[ANNOUNCE] Apache Olingo 2.0.10 has been released

2017-12-11 Thread Christian Amend

Apache Olingo 2.0.10 has been released.

This is a patch release of Apache Olingo which includes Bugfixes and
Improvements for client and server use cases.

This release is available for download:

Apache Olingo is a Java library which enables developers to implement OData
producers and OData consumers.

The Open Data Protocol (OData, http://odata.org) is a Web protocol for
querying and updating data that provides a way to unlock your data and free
it from silos that exist in applications today. OData does this by applying
and building upon Web technologies such as HTTP, Atom Publishing Protocol
(AtomPub) and JSON to provide access to information from a variety of
applications, services, and stores.

Best Regards, Michael

Release Notes - Olingo - Version 2.0.10

[OLINGO-996] - ODataJPA Extension creates illegal Entity Container Name
[OLINGO-1108] - Edm.Decimal not supported in OData Create requests (POST)
[OLINGO-1146] - CLONE - Cannot Filter on Navigation Property
[OLINGO-1192] - Parameterizing JPA Queries
New Feature
[OLINGO-605] - Olingo should support custom types e.g. Geometry by using
XmlAdapter from JaxB

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Olingo 4.4.0 has been released

2017-09-05 Thread Christian Amend

we announce that Apache Olingo 4.4.0 has been released.

This is the second stable Olingo release version for OData Version 4
(see specification [1] and new features [2]).

This release is available for download:
New Tutorials and documentation are also available:
Available also in central maven repository:

If you would like to get involved please write to: 
Or subscribe to our mailing list: http://olingo.apache.org/support.html

Apache Olingo is a Java library which enables developers to
implement OData service providers (server) and consumers (clients).

The Open Data Protocol (OData, http://www.odata.org/) is an open protocol
to allow the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable
RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way.

[1]: http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/odata-v4.0-part1-protocol.html

Release Notes - Olingo - Version 4.4.0

[OLINGO-753] - URIUtils.buildFunctionInvokeURI() build a wrong uri
when the uri parameter contains /$count
[OLINGO-917] - $entity request with $select system option always fails to parse
[OLINGO-975] - Olingo client sends incorrect types for collection members
[OLINGO-1008] - Metadata Parser is unable to parse external references
of Microsoft dynamics CRM Odata metadata
[OLINGO-1033] - V4: @odata.type annotation incorrect for primitive types
[OLINGO-1046] - Whitespaces in functions not allowed
[OLINGO-1058] - OData V4.0: NextLink Support in streaming to enable
server side pagination
[OLINGO-1064] - ComplexType is deserialized as Primitive Type if the
value is NULL
[OLINGO-1073] - Collections with derived complex types - wrong odata.type
[OLINGO-1076] - Validating Query Options for correct syntax
[OLINGO-1080] - Support Entity Iterator in batch
[OLINGO-1083] - OData V4 Singleton has EntityType instead of Type
attribute in XML metadata
[OLINGO-1102] - ODataErrorResponseChecker.checkResponse(...) not
return detail error message for ODataServerErrorException
[OLINGO-1104] - NavigationLink missing from JSON with expand and metadata=full
[OLINGO-1107] - UriDecoder should use java.net.URLDecoder
[OLINGO-] - EntityResponse's location building not taking
property's facets in to consideration
[OLINGO-1112] - Compound Key not handled correctly EntityResponse
[OLINGO-1132] - Type information is lost when primitive properties
with null value is updated
[OLINGO-846] - Flexible URL parsing for System Query Options
[OLINGO-1028] - V4: $filter statements on navigation properties
[OLINGO-1099] - Refactor the V4 $levels implementation
New Feature
[OLINGO-1059] - OData V4.0: Cross Service EDM
[OLINGO-1077] - OData V4.0: EntityIterator count support
[OLINGO-1171] - V4: Build 4.4.0 release
[OLINGO-1106] - Custom Query options in batch request

Best Regards,

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Olingo 4.2.0 has been released

2016-04-05 Thread Christian Amend

we proudly announce that Apache Olingo 4.2.0 has been released.
This is the third stable Olingo release for OData Version 4
(see specification [1] and new features [2]).

This release is available for download:

New Tutorials and documentation are also available:

Available also in central maven repository:
and the Apache repository:

If you would like to get involved please write to: 
Or subscribe to our mailing list as described here:

Apache Olingo is a Java library which enables developers to
implement OData service providers (server) and consumers (clients)
for OData V2 and V4.

The Open Data Protocol (OData, http://www.odata.org/) is an open protocol
to allow the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable
RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way.

