[android-developers] Re: Developing on device(? is it possible)

2008-12-12 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Dec 13, 5:27 am, zero  wrote:
> i remember someone had a working on-device
> development app for android m5 (?)
> but what happened to that i don't know.

It was PowerGUI, the product is called PhoneIDE.  Not sure what the
current status is.
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[android-developers] Re: T-mobile G1 for testing purposes

2008-11-12 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Nov 13, 8:38 am, Ariosto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> as far as I know, the WCDMA bands usable by G1 are 1700 MHz and 2100
> MHz, so an unlocked G1 can operate in UMTS mode on every countries
> where the 3G service is allocated on one of those bands.

What are you basing your info on?  The FCC documents for the US G1
show it only being tested at 1700.


However, my understanding is the UK G1 operates on 2100 and, as you
pointed out, European releases of the G1 will also operate on 2100.

Can anyone confirm or deny if US G1s are dual band WCDMA i.e. has
anyone used a US G1 on a 2100 network?
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[android-developers] Re: Create Drawable and Store Resource from Bitmap

2008-11-04 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

> How do I convert and store the bm object so that I can reference it
> with a drawable
> integer id ?

You are getting confused between Drawable objects and static resources
stored under drawable.  If you need a Drawable Bitmap use
BitmapDrawable.  Otherwise if your image is stored in the drawable
directory then there will be an id for it in the R file.

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[android-developers] Re: Simple Level App

2008-11-04 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

All you have to do is reverse the rotation e.g rotate by -rotateMe
after you have drawn the rotated image and then all subsequent draws
will be non rotated.

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[android-developers] Re: SImple Draw Program --Advice Needed

2008-11-02 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Nov 3, 12:23 am, joshbeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, this keeps the background and draws a circle on top of it when I
> touch the screen.
> Question: How do you think I might get it to keep the old circles when
> I draw new ones.
> Right now when I click the canvas is completely redrawn and the first
> circle I created is lost.

You are losing the old circles because (I assume) you are clearing the
screen when you draw the mBitmap.  However, that is a pretty normal
thing to do in your onDraw.  If you want to draw the previous circles
you need to remember their coordinates in some kind of data structure
and then iterate over that structure and draw all the circles.

Have a look here:  
for some details about collections in Java.  Something like ArrayList
will work for you and be easy to implement.  If you move to this
approach then in the onDraw you add a new object (maybe a Point) to
the ArrayList and then in the onDraw iterate over your ArrayList and
draw all the circles.  In this case you won't need your ZZ flag any
more but for future reference a boolean would have been a better data
type for your flag.

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[android-developers] Re: SImple Draw Program --Advice Needed

2008-11-02 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

I'd say it crashes because mCanvas is null when you call draw2.  How
did you expect mCanvas to be instantiated?

Even so - the correct approach is to call invalidate on your view and
use the canvas object that gets passed in to the onDraw.  So in your
onTouchEvent you probably want to store the x and y coordinates and
set a flag to indicate the user has touched the screen.  Then call
invalidate on your view - this will cause onDraw to be called at some
later time.  Then in your onDraw you can check your flag and if it is
set then draw the circle at the coordinates you stored in the
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[android-developers] Re: GTalk (XMPP) service, ADC, android market and wasted months

2008-11-01 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

r a f t wrote:

> now i really WONDER if using GTalk service was a hidden judging
> criteria. i assume at the time of ADC round 1 google had plans to
> remove GTalk service from api and cannot afford giving prize to an
> application which wont work on the actual device ! are there any
> finalist appllications using GTalk service ?

No - it was not a hidden judging criteria.  Plenty of projects in the
top ADC 50 were planning on using GTalk they just had to adapt.
Similarly the removal of video recording, bluetooth APIs, speech
recognition, javax.sound and I'm sure other things impacted many
projects.  That is life on the bleeding edge.
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[android-developers] Re: Installing large .apk file to Android

2008-10-23 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Oct 24, 1:54 am, "Justin (Google Employee)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Remember, mobile networks are slow, and how many of your users with
> want to wait for a 10MB application to download?

Based on the iPhone App Store's sales lots of people want apps greater
than 10Mb - as an example Spore Origins is 80Mb.  Apple's approach of
forcing > 10 Mb downloads to be done over WiFi seems reasonable to
me.  The bulk of these big games is media assets like music and video
so downloading those assets and storing them on the SD card is
feasible, however, I'd like to see Android offer better support for
this.  For example allow an associated directory to be established on
the SD card so that when the user deletes or backs up the application
the associated directory on the SD card is also deleted or backed up.
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[android-developers] Re: How to change the ringtone of the phone

2008-10-15 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Oct 16, 1:21 pm, guru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello,
> I need to know whether there is any way the ringtone of the phone can
> be changed programatically.If yes,please could any one help me on
> this.

