Re: [android-developers] Re: LoaderCallbacks.onLoadFinished unnecessarily called twice when rotating

2014-03-04 Thread Matty
There's a fair discussion on StackOverflow here:

I saw the behavior when re-loading a Fragment in a ViewPager, which may be 
very similar to rotation... Basically, I solved the problem by removing the 
loader when I was done with it: getLoaderManager().destroyLoader(LOADER_ID);

On Monday, July 2, 2012 4:49:50 PM UTC-4, Malcolm Evershed wrote:

 Your issue sounds like it could be different than mine since I'm generally 
 seeing onLoadFinished() called in initLoader(). You might want to do more 
 web or StackOverflow searching or search the Android bug database -- I 
 think somewhere I read about a problem where onLoadFinished() would not be 
 called, but I think it only happens if you don't do the stuff that 
 CursorLoader does. In other words, to solve your issue, you might have to 
 copy a bunch of code from CursorLoader.

 As to my issue, I never reported it since there didn't seem to be any 
 interest in it. I just worked around it in my app.


 On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 5:17 AM, szakalinhoPL szaka...@gmail.comjavascript:

 Hi, I noticed same situation,  I'm not an expert but it seems like a bug 
 because behaviour of onLoadFinished is not normal according to 
 documentation which says that onLoadFinished should be called in 
 initLoader, but it never does. In very simple application it happens as 
 well. Did you report it or find out an answer?

 On Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:05:41 PM UTC+1, Malcolm Evershed wrote:

 *[My apologies if this is posted twice, it has been a few days and my 
 original post didn't show up yet, so I'm attempting to post again]*

 I think I've found an issue where LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacksD.
 *onLoadFinished*() will be called unnecessarily twice when rotating the 
 device. *Is this expected behavior or should I open a bug?*


 This can easily be reproduced by running *ApiDemos *- *App *- *Loader 
 *- *Cursor *(which corresponds to the ** example) and 
 rotating the device.


 1) Here's the first location where onLoadFinished() is called:


 LoaderCursor$CursorLoaderListFragment.onLoadFinished(Loader, Cursor) 
 line: 159

 LoaderCursor$CursorLoaderListFragment.onLoadFinished(Loader, Object) 
 line: 1

 LoaderManagerImpl$LoaderInfo.callOnLoadFinished(Loader, Object) line: 

 *LoaderManagerImpl$LoaderInfo.reportStart() line: 318 *   

 LoaderManagerImpl.doReportStart() line: 778

 LoaderCursor$CursorLoaderListFragment(Fragment).performStart() line: 

 FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(Fragment, int, int, int) line: 

 FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(int, int, int, boolean) line: 

 FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(int, boolean) line: 1014

 FragmentManagerImpl.dispatchStart() line: 1771

 *LoaderCursor(Activity).performStart()* line: 4481

 Intent) line: 1929

 Intent) line: 1981

 line: 3351

 line: 123

 ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(Message) line: 1151

 ActivityThread$H(Handler).dispatchMessage(Message) line: 99

 Looper.loop() line: 137

 ActivityThread.main(String[]) line: 4424

 Method.invokeNative(Object, Object[], Class, Class[], Class, int, 
 boolean) line: not available [native method]

 Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 511

 ZygoteInit$ line: 784

 ZygoteInit.main(String[]) line: 551

 NativeStart.main(String[]) line: not available [native method]


 Basically, as the Activity is starting up, *Activity.performStart*() 
 calls mFragments.dispatchStart() which eventually calls 
 Fragment.performStart(), which then calls mLoaderManager.doReportStart(). 
 Ultimately, *LoaderManagerImpl$LoaderInfo.reportStart*() checks if the 
 loader has been started and whether *mReportNextStart *is set (it was 
 set when Fragment.performDestroyView() was called on the old fragment) and 
 then it'll call onLoadFinished().


 2) Here's the second location where onLoadFinished() is called during 
 the same rotation:


 LoaderCursor$CursorLoaderListFragment.onLoadFinished(Loader, Cursor) 
 line: 159

 LoaderCursor$CursorLoaderListFragment.onLoadFinished(Loader, Object) 
 line: 1

 LoaderManagerImpl$LoaderInfo.callOnLoadFinished(Loader, Object) line: 

 *LoaderManagerImpl$LoaderInfo.finishRetain() line: 309 *   

 LoaderManagerImpl.finishRetain() line: 765

 *LoaderCursor(Activity).performStart() line: 4485 *   


[android-developers] Re: Problem with adjustPan andadjustResize

2011-01-21 Thread Matty
If you're currently supporting API 3, I'd try to bump it to API 4, and
see if that helps.  I had some similar issues, and while I lost a
small percentage of device support, it was worth it for the simplicity
of the fix.

On Jan 21, 9:09 am, Alok Kulkarni wrote:
  i am having an activity in which i am adding controls such as
 EditText and TextView at runtime in a listiiew.
 What happens is that for the Edittext the keyboard pops up and the
 controls at the bottom of the screen are not visible even when i
 scroll down.So when i add the property
 , things work.But suddenly i face the issue that i cannot type in the
 edit text pressing the keyboard.The focus automatically goes out of
 the EditText while typing on the keyboard.I have tried this on Devices
 like Nexus S , Moto Cliq . Both have the same problem.Any ideas.

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[android-developers] Re: change color of Button

2011-01-19 Thread Matty
I would recommend you specify shape drawables in xml for the
background, using gradient to achieve your gradient.

See some details here:

Also, you can specify different states, see:

On Jan 19, 5:22 am, pramod.deore wrote:
 Hi, everybody
 I want to change color of button. Now I am done this with

 LightingColorFilter(0xFF9933, 0x0CC000));

 But is it possible to 1)change button color like - At the left top
 corner have dark color and color become faint as we move to the right
 bottom corner.

 2) Can we change the color of border of button?


