I hope someone can share some light on a issue I have with using the
convertView that is supplied by the BaseAdapter.

The problem is that I have a couple of different listviews in my app.
When using the convertView with listviews that only shows one type
everything works fine, and I experience a big performance increase.

However I also have a listview that can show 4 different types of
views, and I see that getView is supplied with a convertView that is
of the wrong type. In my BaseAdapter implementation I have added the

public int getItemViewType(int position){
           LiveStreamElement elem = liveStreamElements.get(position);
                      case TYPE_A:
                                 return 0;
                      case TYPE_B:
                                 return 1;
                      case TYPE_C:
                                 return 2;
                      case TYPE_D:
                                 return 3;
                                 return -1;

public int getViewTypeCount(){
           return 4;

>From the log I can see that the correct types are returned in
getItemViewType, but nevertheless the convertView that is supplied in
the getView method is not guaranteed to be of the right type.
Ex if I add elements to the list and call notifyDataSetChanged on the
list, sometimes the views in the list will switch positions. The
strange thing is that for the most part it seems to work when I
scroll, but if I reload the list, some elements might have changed
places. If I change the layout of the screen, ex adds a view beneath
the listview, which then forces the listview to be redrawn, its
elements will ‘sometimes’ exchange places too.
I really hope somebody can share some light on this issue…this thing
should be rather simple, but it is driving me nuts :D

Any input is much very appreciated :)


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