[android-developers] Re: TabActivity vs VideoView vs Camera Preview contention

2008-12-03 Thread Dianne Hackborn
I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't work. :}

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Jason Proctor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hey all,
> i have TabActivity which does camera previews in one tab and has a
> VideoView in another. they don't get on very well - seems like each
> thinks it has control of the screen.
> in particular, once a preview has been done in the camera tab, then
> the VideoView tab has a black rectangle the size of the preview frame
> parked in the middle of it.
> i suspect that both facilities write direct to the frame buffer, and
> so some contention would be expected. is there any way round this?
> i'm setting the views' visibility accordingly in onTabChanged(), but
> it makes no difference, which i suspect is a bug.
> thanks for any help with this one
> j
> >

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity vs VideoView vs Camera Preview contention

2008-12-03 Thread Ward Willats

Assuming one of these is a surface view, it may be asking its parent 
container to be transparent so it can, as the docs say, "punch a 
hole" in the view hierarchy, since the surface is Z-ordered behind 
the native views. The parent here is the FrameLayout in the tab host 
that contains the tab content.

You might try wrapping the view in a secondary frame layout to 
protect the "real" frame layout "behind" it. I haven't tried this.

If it was your own views causing this, you could also override 
gatherTransparentRegion and return false. I have done this and it 

-- Ward

>hey all,
>i have TabActivity which does camera previews in one tab and has a
>VideoView in another. they don't get on very well - seems like each
>thinks it has control of the screen.
>in particular, once a preview has been done in the camera tab, then
>the VideoView tab has a black rectangle the size of the preview frame
>parked in the middle of it.
>i suspect that both facilities write direct to the frame buffer, and
>so some contention would be expected. is there any way round this?
>i'm setting the views' visibility accordingly in onTabChanged(), but
>it makes no difference, which i suspect is a bug.
>thanks for any help with this one

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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity vs VideoView vs Camera Preview contention

2008-12-03 Thread Ward Willats

>but then tried subclassing it and
>returning false in gatherTransparentRegion() as you suggested.
>unfortunately this doesn't affect the behaviour - upon switching to
>the playback tab after a preview, the black rectangle remains.


>did i misunderstand your message?

Nope. Unfortunately. (Though I am surprised, I had good luck with it.)

Your proposed course of further hackery should work, but seems like 
such overkill. Wish I had a better answer.

-- Ward

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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity vs VideoView vs Camera Preview contention

2008-12-03 Thread Dianne Hackborn
There could well be a bug here, nobody has done this kind of thing as far as
I know, and the code for handling a SurfaceView is quite complicated and
could easily have bugs in this area.

So feel free to file a bug.

That said, I can't make any promises about this being addressed any time
soon, as there are probably many features and bugs that at this point have a
significantly higher priority.  If it is something that someone really wants
to have fixed, the best way to get a result on it would probably be to debug
the platform and submit a patch to fix it. :}  (Which I know is asking a
lot, because this IS very tricky code.)

Oh one other thing, you might want to use hierarchyviewer just to make sure
the state of your view hierarchy looks sane.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 5:36 PM, Jason Proctor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i'm looking at the source for TabHost and it turns out that when a
> tab is selected, its view is set to visibility GONE. hence me setting
> it to INVISIBLE afterwards probably isn't helping!
> either way, i think making a SurfaceView GONE should probably stop it
> claiming chunks of screen and interfering with other views which are
> definitely VISIBLE.
> does the panel agree that this is a bug?
> >

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

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provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on public
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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity vs VideoView vs Camera Preview contention

2008-12-03 Thread Dave Sparks

I'm sure this is an artifact of the way we handle video overlays -
they are treated differently than a regular surface. If I understand
the behavior, I would agree that it's a bug.

As a workaround, you will probably need to tear down the VideoView.
For camera preview, you should be able to get away just clearing the
preview surface.

On Dec 3, 5:36 pm, Jason Proctor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i'm looking at the source for TabHost and it turns out that when a
> tab is selected, its view is set to visibility GONE. hence me setting
> it to INVISIBLE afterwards probably isn't helping!
> either way, i think making a SurfaceView GONE should probably stop it
> claiming chunks of screen and interfering with other views which are
> definitely VISIBLE.
> does the panel agree that this is a bug?
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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity vs VideoView vs Camera Preview contention

2008-12-03 Thread Jason Proctor

well, looks like the workaround isn't working.

in onTabChange() between the list selector tab and the tab with the 
videoview in it, i call -

videoTabView.addView (videoView);
videoView.setVideoPath (path);
videoView.start ();

and i get just a black screen.

also, even uninstalling the video view on an onTabChange() to the 
camera preview tab doesn't stop the (removed) video view overwriting 
the camera preview, so no previews after "watching" a video.

what is the recommended way of tearing down a video view?


