My android app contains a suite of mini apps. In short, every screen
contains a navbar with several clickable icons, one each for the mini
apps (and one for the Main screen). When an icon is clicked, the mini
app is launched. In total I have 4 mini apps. So you could imagine
that my main screen is like the Home Screen Launcher. Although these
mini apps could run standalone by their own, I want the user to be
authenticated. Thus there is a LoginActivity right before the

LoginActivity ---> MainActivity ---> AppOneActivity or AppTwoActivity
or AppThreeActivity or AppFourActivity (aka PresenceListActivity)

I'm still not pretty sure of the benefit of Tasks (arranged set of
Activities), so I would like comments from Android experts on my
design decisions:-

(1) I plan to set the attribute finishOnTaskLaunch to true for
LoginActivity. As I understand it, once the login is authenticated, I
will navigate the user to MainActivity, and I want LoginActivity to
disappear. Is this better than calling #finish on the Activity ? Will
MainActivity automatically become the root of the Task without any
extra configuration/code ?

(2) One of the mini app is an IM client. The PresenceListActivity will
hosts many instances of ChatActivity (one-to-one chat session with an
active contact in the buddylist). I plan to use the default launchmode
for ChatActivity since each Chat should be handled by a new instance.
Sounds correct ?

(3) As for the sticky navbar, I plan to set the clearTaskOnLaunch
attribute to true for all of them. As I understand it, that should
clear the stack whenever I plan to launch into any of the mini apps.
Also their launchModes will be singleTask. Am I on the right path ?

(4) Finally I don't really understand how to read the output of adb
shell dumpsys activity. For example

clearOnBackground=false numActivities=1
lastActiveTime=5513102 (inactive for 5s)
  History #1: .....

clearOnBackground=true numActivities=1 rootWasReset=true
lastActiveTime=5512949 (inactive for 6s)
  Running #0:
Sometimes underneath the Tasks, you will see History and in others
Running, what do these mean ? Even stranger, sometimes I have two
History under a task.


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