[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.0.6, the last 2.0.x release, is now available for download

2019-08-20 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
HBase 2.0.6. This also happens to be the last release we will make off
branch-2.0; there will be no hbase-2.0.7, etc., unless extraordinary

Download from https://hbase.apache.org/downloads.html

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase 2.0.6 is the latest (and last) release on the HBase 2.0 line,
on the theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the Apache Big Data
ecosystem and beyond.  It includes 122 fixes since 2.0.5, ~ release at the
end of March, 2019.

For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Project member signature keys can be found at


The release was given the tag "rel/2.0.6".

Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible!

The HBase Dev Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.1.5 is now available for download

2019-06-05 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
HBase 2.1.4.

Download from https://hbase.apache.org/downloads.html

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase 2.1.5 is the latest release on the HBase 2.1 line, continuing on the
theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the Apache Big Data
ecosystem and beyond.  It includes 97 fixes since 2.1.4, ~ nine weeks ago.

For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Project member signature keys can be found at


Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible!

The HBase Dev Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.1.2 is now available for download

2019-01-09 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
HBase 2.1.2.

Download from https://hbase.apache.org/downloads.html

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase 2.1.2 is the latest release of the HBase 2.1 line, continuing on the
theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the Apache Big Data
ecosystem and beyond.  It fixes a critical issue found in the recent 2.1.1
and 2.0.3 releases (only), HBASE-21551. 2.1.2 includes ~70 bug and
improvement fixes done since the 2.1.1, released ~ two months ago.

For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Project member signature keys can be found at


Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible!

The HBase Dev Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.0.4 is now available for download

2019-01-04 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
HBase 2.0.4.

Download from https://hbase.apache.org/downloads.html

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase 2.0.4 is the latest release of the HBase 2.0 line, continuing on the
theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the Apache Big Data
ecosystem and beyond.  It fixes a critical issue found in the recent 2.0.3
and 2.1.1 releases (only), HBASE-21551. 2.0.4 includes ~31 bug and
improvement fixes done since the 2.0.3, ~ a month ago.

For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Project member signature keys can be found at


Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible!

The HBase Dev Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.0.3 is now available for download

2018-12-03 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
HBase 2.0.3

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase 2.0.3 is the third maintenance release in the HBase 2.0 line,
 continuing on the theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to
 the Hadoop and NoSQL communities. This release includes about
120 bug fixes done in the months since 2.0.2.

All users of previous 2.0.z releases are encouraged to upgrade to
this release.

The full list of changes included in this release is available at:


and are available in the CHANGES.md file included in the distribution.

Release notes are available here:


Download at http://hbase.apache.org/downloads.html

Project member signature keys can be found at


For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Question, comments, and problems are always welcome at:

The HBase Dev Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.1.1 is now available for download

2018-11-01 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
HBase 2.1.1.

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase 2.1.1 is the latest maintenance release in the HBase 2.1 line,
continuing on the theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the
Hadoop and NoSQL communities. This release includes over 180
bug fixes done in the 3 months since 2.1.0.

All users of 2.1.0 are encouraged to upgrade.

The full list of fixes included in this release is available at:


Release notes are available at:


Download via our downloads page:


For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Question, comments, and problems are always welcome at:

The HBase Dev Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.0.2 is now available for download

2018-09-02 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of HBase

Apache HBase™ is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of rows with
millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more about
see https://hbase.apache.org/.

To download 2.0.2, visit our download page:


HBase 2.0.2 is the second patch release in the HBase 2.0.x line, which aims
improve the stability and reliability of HBase. This release includes
roughly 100+ resolved issues since 2.0.1. All hbases-2.0.x users should
upgrade to this new release.

For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Project member signature keys can be found at


The list of 100+ changes made since 2.0.1 can be found here:


and release notes here:


The compatibility report vs 2.0.1:


Question, comments, and problems are always welcome at: d...@hbase.apache.org

Thanks to all who contributed and made this release possible.

The HBase Dev Team

ReplyReply allForward

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.0.1 is now available for download

2018-06-20 Thread stack
HBase 2.0.1 is now available for download.