Check out RingsExtended in the apps-for-android project
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[android-developers] Re: Need advice for implementation "best practices" for multi-level game

2008-10-09 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Oct 9, 9:40 pm, "Ewan Grantham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That sounds like a reasonable idea. I presume that since it's a different
> view I'd still have to do it as a separate activity that I would "launch"
> when I was in the STATE_WIN state? Is there a good tutorial or example out
> there you could point me to for setting up that type of WebView?

There is a WebView demo in the apps-for-android project.


It is fairly straightforward to use though, once you know how to load
the content from the assets directory.

It is not necessary to have another Activity, you could swap the
current View depending upon the state your game is in.  You can use
something like the State design pattern to swap the behavior of the
Activity depending upon the state but be careful of over designing - a
simple switch statement may suffice.

In your case it doesn't sound like you want the user to be able to go
back so probably a single Activity is best, however, if you are
considering in game help then you could potentially use the same
WebView approach but in that case you do want the user to be able to
go back to the game so another Activity may be best.

Sorry I haven't given you anything definitive but the solution really
depends on your game.
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[android-developers] Re: Need advice for implementation "best practices" for multi-level game

2008-10-08 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

For your explanatory pages you could consider using a WebView to
display CSS styled HTML text, you can even incorporate images.  I
think this would make your game look more "gamey" and also make it
easier to port to other platforms if you ever want to.
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[android-developers] Re: Trouble opening a raw resource

2008-10-06 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Oct 7, 1:07 am, kelseywright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> com.l1ghtm4n.text2speech.R     <- this is the one I was importing as
> it contains the raw.myfilename for the file I am trying to open.  This
> R file does include the line "package com.l1ghtm4n.text2speech;".

Is com.l1ghtm4n.text2speech your project?  It sounds like you are
trying to import the resources from another project.  If so that is a
bit trickier than just opening a raw resource and you should have
mentioned that initially.  I suggest breaking the problem down.  First
try to open a resource from your own project by importing the R file
for your project and make sure your R file is not in the default

As Peter has indicated, using resources is normally trivial.

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[android-developers] Re: Trouble opening a raw resource

2008-10-05 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Oct 6, 11:07 am, kelseywright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is where I am n00bish. I don't know what it even means by package
> the R file is created in - I think I don't know enough about the R
> files.  I mean, this file is in a package in my source tree. Is it
> meanign that package? Or is it something else?

At the top of the R.java file what it the name of the package?  The R
file is automatically created but also double check you don't have
multiple R files in your project possibly because you refactored at
some stage.
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[android-developers] Re: Trouble opening a raw resource

2008-10-05 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

What package is your R file being created in?
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[android-developers] Re: Developing in C\C++ for Android

2008-10-04 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

This open source project may be of interest.  It is from a Googler and
uses some native code which indicates some limited application of C/C+
+ MAY be possible:


@dal - Google have always said source will be available when devices
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[android-developers] Re: Rotating an image using Drawable

2008-10-03 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Try rotating the canvas.
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[android-developers] Re: I need a favor please from someone who has Real HTC Device (new androind GPhone)....

2008-10-02 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Oct 3, 10:31 am, "Andrew Stadler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also be careful when running the monkey on your "real" device;  The monkey
> can be very mischievous and do all sorts of unexpected things like texting
> your girlfriend or deleting your contacts.

LOL.  I love the monkey.  I'm still waiting for him to type some
Shakespeare though.
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[android-developers] Re: OpenGL ES documentation/tutorial suggestions

2008-10-02 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

I would recommend the book "Mobile 3D Graphics with OpenGL ES and M3G"
by Karri Pulli and others.  You may not be interested in the M3G stuff
but the book is worth it for the introductory 3D and OpenGL ES
coverage.  This book was also recommended by the developer of the
Oolong 3D engine for the iPhone which is based on OpenGL ES.

You should also check out the AndroidGlobalTime and SpriteText
examples under the Apps For Android project.  These are full of useful

Once the devices are released I expect there will be more information
forthcoming such as which bits of OpenGL ES 1.1 are supported as well
as recommendations for best performance.
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[android-developers] Re: Working with Images

2008-09-30 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

If I understand your question correctly you just want:

Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap source, int x, int y, int width, int

where source will be your 1500x1500 bitmap, x and y are the top left
of the sub image and width and height are the width and height of the
sub image.

Memory could be an issue though particularly if you are going to keep
a lot of sub images in memory.  Don't forget that you can draw sub
sections of an image to a canvas using clipping so maybe you don't
need to create a new sub image.

