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On Dec 12, 10:49 am, mundou <> wrote:
> Hi, all!
> I'm recently trying to port a x86 linux application to Android
> platform, using android-ndk 1.6 and ndk wrapper. When compiling the
> codes I met the following problem:
> My codes uses usleep() function defined in <unistd.h> and tries to get
> its return value like this:
> return usleep(microseconds * 1000);
> However, <unistd.h> in x86 system defines usleep as
> extern int usleep ( __useconds_t __useconds );
> while <unistd.h> in Android NDK defines it as
> extern void usleep(unsigned long);
> Now I had to change my code as:
> usleep( microseconds * 1000 );
> return 0;
> I'm not sure if it's safe to do so. Does anyone have some idea about
> this? Or a better solution?
> Thanks very much!
> Mundou

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