Re: [android-developers] Contact Manager Sample Code

2012-02-20 Thread poncho


Since the code worked on a real device and not on emulators, I just have 
to ask:
Did you try to add any contact to the emulator before running the sample 


On 02/19/2012 10:59 PM, Michael Ennovium wrote:

The Contact Manager Sample code has given me hours of frustration.
The sample code displays all the contacts in a List View and also
provides for adding new contacts.  I have no difficulty with the Add
Contact portion.  The listing of the contact gives different results
for the list on diffent platforms.

1. Using my Samsumg Infuse 2.2 phone, the sample works correctly.

2. Using an emulator configured for Level 8, no contacts are

3. Using an Acer Iconia tablet, no contacts are displayed*.

4. Using an emulator confgured for 3.2, no contacts are displayed*.

* In all cases where no contacts are displayed, the cursor.getCount()
returns a zero.

The same source code is used without modification on each platform.

I know it has to be "cockpit" error on my side but I am stumped.  Any
direction is graciously appreciated.

My goal is to develop for the tablet and this has become a gating
issue for me.

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Re: [android-developers] simulate hte speed for amdroid phones

2011-12-22 Thread poncho

On 12/21/2011 05:36 AM, Shabnaz wrote:

   Iam trying to develop an app for accident detection and notification

   For tat I need to get the speed and acceleration of the mobile
phione equpped with android

   how do I simulate ht espeed of the phone using the emulator because
the mibile phone does not physically change its location


Not sure about the speed, you can set the location by:

telnet localhost 5554
geo fix 32.00 37.00
geo fix 32.00 37.10
geo fix 32.00 37.20

If you have more than one emulator the second emulator should be listen 
on port 5556.

Hope this helps

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Re: [android-developers] compiler compliance problem

2012-01-02 Thread poncho

You are doing fine.

I guess you are using Eclipse so within Eclipse:
Right Click you project (in the Package Explorer view) and select 
Android Tools > Fix Project Properties


Hope this helps

On 12/30/2011 07:59 AM, brucenow wrote:

I thought I was doing pretty good getting everything installed
correctly to follow the examples in the book, Android for
Programmers.   But when it came to importing the first example I got
this meesage:

"[2011-12-29 21:42:57 - Doodlz] Android requires compiler compliance
level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools>  Fix
Project Properties."

I really have no idea what tool to use or where exactly I might find

Any ideas?


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Re: [android-developers] How can i display exactly on the top....?

2012-01-03 Thread poncho


I'm not sure that I understand, what's wrong with:
popup.layout( left, top, left + width, top + height);

On 01/04/2012 08:21 AM, Abhilash baddam wrote:


My problem is when i tap on the marker i want to show the popup
exactly on the top of the marker like displayed in
requires.png(attatchment) but the popup i am getting is always on the
top of the screen like displayed in capture.png(attatchment) How
can i achieve that...?

On 1/4/12, TreKing  wrote:

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Abhilash baddam<>  wrote:

any help regading this issue...

Maybe if you clarified what you're asking, like I asked the first time

TreKing<>  - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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Re: [android-developers] How can i display exactly on the top....?

2012-01-04 Thread poncho


What happen if you try to move the popup before displaying it using the 
following line?
"popup.layout( left, top, left + popup.getWidth(), top + 


On 01/04/2012 11:35 AM, Abhilash baddam wrote:

Hi poncho,

Thanks for the reply. I did get your suggestion, can you please
explain it clearly.

On 1/4/12, poncho  wrote:


I'm not sure that I understand, what's wrong with:
  popup.layout( left, top, left + width, top + height);

On 01/04/2012 08:21 AM, Abhilash baddam wrote:


 My problem is when i tap on the marker i want to show the popup
exactly on the top of the marker like displayed in
requires.png(attatchment) but the popup i am getting is always on the
top of the screen like displayed in capture.png(attatchment) How
can i achieve that...?

On 1/4/12, TreKing   wrote:

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Abhilash baddam<>   wrote:

any help regading this issue...

Maybe if you clarified what you're asking, like I asked the first time

TreKing<>   - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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Re: [android-developers] Contact Number

2012-01-24 Thread poncho


1) You should call the contact picker using startActivityForResult
2) You should override onActivityResult and parse the data returned from 
the contact picker.

Something like:
Uri result = data.getData();
String id = result.getLastPathSegment();

Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(Phone.CONTENT_URI, null,
Email.CONTACT_ID + "=?", new String [] { id }, null);
int numberIdx = cursor.getColumnIndex(Phone.DATA);
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
String number = cursor.getString(numberIdx);

Don't forget to verify that the activityResult are returned from the 
contact picker and the result code is ok.