[1]: http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/odata-v4.0-part1-protocol.html

Release Notes - Olingo - Version 4.2.0

[OLINGO-777] - samples/server is not returning entity/entitycollections in xml
[OLINGO-810] - Parameter aliases are not allowed in comnbination with
key predicates
[OLINGO-811] - Use of $count for expanded items does not work
[OLINGO-848] - Client-Proxy: getting a property of an entity flags the
entity as changed
[OLINGO-853] - Datetime values not properly encoded in OData entity identifiers
[OLINGO-854] - String values are not encoded correctly in EdmString.toUriLiteral
[OLINGO-861] - MetaDataParser unable to build EdmProvider from Edmx
files with references
[OLINGO-862] - MediaEntity Type: HasStream is not inherited
[OLINGO-863] - MetaDataParser unable to handle more than one Schemas
in a single Edmx file
[OLINGO-864] - EdmDate and EdmTimeOfDay output in local timezone
[OLINGO-865] - Derived types without odata.type annotation
[OLINGO-866] - Edm ActionImport deserialize does not read Annotation
[OLINGO-868] - MetaDataParser unable to handle Terms with more than
one value for "AppliesTo" Attribute
[OLINGO-869] - MetaDataParser unable to handle Properties/Terms
defined with Type "Edm.PropertyPath" or Collection(Edm.PropertyPath)
[OLINGO-878] - XML 1.0 invalid characters not supported in Odata Atom feed
[OLINGO-884] - Stream update of contained media entities not possible
[OLINGO-887] - Failure in EdmDateTest.valueToString:56
[OLINGO-890] - Client-Proxy: expanding to a contained entity set
results in an error
[OLINGO-897] - Cannot filter on derived properties - startTypeFilter
in MemberImpl is ignored
[OLINGO-898] - Create entities of derived types -
ODataJsonDeserializer ignoring odata.type in navigation links
[OLINGO-903] - ?$format=json does not work when entity or collection
is nonexistent
[OLINGO-904] - $crossjoin with $expand not being parsed correctly
[OLINGO-906] - ODataXMLSerializer returning HTTP status code as internal code
[OLINGO-907] - Entity-Id handling is in-correct in "server-core-ext" module
[OLINGO-908] - "Method Not Allowed" response must include allowed methods
[OLINGO-911] - "server-core-ext" handling the PUT/DELETE of $value
handling in-correct
[OLINGO-912] - Serializer does not support writing $expand($count=true) value
[OLINGO-913] - SchemaBasedEdmProvider using wrong EntityContainer FQN
to gets items
[OLINGO-914] - Annotation @odata.id must be present if entity's key
fields are omitted from the response
[OLINGO-915] - FunctionImports should also support additional SystemQueryOptions
[OLINGO-916] - Parse of URI with single guid key predicate fails
[OLINGO-925] - EdmxReference package is in both commons-api and Server-api

[OLINGO-834] - Refactoring URI Parsing
[OLINGO-846] - Flexible URL parsing for System Query Options
[OLINGO-851] - V4 Enhance EdmMapping object to contain internal names
[OLINGO-852] - V4 code cleanup epic for 4.2.0
[OLINGO-855] - Add Support/Validation for OData-Isolation header in
server-ext module
[OLINGO-874] - Odata4HttpHandler does not have proper error handling
[OLINGO-877] - Collection of Complex Values should be supported on URL
as Function Parameter
[OLINGO-880] - Load OData Core annotation vocabularies implicitly in
[OLINGO-902] - V2 Date calculations in filter expressions (OASIS-917 issue)
[OLINGO-921] - Add Server Extension to ZIP distribution

New Feature
[OLINGO-801] - Complex Parameters for FunctionImports
[OLINGO-825] - Create entities of derived types -
ODataJsonDeserializer ignoring odata.type
[OLINGO-832] - Provide streaming support for response (entity) 

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Olingo 4.1.0 has been released

2015-12-22 Thread Christian Amend

we proudly announce that Apache Olingo 4.1.0 has been released.

This is the second stable Olingo release version for OData Version 4
(see specification [1] and new features [2]).

This release is available for download:
New Tutorials and documentation are also available:
Available also in central maven repository:

If you would like to get involved please write to: 
Or subscribe to our mailing list: http://olingo.apache.org/support.html

Apache Olingo is a Java library which enables developers to
implement OData service providers (server) and consumers (clients).

The Open Data Protocol (OData, http://www.odata.org/) is an open protocol
to allow the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable
RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way.

