Hi Mark,

I had the very same issues this day and did exactly what you proposed.
The problem now was, that it is not possible to decode the alias via 
The only workaround seems to be: ((BitmapDrawable) 
But I need to load them in RGB565 format because they are quite large and 
they don't need to have alpha...

Do you know any way out of this dead end?

Thanks in advance,
Max Herberger - MAGIX AG

Am Sonntag, 4. Juli 2010 13:53:34 UTC+2 schrieb Mark Murphy:
> On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 7:31 AM, Tom Gibara <m...@tomgibara.com> wrote:
> > This is what I'm not clear on: suppose you have a UI design that calls 
> for
> > an ImageButton that fills approximately half the screen. The geometry is
> > easily defined by combining layout_weight and fill_parent etc. The image
> > displayed in the ImageButton will cover approximately the same number of
> > pixels on say both the Dell Streak and the Nexus One. So how do we 
> organize
> > our resources such that both of these phones will choose the same image
> > resource for the button, while at the same providing a smaller image for
> > devices such as the G1 (ie. a device that has far fewer pixels, but the
> > roughly same screen size as the Nexus One)?
> To get more concrete, and to roll this discussion back to Mr. Lebed's
> original questions, let's suppose you have one square icon, 250 pixels
> to a side, that you want to use on WVGA screens, and another square
> icon, 100 pixels to a side, you would like to use on HVGA screens.
> And, these logically are the same icon, so you want your layouts and
> Java code and whatever to refer to them as the same name.
> If so, by eyeball (i.e., haven't slung the code for this specific
> scenario), the following should work:
> Step #1: Put the 250px icon in res/drawable/ as icon_250px.png
> Step #2: Put the 100px icon in res/drawable/ as icon.png
> Step #3: Put a resource alias in res/drawable-large-mdpi/ as icon.xml,
> pointing to icon_250px.png
> (note to Mr. Lebed: one of your earlier problems was having your -mdpi
> and -large suffixes reversed -- they need to be in the order seen in
> Table #2 in the URL shown below)
> http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html
> Step #4: Put a resource alias in res/drawable-normal-hdpi/ as
> icon.xml, pointing to icon_250px.png
> From the standpoint of resolving resources, when Android encounters
> the @drawable/icon reference:
> -- A Dell Streak (a large, mdpi device) will choose the
> res/drawable-large-mdpi/ resource, which will reference the 250px
> image
> -- A Nexus One (a normal, hdpi device) will choose the
> res/drawable-normal-hdpi/ resource, which will reference the 250px
> image
> -- Devices that are not large/mdpi or normal/hdpi, like the G1, will
> choose the res/drawable/ resource, which is the 100px image
> -- 
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
> http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> Android Consulting: http://commonsware.com/consulting

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