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

To download 2.0.1, visit our download page:


HBase 2.0.1 is the second release of the new HBase 2.0 line, continuing on
the theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the Apache Big Data
ecosystem and beyond.

For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Project member signature keys can be found at


Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible!

The list of 70+ changes made since 2.0.0 can be found here:


The compatibility report show no changes since 2.0.0:


The HBase Dev Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.0.0 is now available for download

2018-04-30 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
HBase 2.0.0.

Apache HBase™ is the Hadoop database, a distributed, scalable, big data
To learn more about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase 2.0.0 is our second major release, the first release off the HBase
2.0 line.

Please review 'Upgrading from 1.x to 2.x' in the bundled HBase 2.0.0
Guide before installing or upgrading for a list of notable
incompatibilities, major
changes, and features including a new Region assignment manager ("AMv2"),
a means for configuring the read and/or write path to run off-heap, and an
optional In-Memory Compaction ("IMC", A.K.A "Accordion") facility.

According to our adopted Semantic Versioning guidelines[2], we allowed
ourselves make breaking changes in this major version release. For
example, Coprocessors will need to be recast to fit more constrained APIs
rolling upgrade of an hbase-1.x install to hbase-2.x without downtime is
not possible. That said, a bunch of effort has been expended mitigating the
differences; a hbase-1.x client can perform DML against an hbase-2 cluster.
bundled compatibility report showing difference from 1.2.6 may be of help

For the complete list of fixes and improvements, see the included
`CHANGES.md` (or online at [1]) and `RELEASENOTES.md`.

Download through an ASF mirror near you:


The relevant checksums files are available at:


Project member signature keys can be found at


PGP signatures are available at:


For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Question, comments, and problems are always welcome at:

Thanks to all who contributed and made this release possible.

The HBase Dev Team

1. https://s.apache.org/hbase-2.0.0-JIRA-changes
2. http://hbase.apache.org/2.0/book.html#hbase.versioning.post10

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.0.0-beta-2 is now available for download

2018-03-07 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
​HBase​ 2.0.0-beta-2!

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

Download through an ASF mirror:


(It may take a while to show up on a particular mirror site)

hbase-2.0.0-beta-2 is our second beta release. It includes all that was in
previous alphas
and the previous beta (new assignment manager, offheap read/write path,
compactions, etc.).

hbase-2.0.0-beta-2 is a not-for-production preview of hbase-2.0.0. It is
meant for devs and downstreamers to test drive and flag us if we messed up
on anything ahead of our rolling
2.0.0 release candidates ("GAs").

The list of features addressed in 2.0.0 so far can be found here [3]. There
are thousands.
The list of ~2k+ fixes in 2.0.0 exclusively can be found here [4].

I've updated our overview doc. on the state of 2.0.0 [6]. Next up are
actual 2.0.0 release
candidates. Look for them in a week or so after we do up a bit more doc and
test. Here is
the list of what is outstanding against 2.0.0 [5]. Only blockers will hold
up release.

One known issue is that the User API has not been properly filtered so it
shows more than
just InterfaceAudience Public content (HBASE-19663, to be fixed).

For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Project member signature keys can be found at


This release was tagged with rel/2.0.0-beta-2.

Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible!

The HBase Dev Team

3. https://goo.gl/scYjJr
4. https://goo.gl/dFFT8b
5. *https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/HBASE/versions/12327188
6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WCsVlnHjJeKUcl7wHwqb4

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.0.0-beta-1 is now available for download

2018-01-16 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
​HBase​ 2.0.0-beta-1!

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

Download through an ASF mirror:


(It may take a while to show up on a particular mirror site)

hbase-2.0.0-beta-1 is our first beta release. It includes all that was in
previous alphas (new assignment manager, offheap read/write path, in-memory
compactions, etc.) only now the
APIs and feature-set are sealed as we run up to our hbase-2.0.0 release.

hbase-2.0.0-beta-1 is a not-for-production preview of hbase-2.0.0. It is
meant for devs and downstreamers to test drive and flag us if we messed up
on anything ahead of our rolling GAs. We are particular interested in
hearing from Coprocessor developers.

