[android-developers] Marketplace - Posting questions before purchase would be beneficial!

2009-09-10 Thread mang3lo

(please note, I was originally told by an android dev via twitter to
place my suggestion in b.android.com, but as I went over there and
started a new post the form was autofilled w/ info saying
b.android.com was primarily for bug reporting, and it gave me the url
of  this google group for suggestions)

I am starting to see screenshots of the new marketplace, with the
ability for developers to upload screenshots, wonderful!

How about an ability for users to ask questions about the application,
and anybody who downloaded the application can answer them?  For
example, if a user is interested in buying an application, but wants
to know something further (to facilitate the process of deciding to
purchase the app or not), s/he can post a short question(s) through
the Marketplace interface.  The developer or other people who
purchased the application (don't let anybody who didn't purchase it
write a response, same way only people who downloaded/purchased an app
can rate/review) can respond. It can be kept in threaded mode, and
available only through a few keystrokes (so it isn't on every product
page in the marketplace and does not slow the user experience)

It would help to increase the value of the marketplace by giving more
relevant info and facilitating the process of sales - right now when I
see a product on the marketplace available for purchase (NOT free
download)  I do an extensive google/web search to find out more
information, and sometimes I don't even find the information i'm
looking for!  When new products hit the marketplace and are less than
72hours old there is hardly any information on exterior websites.  So
I personally decide against purchasing an application if I have a
question that goes unanswered (yes, while it is possible to purchase
an app and return it 24 hours later, there are people like me who will
not purchase - return - purchase - return applications an exaggerated
amount of times)which I was previously interested in buying.

Any sort of interaction that potential customers can have with
_guaranteed_ customers of the application - in one centralized easy
location (instead of the dozens of forums and fan sites that have
sprung up in the last year) would increase the value of marketplace,
applications, and user experience a hundredfold!

Thank you very much for your time and consideration!

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[android-developers] Developing on device(? is it possible)

2008-12-12 Thread mang3lo

Hey all! I've been lurking and searching (maybe I wasn't using the
right key words =P), but hadn't found anyone addressing the issue or
asking this question.  Is it possible to develop on the device
itself?  (as in write, compile, and run applications.  Not merely
putting code in a text file and waiting to get home to try it on your

I would assume the paltry storage space on the G1 limits the viable
options, (as well as its trouble playing nice with the SD card) but
nothing ends up correct when I assume. If it is not available now (due
to what I mentioned earlier) would it be possible in the future when
the applicable OS upgrades roll around?

Due to my job and class schedule, I find myself with the proportional
majority of my  time spent with my G1 phone in my hands, rather than
in front of a keyboard, and I would become an android code junkie in a
heartbeat if I can put all that mobile idle time to productive means.

Thanks in advance!

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