Hope this helps

On 01/24/2012 11:31 AM, Bharath kumar Thota wrote:

Hi, I am a newbie to android and while developing i got stuck up at a
point and there by i could not move further.Please some one help me to
solve my problem.

My problem is as follows.. I wanna get the phone number of a
particular contact into the edit text i.e., When i select a contact
from the contacts, the phone number of the selected contact should get
displayed in the EditText box..I had gone to the extent of opening the
contacts, and now i can't find the way to pick the number and then get
it in to the edittext.

Thank you,

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Re: [android-developers] Shared Preferences

2012-02-07 Thread poncho


The code itself is fine except that you don't print the exception.

If you would log the exception you can see (in the LogCat) that the 
run-time is throwing some kind of a ParseException.
This is since users (usually) don't type 'L' at the end of their numeric 
input, even when it's long.

Hope this helps

On 02/07/2012 02:54 PM, ajay talreja wrote:

This code is not working for mei'm trying to use Shared
preferences to store long values.the code is correct and is
launching successfully when i switch from long to int valuesplease

package d.preferencesdemo1;

import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class preferencesdemo1 extends Activity {
 /** Called when the activity is first created. */
EditText t;
  long mobileno;
  TextView text;
 SharedPreferences app_preferences;
 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 // Get the app's shared preferences
 app_preferences =

 mobileno = app_preferences.getLong("mobileno",9028252169L);

 // Update the TextView
 text = (TextView) findViewById(;
 text.setText("The default mobile number is " + mobileno +

 // Increment the mobileno
  //   SharedPreferences.Editor editor = app_preferences.edit();
// editor.putlong("mobileno", ++mobileno);
 //editor.commit(); // Very important

 t = (EditText) findViewById(;

 Button b2 = (Button) findViewById(;

b2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {

   try {
// Increment the mobileno
   SharedPreferences.Editor editor =
   long tv =
   editor.putLong("mobileno", mobileno);
   editor.commit(); // Very important

   text.setText("The default mobile number is "
+ mobileno + ".");

   catch (Exception e) {



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Re: [android-developers] Custom label and text box in ListView?

2012-02-09 Thread poncho
According to the following thread " ListView isn't really meant to 
handle that type of UI with editable entries".

The suggested solution is to use vertical LinearLayout wrapped in a 
ScrollView, containing horizontal LinearLayours of the TextView and 

BTW, I struggled the ListView for three weeks before finding this thread.

Hope this helps

On 02/09/2012 05:13 PM, Mark Winchester wrote:

I'm trying to find a bit of sample code that I'm having trouble with.
Hoping someone here could help me.

I've got a Listview in my app that I want each row of to have a label
and a text box (TextView and EditText).  I've got to create these and
add them dynamically.  That much hasn't been too bad.  Currently, I'm
creating an ArrayAdapter from my array of data and setting it as the
adapter for the ListView.  I've got a layout that I can point to and
the labels are being set correctly.  What I'm having trouble finding
is an example where the EditText boxes are filled upon creation, and
then read back on an event.  I would appreciate any help.


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Re: [android-developers] installing APK without eclipse/android SDK

2012-02-12 Thread poncho


Does this helps?

On 02/12/2012 08:30 PM, John Goche wrote:


I would like to send my APK to someone by email so that they
may install it using WIndows Vista. I have searched for info on
how they can install the .apk but only found a pointer to downloading
the Astro file manager and installing from there after copying the apk
to the phone's file system eg. via usb. But when the application is
clicked on the message is: "the application is not installed". The
phone is a Samsung Galaxy S Plus. Any ideas? (I have already enabled
USB debugging and installation of non market apps in the settings).
Installing to the phone via eclipse works, but I want to be able to do
this from the phone's PC which does not have eclipse.

I would like to be able to just compile the Dalvik APK in eclipse and
send it via email for the user to install it from windows vista.

Any ideas?



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Re: [android-developers] Re: main,out.xml

2012-02-14 Thread poncho

On 02/13/2012 11:18 PM, skink wrote:

JackN wrote:

I see this when I have the XML open and active and choose to run or
debug the app.

I faced that couple of times too, do you know how to avoid it?



Eclipse: Windows->Preferences
Find the 'Run/Debug' section and then 'Launching'.

You probably want to use the first option.

Does this help?