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[android-developers] Re: Orientation changes simulation

2008-08-31 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

You can rotate the emulator with the keypad 7 + 9 keys.  That works
for switching between portrait and landscape orientations.
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[android-developers] Re: MediaPlayer in 0.9?

2008-08-31 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Where are you storing the file?  There is a change with the
MediaPlayer where it can't open files in the application's data area
for security reasons.  The application must open the file and use a
FileDescriptor version of setSource.  Not sure if this is your problem
but thought I'd mention it just in case, a quick test is to see if
everything works when you store the file on the SD card.
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[android-developers] Re: Developing a 2D game on Android

2008-08-28 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Thanks Romain.  I must admit to thinking that is some damn tricky
stuff to pull off, I look forward to seeing it eventually.

Back to the drawing board for me.
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[android-developers] Re: Developing a 2D game on Android

2008-08-28 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

What is happening with the FEATURE_OPENGL flag?  The docs still
indicate it will allow 2D APIs to be hardware accelerated.  Is this
being dropped for 1.0?

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[android-developers] Re: AndroidGL - 0.4

2008-08-19 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

That was quick!  Thanks Brendan.
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[android-developers] Re: .9 SDK Questions

2008-08-19 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Aug 20, 9:54 am, tberthel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Will the MediaPlayer work with inputstream for the final 1.0 version?

In the read me for 0.9 it says this will not be possible in 1.0.
There is an issue in the issue tracker related to this.
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[android-developers] Re: Open GL Tutorial problem

2008-07-16 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Jul 17, 11:54 am, Claudio Veas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thanks for the answer It definitely was the version I thougth I had
> downloaded the last one but it wasnt. Any way thanks a lot.
> Claudio Veas

No problems.  An easy solution - my favourite type!
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[android-developers] Re: Open GL Tutorial problem

2008-07-16 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Brendan posted a version of his tutorials for m5.  See here:

I don't recall having any problems with it.  I certainly didn't need
to modify the code.  Are you sure you have the correct version of the
tutorial code?

If you do have the correct version then it will help to see the output
from logcat when the crash happens.
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[android-developers] Re: Scale or zoom bitmap...

2008-07-15 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Jul 16, 12:02 pm, Wesley Sagittarius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all,
> I would like to ask anyone know how to scale/zoom bitmap before paint
> it out???

You apply the transformation to the canvas before drawing the bitmap.
I find the scale(float sx, float sy, float px, float py) method the
easiest to use as you can set a pivot point for the scale.

There are methods for saving and restoring the state of the canvas so
you can restore the canvas state to stop subsequent draws having the
transformation applied.  Alternatively you can apply the reverse
transformation after you have drawn your bitmap.

If you are doing scaling and rotating you may also want to play with
the setBitmapFilter and setAntiAlias flags on the Paint object to get
better quality.
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[android-developers] Re: Golfzilla

2008-07-08 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

> It is good Idea!
> We support Golf on Country at Final Release.

Awesome.  I'm looking forward to it.
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[android-developers] Re: Golfzilla

2008-07-06 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Very cool, I will want this for my phone.

Could you make fantasy golf courses around cities for example?  It
would be great to play a golf game around New York or Paris.
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[android-developers] Re: Looking for Mobile Social Software Apps on Android

2008-07-03 Thread Steve Oldmeadow


Virtual world social app.  Not sure if it is MoSoSo maybe ViWoSoSo or
MoViWoSoSo.  Whatever it is its damn cool.

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[android-developers] Re: Problems with WebView

2008-07-03 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

There is a search function.

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[android-developers] Re: Check within App whether running on Android platform?

2008-06-24 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

> How about checking if we are running on Delvik VM or Sun Java VM ?
> Is there anyway to query a property that distinguish one VM from the
> other?

In that case it must be two different binaries so the simplest
approach is to differentiate the binaries in some way that can be
examined at run time.  For example, a property or conditionally
compiled constant.

In Java ME another common approach is to look for the existence of
system properties or classes that only exist in the platform you are
searching for.  For example:

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[android-developers] Re: Help on porting with ME4Android

2008-06-18 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Jun 19, 10:03 am, Lex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Steve for the links.
> How sure is the fact that InnaWorks is working on an Android porting ?

It is just a rumour but an Android solution should be much simpler to
create than their iPhone and BREW products.

> And what about external libraries ? I mean could I still use them and
> they'll  be ported on Android ?

