):

When swiped up it brings up a default card (I believe?) and then swipe left 
and it brings up volume controls (see below):


I would like to remove this all together.  I don't know if it is a 
permission issue or bluetooth issue.  

I do not have a wearable project available in this package.

I have any notifications on my application not send out to other devices 
(Notification.Builder's setLocalOnly(true)).

I don't know if this is intended since the device uses audio, but 
defaulting to this is very annoying and I am wondering if I am missing 
anything.  Was unable to find any information via stackoverflow or other 

This is happening on my Moto360 (1) and another colleague's wearable 
(unfortunately I do not have the make/model currently) and the application 
has a min SDK of 16.

How do I stop this notification/card from ever showing up?

Thank you!

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[android-developers] Changing AppBarLayout theme when main theme changes

2016-02-02 Thread Terrence Sheflin
I have an app and it has two themes: light and dark. When the user switches 
between the theme, I also need to re-theme the AppBarLayout. By default, 
the AppBarLayout looks like this:

As you can see, the theme is set to AppTheme.AppBarOverlay, which is defined as 
just being empty.

However, when the main theme switches (which works fine), I then need to also 
switch the theme being applied to the AppBar. Does anyone know how to do it? I 
tried naming a style like this thinking it would auto change:


But that did not work. I then tried using a programmatic way to set the 
background like this:

AppBarLayout appBarLayout = (AppBarLayout) findViewById(R.id.appbar_layout);

But that also didn't work (the title TextView's background did not change). I 
also tried making 2 views and using a ViewStub to swap them, but that also 
failed, and I'm not sure why.

I don't really understand why this is so difficult, if the property is there in 
XML why can't it bet set.

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[android-developers] Notification App

2016-02-02 Thread info

Hello, i am developing an app for a project that i have to complete and 
want some feedback on how best to develop this and if their are any 
tutorials to help with this, Here we go :

The App basic functionality is: 
1. Take Information from a source 
2.Display the information from this source through the app. 
3. Whenever new content has been added to the source when the user view the 
app it will update to the current information. 
4. Send an notification to the user every time new content has been added.

1.What would be the best way to accomplish one, would this be by a sever 
where it pulls information from it via a datebase or storing the 
information on a website where it pulls it from their What would be the 
best and some what easier to develop. 
2.How would you update the app so that when information is added it updates.

What i already know: 
I know that the app will have to be connected and check for a connection 
when the app is open, i also know that when connection as been established 
to the sever or the host we will have to update the app with the 
information that it has downloaded from the source.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Audio recording problem - fake sample rate

2016-02-02 Thread Julian Bunn
Perhaps you can post your code, and we can take a look to see if we see
anything that might be causing this problem? Otherwise, if it really is a
firmware "feature" in those two devices, I don't see any good alternatives
other than a) marking your APK as incompatible with those devices in Google
Play, or b) doing some DSP in your software to detect the condition and
work around it somehow. If it were me, I would obtain a G3 and start
testing ...

On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 6:08 AM, 'RLScott' via Android Developers <
android-developers@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> The theory says if the initial hardware sampling is done at 8000 samples
> per second, the aliasing is already "frozen" into the sampled data. You can
> see that by observing that 4100 Hz and 3900 Hz look exactly the same -
> produce exactly the same samples - after they are sampled at 8000 samples
> per second.  No amount of digital signal processing after that point can
> distinguish the two cases, so the aliasing in the up-sampled FFT is
> inevitable, with or without windowing.
> I may yet get a G3 on Ebay as you say, but I was hoping for some
> independent confirmation of this problem with a codebase that had nothing
> in common with my code, in case there is something I am doing in the code
> that is making the difference.  So if you have an app that processes sound
> and can detect frequency content above 4000 Hz, just have someone with one
> of these failing devices go to piano and play the highest "B".  That is
> usually about 4019 Hz.  If the device is failing as I predict, there should
> also be an indication of a tone at 3981 Hz.
> Robert Scott
> Hopkins, MN
> On Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 1:39:58 PM UTC-6, Julian Bunn wrote:
>> If you are only getting 8000 sps then even with interpolation to 44100
>> you would never see any signal above 4000Hz in an FFT, right? Are you
>> windowing the FFT?
>> If there are truly problems like this with the audio firmware on the LG
>> G3 and Nexus 7, I haven't heard any reports from my users about them.
>> That's not to say there can't be an issue, of course :-) If I were you, I
>> would obtain a cheap used G3 on Ebay to test with.
>> On Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:13:08 PM UTC-8, RLScott wrote:
>>> But are you sure you are getting the sample rate you asked for?  How
>>> would you know?  As you can see from my very first posting, all the checks
>>> you are doing here work fine for me too, and I actually do get the number
>>> of samples per second I ask for.  But they are not true samples.  They have
>>> been faked by up-sampling. The system takes 8000 samples per second and
>>> then duplicates each sample enough times to make up 44100 or 22050 or
>>> whatever.  But I know those samples are not true samples because I see
>>> aliasing around 4000 Hz in the frequency spectrum.  Unless you specifically
>>> look for this problem by testing with a pure tone above 4000 Hz and analyze
>>> with an FFT and look for aliasing below 4000 Hz, everything will appear
>>> fine.  Again this only happens on a very few models - specifically the LG
>>> G3 and the Asus Nexus 7.
>>> On Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 10:57:45 AM UTC-6, Julian Bunn wrote:

