I just inspected the Android platform source code.   In platform/
frameworks/base.git I found:


The AWTFactory class provides this method:

  32      * Use this method to get acces to AWT drawing primitives and
  33      * render into the surface area of a Android widget. Origin
  34      * clip of the returned graphics object are the same as in
  35      * corresponding Android widget.
  36      *
  37      * @param c Canvas of the android widget to draw into
  38      * @param p The default drawing parameters such as font,
  39      * stroke, foreground and background colors, etc.
  40      * @return The AWT Graphics object that makes all AWT
  41      * drawing primitives available in the androind world.
  42      */
  43     public static Graphics2D getAwtGraphics(Canvas c, Paint p) {
  44         // AWT?? TODO: test it!
  45         if (null == gf) {
  46             Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
  47             gf = tk.getGraphicsFactory();
  48         }
  49         return gf.getGraphics2D(c, p);
  50     }

Unfortunately, these classes are in the com.android.internal package.

Is there any way for a third party application to use this


On Nov 12, 5:13 pm, Sean Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I examined android.jar and noticed that the java.awt.Graphics2D class
> is not part of the Android platform.
>    http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/awt/Graphics2D.html
> Are there any plans to support the Java2D API's in a future release?
>    http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/2d/index.html
> I have an existing Java library that relies on Java2D / Graphics2D.
> I'd like to be able to use my
> existing code on Android.

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