Hi everybody!
I am quite new on this, so probably I am making some beginner mistake...

I am trying to use the "mksdcard.exe" tool to create a sd image for the 
emulator, but I am getting this error: "Invalid argument size". Below you 
can find the log.
My system is:

- Windows 7, 64bits.
- Using Android SDK Tools 24.4.1

Any help would be really appreciated!
Thanks so much!


D:\opt\android\sdk\tools>mksdcard 100M image.img
Invalid argument size '100M'

mksdcard: create a blank FAT32 image to be used with the Android emulator
usage: mksdcard [-l label] <size> <file>

  if <size> is a simple integer, it specifies a size in bytes
  if <size> is an integer followed by 'K', it specifies a size in KiB
  if <size> is an integer followed by 'M', it specifies a size in MiB
  if <size> is an integer followed by 'G', it specifies a size in GiB

Minimum size is 9M. The Android emulator cannot use smaller images.
Maximum size is 1099511627264 bytes, 1073741823K, 1048575M or 1023G

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