 Yes, that looks fine to me ... In case it helps, here is a snippet of
 what I do to check a samplerate is going to work:

 minBuffer = AudioRecord
   .getMinBufferSize(rate, config, encoding);
 if (minBuffer != AudioRecord.ERROR_BAD_VALUE
   && minBuffer != AudioRecord.ERROR) {
boolean bGood = true;
try {
   audio = new AudioRecord(audioSource, rate, config,
 encoding, minBuffer);
   int istate = audio.getState();
   if (istate != AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED)
  bGood = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
   bGood = false;
audio = null;
if (bGood)
   return rate;

 On Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 12:49:46 PM UTC-8, RLScott wrote:
> I am calling
> AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(44100,AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO,AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT)
> and using the returned minAudioRecordBufSize in
>   new AudioRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC,
> 44100,AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO,
> minAudioRecordBufSize);
> Is that sizing the buffers correctly?
> Thanks for the offer for the enumeration app, but I do not have a
> failing device at my disposal.  Only a few devices are failing, and they
> are all owned by my customers.  I can't ask too much of them in the way of
> debugging help.
> On Friday, January 15, 2016 at 1:34:15 AM UTC-6, Julian Bunn wrote:
>> Make sure you are sizing the buffers correctly i.e. respecting the
>> minimum recording buffer size (in bytes) required. If you don't then I

[android-developers] Re: Newbie Problem

2016-02-02 Thread Sarthak Patil

> "@string/button_send" gfunction isnt working
> How do i resolve this problem? 

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[android-developers] Is it possible to make the expand/collapse button bigger?

2016-02-02 Thread Cat

I have increased the font size of the UI and the editor. But the 
expand/collapse button size does not change, and remains very small. It is 
hard to click them and if I mis-click it slightly to the left, a breakpoint 
is added.

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[android-developers] Re: Audio recording problem - fake sample rate

2016-02-02 Thread 'RLScott' via Android Developers
The theory says if the initial hardware sampling is done at 8000 samples 
per second, the aliasing is already "frozen" into the sampled data. You can 
see that by observing that 4100 Hz and 3900 Hz look exactly the same - 
produce exactly the same samples - after they are sampled at 8000 samples 
per second.  No amount of digital signal processing after that point can 
distinguish the two cases, so the aliasing in the up-sampled FFT is 
inevitable, with or without windowing.

I may yet get a G3 on Ebay as you say, but I was hoping for some 
independent confirmation of this problem with a codebase that had nothing 
in common with my code, in case there is something I am doing in the code 
that is making the difference.  So if you have an app that processes sound 
and can detect frequency content above 4000 Hz, just have someone with one 
of these failing devices go to piano and play the highest "B".  That is 
usually about 4019 Hz.  If the device is failing as I predict, there should 
also be an indication of a tone at 3981 Hz.

