Hello droids,

i am using XStream for multiple tasks in a project. But when i release it 
then it comes that proguard do usual optimizations and obfuscation. Since i 
am using XStream and let them parse XML into POJO's to work with ease with 
the XML i run into the problem that XStream won't work properly with 
proguard. XStream uses introspection/Reflection to fill the POJO's (Models) 
with the XML content. 
I'm experimenting around with the proguard options to no let xstream work 

-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable,EnclosingMethod
-keep public class com.yoc.swiss.swiss.ui.news.Rss { *; }
-keep public class com.yoc.swiss.swiss.ui.news.Channel { *; }
-keep public class com.yoc.swiss.swiss.ui.news.Item { *; }

This configuration should avoid modifications in that classes the 
mapping.txt which progurard outputs confirms that:
com.ccc.switch.switch.ui.news.Rss -> com.ccc.switch.switch.ui.news.Rss:
    com.yoc.swiss.swiss.ui.news.Channel channel -> channel
    7:7:com.yoc.swiss.swiss.ui.news.Channel getChannel() -> getChannel

just shown one example, the other classes have same output.
I am very thankful if someone has suggestions how to solve that. To get 
XStream working with proguard.

Thanks in advance

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