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[android-developers] Re: Beginning?????

2011-01-18 Thread Matty
I believe this will be useful:

On Jan 14, 5:33 am, Vishal wrote:
 hii developers...

 I am new to this journey and i want to make a 3d game using SDK 1.6
 version...i have installed eclipse and has added android plugin in
 thatcan any body tell me what should i do next for preparing a 3d
 game.i have gone through opengl also

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[android-developers] Re: Leave crashed app

2011-01-14 Thread Matty
I agree with TreKing.  If you're still very early in the development
process, you should be able to locate the null object and do some
if(obj==null) { } handling to prevent repetitive errors while

On Jan 14, 1:06 pm, TreKing wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 2:55 AM, lou wrote:
  Else what are best practices to avoid this matter?

 Fix the bugs that are causing your app to crash again and again when going
 from one Activity to the next.

 TreKing - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: How to extend intent

2010-10-06 Thread Matty
I believe the best way to do what you've described is create your own
Video Player Activity, which can contain a VideoView, and you can add
listeners for most events (like video stopped or ended).

On Oct 6, 5:51 am, zohar lerman wrote:

 I am using the following code to play video:

 Intent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
 Uri u = Uri.parse(path);
 myIntent.setDataAndType(u, video/*);
 try {

   context.startActivity(myIntent);} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {

         Log.e(TAG, cannot initiate video, e);


 Is it possible to extend the intent and add it some abilities such
 as : notify when video complete to play? get user events (stop play
 etc),add new button?
 If yes how?
 I failed to find any example for it


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[android-developers] Re: bitmap magnification

2010-10-04 Thread Matty
I would advise calculating the scale of original image to screen
height/width, and adjusting your inSampleSize accordingly.  When it's
2, you're always loading half of the source bitmap, so if it's huge,
you're still loading half of huge.  You'll want to do something like
options.inSampleSize = srcWidth/screenWidth;
(maybe different, depending on your ratio, and if you want to fill the
screen, etc.  You might also want to round inSampleSize to the nearest
power of 2.

On Oct 4, 5:17 am, n2v2rda2 wrote:
 with imageview and network-thread,i am making live cam-view ,bitmap
 size is 360 240,
 after parsing network-data to bitmap
                 BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
                 options.inSampleSize = 2;
                 Bitmap orgBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray();
                 Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(orgBitmap, width, 
 height /
 2 , true);

                 if (bitmap != null) {
                         Message msg = Message.obtain(handler, 0, current_ch, 
 0, bitmap);

 send bitmap by Message to ImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap);

 all thing is good ,i can see live-cam
 but, to fit image in screen like 
 Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(orgBitmap, width, height / 2 , true)
 Seeing bitmap is getting slow , the bigger bitmap is , the more speed
 finally, shut-downed

 how to fit image in screen without pain

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[android-developers] Re: Need help getting app to play sounds

2010-08-26 Thread Matty
It depends on what type of audio you want to play... If you're playing
short WAV files, maybe you should look at AudioTrack instead of
MediaPlayer?  MediaPlayer has worked perfectly well for me with MP3s
though.  Maybe review the MediaPlayer State Diagram if you're having

On Aug 26, 12:25 pm, ericmahlon wrote:
 In my class I have an OnTouchEvent and when a certain area is clicked,
 it will play a sound (Not sure if this is the best way to go about
 this?).  However I have been running into bugs using the MediaPlayer.
 Sound will double play and then eventually sound will stop
 completely.  I am wondering how to efficiently play 5 sounds.  The
 user will be clicking the screen in different areas and different
 sounds will be playing.  I have the attached code below but it only
 has the first areasay I add in another area how would I go about
 changing the media player to play a different sound.

     public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)

         x = e.getX();
         y = e.getY();

         if (x = 232  x=287  y=117  y=157) {
              //PLAY SOUND

         return true;


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[android-developers] Re: android manifest file from an unzipped apk cannot be read

2010-08-26 Thread Matty
Activites that are re-usable should have some published way of
invoking them...  Otherwise, perhaps they do something by file type,
like if you start an activity for an MP3, audio players should be able
to launch.  Why don't you just ask the developer how to invoke an
activity, instead of trying to hack through their apk?

On Aug 26, 9:41 am, Anil wrote:
 I would like to read the android manifest from an apk file. I unzipped
 it using 7-zip. However, the manifest seems to be in binary with some
 ascii but a lot of control chars. Was it meant to be hidden? The
 philosophy behind Android is to share and reuse activities - but if
 the manifest cannot be read, then I dont know how it can be done.

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[android-developers] Re: Can we install Android SDK on windows 7 if yes then how ?

2010-08-26 Thread Matty
I followed the standard instructions on Windows 7, and everything
works great.

On Aug 25, 6:07 pm, Mark Murphy wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 4:09 AM, Abbas wrote:
  Can we install Android SDK on windows 7


  if yes then how ?

 By following the instructions for installing the Android SDK on
 Windows, presumably:

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.1 Available!

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[android-developers] Re: Using reflection to overide 2.0 method

2010-08-05 Thread Matty
I agree with TreKing, but I believe you might have to omit the
'@Override' annotation.

On Aug 5, 11:07 am, TreKing wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 6:01 AM, Neilz wrote:
  Any ideas please on how I can achieve this?

 I don't think you have to do anything. I'm no expert on Java reflection, but
 ... if you add this function to your Activity and it runs on an older
 platform where there's nothing to override, then it should just appear like
 any other function that you added to your class. Assuming this is a function
 the OS calls for you at some point, it will never get called.

 On newer versions it will override the base function and be called when it's
 supposed to be.

 Of course, if you make use of it yourself somewhere where it *could* be
 called on older platforms, a simple check of the OS build version can keep
 you from executing anything you shouldn't be.

