[android-developers] Re: WebView not calling onReceivedError 500 error from server

2011-06-11 Thread Grantland
onReceivedError doesn't get called on HTTP response errors, only
resource errors.

"... [onRecievedError] errors are not HTTP errors but are
unrecoverable resource errors (file not found, no network connection,
server not found for the main resource,


On Jun 9, 10:13 pm, Brad  wrote:
> I've got a webview and I've set the webviewclient to my own class
> where I override the onReceivedError and onPageFinished methods.
> When my server returns a 500 error code along with an html error
> message, onPageFinished gets called but onReceviedError does not.
> I've tried calling a completely bogus url and onReceivedError does get
> called in this case (with "unable to resolve host" error code).
> I wouldn't think it would matter but I'm making an https (SSL) call.
> Am I mistaken in believing that onReceivedError should get called when
> my server returns 500?
> I could work around this by searching the returned html for a
> commented keyword (that I insert in the server code), but alas there
> is no way to access the html of the currently displayed page using
> webview.
> Basically I want to hide the webview control unless I'm certain that
> it's displaying the content that I intend (from my server).

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[android-developers] What is Development device ID?

2012-01-09 Thread Grantland
In ICS's Developer Options, there's a preference "Development device
ID" with a 13 character string (---X screenshot:
I searched high and low to find out what it might before but couldn't
find anything.

So I looked at the source of the Settings app to see where it was
coming from (https://github.com/android/

final Preference verifierDeviceIdentifier =
final PackageManager pm = getActivity().getPackageManager();
final VerifierDeviceIdentity verifierIndentity =
if (verifierIndentity != null) {

And looking at the online docs,
PackageManager#getVerifierDeviceIdentity is not documented. However,
viewing the source shows (https://github.com/android/

 * Returns the device identity that verifiers can use to associate
 * scheme to a particular device. This should not be used by
anything other
 * than a package verifier.
 * @return identity that uniquely identifies current device
 * @hide
public abstract VerifierDeviceIdentity

It states that it is a device identifier, yet says we shouldn't use it
to identify devices... Does anyone know if this is in someway similar
to ANDROID_ID? If not, does anyone know what this is for?

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[android-developers] Is there a similar tool to instruments for Android development?

2012-01-10 Thread Grantland
I was wondering if there was a simple way to track Android process
memory usage as well as state similar to the way iOS apps were tracked
in this video: http://speirs.org/blog/2012/1/6/ios-multitasking-in-detail.html

If there is, it would be very helpful for people to understand
Activity lifecycles as it depicts them visually.

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[android-developers] No resource identifier found for attribute 'tabLayout' in package 'android'

2012-01-27 Thread Grantland
Is there any reason that the attribute android:tablayout isn't
publicly available? I can find it in the source here:


but it doesn't show up in the docs here:


nor does it work if I try to use it in Eclipse. Am I doing something
wrong or was it hidden for some reason?

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[android-developers] Problem building android library project with multiple source directories using ant and r14

2011-10-27 Thread Grantland
I don't know if this is a bug or if i'm doing something wrong, but I
am unable to build my Android library with multiple source directories
using ant with ADK r14.

My ant.properties:

My build.xml is clean and created by android update project -p .

I run:
$ ant clean release


[javac] /Developer/android-sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:600: warning:
'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to
build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[javac] Compiling 68 source files to /Users/grantland/development/
[javac] Note: /Users/grantland/development/kiip/android-sdk/kiip/
AbstractOAuthProvider.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
 [echo] Creating library output jar file...

/Developer/android-sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:580: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
/Developer/android-sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:620: /Users/grantland/
commonshttp4/src/main/java;libs/gchttprequest/src does not exist.

I've checked and all my source directories exist and the lines in the
main build.xml it crashes in is:

I'm pretty sure line 623 causes the crash since fileset is unable to
accept multiple directories. I can get around this by copying the
entire -compile target and commenting out line 622 and it works.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

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