Very rarely, my app crashes in setText.
Here is the detail:

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: index=4 length=4
> at android.text.AndroidBidi.directions(AndroidBidi.java:65)
> at android.text.StaticLayout.out(StaticLayout.java:680)
> at android.text.StaticLayout.generate(StaticLayout.java:380)
> at android.text.DynamicLayout.reflow(DynamicLayout.java:261)
> at android.text.DynamicLayout.<init>(DynamicLayout.java:150)
> at android.widget.TextView.makeNewLayout(TextView.java:5523)
> at android.widget.TextView.checkForRelayout(TextView.java:6022)
> at android.widget.TextView.setText(TextView.java:2826)
> at android.widget.TextView.setText(TextView.java:2691)
> at android.widget.TextView.setText(TextView.java:2666)
> at my.handrite.widget.NoteIndexItemView.setNote(NoteIndexItemView.java:100)

In my code, it looks like this:
99    SpannableStringBuilder spannable_string = note.getSpannableString();
100   mTextView.setText(spannable_string);
This happens very rarely, I only get this issue from android market's issue
report, never happens when I debug.

I want to read the source code of android, but unfortunately,
AndroidBidi.java(in android 2.2, android 2.3) don't have row 65(as in the
issue report)--it don't have that much rows.
So I guess this may happened in Android 3.0+, which we don't have access to
the source code yet.

Is it possible to find the bug?
Thank you!

Best Regards,
Ben Lee

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