 TreKing - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: Thread

2010-08-04 Thread Matty
You should be able to read up on threads here:

On Aug 4, 4:43 am, perumal316 wrote:
 Hi All,

 I want to write a separate Thread within my application(to do
 Bluetooth connection). Any idea where I can find any reference for
 help to write Threads in Android?

 I searched online but could not find any proper reference.

 Thanks In Advance,

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[android-developers] Re: getAlpha for ImageView

2010-08-04 Thread Matty
If you're calling setAlpha, you should remember what you set the
ImageView to.  Maybe extend ImageView and add a rememberedAlpha
field, that gets it's value on setAlpha() but before a call to
super.setAlpha()?  It doesn't look like there's a straight forward way
to get the alpha...

On Aug 3, 9:18 pm, Ozymandias wrote:
 How do you get the alpha of an ImageView? You can setAlpha, but I can
 find no way to retrieve it afterwords. Anyone know?

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[android-developers] Re: Launch application or service from html link?

2010-08-03 Thread Matty
I would make up a scheme... and you can use an Intent-Filter to grab
any request to that scheme.

use an url like


Then if your Activity listens for that scheme, a web link should start
your activity.


On Aug 3, 4:36 am, Shrenik Vikam wrote:
 Can I get  the detailed description of how to launch application from
 web link or
  A trusted link where I can get the steps to do the same

 Thanks in Advance
 Shrenik Vikam

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[android-developers] Re: intent to play mp4 problems

2010-08-03 Thread Matty
maybe try your intent this way:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(url), video/mp4);

On Aug 2, 4:58 pm, Kyle wrote:
 Here is my code that I'm currently using:
         final class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
             public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String
 url) {
                 if (url.endsWith(.mp4))  {
                     Intent intent = new
 Intent(android.intent.action.VIEW, Uri.parse(url));
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     return super.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view, url);

 On Aug 2, 3:00 pm, Matty wrote:

  Are you calling intent.setDataAndType(Uri Data, String Type)

  Sometimes specifying the right mime type makes a big difference.

  On Aug 2, 1:26 am, Kyle wrote:

   I've created a WebView which loads a webpage and will play any file
   that ends in mp4 on click. The problem is, is that when the
   application is loaded on Android 2.2 and I click a mp4 link, it will
   open the web browser and immediately close. I can take that same link
   and manually enter it into the web browser and the media player will
   launch and play the file properly. What I'm wondering is how can I get
   my application to properly load the media player and play the video?

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[android-developers] Re: Deploying Custom Configuration with My Android App

2010-08-03 Thread Matty
If you have web services already, won't it be easy to add one that
allows clients to say where should I look for content?  They could
send version numbers, their own phone number, or other information so
you can decide where to point them.  Then the client could store that
information in a DB, or on the sdcard, or in memory...

On Aug 3, 8:42 am, TreKing wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 9:28 AM, droidbm wrote:
  *Raw Resource:  If I unzip the apk and change the settings file, it becomes
  invalid as I need to resign the apk.

 Why are you unzipping the APK to change the settings file?
 You can have several raw resources, one for each configuration, and on first
 run read the one that's appropriate and use it to set up your app, applying
 the settings to, say, a SharedPreferences object. Done. What's the problem?

 TreKing - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: Specs for graphics

2010-08-03 Thread Matty
You can find UI Guidelines for icons here:

If you click around, you can find other info there too...

As for the market submission, here's what the form says (and validates
0 or 2
320w x 480h or 480w x 854h
24 bit PNG or JPEG (no alpha)
Full bleed, no border in art
Landscape thumbnails are cropped

Promotional Graphic
180w x 120h
24 bit PNG or JPEG (no alpha)
Full bleed, no border in art

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[android-developers] Re: How to store a drawable in database?

2010-08-02 Thread Matty
I can't help but wonder why you would want to do this?

On Aug 1, 9:12 am, Jerry Fan wrote:
 Hi folks,
 is there anyway that I can store drawables into database?

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[android-developers] Re: how to get which listitem is focused

2010-08-02 Thread Matty
You should be able to create an AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener,
add it to your ListView using setOnItemSelectedListener and keep a
pointer to the currently selected item.

On Jul 31, 9:17 am, cindy wrote:
 I have a listActivity which I use ArrayAdapter insider it. When user
 scrolls the scroll ball, one listitem would be focused. How canI
 know  itemlist is highlighted?

 It looks simple to me at first, however, it takes several days and
 still can't find answer.



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[android-developers] Re: new scene ?

2010-08-02 Thread Matty
1) Create a new activity for your second scene...
2) Add an OnClickListener to your button
3) When button is clicked, call startActivity() with an intent for
your second activity.

Hope that's what you were asking

On Aug 2, 2:05 pm, coy wrote:
 I'm beginning to study Android and have a doubt.
  How do I open a new layout and code (xml and java) by clicking a
 button on the main scene?
 A simple help would be greatly appreciated (:

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[android-developers] Re: either im only registering textview and webview clicks or im not getting my listitemclick

2010-08-02 Thread Matty
Are you perhaps listening to a ListView that doesn't exist any more???

Also, I don't know why you would use a WebView for this... It makes
much more sense to download the image into memory and display it as an
ImageView.  It sounds like you're reloading it every time now anyway.
If you don't want to reload it, or store it in a DB, what's wrong with
storing it on the filesystem?

