[android-developers] How to get uri info at onChange().

2010-07-07 Thread skan95
Dear all.

Is any method how to get Uri info at onChange if any DB is updated and
notifyChange() is called?
Observer is already registered.


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[android-developers] ERROR/GGLAssembler(1639): Error while generating scanline__

2010-05-06 Thread skan95
Dear all.

In Eclair 2.1 Gallery3D, the logs as below are shown.
Can anyone give me information about this log?

05-06 16:52:06.654: ERROR/GGLAssembler(1639): Error while generating
scanline__01B7:03545404_9001_9001 [-986400 ipp]
05-06 16:52:06.654: ERROR/pixelflinger(1639): error generating or
caching assembly. Reverting to NOP.
05-06 16:52:06.745: ERROR/GGLAssembler(1639): Error while generating
scanline__01B7:03545404_9001_9001 [-1457570 ipp]
05-06 16:52:06.745: ERROR/pixelflinger(1639): error generating or
caching assembly. Reverting to NOP.
05-06 16:52:06.845: ERROR/GGLAssembler(1639): Error while generating
scanline__01B7:03545404_9001_9001 [-1458084 ipp]
05-06 16:52:06.845: ERROR/pixelflinger(1639): error generating or
caching assembly. Reverting to NOP.
05-06 16:52:06.944: ERROR/GGLAssembler(1639): Error while generating
scanline__01B7:03545404_9001_9001 [-1091364 ipp]
05-06 16:52:06.944: ERROR/pixelflinger(1639): error generating or
caching assembly. Reverting to NOP.


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[android-developers] About Image taken time in Media Scanner.

2010-04-26 Thread skan95
Dear all.

Currently, Eclair 2.1 might have a problem when calculating image
taken time during media scanning.
When an image is captured in Camera, the taken time is written
correctly in media DB.
But if the device is booted, the image taken time is changed from
original taken time to the time added as timezone.

# \frameworks\base\media\java\android\media\ExifInterface.java.

public long getDateTime() {
String dateTimeString = mAttributes.get(TAG_DATETIME);

Log.e(TAG, DATETIME  + dateTimeString);

if (dateTimeString == null) return -1;

ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
try {
Date date = sFormatter.parse(dateTimeString+Z, pos);
if (date == null) return -1;
 Log.e(TAG, Date = +date + , getTime = +date.getTime());
return date.getTime();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
return -1;

04-27 13:16:59.690: ERROR/ExifInterface(1531): DATETIME 2010:04:26
04-27 13:16:59.690: ERROR/ExifInterface(1531): Date = Tue Apr 27
07:44:15 Asia/Seoul 2010, getTime = 1272321855000
== 9 hours is added to the original taken time.

But, if same code is used in application, the return value is
different from the value gotten from framework.

ExifInterface exif = null;
private static SimpleDateFormat sFormatter;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

exif = new ExifInterface(/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/IMG001.JPG);
}catch(IOException ex){


if(exif != null){
String date = exif.getAttribute(DateTime);
sFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(:MM:dd HH:mm:ss);
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
try {
Date dateFormat = sFormatter.parse(date, pos);
Log.e(TAG, Date = +dateFormat + , time =
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {


04-27 11:36:32.165: ERROR/TimeZoneTest(6954): Date = 2010:04:26
04-27 11:36:32.175: ERROR/TimeZoneTest(6954): Date = Mon Apr 26
22:44:15 Asia/Seoul 2010, time = 1272289455000

So, if SD card is detached and attached again, the taken time is
changed as timezone time.

If anyone knows or experiences, let me know how to deal with this


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[android-developers] Movie class for displaying animated GIF files.

2010-04-19 Thread skan95
Dear all.

In ApiDemo app, an animated GIF file is decoded using Movie.

What I would like to know is that,
1. why didn't Google use the class to decode animated GIF file in
2. usages of duration() and setTime() api in Movis class.

Maybe, I am not sure, HTC Magic phone may use this concept as if
animated GIF is decoded.
Anyone know whether HTC uses this concept or not?


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[android-developers] Max decoding resolution for Android image formats.

2010-04-11 Thread skan95
Dear all.

I would like to know max decoding resolution for each Android image
, like JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF.

If anyone knows this, please share your information.

Best regards.

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[android-developers] Require com.android.email.permission.ACCESS_PROVIDER permission.

2010-03-06 Thread skan95
Dear all.

Using native E-mail app in Eclair 2.1, I tried to play 3gp file which
is fetched in E-mail.
At this time, com.android.email.permission.ACCESS_PROVIDER error is

This email provider's protectionLevel is signatureOrSystem.

I deleted Gallery3D on system/app and installed to /data/app.
On Gallery3D, it isnot played, but on eclair 2.0 Gallery, it is

In the case of Eclair 2.0 native Gallery, there is not even two
android:name=com.android.email.permission.ACCESS_PROVIDER /
android:name=com.android.email.permission.READ_ATTACHMENT /

Although I added two permission in AndroidManifest.xml in Gallery3D,
still the exception is happend.