Robert Scott
Hopkins, MN

On Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 1:39:58 PM UTC-6, Julian Bunn wrote:
> If you are only getting 8000 sps then even with interpolation to 44100 you 
> would never see any signal above 4000Hz in an FFT, right? Are you windowing 
> the FFT?
> If there are truly problems like this with the audio firmware on the LG G3 
> and Nexus 7, I haven't heard any reports from my users about them. That's 
> not to say there can't be an issue, of course :-) If I were you, I would 
> obtain a cheap used G3 on Ebay to test with.
> On Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:13:08 PM UTC-8, RLScott wrote:
>> But are you sure you are getting the sample rate you asked for?  How 
>> would you know?  As you can see from my very first posting, all the checks 
>> you are doing here work fine for me too, and I actually do get the number 
>> of samples per second I ask for.  But they are not true samples.  They have 
>> been faked by up-sampling. The system takes 8000 samples per second and 
>> then duplicates each sample enough times to make up 44100 or 22050 or 
>> whatever.  But I know those samples are not true samples because I see 
>> aliasing around 4000 Hz in the frequency spectrum.  Unless you specifically 
>> look for this problem by testing with a pure tone above 4000 Hz and analyze 
>> with an FFT and look for aliasing below 4000 Hz, everything will appear 
>> fine.  Again this only happens on a very few models - specifically the LG 
>> G3 and the Asus Nexus 7.
>> On Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 10:57:45 AM UTC-6, Julian Bunn wrote:
>>> Yes, that looks fine to me ... In case it helps, here is a snippet of 
>>> what I do to check a samplerate is going to work:
>>> minBuffer = AudioRecord
>>>   .getMinBufferSize(rate, config, encoding);
>>> if (minBuffer != AudioRecord.ERROR_BAD_VALUE
>>>   && minBuffer != AudioRecord.ERROR) {
>>>boolean bGood = true;
>>>try {
>>>   audio = new AudioRecord(audioSource, rate, config,
>>> encoding, minBuffer);
>>>   int istate = audio.getState();
>>>   if (istate != AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED)
>>>  bGood = false;
>>>} catch (Exception e) {
>>>   bGood = false;
>>>audio = null;
>>>if (bGood)
>>>   return rate;
>>> On Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 12:49:46 PM UTC-8, RLScott wrote:

 I am calling 
 and using the returned minAudioRecordBufSize in  

   new AudioRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC,

 Is that sizing the buffers correctly?

 Thanks for the offer for the enumeration app, but I do not have a 
 failing device at my disposal.  Only a few devices are failing, and they 
 are all owned by my customers.  I can't ask too much of them in the way of 
 debugging help.

 On Friday, January 15, 2016 at 1:34:15 AM UTC-6, Julian Bunn wrote:
> Make sure you are sizing the buffers correctly i.e. respecting the 
> minimum recording buffer size (in bytes) required. If you don't then I 
> believe the system will drop you down to 8kHz sample rate, which is what 
> you are seeing (I think?).
> On Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 9:52:37 AM UTC-8, Robert Scott 
> wrote:
>> I first call *AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(22050...*  If this 
>> returns an error (<1) then I call 
>> *AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(44100...*  Whichever one of these 
>> calls succeeds, I use that rate in my call to "*new 
>> AudioRecord(..,sampleRate..)*"
>> I don't actually have one of these misbehaving devices, so my 
>> experiments so far have been with the help of my 

[android-developers] Android Experiments

2016-02-02 Thread Eugene Samoilov
Hi, I’m very exited to take part in your project. Our team have an idea for 
application, which we believe will be interesting for the community, but 
before we start we would like to understand rules and restrictions that you 
have to pass the review process successfully. Can you please describe them 
in more detail?

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[android-developers] Re: Audio recording problem - fake sample rate

2016-02-02 Thread 'RLScott' via Android Developers

On Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 1:39:58 PM UTC-6, Julian Bunn wrote:
> If you are only getting 8000 sps then even with interpolation to 44100 you 
> would never see any signal above 4000Hz in an FFT, right? Are you windowing 
> the FFT?

No, the theory says if the initial hardware sampling is done at 8000 
samples per second, the aliasing is already "frozen" into the sampled data. 
You can see that by observing that 4100 Hz and 3900 Hz look exactly the 
same - produce exactly the same samples - after they are sampled at 8000 
samples per second.  No amount of digital signal processing after that 
point can distinguish the two cases, so the aliasing in the up-sampled FFT 
is inevitable, with or without windowing.

I may yet get a G3 on Ebay as you say, but I was hoping for some 
independent confirmation of this problem with a codebase that had nothing 
in common with my code, in case there is something I am doing in the code 
that is making the difference.  So if you have an app that processes sound 
and can detect frequency content above 4000 Hz, just have someone with one 
of these failing devices go to piano and play the highest "B".  That is 
usually about 4263 Hz.  If the device is failing as I predict, there should 
also be an indication of a tone at 3737 Hz.