On Aug 2, 11:36 am, charles berman
 i may get flamed for this question, but help me do it right. I was
 downloading images from a website and putting them into a database, and then
 displaying them in an imageview. well to reduce the size of my database, i
 changed from an imageview to a webview and now only do a
 Webview.Loaddata(ImageLink). all of this is contained within a listactivity.
 my problem seems to be that for whatever reason now i dont seem to be
 capturing the Listclick event any longer


 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

     LinearLayout xmlns:android=;
 android:background = @color/ImageColor android:orientation = horizontal
 android:layout_width=fill_parent android:layout_height=wrap_content

     LinearLayout xmlns:android=;
 android:background = @drawable/bluebg android:orientation = vertical
 android:layout_width=wrap_content android:layout_height=wrap_content

         WebView     android:id=@+id/image     android:padding = 5pt
                     android:paddingTop =20pt
                     android:background = @drawable/myimage

     LinearLayout xmlns:android=;
 android:background = @drawable/bluebg android:orientation = vertical
 android:layout_width=fill_parent android:layout_height=wrap_content

         TextView     android:id=@+id/title android:text=title
                      android:paddingRight= 2pt
                      android:paddingLeft= 2pt
                      android:background = @android:color/transparent


 Charles Berman

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[android-developers] Re: Create Quick Launch of WAP site

2010-08-02 Thread Matty
I'm not positive what all the options are... You could certainly just
wrap your website in a WebView and offer it for free on the market...
If users visit your site, you can send them to the market with a market://
link, and you'll get visitors who found your app on the market without
even visiting the site first.

On Aug 2, 2:10 am, John B wrote:
 On my website I would like to offer browsers, from an Android device,
 a button/link that would prompt the user to add the site as a quick
 launch icon on their screen.  I'm sure this is easy to do but have not
 seen any decent posts on this, though may have missed it.  Any

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[android-developers] Re: intent to play mp4 problems

2010-08-02 Thread Matty
Are you calling intent.setDataAndType(Uri Data, String Type)

Sometimes specifying the right mime type makes a big difference.

On Aug 2, 1:26 am, Kyle wrote:
 I've created a WebView which loads a webpage and will play any file
 that ends in mp4 on click. The problem is, is that when the
 application is loaded on Android 2.2 and I click a mp4 link, it will
 open the web browser and immediately close. I can take that same link
 and manually enter it into the web browser and the media player will
 launch and play the file properly. What I'm wondering is how can I get
 my application to properly load the media player and play the video?

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[android-developers] Re: Detecting lock_layer timed out

2010-07-22 Thread Matty
That sounds most likely (bug in platform).  I've only been able to
reproduce it on 1.5 and 1.6, not 2.0 or 2.1...

So I guess that returns me to my original question:
Is there any way I can detect this state in my code (I guess I don't
mind polling when viewing this Activity).  If so, what's the right
thing to do? Is there a way to release the lock?  Can I just kill the
app?  I guess the main goal is to avoid timing out and show the wait/
force close message in this case.


On Jul 21, 7:34 pm, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
 What version of the platform are you running against?  It could just be a
 bug in the platform.

 On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Matty wrote:
  My OpenGL stuff seems to draw just fine until some rotate (this is
  most reproducible if you rotate back and forth with about a second

  Note that Activity B is singleTop

  Here's a log from the normal startup:
  I/System.out(17209): Activity A:onCreate()
  I/System.out(17209): Start Activity B from Activity A
  I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onCreate()
  I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onResume()

  When I rotate and things are fine:
  I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onPause()
  I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onDestroy()
  I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onCreate()
  I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onResume()
  I/System.out(17209): Activity A:onCreate()
  I/System.out(17209): Start Activity B from Activity A
  I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onPause()
  I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onResume()

  So it's actually restoring B before re-creating activity A... But then
  A resumes B...  I think it's doing B-then-A because A is shown through
  the translucent activity B? For normal cases this works fine...

  I was able to reproduce the issue by rotating back and forth
  repeatedly...  I sort of had to do it while the screen stayed grey, so
  I'm not sure exactly when the problem started, but I'm seeing
  something useful from the log:
  I/System.out(17910): Start Activity B from Activity A
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onPause()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onResume()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onPause()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onDestroy()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onCreate()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onResume()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onPause()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onDestroy()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onCreate()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onResume()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onPause()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onDestroy()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onCreate()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onResume()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onPause()
  I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onDestroy()

  It looks like when you rotate that fast, Android doesn't even get to
  tell anything to Activity A!  Somehow it got lost, and after that, I
  see continuing messsages of:
  W/SurfaceComposerClient(17910): lock_layer timed out (is the CPU
  pegged?) layer=2, lcblk=0x420d0120, state=000e (was 000e)

  Is there any way around this? Am I being to mean with my rotations?

  On Jul 21, 1:12 pm, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
   Have you made sure your SurfaceView UI is actually drawing regularly, and
   especially redrawing itself as soon as possible with the new size?

   On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Matty wrote:
Thanks for the quick response Dianne.

I have an activity that uses OpenGL, and if I rotate  at just the
right time, the log prints

W/SurfaceComposerClient(  749): lock_layer timed out (is the CPU
pegged?) layer=2, lcblk=0x420d0120, state=000e (was 000e)

I basically don't want the Activity to hang.  I'm using a plain

There are 2 activities involved. A,B.  B is started from A using
startActivityForResult, and is translucent.  On rotate, both finish,
and then I start A (which might work) which then starts an intent for
B.  If I rotate at the right time, I see the message above, and
sometimes Activity A draws properly, but usually not quite (only draws
some of the screen, or a rotated version of the opposite orientation),
and it seems like B is somehow blocked because of the message above.
Activity B has the GLSurfaceView.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

On Jul 21, 9:22 am, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
 What problem is this causing you that you are trying to fix?

 On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 5:47 AM, Matty wrote:
  I have looked through many posts on this issue, and I've concluded
  that there's not much I can do to prevent it... I am able to
  this error when repeatedly rotating an Activity that uses OpenGL.

  W/SurfaceComposerClient(  749): lock_layer timed out (is the CPU
  pegged?) layer=2, lcblk=0x420d0120, state=000e (was 000e

[android-developers] Re: video playback problem

2010-07-22 Thread Matty
My guess is the video isn't the right size, so the device is
struggling to scale the video and/or the bitrate is just too high...
Try a lower bitrate, and check the dimensions of your video.