The list of features addressed in 2.0.0 so far can be found here [3]. There
are thousands. The list of ~2k+ fixes in 2.0.0 exclusively can be found
here [4].

I've updated our overview doc. on the state of 2.0.0 [6]. We'll do one more
beta before we put up our first 2.0.0 Release Candidate by the end of
February, 2.0.0-beta-2. Its focus will be making it so users can do a
rolling upgrade onto hbase-2.x from hbase-1.x (and any bug fixes found
running beta-1). Here is the list of what we have targeted so far for
beta-2 [5]. Check it out.

One known issue is that the User API has not been properly filtered so it
shows more than just InterfaceAudience Public content (HBASE-19663, to be
fixed by beta-2).

Please take this beta for a spin. Let us know if you find any issue so we
can fix it before we GA.

For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Project member signature keys can be found at


This release was tagged with rel/2.0.0-beta-1 (

Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible!

The HBase Dev Team

3. https://goo.gl/scYjJr
4. https://goo.gl/dFFT8b
5. https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/HBASE/versions/12340862
6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WCsVlnHjJeKUcl7wHwqb4

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.0.0-alpha-3 is now available for download

2017-09-18 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

hbase-2.0.0-alpha-3 is a rough cut ('alpha'), not-for-production preview of
what hbase-2.0.0 will look like. It is meant for devs and downstreamers to
test drive and flag us early if we messed up anything ahead of our rolling

hbase-2.0.0-alpha-3 is our third alpha release on our march toward an
hbase-2.0.0. It includes all that was in previous alphas (new assignment
manager, offheap read/write path, in-memory compactions, etc.), but had a
focus on polishing our public API: old API that had been deprecated since
hbase-1.0.0 or before was purged and new API was added with sympathetic
deprecation of the previous. Along the Admin plane, incompatible changes
were unavoidable; you will not be able to administer a hbase2 cluster
using an hbase1 client (see dev-list "[DISCUSS] hbase-2.0.0 compatibility
expectations" thread for discussion and see [1] for current list of

What is here will be our public API for 2.0.0 unless we get pushback from
our gracious downstreamers.

Alpha-3 does not have the final version of our Coprocessor API. Finishing
the Coprocessor API for hbase-2.0.0 is the topic of our last planned alpha,
2.0.0-alpha-4. The Coprocessor API changes pretty radically in hbase-2.0.0
(though Coprocessor Endpoints will continue to work across an upgrade). See
[2] for why and why it was unavoidable. Input now from Coprocessor API users
before alpha-4 would be especially effective.

The list of features addressed in 2.0.0 so far can be found here [3]. There
are about 2700+. The list of ~500 fixes in 2.0.0 exclusively can be found
here [4].

We've updated our overview doc. on the state of 2.0.0 [6] but JIRA 2.0.0
label [5] has undergone extensive weeding and presents a fairly good
picture on what is yet to do before we 2.0.0. Check it out.

Please take it for a spin and let us know if there is anything you would
have us change or anything you see missing by mailing d...@hbase.apache.org
or by filing issues at https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/HBASE/summary

We are planning one more alpha release before we move to beta (the above
mentioned alpha-4). Now is the time to catch the egregious and flag the
incompatibilities while we have time to bend. Once we move to beta, APIs
and feature-set will be fixed.

Download through an ASF mirror near you:


Checksums can be found here:


Project member signature keys can be found at


PGP signatures are here:


For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Known issues are:

+ The LoadTestTool does not work (HBASE-18832).
+ MapReduce may fail for you (HBASE-18803 Mapreduce job get failed caused by
NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang3/ArrayUtils.)

Question, comments, and problems are always welcome at:

The HBase Dev Team

1. Current list of Incompatibles: https://docs.google.com/document/d/
2. Why CPs are Incompatible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/
3. goo.gl/Gcrp4f
4. goo.gl/xHE7fF
5. https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/HBASE/versions/12327188
6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WCsVlnHjJeKUcl7wHwqb4z9iEu_

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 2.0.0-alpha-2 is now available for download

2017-08-21 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Apache
HBase 2.0.0-alpha-2.