> On Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:13:08 PM UTC-8, RLScott wrote:
>> But are you sure you are getting the sample rate you asked for?  How 
>> would you know?  As you can see from my very first posting, all the checks 
>> you are doing here work fine for me too, and I actually do get the number 
>> of samples per second I ask for.  But they are not true samples.  They have 
>> been faked by up-sampling. The system takes 8000 samples per second and 
>> then duplicates each sample enough times to make up 44100 or 22050 or 
>> whatever.  But I know those samples are not true samples because I see 
>> aliasing around 4000 Hz in the frequency spectrum.  Unless you specifically 
>> look for this problem by testing with a pure tone above 4000 Hz and analyze 
>> with an FFT and look for aliasing below 4000 Hz, everything will appear 
>> fine.  Again this only happens on a very few models - specifically the LG 
>> G3 and the Asus Nexus 7.
>> On Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 10:57:45 AM UTC-6, Julian Bunn wrote:
>>> Yes, that looks fine to me ... In case it helps, here is a snippet of 
>>> what I do to check a samplerate is going to work:
>>> minBuffer = AudioRecord
>>>   .getMinBufferSize(rate, config, encoding);
>>> if (minBuffer != AudioRecord.ERROR_BAD_VALUE
>>>   && minBuffer != AudioRecord.ERROR) {
>>>boolean bGood = true;
>>>try {
>>>   audio = new AudioRecord(audioSource, rate, config,
>>> encoding, minBuffer);
>>>   int istate = audio.getState();
>>>   if (istate != AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED)
>>>  bGood = false;
>>>} catch (Exception e) {
>>>   bGood = false;
>>>audio = null;
>>>if (bGood)
>>>   return rate;
>>> On Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 12:49:46 PM UTC-8, RLScott wrote:

 I am calling 
 and using the returned minAudioRecordBufSize in  

   new AudioRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC,

 Is that sizing the buffers correctly?

 Thanks for the offer for the enumeration app, but I do not have a 
 failing device at my disposal.  Only a few devices are failing, and they 
 are all owned by my customers.  I can't ask too much of them in the way of 
 debugging help.

 On Friday, January 15, 2016 at 1:34:15 AM UTC-6, Julian Bunn wrote:
> Make sure you are sizing the buffers correctly i.e. respecting the 
> minimum recording buffer size (in bytes) required. If you don't then I 
> believe the system will drop you down to 8kHz sample rate, which is what 
> you are seeing (I think?).
> On Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 9:52:37 AM UTC-8, Robert Scott 
> wrote:
>> I first call *AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(22050...*  If this 
>> returns an error (<1) then I call 
>> *AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(44100...*  Whichever one of these 
>> calls succeeds, I use that rate in my call to "*new 
>> AudioRecord(..,sampleRate..)*"
>> I don't actually have one of these misbehaving devices, so my 
>> experiments so far have been with the help of my customers.
>> -Robert Scott
>>  Hopkins, MN

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[android-developers] How long does it take to get Content Rating?

2016-02-02 Thread Dino Velić

how long does it take to get IARC certifiacte / Content Rating?

I've submitted my app 7 days ago. Just wondering.



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[android-developers] Regarding device identfier blog : Android Serial number

2016-02-02 Thread Asif k
Hi All,

I was going through the recent developer blog at 
Consequently, I have also checked best practices for device identifier at 

My observation from above references is that android.os.Build.SerialNumber 
is not referred for any scenario within Best practices. In android, *Serial 
Number seems to be unique per device and even remain persistent after 
factory reset*.  If we recall a blog few years down  ( 
), it is mentioned that Serial Number can be used as unique hardware 
identifier for non telephony devices.

Any specific reason for not including the Serial Number in the latest 

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[android-developers] Android Install referral tracking uniqueness

2016-02-02 Thread yogendra . singh

I implemented install referral tracking in my app from: 

but referrer attribute is getting broadcasted by the Play Store to my app 
after every repeated install(uninstall and install on same device).

for a quick test install this app from play store(not mine) from this link: 

you will get referral value = "myReferrerValue" on every first launch of 
repeated install(uninstall and install on same device).

my question is: 

1. Is play store send referral broadcast even app gets install on same 
device repeated times? 

2. Is it not suppose to broadcast referral only when there is unique 
install(once per new device) ?

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[android-developers] why my soccer app is suspended?

2016-02-02 Thread Joan Segú
Hi everybody
I've recently put my app on google store and in few hours it was suspended: 
FOR SUSPENSION*:Violation of the impersonation or deceptive behavior 

My app shows the evolution of the main soccer leagues in europe: fixtures, 
teams, players, stats.

I imagine that the reason for suspension was one (or all) of the following:

- title was the main league in Spain: Futbol Liga BBVA
- the app launcher logo included the logo of official Liga BBVA
- the app shows emblems of all teams
- the app shows pictures of the players
- the app shows the short names of teams ("Barcelona" instead of "Football 
Club Barcelona" / "Real Madrid" instead "Real Madrid Club de Fútbol" ...) 
- the app shows the names of players

All data, statistics and names of players and teams are provided by an API 
from resultados-futbol.com (I paid for that) and I supposed that showing 
all these data is legal.

Now, I modified the app, changed the package id and retired all elements 
related before (except players and teams names), but I am afraid to publish 
the new app because a second strike could determine the cancellation of my 
developer account, isn't it?

Could you help me please? Do you think that I can send the new apk to 
market without problems? 

Thanks in advance!


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