[1]: http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/odata-v4.0-part1-protocol.html

Release Notes - Olingo - Version 4.1.0

[OLINGO-778] - ClientUriBuilder constructs wrong URI for bound operations
[OLINGO-780] - UriParser does not validate that non-composable
Functions are the last segment
[OLINGO-781] - TechnicalEntityProcessor fails when an entity
collection is requested and no entity set is defined
[OLINGO-782] - Function returning complex collections might result in
a 500 internal server error during URI parsing
[OLINGO-788] - Numbers having more than 17 digits in mantissa can't be parsed
[OLINGO-791] - URI Parser allows EntitySets with namespace
[OLINGO-794] - QueryOption Enum still contains INLINECOUNT
[OLINGO-798] - getEntityContainer() throws NullPointerException
[OLINGO-833] - SearchTokenizerTest breaks build on JDK 6

[OLINGO-784] - NPE in EdmPropertyImpl:43
[OLINGO-792] - Improve URI parser error messages
[OLINGO-795] - Enum and TypeDefinitions Enhancements
[OLINGO-804] - Remove the internal UInt7 primitive type class
[OLINGO-806] - Minor clean up before next V4 release
[OLINGO-821] - V4 Verify Enum and TypeDefinition Support
[OLINGO-826] - Enhance TecSVC before release

New Feature
[OLINGO-568] - OData $search Query Parser for Olingo
[OLINGO-587] - "name" Fields in Service Document cannot be set explicitly
[OLINGO-786] - Support EdmAnnotations on server side
[OLINGO-787] - Option to set absolute metadata context
[OLINGO-789] - Support for action import parameters

[OLINGO-713] - Add additional tutorials

Best Regards,

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Olingo 4.0.0-beta-03 has been released

2015-05-12 Thread Christian Amend

The Apache Olingo OData Library for Java 4.0.0-beta-03 has been released.

This will be the last beta release with the Olingo community now
working on the first stable release.
For this beta release the focus was on refactoring the code base.
OData V3 specific code has been removed to
focus more closely on the V4 Specification and to simplify the code base.

Additional Features for this release are:
 - Function Import Serialization/Deserialization
 - Action Import Serialization/Deserialization
 - Edm Type Mapping for Deserializer

As well as bug fixes and improvements.

The release is available for download as distribution packages:

and as maven dependencies:

If you would like to get involved please write to:

Apache Olingo is a Java library which enables developers to implement
OData producers as well as OData consumers.

The Open Data Protocol (OData, http://odata.org) is a Web protocol for
querying and updating data that provides a way to unlock your data and
free it from silos that exist in applications today. OData does this
by applying and building upon Web technologies such as HTTP, Atom
Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) and JSON to provide access to
information from a variety of applications, services, and stores.

Release Notes - Olingo - Version 4.0.0-beta-03

** Sub-task
* [OLINGO-265] - Edm vocabulary and annotations server implementation
* [OLINGO-554] - Enhance Context URI builder
* [OLINGO-555] - Function Import serializer
* [OLINGO-556] - Function Import Deserializer
* [OLINGO-557] - Function Imports in Technical Scenario

** Bug
* [OLINGO-424] - Type filters are added to the OData URI in the
incorrect location when OData parameters such as $filter are also
* [OLINGO-425] - The key should not be in quotes when
setKeyAsSegment is enabled
* [OLINGO-559] - Pojogen-maven-plugin tests fail during generated
source compilation
* [OLINGO-563] - Problem with navigation links in serializer
* [OLINGO-577] - Invalid escaping of space characters
* [OLINGO-578] - Deserialize Enum Values in Json correctly
* [OLINGO-581] - Uri parsing of Edm.Duration literals
* [OLINGO-584] - ExpressionVisitException inherits from Exception
* [OLINGO-613] - CommonODataProperty.getProperty() does not break
when it has found property it is looking for.
* [OLINGO-615] - Unable to serialize custom enum type

** Improvement
* [OLINGO-564] - Improve code quality for 4.0.0-beta-03
* [OLINGO-565] - Enable Service Resolution for V4 Servlet
* [OLINGO-566] - EdmKeyPropertyRef Refactoring
* [OLINGO-575] - V3 / V4 Code separation
* [OLINGO-585] - API to get the key predicates of canonical entity
binding URIs
* [OLINGO-595] - EdmProvider Interface

** New Feature
* [OLINGO-553] - Function Import Serialization/Deserialization
* [OLINGO-558] - Edm Type Mapping for Deserializer
* [OLINGO-603] - Actions in V4
* [OLINGO-648] - Create FactoryClass for ODataClient in API module

** Task
* [OLINGO-421] - java client - further improve getter method's
perf in the generated proxy codes
* [OLINGO-612] - Refactor location of
org/apache/olingo/commons/core/data package
* [OLINGO-649] - V4 Beta 03 Release Preperations

Best Regards,