Not sure but you could try decompiling the external libraries.
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[android-developers] Re: Help on porting with ME4Android

2008-06-17 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Not ME4Android but here is a solution, haven't tried it but it sounds


These guys are working on a ME -> Android porting tool:


I've also heard rumours that these guys are working on a tool for


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[android-developers] Re: How to modify the menu ?

2008-06-17 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Look at the onPrepareOptionsMenu method of Activity.
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[android-developers] Re: Google PLEASE don't let Android to dye

2008-06-11 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Jun 11, 10:18 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for my English Anil.
> @Steve - and what after that ? What we saw in that movie is everything
> we already knew from the SDK, and that "thing with phone rotation" is
> cool, but not so surprising - yet.

The phone rotation thing is being done with a compass, rotating the
street view is only the tip of the iceberg of what a compass enables
you to do.

There was also the news of Android having the equivalent of an App
Store - that is big news.

> I really think that, Android's birth process is too slow :|
> What can you say about that ?

I'm sure nobody wants the birth as much as the Android engineers but
it is a very important birth and it needs to take as long as it
takes.  For us bystanders it may appear too slow but we just need to
be patient.

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[android-developers] Re: Google PLEASE don't let Android to dye

2008-06-11 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

> I love what you bring out so far,
> i have worked on an app for the challenge, but there are 2 months with
> no sign: no new public SDK, no news, no nothing.

Do you know about Google IO?  They demoed Android on hardware around 2
weeks ago.  Pretty big news if you ask me.

The street view with compass demo has got lots of people saying "wow
this is cool".

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[android-developers] Re: Help on porting

2008-06-10 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Jun 10, 3:34 pm, Lex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I didnt get it. The author hasnt released his application yet right ?
> Any guess when he will ?

I didn't think it was released.  I remember the author saying
something about releasing the source when the Android source is

If you are expecting an answer from the developer of ME4Android then I
suggest you change the subject of this thread to something like "Help
on porting with ME4Android".
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[android-developers] Re: Help on porting

2008-06-09 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Where did you get ME4Android from?
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[android-developers] Re: New Resource Files

2008-06-04 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

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[android-developers] Re: BitmapFactory.decodeFile

2008-06-04 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Jun 4, 5:54 pm, reznic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I try to load image from:
> res/drawable/icon.png
> Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("res/drawable/icon.png");
> result: bitmap is null
> why?

Because you passed in an invalid path.

If you put the image under res/drawable then you use the
decodeResource(Resources res, int id) method.  You get the resource id
from you R class which is automatically generated by the development
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[android-developers] Re: Smooth image scaling

2008-06-01 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Have you turned antialiasing on in the paint object?
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[android-developers] Re: Can one play a ByteArrayInputStream audio with MediaPlayer?

2008-06-01 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

@blindfold.  I remember seeing some people posting about converting
FreeTTS to work in Android and having some success rendering the
spoken text to a wave file that they could play in Android.

Maybe you should speak with these people as it sounds like you have
some common interests.

Is there any reason you have to use a ByteArrayInputStream?  I assume
you just want the ability to synthesize an audio stream on the fly?

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[android-developers] Re: Can one play a ByteArrayInputStream audio with MediaPlayer?

2008-06-01 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

>    http://www.seeingwithsound.com/midlet.htm
> which is why I am investigating if a port to Android would be
> possible, and was surprised by its current API limitations.

Your app looks great.  I'm sure a port will be possible but you may
have to use javax.sound instead of MediaPlayer.  I wouldn't judge
Android by the current state of its API.

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[android-developers] Re: Can one play a ByteArrayInputStream audio with MediaPlayer?

2008-05-31 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Android also includes javax.sound but it is not implemented yet.

How many Java ME phones can do this?  Even though the spec. may
support it implementation is another story.

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[android-developers] Re: How would you like your app marketed?

2008-05-30 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Look at this story on engadgetmobile.  Someone with a keen eye noticed
the Market icon on the demo phone.  The icon is a shopping bag with
the bug droid on the side.

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[android-developers] Re: Can Andoid mobil software

2008-05-14 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On May 15, 3:37 am, HTC-Phone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can Android Mobile Software drive on a HTC S710?
> Im sorry my English is not very good. :-)
> /Danish\
> Kan Android Mobil Software køre på en HTC S710?
> Jeg over vejer lidt at køre det..

Check Youtube.  I have seen videos of Android running on at least two
different HTC devices but I'm not up on HTC model numbers.
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[android-developers] Re: New to Programing and Android

2008-05-12 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

My suggestion is start with Java ME.  You will learn about Java and
developing for resource constrained devices - both of which are
essential knowledge for Android development.