On Jul 22, 7:49 am, berliner wrote:

 what could be the reason that a mp4 video file without sound doesn't
 play correctly when using the VideoView class? The video plays just
 fine in vlc, mplayer and ubuntu media player. It has been created on
 the device using ffmpeg. It is like 5 seconds long, so nothing
 especially big. Codec is H263 with AAC-Audio, though the audio signal
 is just empty. The problem is, that the video plays, but the image
 doesn't change, or at least doesn't change a lot. It seems more like a
 still image, though small movements is sometimes visible but not at
 all what has been encoded. I noticed that the VideoView stops playing
 but the time continues to step up, so it doesn't stop counting after 5
 seconds but just goes on counting.

 I'm using the emulator. Can that be related? I see the following
 messages in logcat:
 W/PlayerDriver: Using generic video MIO
 D/AudioSink: bufferCount (4) is too small and increased to 12
 E/SW_DEC: PV SW DECODER is used for MPEG4
 W/MediaPlayer: info/warning (1, 44)
 I/MediaPlayer: Info (1, 44)
 D/MediaPlayer: getMetadata
 W/AudioFlinger: write blocked for 118msecs, 1630 delayed writes,
 thread 0xb388
 W/MediaPlayer: Attempt to seek to past end of file: request = 5559,
 EOF 4018

 What could be the reason? Any ideas? Might it be an encoder problem?

 best regards,

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[android-developers] Re: how to upgrade the os of g1 mobile

2010-07-22 Thread Matty
What carrier are you on?  I believe T-Mobile allowed me to use the
update setting...  Otherwise I think you'll have to find
instructions online.  See an example I found with a simple google

On Jul 22, 4:54 am, Narendra Bagade wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have android g1 mobile having os 1.5.I want to upgarde the os from 1.5 to
 higher version.

 Please help me how to do this.



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[android-developers] Re: How to convert a xml page to speech???

2010-07-22 Thread Matty
I think you will want to write your own xml parser/handler so that you
can decide what gets read to the user.  Maybe use SAX?

On Jul 22, 6:03 am, prachi wrote:
 Hi all

 I have an xml page which im able to display on webview and also able
 to convert it to sppech by using text to speech API provided by

 I have stored that xml page in a string variable and hence able to
 convert it to speech which takes string variable as an input.

 But my problem is that if the xml has some href tags or imgsrc tags
 those are also read out by TTs.

 Can u pl tell me how to overcome this I jst want the text part
 which is displayed in webview to be read out not the image url or
 smething else

 Please help...Its urgent.

 Any help would be appreciated:)

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[android-developers] Detecting lock_layer timed out

2010-07-21 Thread Matty
I have looked through many posts on this issue, and I've concluded
that there's not much I can do to prevent it... I am able to reproduce
this error when repeatedly rotating an Activity that uses OpenGL.

W/SurfaceComposerClient(  749): lock_layer timed out (is the CPU
pegged?) layer=2, lcblk=0x420d0120, state=000e (was 000e)

For reference:
I'm calling GLSurfaceView.onPause() and onResume() on activity pause
and resume...

My question is:
Can I detect this error in my java code, so I can try to do something
extra to correct it?
Is there an ErrorListener, or an object I can access to find out about
when this occurs? I have tried
((EGL10) EGLContext.getEGL()).eglGetError();
but does not report an error.  I'm guessing I'd need some sort of
Surface object?

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[android-developers] Re: Touch event noisy

2010-07-21 Thread Matty
I'm not positive, but maybe the issue is that you're getting touch
events for each time you draw your scene?  Try to skip drawing, and
just print debug about when your finger is down... I think that will
shed some light on the issue.  You could also just capture the
touchdown, record it's startTime, and if you haven't received an event
in some delta (probably like 50ms?) assume you should stop the

Good Luck.

On Jul 21, 2:50 am, billconan wrote:
 Hello everyone.

 I'm working on a simple game: when you press a button on the screen, a
 character will run to certain direction.

 it's easy to support keyboard input. but, some phone doesn't go with a
 keyboard or even no a track ball. so I decided to draw a virtual run
 key on the screen (with opengl). when the user press the virtual key,
 i apply a velocity to the character. and when the user release the
 key, i disable the velocity to stop the character.

 but there seems to be some touch event noisy.

 if my finger cannot press still, i will see millions of touch down and
 touch up events, instead of a single long pressing. and occasionally,
 my program captured the touch down  event when i touch the screen, but
 didn't capture touch up event. so my character will keep moving, even
 no finger is on the screen.

 I'm wondering if there is some way to reduce the touch event noisy and
 tell if the user is currently pressing on the screen, instead of only
 getting an event when touch up and down happen.

 it seems the system ui can detect long pressing, for example when you
 put a finger on one item of the list view widget, the entire item
 turns to orange.

 i just don't know how to detect pressing in my opengl game.


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[android-developers] Re: Widget update problem

2010-07-21 Thread Matty
How are you delaying 5 seconds, and what operation are you doing once
that 5 seconds is complete?  Could it be taking more than 5 seconds,
thus slowly building up the number of processes that are running?

On Jul 21, 5:32 am, NightGospel wrote:
 Hi all,

 I wrote one widget that updates per 5-seconds and I found that if it's
 run for a period of time, will occupy almost 100%
 cpu. Could somebody give me suggestions or help?
 Thanks in advance.


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[android-developers] Re: how to get function call trace on android phones?

2010-07-21 Thread Matty
Can't you put a breakpoint (in eclipse) at the function you want
information about, then just run the code?  When you hit a breakpoint,
eclipse should show you a call stack.

On Jul 14, 2:44 am, Shuo Deng wrote:
 Does anybody know how can I get the build-in function call trace on Android


 2010/7/14 Shuo


  I want to know which functions are called when I am running apps on
  android phones. Does anyone know how can I get the function call
  traces? Is there anything similar to the 'Detour' for windows?

