I wanted to pass dx some parameters when building a project using ADT
with Eclipse, I didn't find how, so I turned to ant.

I created a empty project with the activitycreator tool.
I put the generated build.xml into my actual project.
Then I modified the build.xml to match my project and i inserted the
dx parameter (which is --core-library)

Now I wanted to build the project.
It worked fine, all classes where compiled and put in the
But when ant came to building the .apk it failed.
Giving me the error: " Unable to access jarfile ..\framework
\apkbuilder.jar "

I looked for the apkbuilder.bat and the didn't quite understand it.
There is a reference made to some framework directory that i don't
The part that I don't understand is that one:

set jarfile=apkbuilder.jar
set frameworkdir=
set libdir=

if exist %frameworkdir%%jarfile% goto JarFileOk
    set frameworkdir=lib\
    set libdir=lib\

if exist %frameworkdir%%jarfile% goto JarFileOk
    set frameworkdir=..\framework\
    set libdir=..\lib\


set jarpath=%frameworkdir%%jarfile%

echo java -Djava.ext.dirs=%frameworkdir% -Djava.library.path=%libdir% -
jar %jarpath% %*

Obviously the script tries to determine the location of
apkbuilder.jar, but it fails due to the wrong directories.

I modified the script so that i had a correct path to apkbuilder.jar.
As result the java vm started but returned immidiatly saying:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/android/
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)

Did I overlook something?
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