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Re: [android-developers] Problem with listVIew

2011-11-14 Thread Poncho


I struggled with similar issue for two weeks before finding the 
following thread which suggest that ListView should not be used with 
editable entries:

The suggested solution, wrapping a LinearLayout with ScrollView, worked 
for me as well.

Hope this helps
On 11/11/2011 02:39 PM, Elison Lusvardi wrote:

Hi guys, how are you?

I have a problem in my application's ListView.
Each item in the ListView can be created by different widgets, some 
have pictures, the layout is different in each case, some have images, 
others have buttons, etc..

All of them have actions like onClick and onLongClick - being in the 
widget itself or in a button.

The cost to create each element is high, and the performance is a 
little bit low. So, I decided to store these items in a HashMap MyWidget> and whenever you create a new item, make sure if it is 
already inserted in my "cache" verifying by a Key
So far so good, it works in order to get these items and recycles 
them, except that when I perform some action, it usually does not work.

The itens doesn't longer detects the onClick, the onLongClick until it 
goes to outside the viewing area of the ListView. For example. I tap 
on the picture to open it and nothing happens. But when I take a 
scroll up or down, when that picture out of my sight, the app displays 
the picture with the viewer. If I hit a 3 or 4 times, when I move the 
scroll, the viewer will be opened 3 or 4 times .. = /

Does anyone have any idea why this happens?


Elison José Gracite Lusvardi
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Re: [android-developers] changing sound profiles

2011-11-17 Thread poncho

Maybe here?

On 11/17/2011 11:41 AM, kaoutar ben ahmed wrote:

hello everyone,

i'am working on a project in which i need to be able to change the
phone mode to silence or vibration or normal sound.

i could not find any information about this ,can anyone help me, with
a tutorial or something ??

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Re: [android-developers] Edittext in Listview crashes on Android 2.2.3 on back during editing

2011-12-13 Thread poncho

On 12/14/2011 08:08 AM, havexz wrote:


So here is what I did. I have a ListView and each item in it is a
EditText. Now, just so you know I am using CursorAdapter with
ListView, and I am creating EditText in newView and filling it with
some text in bindView.

Now how to recreate the issue, I just open the activity, click on any
of the EditText and just click enough to see the orange color handle
appears with cursor. Now just press back twice. Just press fast enough
that orange handle still visible on screen. Now wait a sec and you

. has leaked window . that was originally added here.

I tried the normal EditText without the ListView and that works fine.
What I think is that IME cursor handle is retaining the EditText and
leading to leak. I also tried EditText with only 'hint' (empty
EditText) and got same issue in the ListView.

Now my questions:

Is someone else also face this issue?
Any reason why normal EditText works but EditText in ListView dont?
Also is it good to put EditText in ListView or there are better

Well this might be a common issue and some common soln. but I searched
it found no good soln.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Edittext in Listview crashes on Android 2.2.3 on back during editing

2011-12-14 Thread poncho

On 12/14/2011 09:13 AM, havexz wrote:

thanks for referring. Questions below are still open:

OPEN Questions:

1. Is someone else also face this issue?

I did, this is how I found the link I sent.

2. Any reason why normal EditText works but EditText in ListView dont?

Did you read the thread in the link I sent, the first reply suggest that:
"ListView isn't really meant to handle that type of UI with editableentries"

3. Why IME cursor handle is giving issue in ListView but not

Same as 2.

Regarding "Also is it good to put EditText in ListView or there are
better options?" I have soln for maintaining the content. I can have
text watcher or something.

From the same thread:
" vertical LinearLayout wrapped ina ScrollView, containing horizontal 
LinearLayours of the EditTexts andButtons"

Hope this helps

On Dec 14, 12:45 am, poncho  wrote:

On 12/14/2011 08:08 AM, havexz wrote:

So here is what I did. I have a ListView and each item in it is a
EditText. Now, just so you know I am using CursorAdapter with
ListView, and I am creating EditText in newView and filling it with
some text in bindView.
Now how to recreate the issue, I just open the activity, click on any
of the EditText and just click enough to see the orange color handle
appears with cursor. Now just press back twice. Just press fast enough
that orange handle still visible on screen. Now wait a sec and you
. has leaked window . that was originally added here.
I tried the normal EditText without the ListView and that works fine.
What I think is that IME cursor handle is retaining the EditText and
leading to leak. I also tried EditText with only 'hint' (empty
EditText) and got same issue in the ListView.
Now my questions:
Is someone else also face this issue?
Any reason why normal EditText works but EditText in ListView dont?
Also is it good to put EditText in ListView or there are better
Well this might be a common issue and some common soln. but I searched
it found no good soln.
Thanks in advance.

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