[android-developers] Programmatically publishing app in GooglePlay / Way to automate???

2012-09-17 Thread frantz lohier
Dear All,

Publication of App to the Google play app store has massively an positively
evolve in past 3 years.

Part of it was the result of management of app and content payment, support
for device configuration or integration of advertisement (all good goals I

I've already released 5 apps in multiple languages now in the Market now
and for every upgrade, it take longer and longer to submit a new revision.

Is there a way to programmatically submit app updates at least, with a
command line error-code that would suggest human attention for resolution?


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[android-developers] Change in behavior of dialog windows since Android 4.x

2012-08-26 Thread frantz lohier
Dear All,

Since the arrival of Android 4.x, it looks like dialog windows that are
opened just before an activity goes into the pause state don't respond to
button anymore (i.e., OnClickListener does nothing after the activity is
paused while displaying a dialog). IS there anyone  else experiencing this?


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[android-developers] How to toggle the display of an activity dynamically

2012-08-16 Thread frantz lohier

I'd like my activity to start without any display and, based on some
criteria/user preference, revert back to displaying a UI/dialogue when
onCreate() is called.

After some research on the web, I found that the application manifest can
be easily set to force a none display theme with '
android:theme=@android:style/Theme.NoDisplay ' - and effectively, my
activity starts and nothing gets displayed.

What is not obvious is how to force a theme from onCreate() that will allow
me to see dialogues.

I've tried forcing a time  with setTheme() from onCreate() with an opaque
background but it did not work.

It's as if there's is no window manager that was ever initialized when the
manifest is set to Theme.NoDisplay.

I'd appreciate if anyone could help!


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Re: [android-developers] Prevent garbage collection for Broadcast receiver that are dynamically registered

2012-08-16 Thread frantz lohier
Thank you Mark - this was never very clear in any of the books I've bought
regarding Android programming or on Android website unfortunately.

My next question is as follows:

I've listed a receiver in the manifest as suggested pointing to the
following definition:

public class TESTWAKEUP extends BroadcastReceiver {

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
   Intent rerun=new Intent(context,MyApp.class);
   rerun.putExtra(fromstaticreceiver, parameter);

Now, for some reason, when my activity is brought back to the foreground by
the about receiver (which is triggered by a Service), it does not seem that
the extra parameter is ever receiver:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) //this is for MyApp
Intent argv=getIntent();
Bundle bundle = argv.getExtras();
String fromstaticreceiver=null;
if (bundle != null)
fromstaticreceiver = bundle.getString(fromstaticreceiver);
Log.d(here:, fromstaticreceiver= + fromstaticreceiver);
//always shows null for fromstaticreceiver

My question is:does getIntent() represent the argument of the intent that
originally started the activity or does it reflect intent in the system
that are forcing an activity to come to the foreground?

Many thanks for any feedback on this front.


On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.comwrote:

 On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 12:34 PM, frantz lohier floh...@gmail.com wrote:
  Question: is there a way to ensure that receiver are programmatically
  registered at run-time are not deallocated when an app goes in

 IMHO, a better implementation would be to register the receiver in the
 manifest, then use PackageManager and setComponentEnabledSetting() to
 control when it should and should not receive broadcasts. IMHO, a
 receiver registered via registerReceiver() from an activity should
 only be used for broadcasts while the activity is in the foreground.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
 http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
 http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 4.0 Available!

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[android-developers] Prevent garbage collection for Broadcast receiver that are dynamically registered

2012-08-15 Thread frantz lohier
Dear All,

I've developed an app  that registers a receiver in the onResume()

This receiver need not to be deallocated as it processes intent even when
my app is not running on the foreground.

For that reason, the receiver is not deregistered by onPause().

Now, when the app goes in background mode, I get a warning that the
receiver has leaked and, since the 4.1 update, the receiver seems to be
deallocated from memory (was not the case before).

Question: is there a way to ensure that receiver are programmatically
registered at run-time are not deallocated when an app goes in background?


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[android-developers] Picking up contacts: difference in behaviour between HTC and NexusOne - SDK 2.1-update1

2010-06-07 Thread frantz lohier

I wrote an app that invokes the contact manager in the following way:

Intent pickcontact = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, People.CONTENT_URI);
startActivityForResult(pickcontact, CONTACTPICKED);

I am experiencing 2 different behavior between HTC phones and the NexusOne,
all with firmware 2.1-update1.