After 6 months of 2 hours per day Java ME you will be ready for
Android which will hopefully, by that time, have stable APIs and

I am basing my suggestion on you saying this is a hobby.  You can get
into Java ME development very cheaply and I think a beginner hobbyist
will find it more satisfying seeing their code run on a real phone.
There is also an abundance of learning material aimed at beginners for
Java ME.

On the other hand, if you have another agenda for learning Android
such as a killer idea for ADC 2 then disregard what I said ;)

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[android-developers] Re: Tiled Drawable

2008-04-12 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

> Has anyone succeeded in using Shaders ?
> Do they Work ?

Yes, I'm using a shader for tiling bitmaps in my view background.  I
also got a ComposeShader working to apply a gradient across my
background.  The thread below might help:

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[android-developers] Re: bitmap image changed. but why?

2008-04-09 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Apr 9, 1:42 pm, Gibson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
>    Thanks for you advice. But i think there is no need to synchronize
> the bitmap. Because onCreate() method and onDraw() method won't strive
> for bitmap(I don't know whether you understand what i mean. English is
> not my mother language.) So I think there won't be two thread to deal
> with bitmap. Any Google guys can give me some advice? Thanks very much
> for any advice.
> BR

I understand you.  I was thinking the onDraw could be called by two
different threads, even though there is only supposed to be one UI
thread (you probably aren't supposed to put that thread to sleep
either ;) ).  It would only take a minute to test a synchronized block
on the bitmap where you call the get and set pixels - if that doesn't
change things then you know it is not a thread issue.
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[android-developers] Re: bitmap image changed. but why?

2008-04-08 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

> So i create the Bitmap with the Config.ARGB_. But the result the
> same. Pixel changed. It is quite strange.

When strange things happen I always look at threading issues.  Your
onDraw code is not re-entrant.  You could try making your onDraw re-
entrant or synchronising access to the bitmap.
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[android-developers] Re: Eclipse hangs when launching program file.. AGAIN !

2008-04-01 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Mar 26, 3:48 pm, wonderoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone found a fix for this yet?

I noticed that it only happened for me when my application was in the
foreground on the emulator.  Now I always make sure I press the home
key before rerunning my application.  Haven't had this problem since
I've been doing that but I may just be lucky.
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[android-developers] Re: canvas outside of onDraw()

2008-03-29 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

> Although now I'm having a problem of not being able to receive
> onKeyDown messages for some reason! Probably because I need to check
> input during my thread. any ideas/thoughts?

You need to make the SurfaceView focusable.  I do this in the


and this in the View:


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[android-developers] Re: canvas outside of onDraw()

2008-03-28 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Is it a real time game?  If so I'd suggest using a SurfaceView, you
can grab a canvas from the SurfaceHolder and draw to it when you
like.  You can tick your game from a Handler.

Alternatively you could draw into a Bitmap and then just draw the
Bitmap in the onDraw().
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[android-developers] Re: LogCat window doesn't work

2008-03-27 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

What about from the command line/shell?  e.g type "adb logcat"
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[android-developers] Re: Graphics performance

2008-03-27 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

> It's full screen (with no status bars) at whatever the default
> resolution of the emulator is --- 320x480 seems about right. The texture
> is the same size. I may have to compromise slightly on performance for a
> real product, because GLES says you can only have powers-of-two texture
> sizes, so I'd probably either have to upload a 512x512 texture every
> frame, or else upload multiple smaller textures and tesselate. Annoying
> and inefficient, either way. But for now, the non-standard texture size
> seems to work fine.

Yeah, the HVGA emulator is 320x480 which means a 512x512 texture.
That is a fair chunk of data to send to the GPU every frame.  It will
be interesting to see how it would perform on a real device but as an
approach to getting decent frame rates out of the emulator it sounds
pretty good.
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[android-developers] Re: loadFromXML causes InvalidPropertiesFormatException

2008-03-27 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Where are you putting the properties XML?  Don't forget Android
processes XML in res/xml into a binary format, you need to put it in
res/raw or assets to treat it as XML.

Personally I find working with Android's binary format XML easier.
The AttributeSet class is really handy for processing your XML.
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[android-developers] Re: Graphics performance

2008-03-27 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

> I'm now doing this... and am getting 40-50fps full screen! Which I think
> is quite reasonable; frame locked to 20fps or so, it should provide
> plenty of CPU time to run the game in.
> Oddly enough, the fastest GL texture format is RGB_5_5_5_1. RGB_5_6_5,
> which is what I would intuitively expect to be the fastest, gives about
> 30fps.

That is very promising.  Is this at 240x320 or 320x480?  What are your
texture dimensions?


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[android-developers] Re: New AndroidGL Tutorials Posted

2008-03-25 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

Thanks a lot Brendan.
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