I am searching ways of working with Android Standard Browser from my own 
application. First of all I want to know is there a way to refresh last 
opened tag in the Standard Android Browser by sending some intent from the 
own application or something else, I try do do that using this code, but it 
doesn't work

private static final String PACKAGE_BROWSER = "com.android.browser";
private static final String PACKAGE_BROWSER_GOOGLE = 

private void launchBrowser(){
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | 

    String browserPackage = getBrowserPackage();
    Uri yourUri = Uri.parse("www.google.com");
    intent.setDataAndType(yourUri, "text/html");
    intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(browserPackage, 

private String getBrowserPackage(){
    PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
    PackageInfo packageInfo = null;
    try {
        packageInfo = pm.getPackageInfo(PACKAGE_BROWSER, 0);
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {

        return PACKAGE_BROWSER;

The hole problem that I want to solve is a detection of is my own 
application is installed on a phone when user press on a link in a Standard 
Android Browser.I know that this problem has no trivial solution, or maybe 
it have no solution at all, but I am trying to understand why there is no 

No I am on a point when by clicking on a browser link I open my application 
if it is installed on a phone and if it is not installed I open an Android 
play store page in a browser, using this 
. But this example have some bat side as it always open Android Play Store 
in the browser only if my application exist in a phone it opens it first 
and then user press back in application and he can see how on a browser 
Android Store is loading.

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