Thanks work properly on the NexusOne (i.e., my application is getting access
to all my contact along the primary phone number of that contact list). On
HTC phones however (incredible and the hero), the list of contact I get
represents some sort of index as opposed to the actual contact name/phone

Am I missing anything ?


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[android-developers] Problem using the audiorecord API

2010-01-26 Thread frantz lohier
Hi All,

I'm writing an Activity that attempts to use the AudioRecord API. When I
invoke the setNotificationMarkerPosition, my activity crashes with the
following error message:

*java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to retrieve AudioRecord pointer for

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543): *Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable
to retrieve AudioRecord pointer for setPositionUpdatePeriod()*

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
android.media.AudioRecord.native_set_pos_update_period(Native Method)

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

The code snippet that triggers this bug is as follows:

AudioRecord audiorec = new AudioRecord(






//No exception is thrown and
audiorec seems to be valid





public void onMarkerReached(AudioRecord rec) {



public void onPeriodicNotification(AudioRecord rec) {




Thanks for anyone's feedback.

PS: the above code also fails when I try different sampling rate, channel

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[android-developers] Problem using the AudioRecord API

2010-01-18 Thread frantz lohier
Hi All,

I'm writing an Activity that attempts to use the AudioRecord API. When I
invoke the setNotificationMarkerPosition, my activity crashes with the
following error message:

*java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to retrieve AudioRecord pointer for

E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543): *Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable
to retrieve AudioRecord pointer for setPositionUpdatePeriod()*
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
android.media.AudioRecord.native_set_pos_update_period(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 4543):at

The code snippet that triggers this bug is as follows:

AudioRecord audiorec = new AudioRecord(

//No exception is thrown and
audiorec seems to be valid


public void onMarkerReached(AudioRecord rec) {

public void onPeriodicNotification(AudioRecord rec) {

Thanks for anyone's help (my thirst for noetic stimulation has some limits
and I am giving up :) ).

PS: the above code also fails when I try different sampling rate, channel
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[android-developers] Invoking the default Alarm clock app as ways for Apps to receive a intent at scheduled time

2010-01-16 Thread frantz lohier
Dear All,

Is there a way for an App to invoke the default Alarm Clock application and
receive a intent at a given time for specific functions to be activated.

I understand the the AlarmManager can be used for this sort of purpose but
I'm trying to leverage the complete alarmclock GUI framework that allows
users to set the time of an alarm, activate/deactivate them, etc  (as
implemented in the default alarmclock application package and the
setalarm.java file for example).

Any body know if this is possible ?

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[android-developers] Continous Audio recording in memory

2010-01-16 Thread frantz lohier
Dear All, I'm writing an App that needs to continuously record audio in
memory and email the last 30 seconds of audio when required. Much of the
mediarecorder API is designed to store linear audio in files. Could anybody
point me towards a way to continously record audio in memory, using a
circular buffer using the SDK ? Thanks,
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Re: [android-developers] Re: continuous audio recording in memory

2010-01-10 Thread frantz lohier
Ok thanks. Do you think there's a way to do that purely in Java/Using the
framework ?


On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:27 AM, HeHe cnm...@gmail.com wrote:

 a look at .../framework/base/media/.../AudioRecord.cpp should be

 On Jan 6, 10:11 am, frantz lohier floh...@gmail.com wrote:
  Dear All,
  I'm trying to write an App that continuously record audio in memory (in a
  circular buffer).
  Could anyone point me towards a piece of code (perhaps in the kernel)
  shows how to best to this ?

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[android-developers] Retrieving the phone maker and phone model

2010-01-09 Thread frantz lohier
Does anybody know a way for an Activity to retrieve the name of the phone
(maker/model) ?

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Re: [android-developers] Retrieving the phone maker and phone model

2010-01-09 Thread frantz lohier
Great, thanks Mark (by the way, your books are great).

One quick more: how do I know the min/max resolution of a screen offered by
a given device ?


On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.comwrote:

 frantz lohier wrote:
  Does anybody know a way for an Activity to retrieve the name of the
  phone (maker/model) ?

