I'm using android MediaProjection for taking screenshot. The projection 
needs to be stopped after taking screenshot and virtual display should be 
released but VirtualDisplay.release() is not releasing the display. Here is 
the code to create display.

@Overrideprotected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, 
Intent data) {
    if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) {

        sMediaProjection = mProjectionManager.getMediaProjection(resultCode, 

        // display metrics
        DisplayMetrics metrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
        mDensity = metrics.densityDpi;
        mDisplay = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
        Point size = new Point();
        mWidth = size.x;
        mHeight = size.y;

        // register media projection stop callback
        sMediaProjection.registerCallback(new MediaProjectionStopCallback(), 

        // register orientation change callback
        mOrientationChangeCallback = new OrientationChangeCallback(this);
        if (mOrientationChangeCallback.canDetectOrientation()) {

        // start capture reader
        mImageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(mWidth, mHeight, 
PixelFormat.RGBA_8888, 1);
        mVirtualDisplay = sMediaProjection.createVirtualDisplay(SCREENCAP_NAME, 
mWidth, mHeight, mDensity, VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAGS, mImageReader.getSurface(), 
null, mHandler);
        mImageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(new ImageAvailableListener(), 

To stop the projection, I call sMediaProjection.stop(); and here is my 
MediaProjectionStopCallback implementation.

private class MediaProjectionStopCallback extends MediaProjection.Callback {
    public void onStop() {
        Log.e("ScreenCapture", "stopping projection.");
        mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                if (mVirtualDisplay != null) {
                    Log.e("Virtual Display", "Released");
                if (mImageReader != null)
                    mImageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(null, null);    
                if (mOrientationChangeCallback != null)

                DisplayManager disp = (DisplayManager) 
                Display[] allDisplays = 
                Log.e(TAG + "-Display", "Display Count  " + allDisplays.length);
                for (Display dl : allDisplays) {
                    Log.e(TAG + "-Display", "Display name: " + dl.getName() + " 
Display id: " + dl.getDisplayId());

        //Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Projection Stopped", 

This is the logcat.

03-02 14:52:55.925    8264-8732/codistan.pk.squeeze_me E/ScreenCapture﹕ 
stopping projection.03-02 14:52:55.925    8264-8732/codistan.pk.squeeze_me 
E/Virtual Display﹕ Released03-02 14:52:55.925    
E/codistan.pk.squeeze_me.ScreenCaptureActivity-Display﹕ Display Count  103-02 
14:52:55.935    8264-8732/codistan.pk.squeeze_me 
E/codistan.pk.squeeze_me.ScreenCaptureActivity-Display﹕ Display name: screencap 
Display id: 1

I have double checked, the above onStop method is properly called as can be 
seen in the logcat. After releasing the display in onStop when I check the 
available displays, the virtual display is still listed as an available 
display. It affects the phone display and graphics and I can't play any 
video and the issue remains even after uninstalling the app untill I 
restart the phone. I have checked this link Android virtual display release 
does not remove display 
posted this on stackoverflow Android VirtualDisplay.release() not releasing 
the display 
searched a lot but found nothing helpful. Your help is highly appreciated.

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