  Thanks a lot!


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[android-developers] Re: Detecting lock_layer timed out

2010-07-21 Thread Matty
Thanks for the quick response Dianne.

I have an activity that uses OpenGL, and if I rotate  at just the
right time, the log prints

W/SurfaceComposerClient(  749): lock_layer timed out (is the CPU
pegged?) layer=2, lcblk=0x420d0120, state=000e (was 000e)

I basically don't want the Activity to hang.  I'm using a plain

There are 2 activities involved. A,B.  B is started from A using
startActivityForResult, and is translucent.  On rotate, both finish,
and then I start A (which might work) which then starts an intent for
B.  If I rotate at the right time, I see the message above, and
sometimes Activity A draws properly, but usually not quite (only draws
some of the screen, or a rotated version of the opposite orientation),
and it seems like B is somehow blocked because of the message above.
Activity B has the GLSurfaceView.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

On Jul 21, 9:22 am, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
 What problem is this causing you that you are trying to fix?

 On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 5:47 AM, Matty wrote:
  I have looked through many posts on this issue, and I've concluded
  that there's not much I can do to prevent it... I am able to reproduce
  this error when repeatedly rotating an Activity that uses OpenGL.

  W/SurfaceComposerClient(  749): lock_layer timed out (is the CPU
  pegged?) layer=2, lcblk=0x420d0120, state=000e (was 000e)

  For reference:
  I'm calling GLSurfaceView.onPause() and onResume() on activity pause
  and resume...

  My question is:
  Can I detect this error in my java code, so I can try to do something
  extra to correct it?
  Is there an ErrorListener, or an object I can access to find out about
  when this occurs? I have tried
  ((EGL10) EGLContext.getEGL()).eglGetError();
  but does not report an error.  I'm guessing I'd need some sort of
  Surface object?

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 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Detecting lock_layer timed out

2010-07-21 Thread Matty
My OpenGL stuff seems to draw just fine until some rotate (this is
most reproducible if you rotate back and forth with about a second

Note that Activity B is singleTop

Here's a log from the normal startup:
I/System.out(17209): Activity A:onCreate()
I/System.out(17209): Start Activity B from Activity A
I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onCreate()
I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onResume()

When I rotate and things are fine:
I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onPause()
I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onDestroy()
I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onCreate()
I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onResume()
I/System.out(17209): Activity A:onCreate()
I/System.out(17209): Start Activity B from Activity A
I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onPause()
I/System.out(17209): Activity B:onResume()

So it's actually restoring B before re-creating activity A... But then
A resumes B...  I think it's doing B-then-A because A is shown through
the translucent activity B? For normal cases this works fine...

I was able to reproduce the issue by rotating back and forth
repeatedly...  I sort of had to do it while the screen stayed grey, so
I'm not sure exactly when the problem started, but I'm seeing
something useful from the log:
I/System.out(17910): Start Activity B from Activity A
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onPause()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onResume()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onPause()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onDestroy()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onCreate()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onResume()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onPause()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onDestroy()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onCreate()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onResume()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onPause()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onDestroy()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onCreate()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onResume()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onPause()
I/System.out(17910): Activity B:onDestroy()

It looks like when you rotate that fast, Android doesn't even get to
tell anything to Activity A!  Somehow it got lost, and after that, I
see continuing messsages of:
W/SurfaceComposerClient(17910): lock_layer timed out (is the CPU
pegged?) layer=2, lcblk=0x420d0120, state=000e (was 000e)

Is there any way around this? Am I being to mean with my rotations?

On Jul 21, 1:12 pm, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
 Have you made sure your SurfaceView UI is actually drawing regularly, and
 especially redrawing itself as soon as possible with the new size?

 On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Matty wrote:
  Thanks for the quick response Dianne.

  I have an activity that uses OpenGL, and if I rotate  at just the
  right time, the log prints

  W/SurfaceComposerClient(  749): lock_layer timed out (is the CPU
  pegged?) layer=2, lcblk=0x420d0120, state=000e (was 000e)

  I basically don't want the Activity to hang.  I'm using a plain

  There are 2 activities involved. A,B.  B is started from A using
  startActivityForResult, and is translucent.  On rotate, both finish,
  and then I start A (which might work) which then starts an intent for
  B.  If I rotate at the right time, I see the message above, and
  sometimes Activity A draws properly, but usually not quite (only draws
  some of the screen, or a rotated version of the opposite orientation),
  and it seems like B is somehow blocked because of the message above.
  Activity B has the GLSurfaceView.

  Any advice is greatly appreciated.

  On Jul 21, 9:22 am, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
   What problem is this causing you that you are trying to fix?

   On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 5:47 AM, Matty wrote:
I have looked through many posts on this issue, and I've concluded
that there's not much I can do to prevent it... I am able to reproduce
this error when repeatedly rotating an Activity that uses OpenGL.

W/SurfaceComposerClient(  749): lock_layer timed out (is the CPU
pegged?) layer=2, lcblk=0x420d0120, state=000e (was 000e)

For reference:
I'm calling GLSurfaceView.onPause() and onResume() on activity pause
and resume...

My question is:
Can I detect this error in my java code, so I can try to do something
extra to correct it?
Is there an ErrorListener, or an object I can access to find out about
when this occurs? I have tried
((EGL10) EGLContext.getEGL()).eglGetError();
but does not report an error.  I'm guessing I'd need some sort of
Surface object?

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[android-developers] Re: Using a Handler in this code?

2010-07-20 Thread Matty
I'm not sure why you can't just use a thread (no handler)?

