
Having WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions granted, the external sdcard is 
writable in a real device but not in the emulator in Android Studio

File[] dirs = getExternalFilesDirs(null);
File sdcard = dirs[1];
File sdcardRoot = sdcard.getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile().
String w = (sdcardRoot.canWrite()) ? "is writable": "is NOT writable";
Log.v(TAG, "file: "+sdcardRoot.getAbsolutePath()+" "+w);

Running in emulator Log says:
file: /storage/42B6-1509 is NOT writable

And in real device (motorola E 2nd gen):
file: /storage/4233-16E2 is writable

Both devices run Android 6.0

Why do permissions to write in SDcard differ here?


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