 Look at android.os.Build for those sorts of details.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
 http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

 Warescription: Three Android Books, Plus Updates, $35/Year

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[android-developers] continuous audio recording in memory

2010-01-06 Thread frantz lohier
Dear All,

I'm trying to write an App that continuously record audio in memory (in a
circular buffer).

Could anyone point me towards a piece of code (perhaps in the kernel) that
shows how to best to this ?

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[android-developers] Pickup a phone contact under the emulator

2009-12-01 Thread frantz lohier
Dear All,

Quick question;

-  When running the 2.0 emulator, my application can’t pick-up a
phonebook contact anymore:

o   (1) when invoking an ACTION_PICK intent and when the agenda is empty, I
get a menu suggesting that when pressing the MENU key, I  be able to select
a account. No menu ever appears when I select the menu button …

o   (2) when an account is properly provisioned under the emulator and after
that a phone number is populated, if I invoke the Menu button and select
“Accounts” , I immediately get the following crash (without even using my

W/UsageStats(   52): Failed to persist new stats

I/ContactsListActivity(  102): Called with action:

I/ActivityManager(   52): Displayed activity
com.android.contacts/.DialtactsContactsEntryActivity: 1311 ms (total 1311

W/UsageStats(   52): Failed to persist new stats

W/KeyCharacterMap(  102): No keyboard for id 0

W/KeyCharacterMap(  102): Using default keymap:

I/ActivityManager(   52): Starting activity: Intent {
act=android.settings.SYNC_SETTINGS (has extras) }

D/AndroidRuntime(  102): Shutting down VM

W/dalvikvm(  102): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception

E/AndroidRuntime(  102): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to
uncaught exception

E/AndroidRuntime(  102): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No
Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.settings.SYNC_SETTINGS (has
extras) }

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at

E/AndroidRuntime(  102):at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native

I/Process (   52): Sending signal. PID: 102 SIG: 3

I/dalvikvm(  102): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3

E/dalvikvm(  102): Unable to open stack trace file '/data/anr/traces.txt':
Permission denied

E/ActivityThread(   52): Failed to find provider info for

E/Checkin (   52): Error reporting crash:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL

Van somebody take a look at this on the Android team and also suggest what
Intent an application needs to fire for a user to (A) enter a proper sync
account and (B) retrieve a phone contact from a phone-entry associated with
this account. I don’t think that this burden should be handle by end-user
apps and 

Re: [android-developers] Re: Picking up a PhoneBook entry under Android 2.0 !!!

2009-11-29 Thread frantz lohier
Thank you Dmitri for the code. I've reviewed it and don't see any
interaction with the AccountManager.

One of the problem with SDK 2.0 is that pickup contacts is condition by
having a user login with a proper account.

My application crashes under the emulator because I cannot profile a Gmail
account for instance from which to browse  the phonebook.

There seem to be a new AccountManager APIs. Can you or anybody highlight how
this API works. For instance, when Starting an activity to pick up a
contact, an app would want to make sure that the user has picked up an
account and logged to it (if not, defaulting to the SIm contact list seems

Would it be possible for you to update your very good businesscardacitivity
to reflect this ?


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Dmitri Plotnikov dplotni...@google.comwrote:

 I just published some sample code illustrating this use of both legacy and
 new Contacts APIs in the same app.  See

 - Dmitri

 On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.comwrote:

 jarkman wrote:
  int sdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(Build.VERSION.SDK);

 Note that if you are using API version 4 (1.6 and newer), there is
 Build.VERSION.SDK_INT, which already converts this to an integer.

 If you are still using API version 3, you'll need to parse the String as
 shown above.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
 http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

 Android 1.6 Programming Books: http://commonsware.com/books

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Picking up a PhoneBook entry under Android 2.0 !!!

2009-11-29 Thread frantz lohier
Thanks Jarkman.

2 questions:

1) Does:
int sdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(Build.VERSION.SDK);
if (sdkVersion  Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR)

Return the OS/SDK version currently run by the underlying platform or does
it return the target SDK level the APP was compiled for ?

2) Is there a way for an App to learn what is the current language
(input/display)  being used ?


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:23 AM, jarkman jark...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Nov 2, 5:02 pm, frantz lohier floh...@gmail.com wrote:

   + in the Market, should we upload different app versions compiled for
  different SDK/OS configuration ? Can the market app offer a specific
  of an app to an end-user depending on what OS version is used ?