If you do need a handler, you can just create a new runnable, and post
it to the handler with something like:

new Handler().post(new Runnable(){
public void run(){
image = new GLCamTest().extractimage(q);

(Obviously, the code above isn't perfect, but hopefully it helps);

On Jul 20, 9:28 am, Aidan C wrote:
 Hey guys,

 I've got 2 classes `GLLayer` and `GLCamTest`. I'm attempting to run a
 method located in `GLCamTest`...

             public Bitmap extractimage(int pos){
                 LocationData tweets;
                 tweets = new LocationData(this);
             SQLiteDatabase db = tweets.getWritableDatabase();
                 //select the data
             String query = SELECT * FROM tweets;;
             Cursor mcursor = db.rawQuery(query, null);
             //Move to Position specified.

                 //get it as a ByteArray
                 byte[] imageByteArray=mcursor.getBlob(7);
                 //the cursor is not needed anymore

                 //convert it back to an image
                 ByteArrayInputStream imageStream = new
                 Bitmap theImage = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream);
                 return theImage;

 I'm looking to run in on a thread from `GLLayer` but from what I
 understand I need a Handler..

                 public void run() {
                 GLCamTest cam = new GLCamTest();
         image = cam.extractimage(q);


 I'm starting the Thread from within `public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl)
 {` my question is how would I implement said handler? I've 
 read I
 still don't really understand how I'd implement it. could someone help
 me out?

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[android-developers] Re: Where is source code (or git file) for ContactsContract.QuickContact

2010-07-16 Thread Matty
I see ContactsContract here:;a=blob;f=core/java/android/provider/

But I don't see a QuickContact...

On Jul 15, 5:33 pm, Agus wrote:
 Hi all,

 What is the .git file corresponding to ContactsContract.QuickContact class?


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[android-developers] Re: debugging just the apk file

2010-07-15 Thread Matty
As a developer, I often find it useful enough if I get a logcat dump
with a crash or bug.

More information can be found about 'adb logcat' here:

On Jul 14, 8:59 pm, rahul jain wrote:
 Hi there !

 I am not sure how is this possible ?. But we would like to debug the
 apk files without having the source code (source code lies with
 developers).  But if something breaks I would like to report it to the
 developers. We would like to report the crash logs and the normal info
 about the app.


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[android-developers] Re: Button pressed color

2010-07-14 Thread Matty
What are your custom buttons?  Why not make them extend the Button
class so you inherit the default behavior?  I have created some
default buttons, but I only did so to selectively override default

Try inspecting (new Button(this)).getBackground();

and see if that helps you.

On Jul 14, 8:52 am, Ajay wrote:
    Is there a way I could get the color that is used when a button is
 pressed? I know that the button uses a default selector xml that
 consists of the pressed image. But, I am having some custom buttons
 for which I want it to be close to the default image used for pressed

 Thank you,

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[android-developers] Re: Force an Application to be alive

2010-07-13 Thread Matty
I believe you might want to use a service.

On Jul 13, 3:49 am, perumal316 wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am writing an application to do fileobservation which can be done.
 Is there any way I can make the application to run in the background
 without killing it?

 Unless user restart the phone. Is there any way to do it?

 Thanks In Advance,

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[android-developers] Re: Button Long Click to increase Numeric Text View

2010-07-13 Thread Matty
I do something similar...

onLongClick - Start a thread/timer
in Timer/Thread - increment value, reschedule timer
onTouchListener.OnTouch() - detect MotionEvent.ACTION_UP and stop the

Hope that helps, sounds like you're on the right track.

On Jul 13, 5:48 am, Kris Skarbø wrote:
 Thanks for the response. But I forgot to mention the part that:
 I want the numeric to increase, say 1 value pr 1/2 sec, while I hold
 down the button.

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[android-developers] Re: Support ECIES encryption?

2010-07-13 Thread Matty
I don't think it's natively supported... But there's some sample java
code here:

Might not help, I think they use 3rd party libraries, but perhaps it's
a good place to get started.

On Jul 13, 5:58 am, ricos wrote:
 Does Java API of Android support the ECIES encryption?
 If it is, can anyone inform the reference or sample code for it?


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[android-developers] Re: Block Text

2010-07-13 Thread Matty
I'm not exactly sure why you would want to do this... What are you
doing with calls?  Maybe you can get away with turning off/disabling
all radios? (I don't know how feasible this is).

Maybe you just want to block the notifications, and not the actual

On Jul 12, 4:54 pm, ranjan ar wrote:
 I want to block incoming and outgoing Text (as well as email). I am using
 the broadcast receiver that is not blocking the text but its blocking the
 outgoing calls. Can some one help me. Thank you.

 Here is the piece of code that blocks the SMS.
 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
         String actionType = intent.getAction();

           if ((actionType.equals(Intent.ACTION_SEND)))
                      setResultData(null);   // I tried
 with abortBroadcast();  this didn't work either

 My androidmanifest has all the permissions required.

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[android-developers] Re: drawing lines on top of a image view

2010-07-13 Thread Matty
If you want to draw on top of an ImageView, I would extend it and
override it's onDraw method.  This provides you a [relative] canvas to
draw on.  Just be sure to call super.onDraw() if you want the image to
show up also.

On Jul 13, 11:23 am, Jags wrote:
 I am trying to put a background image and draw on top of that screen.
 I assumed activity will have a on draw method, but it does not have.
 it seems i need to use surfaceview. Can I put a surfaceview on top of
 the image view and make it transparent ? any example/tutorial i can
 refer to ?

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[android-developers] Re: OpenGL texture wrapping flickers. Why?

2010-07-09 Thread Matty
I was able to solve this...

I was calling the texture wrapping code on every draw, right before I
bound the texture.  Now, I set the texture parameters when the
textures are generated, and I don't need to specify wrapping every
time I draw a shape... No more flicker, and the code is probably more

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[android-developers] Re: Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen not working when other activities use a custom title?

2010-07-09 Thread Matty
I found the solution here:

It's basically: Add the following to your activity:

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[android-developers] Re: How to define some smart layout?