Please share your solutions


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[android-developers] scanDirectories() using MediaScanner when media files are deleted like BlueTooth?

2010-01-21 Thread skan95
If media files are deleted using the BlueTooth, how should I handle
Should scanDirectories() be called?
In the case that new media files are transferred via BT,  scanFile()
is called.
But if media files are deleted, what should be done?
Please let me know the process.

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[android-developers] MediaScannerConnection and delete media file.

2010-01-21 Thread skan95

According to MediaScannerConnection,
 * MediaScannerConnection provides a way for applications to pass a
 * newly created or downloaded media file to the media scanner
 * The media scanner service will read metadata from the file and add
 * the file to the media content provider.
 * The MediaScannerConnectionClient provides an interface for the
 * media scanner service to return the Uri for a newly scanned file
 * to the client of the MediaScannerConnection class.

So, I think this class is used for adding media file and getting new
Uri information from media scanner service.

My question is reverse case.
That is, if media files are deleted using like BlueTooth, how should
BT service let media provider know this event?

Please share your information.

Best regards.
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[android-developers] What to do when any media files are deleted?

2010-01-20 Thread skan95

I am testing Bluetooth file transfer.

When any files are transfered by FTP via BT,
mMediaScanner.scanFiles(mFiles, null);  is used to notify MedisScanner
adding new media files.

But if any files are deleted by FTP, what api should be called?

To sum it up, current problem is that,
1. When new media files are added, MediaScanner is notified through
2. but how should MediaScanner be notified when any files are deleted
on SD card?

Please share your suggestion.

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[android-developers] About Android SDK 2.1 Gallery.

2010-01-11 Thread skan95
Dear All.

Recently, Android SDK 2.1 is released.
I thought that Gallery application of the SDK 2.1 is same as Nexus
But when launching SDK 2.1 emulator, the UI look is same as before,
not 3D animated look.

So, my question is whether Gallery application of SDK 2.1 is different
from Nexus One's Gallery.

Please share your valuable information.

Best regards.
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[android-developers] Re: About Android SDK 2.1 Gallery.

2010-01-11 Thread skan95

I think SDK 2.1 default applications can be different from Eclair 2.1

As I know, Google will releae Eclair 2.1 version soon.
My question is whether Eclair 2.1 version's Gallery application is
same as Nexus One's or not.
Nexus One uses Eclair 2.1, so 3D animated look's Gallery will be
included Eclair 2.1 official version as source base. Is it right?

Or the 3D animated Gallery application is just for Nexus One?

Please share your information.

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[android-developers] Platform Eclair is a preview and requires appication manifests to set minSdkVersion to 'Eclair'

2010-01-05 Thread skan95
Dear All.

I will try to modify native Camera package in Eclipse.
So, I make Camera project in Eclipse and try to compile it.
But, Platform Eclair is a preview and requires appication manifests
to set minSdkVersion to 'Eclair' error message is shown.
Does it mean minSdkVersion information should be inclused in Camera
manifests.xml file as Eclair?

If there are anyone know this, please share your valuable information.


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[android-developers] Fail to make shared_prefs/wallpaper-tests.xml

2009-07-09 Thread skan95

Hi all.

I changed some files which are related on setting wallpaper.
I tried to add some fields in wallpaper_hint.xml
During testing the function,  the error messsage is shown like below.

ERROR/ApplicationContext(1036): Couldn't create directory for
SharedPreferences file shared_prefs/wallpaper-hints.xml

The location of the xml was /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/

This xml file is no longer made.

Do you have any idea?

Best regards.

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[android-developers] Video call support at Cupcake version.

2009-03-31 Thread skan95

Hi all.

Accroding to GregS's Announcing OpenCORE 2.0 release mention,
video telephony (a.k.a. 2way) engine is supported by OpenCORE 2.0.
but he(?) was not sure that is included at Cupcake version.

So, can I get information about any progress for supporting video
telephony service?
like, whether video telehpony service is supported at Cupcake or any
other version.

And where can I get any document about OpenCORE 2.XXX release?

Plz share your valuable knowledge.


Best regards.

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[android-developers] Video call support at Android.

2009-01-12 Thread skan95

Hi all.

Could you plz share information about android roadmap for video
telephony service?

If Android does not support video telephony service at Android 1.0
how can I implement the service? with own solution?

If it is not possible to implement video telephony service at Android
1.0 version,
let me know the reasons, like limitation or not supporting of other
parts, etc.

I have visited PacketVideo website. The company has a plan to support
video telephony by OpenCORE.
Is it already included at Android 1.0 version?
If not, when will be included?
One more thing, if RIL for video telephony is supported and PV
supports video telephony framework,
is it possible video telephony application?


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