 It would certainly make our lives easier if the Market supported
 alternative binaries for different OS versions.

   + how does an app know what OS version is currently used ?
   + how can an app dynamically make use of new SDK feature with the same
  executable ? (for example, how can I activate TTS if it is supported).
  Backward compatibility is discussed here:
  Unfortunatly, this link does not tell me how to selectively do an import
  android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech for my code to compile.

 What you can do is build against the 2.0 SDK, but wrap up all your 2.0
 stuff in a class which you only instantiate if you are on a 2.0
 Build a base class which is mostly abstract, and a 1.6 version of the
 same class which implements the same functionality but with 1.6 APIs.
 Then use this trick to instantiate the right subclass:

 int sdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(Build.VERSION.SDK);
 if (sdkVersion  Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR)
  className = com.foo.ContactAccessorSdk3_4;   // one subclass of
  className = com.foo.ContactAccessorSdk5; // another subclass of

  * Find the required class by name and instantiate it.
  try {
 Class? extends ContactAccessor clazz =
ContactAccessorBase sInstance = clazz.newInstance();
  } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new IllegalStateException(e);

 (thanks, Dmitri!)

  On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 8:54 AM, frantz lohier floh...@gmail.com wrote:
   Thanks Jarkman for your perspectives on this.
   2 additional questions;
   - can the emulator simulate accessing a gmail account ? (as ways to
   dealing with the Accountmanager APIs)
   - A more general and critical question; if apps start to have to behave
   differently based on the Android OS version they run on, there are a
 lot of
   On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 2:33 AM, jarkman jark...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Nov 2, 1:57 am, frantz lohier floh...@gmail.com wrote:
When running the same code (compiled with SDK 1.6) and a target
2.0 level, the above code never return the entries I have populated
the phone book. It's as if the phonebook was always empty.
   My (hazy) understanding is that the 1.6 APIs will only show you the
   contacts in the primary gmail-syncing account on the device. As the
   emulator doesn't have one of those accounts, your newly-entered
   contacts are in a different account (or in some kind of no-account
   limbo), so they are invisible to the 1.6 APIs.
   I think that on a real device with a real account the situation will
   be better, though you still need to move to the 2.0 APIs to support
   users who have multiple accounts.
   It may be possible to use the AccountManager APIs to manufacture an
   account of the right sort in the emulator, which would make it
   possible to enter new contacts who would show up in the 1.6 APIs, but
   I don't think there are enough clues in the published docs to tell us
   how to do that.
- When running the emulator in 2.0 mode, the default local input
 type is
Japaneese. Any way to change this ?
   Yes, you can fiddle with the IME settings in the Settings app, in
   'Language  Keyboard'.
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[android-developers] How can an app dynamically what is the current display language set

2009-11-09 Thread frantz lohier
Dear All,

I have a quick 2 questions;
   - is there a way for an App to understand what is the current display
language ?

   - is there a way for an App to understand if the current country the
phone operates should report speed in miles per hour as opposed to km/hour ?

Many thanks,

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[android-developers] Localization awareness

2009-11-07 Thread frantz lohier
Dear All,

I have a quick 2 questions;
   - is there a way for an App to understand what is the current display
language ?

   - is there a way for an App to understand if the current country the
phone operates should report speed in miles per hour as opposed to km/hour ?

Many thanks,

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[android-developers] Picking up a PhoneBook entry under Android 2.0 !!!

2009-11-01 Thread frantz lohier
Happy Halloween All !

The party is over and Google suddenly released the much anticipated Android
2.0 SDK.

Much improvement for sure !

That said, the party is over and I came to have to deal with the following

I've released an app in the market (Ambu) - so far qualified under SDK 1.5
1.6. Using the emulator for Android 2.0, things don't work anymore.

This is what I'd like to share;

- my app invokes an ACTION.PICK intent as way to extract phone contact from
the phone book and populate a database.

When compiling my app using the SDK version 1.6 and a target emulator
configured at 1.6 level, the following code WORKS:

Intent pickcontact = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
startActivityForResult(pickcontact, CALL_CONTACTPICKED);

When running the same code (compiled with SDK 1.6) and a target emulator at
2.0 level, the above code never return the entries I have populated in my
the phone book. It's as if the phonebook was always empty.