2010-07-09 Thread Matty
This simple layout seems to work for me:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
android:layout_weight=1 /
android:layout_height=wrap_content /

On Jul 9, 5:35 am, Jeruliu wrote:
 I will have a list view on the top and a button on the bottom in the

 Regardless the height of the list view i would like to fix the button
 position on the bottom all the time.

 If the list view is too long then make it scrollable.

 How to do this? thanks.

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[android-developers] OpenGL texture wrapping flickers. Why?

2010-07-07 Thread Matty
I'm drawing 5 rectangles with OpenGL.  They are texture mapped, and
use the following parameters/binding:




I then draw them like this:


gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, smallTexBuffer);
gl.glDrawElements(GL10.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, VERTS,


When I start the activity, the shapes all flash as if the textures
were supposed to wrap (ie, i see more than one texture per shape),
then the screen quickly corrects itself.

Is there some manual buffering I'm supposed to do while the textures
get mapped and unwrapped?

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[android-developers] Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen not working when other activities use a custom title?

2010-07-07 Thread Matty
My test involves 2 Activities, one with a GridView, and one with a
ListView.  The GridView is defined as Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen
and works great on first launch.

The ListView defines a custom title bar using:

The app starts and you are presented with a GridView.  For simplicity
I added one item:

If you click the item you go to a ListView:

Now when I click back I'm back at the first Activity.  If I press
up on the dpad I can scroll up:

Is this because of the custom title? Can anyone give me advice to
avoid this?

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[android-developers] Re: Smooth Image Rotation with Gesture Control?

2010-07-07 Thread Matty
You should be able to override onDraw, and draw the bitmap using
something like:

canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, matrix, paint)

I haven't used drawBitmap with a matrix before, but you can check out
some more info here:

You should be able to use a GestureDetector to control when it spins,

It might be easier to do this in OpenGL, but I think it's definitely
possible with just Canvas if you're not familiar with OpenGL.

Hope that helps.

On Jul 5, 11:49 pm, ocdtrekkie wrote:
 Ah crud, now I feel fairly stupid.  ;)  People responded and I didn't
 see it and posted a seperate request.  I'm gonna upload the design
 document for it, I've got the UI designed, I just can't figure out
 how to program it so it will behave right.  I've read a lot of
 examples/tutorials/help things regarding image rotation, but I haven't
 seen anything that's the same sort of thing, even though I would
 imagine it's a fairly simple idea.

 This is only a portion of the UI, but it's the one I need help with.
 Basically I have a fancy circular image (it's a ring), and I want to
 situate it about there on the screen, and then let people rotate it
 with their finger.  (Only a certain portion of the ring will be
 visible on screen at a time, as you can see).  Looking at the
 different Layout formats though, I'm wondering if I have to go to
 OpenGL for something like this, or if it can be done without it.

 (Oh, TreKing, I just looked at your site... and I will use your app
 next time I go into the city for sure, I live in the Chicago suburbs,
 and public transit here baffles me.  ;) )

 On Jun 24, 10:38 am, TreKing wrote:

  On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:01 AM, ocdtrekkie wrote:
   Can anyone help get me started?  I can program all the logic I need for my
   program really well, I just need some help with designing the UI to 
   the way I want it to.

  What exactly do you expect us to do for you?
  How are we supposed to help you design a UI for your app?

  TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 

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[android-developers] Re: organizing the code

2010-07-07 Thread Matty
Well, as far as I can tell, the only error-handling you're doing in
that whole block is to set picvalues to an empty object if you get a
JSONException... If all you're going to do on Exception is log a
message, there's probably no reason to call out each Exception
seperately.  You can Log each step that might throw, and wrap the
whole method in a try/catch.  You'll still be able to pull out
specific types of Exceptions if you need to... Maybe something like

public void something() {
try {
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(id, picId));

InputStream content = null;
HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(;);

response = httpclient.execute(httpPost);
content = response.getEntity().getContent();

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line;
BufferedReader reader;

reader = new BufferedReader(new 

while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String pic_values = sb.toString();
try {
picvalues = new JSONArray(pic_values);
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
picvalues = new JSONArray(); // just 
so it's not null.
} catch (JSONException je) {
picvalues = new JSONArray();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, Exception: + e);

On Jul 7, 6:03 am, Pedro Teixeira wrote:
 I'm having a hard time keeping my code clean... mainlly because all
 the try's and catches...
 I'm simple doing an HTTP request on which the response is then
 converted to JSON Array.. but now it's a mess of {}'s .. is there
 anyway to agregate all this try and catches? The code really looks bad
 and unreadable like this...  and worst, it's executing correctly
 because I'm not finishing in the correct places..

 nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(id, picId));

                                         InputStream content = null;
                                         HttpClient httpclient = new 
                                         HttpPost httpPost = new 

                                         try {
 httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
                                         catch (UnsupportedEncodingException 
 e1) {
                                                                 // TODO 
 Auto-generated catch block
                                         try {
                                                                 response = 
                                         } catch (ClientProtocolException e1) {
                                                                 // TODO 
 Auto-generated catch block
                                         } catch (IOException e1) {
                                                                 // TODO 
 Auto-generated catch block
                                         try {
                                                                 content = 
                                         } catch (IllegalStateException e1) {
                                                                 // TODO 
 Auto-generated catch block
                                         } catch (IOException e1) {
                                                                 // TODO 
 Auto-generated catch block

[android-developers] Complete Newbie - Looking for some help :)

2010-05-12 Thread Matty Kyle
Hi there.

Well i decided today that I want to create a very simple app to
compliment my website at

I basically want to make a simple app with nice looking buttons,
leading to the different areas of help/tutorial, then work from there.

I have installed everything need, Eclipse etc and have made my first
hello world app in the process.

I am no stumped as to where to go next. So hoping for some friendly
advice :)



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