
I have created two different APK as Client and Server. First i ran the
Server apk it has one service and it was in running state. Then i
started the Client apk which uses the IPC and AIDL to commucate with
Server, but during compilation of Client apk it was giving the below
errors, has any one experienced this type of error, if yes then how to
root cause those errors:

02-11 16:43:59.991: DEBUG/dalvikvm(849): GC freed 631 objects / 42424
bytes in 50ms
02-11 16:44:32.400: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(56): NetworkThread out
of wake loop
02-11 16:44:32.400: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(56): Requesting time
from NTP server pool.ntp.org
02-11 16:44:42.421: DEBUG/SntpClient(56): request time failed:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: The operation timed out
02-11 16:44:42.421: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(56): requestTime failed
02-11 16:44:42.421: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(56): NetworkThread wait
for 300000ms

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