MonolithAndroid is a game developed for android based devices. It uses
OpenGL/ES for graphics and is a derivative of a well known 6 letter
puzzle / arcade game starting with T. Need I say more? I started the
project one year ago. The latest release 1.0.4 is available for
download from
You can view a demo video on YouTube from
In this video you can get an idea for the mechanics and the gameplay.
It should run on T-Mobile G1, but I cannot be sure, because I do not
currently own an actual hardware device. So your feedback is greatly
appreciated in order to correct bugs and make the game run smoothly
and provide a good player experience. The game is open sourced under
the Apache 2.0 license and you can find the code on
If you have any comments, remarks or bug reports you can post them
either here, or on my blog. More technically minded folks can also use
the issue tracker on (found
on the issues tab). If you are a developer you can freely modify the
code and adapt it to your needs. I would be very happy to receive your

Tasos Kleisas

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