(If there's a better place to post questions concerning the Google
Maps API please let me know, but it looks like this is the right

I have created a MapActivity containing a MapView. Drag and zoom work
fine, and I've successfully added an ItemizedOverlay that displays and
updates properly. Right now I can add OverlayItems to the map center
via a button, but I would like to add functionality allowing the user
to issue a long click to add an OverlayItem to the map at the selected

Issue 1 (minor):
It seems like there should be an easy way to determine the geo
location for a click event in MapView, but from what I've gathered it
requires writing my own pixel->latlong translation based on the view
span. Not a deal breaker, but seems like a common enough use case to
warrant addition to the API.

Issue 2 (average):
My first attempt was to use setLongClickable(true) and
setOnLongClickListener, but that doesn't provide the click location.
The only param it receives it the View object, but I couldn't find any
way to determine the location of the click event.

Issue 3 (major):
My second attempt was to use setOnTouchListener. This seems completely
broken to me. If I return true (ie, consume event) I continue getting
all touch events, but drag and zoom of the MapView do not work. That
seems like expected behavior.
If I return false (ie, do not consume the event) the map view
continues to work correctly. My listener receives ONLY the first touch
event. Stepping through in debug, it looks like
MapView.mOnTouchListener gets set to something like ZoomListener
(that's not the exact name, but it's close to that) and then to null
shortly after my listener is invoked.
Is there another preferred way of handling touch events in MapView?

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