>thanks for the response.
>i think the bug, tersely described, is that setting a SurfaceView's
>visibility to GONE (or indeed INVISIBLE) should probably release any
>hold on the screen.
>and yes -- my fix is to dynamically add and remove the
>relevant/offending views as their corresponding tabs become active
>and inactive etc.
>it's looking good but i'm seeing some side effects - calling
>VideoView.startPlayback() before the view is actually added to the
>layout results in no video. i'm trying to work around that ATM.
>>I'm sure this is an artifact of the way we handle video overlays -
>>they are treated differently than a regular surface. If I understand
>>the behavior, I would agree that it's a bug.
>>As a workaround, you will probably need to tear down the VideoView.
>>For camera preview, you should be able to get away just clearing the
>>preview surface.
>>On Dec 3, 5:36 pm, Jason Proctor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>   i'm looking at the source for TabHost and it turns out that when a
>>>   tab is selected, its view is set to visibility GONE. hence me setting
>>>   it to INVISIBLE afterwards probably isn't helping!
>>>   either way, i think making a SurfaceView GONE should probably stop it
>>>   claiming chunks of screen and interfering with other views which are
>>>   definitely VISIBLE.
>>>   does the panel agree that this is a bug?

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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity vs VideoView vs Camera Preview contention

2008-12-03 Thread Jason Proctor

another quite alarming detail is that if i initially remove the video 
view from its tab in my activity's onCreate(), then that results in a 
black screen where the camera preview should be. if i leave the video 
view installed, then the preview works fine.

this is somewhat baffling!

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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity vs VideoView vs Camera Preview contention

2008-12-03 Thread Dave Sparks

The black screen is probably the result of the 2D engine trying to
composite from an empty camera preview frame buffer.

The video push buffer surfaces were a late addition to SurfaceFlinger
to facilitate the use of video hardware pipelines. I'm not surprised
there are some rough edges because it didn't get any testing outside
of the basic use cases.

I suggest you log a bug. If you have a code snippet that demonstrates
the problem, that would be even better.

On Dec 3, 7:04 pm, Jason Proctor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> another quite alarming detail is that if i initially remove the video
> view from its tab in my activity's onCreate(), then that results in a
> black screen where the camera preview should be. if i leave the video
> view installed, then the preview works fine.
> this is somewhat baffling!
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[android-developers] Re: TabActivity vs VideoView vs Camera Preview contention

2008-12-08 Thread Dave Sparks

Are you accessing the MediaPlayer object from two threads? There isn't
a lot of code on the application side and it seems suspicious that it
would be crashing there. We did try to make it thread-safe, but it's
possible we missed an edge case.

On Dec 6, 3:31 pm, Jason Proctor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> logged as bug 1464.
> i replaced the VideoView with a combination of SurfaceView and
> manually installed MediaPlayer. this combination has worked for me in
> other applications, but in this particular instance, calling
> MediaPlayer.prepare() causes a VM crash --
> 12-06 15:30:09.837: INFO/DEBUG(826): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
> *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 12-06 15:30:09.837: INFO/DEBUG(826):
> Build fingerprint:
> 'tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC30/116143:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys'
> 12-06 15:30:09.837: INFO/DEBUG(826): pid: 882, tid: 882  >>>
> com.particlebrand.uooo.android <<< 12-06 15:30:09.837:
> INFO/DEBUG(826): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 000c 12-06
> 15:30:09.837: INFO/DEBUG(826):  r0 bef9d5dc  r1 0001  r2 a6d8
> r3  12-06 15:30:09.837: INFO/DEBUG(826):  r4 000c  r5
> bef9d5d8  r6 bef9d5a8  r7 bef9d578 12-06 15:30:09.837:
> INFO/DEBUG(826):  r8 bef9d630  r9 4104dd6c  10 4104dd58  fp 
> 12-06 15:30:09.837: INFO/DEBUG(826):  ip a9d45784  sp bef9d568  lr
> a9d25303  pc ab218752  cpsr 8030 12-06 15:30:09.907:
> INFO/DEBUG(826):  #00  pc ab218752  /system/lib/libmedia.so
> 12-06 15:30:09.907: INFO/DEBUG(826):  #01  pc ab215abe
> /system/lib/libmedia.so 12-06 15:30:09.917: INFO/DEBUG(826):
> #02  pc ab302ea8  /system/lib/libmedia_jni.so 12-06 15:30:09.917:
> INFO/DEBUG(826):  #03  pc ad00d9f4  /system/lib/libdvm.so
> i'm starting to think that having both camera preview and video in
> the same tab activity is just destined for failure. i really hope not.
> tx
> j
> >The black screen is probably the result of the 2D engine trying to
> >composite from an empty camera preview frame buffer.
> >The video push buffer surfaces were a late addition to SurfaceFlinger
> >to facilitate the use of video hardware pipelines. I'm not surprised
> >there are some rough edges because it didn't get any testing outside
> >of the basic use cases.
> >I suggest you log a bug. If you have a code snippet that demonstrates
> >the problem, that would be even better.
> >On Dec 3, 7:04 pm, Jason Proctor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>  another quite alarming detail is that if i initially remove the video
> >>  view from its tab in my activity's onCreate(), then that results in a
> >>  black screen where the camera preview should be. if i leave the video
> >>  view installed, then the preview works fine.
> >>  this is somewhat baffling!
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