A couple of additional observations;

- When running the emulator in 2.0 mode, the default local input type is
Japaneese. Any way to change this ?

- Under the 2.0 emulator, and setting a clean AVD image, if you launch the
dial button, press menu and select account, you'll probably immediatly get a
android.process.acore error ...

- In the most recent SDK document, I can read that People.CONTENT_URI was
deprecated after SDK 1.6. Therefore, I've changed the above code to:

Intent pickcontact = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, AUTHORITY_URI);
StartActivityForResult(pickcontact, CALL_CONTACTPICKED);

Unfortunatly, with the above, I get a crash right away when invoking

Question to the Google Folks (dear dianne and others, please !);

How to we properly pick a phonebook contact under the 2.0 OS using 1.6 or
2.0 compiled apps ?

Thanks !!!

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[android-developers] Re: server error when trying to buy my own app

2009-10-26 Thread frantz lohier
Thanks, I did not know that (I'm curious to know how Google knows I'm the
one buying though). I've used my wife's Google phone and ran into the same
problem ...

If you search in the market, you you find ambu and ambu-trial (the later
being a 2 day free version of the app). I did not restrict the app to a
given country and people in Europe were able to purchase it. I'd love to
confirm that someone can buy it in the US. Your help is very much

On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote:

 I published my first app recently and ran into the same problem when I
 tried purchasing it to test the process. Looks like it isn't allowed:
 Please note that it is against Google Checkout's policies to purchase
 your own application. You will receive an error message when you try
 to purchase your own application.

 I was going to buy a copy of yours to test for you just now, but all I
 see when I search for ambu is a free one:

 Do you have it set to only show up in certain countries? I'm in the US
 on T-Mobile running a G1 with the official OTA 1.6 firmware.

 On Oct 25, 7:39 pm, frantz lohier floh...@gmail.com wrote:
  Dear All,
  I'm a developper based in the US that recently released a pay-for app in
  market called AmBu. Googlecheckout is the merchant account I am using
  only one approved by the market it seems).
  Two customers were able to purchase my app from a foreign country
  However, when I'm trying to buy my own application from the US (using my
  phone) using a valid debit or credit card number, I consistantly get a
  server error during the purchase process. I suspect I'm not the only
  and I'm losing customers.
  What is the right structure at google to help resolve this ? In the
  blogs, I've seen few posts of people facing the same issue but nothing to
  help resolve this was detailed.
  Anyone ?

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[android-developers] server error when trying to buy my own app

2009-10-25 Thread frantz lohier
Dear All,

I'm a developper based in the US that recently released a pay-for app in the
market called AmBu. Googlecheckout is the merchant account I am using (the
only one approved by the market it seems).

Two customers were able to purchase my app from a foreign country (Europe).

However, when I'm trying to buy my own application from the US (using my G1
phone) using a valid debit or credit card number, I consistantly get a
server error during the purchase process. I suspect I'm not the only one
and I'm losing customers.

What is the right structure at google to help resolve this ? In the market
blogs, I've seen few posts of people facing the same issue but nothing to
help resolve this was detailed.

Anyone ?

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[android-developers] Re: Application compatibility between SDK 1.5 and 1.6

2009-10-12 Thread frantz lohier
Thanks Mark. Could you elaborate on what you mean by reflection ?


On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.comwrote:

 flohier wrote:
  What is the recommended approach to have currently shipping 1.5-SDK
  compliant apps to start offering 1.6 features (such as TTL) in the
  Market ?

 Publish one app, using reflection to access 1.6 APIs.

  Can we just publish 2 versions of the same package name each compiled
  with a different SDK level


 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
 http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

 Android Development Wiki: http://wiki.andmob.org


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[android-developers] Re: activity stak

2009-07-27 Thread frantz lohier
Thanks Dianne.

I don't think it's necessary true. My activity is actually alive but not
visible (I have a periodic timer thread that wakes up some function of my

My activity called the phone dialer, the phone dialer is on top of the stack
and my activity is still runiing but is not visible.

Any other idea ?


On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.comwrote:

 onResume() tells you when you are at the top.

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:18 PM, flohier floh...@gmail.com wrote:


 Is there a way for an running activity to know if it is on top of the
 stack (= visible) ?


 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.


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