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase 2.0.0-alpha-2 is a rough cut ('alpha'), not-for-production, preview
of what
hbase-2.0.0 will look like. It is meant for devs and downstreamers to test
and flag us early if we messed up anything ahead of our rolling GAs.

hbase-2.0.0-alpha-2 includes all that was in alpha-1 (new assignment
offheap read/write path, in-memory compactions, etc.) plus a return to
deploy mode where master carries no regions (branch-2 and master up to this
had master carrying system tables), a purge of all checked-in generated
updates to all dependencies including a move to rely on new
hbase-thirdparty lib
for relocated versions of guava, netty, and protobuf, etc.

The list of features addressed in 2.0.0 so far can be found here [4]. There
about 2700+. The list of ~500 fixes in 2.0.0 exclusively can be found here

I've updated our overview doc. on the state of 2.0.0 [1] but JIRA 2.0.0
label [2]
has undergone extensive weeding and presents a fairly good picture on what
yet to do before we 2.0.0. Check it out.

Please take it for a spin and let us know if there is anything you would
have us
change or anything you see missing by mailing d...@hbase.apache.org or by
filing issues at https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/HBASE/summary

We are planning one more alpha release before we move to beta (alpha-3).
Now is the time to catch the egregious and flag the incompatibilities while
we have time to bend. Once we move to beta, APIs and feature-set will be

Download through an ASF mirror near you:


Checksums can be found here:


Project member signature keys can be found at


PGP signatures are here:


For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Question, comments, and problems are always welcome at:

The HBase Dev Team

1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WCsVlnHjJeKUcl7wHwqb4
2. https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/HBASE/versions/12327188
4. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-18599?jql=pro

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 1.2.3 is now available for download

2016-09-12 Thread stack
On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 6:13 AM, Stack  wrote:

> The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of HBase
> 1.2.3.
> ...
> Notable fixes include:
> * [HBASE-15811] - Batch Get after batch Put does not fetch all Cells *
> [HBASE-15698] - Increment TimeRange not serialized to server *
> [HBASE-15234] - ReplicationLogCleaner can abort due to transient ZK issues
> * [HBASE-15645] - hbase.rpc.timeout is not used in operations of HTable *
> [HBASE-15622] - Superusers does not consider the keytab credentials *
> [HBASE-15856] - Cached Connection instances can wind up with addresses
> never resolved * [HBASE-15873] - ACL for snapshot restore / clone is not
> enforced * [HBASE-16093] - Splits failed before creating daughter regions
> leave meta inconsistent

Sorry (copy/paste from 1.2.2). Notable fixes should have been:

HBASE-16420 Fix source incompatibility of Table interface

...which was an incompatibility found in 1.2.2 by our Phoenix brothers and

The HBase Dev Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 1.2.3 is now available for download

2016-09-12 Thread stack
The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of HBase

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more
about HBase, see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase 1.2.3 is the third maintenance release in the HBase 1.2.x line,
continuing on the theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the
Hadoop and NoSQL communities. This release includes 49 resolved issues
since the 1.2.2 release. The HBase community has designated the 1.2 line as
the current stable release line. All HBase 1.1 users are strongly
encouraged to upgrade.

Notable fixes include:

* [HBASE-15811] - Batch Get after batch Put does not fetch all Cells *
[HBASE-15698] - Increment TimeRange not serialized to server *
[HBASE-15234] - ReplicationLogCleaner can abort due to transient ZK issues
* [HBASE-15645] - hbase.rpc.timeout is not used in operations of HTable *
[HBASE-15622] - Superusers does not consider the keytab credentials *
[HBASE-15856] - Cached Connection instances can wind up with addresses
never resolved * [HBASE-15873] - ACL for snapshot restore / clone is not
enforced * [HBASE-16093] - Splits failed before creating daughter regions
leave meta inconsistent

The full list of issues can be found in the CHANGES.txt file included in
the release and online at: https://s.apache.org/

Download through an ASF mirror near you: https://www.apache.org/dyn/

The relevant checksums files are available at: https://www.apache.org/dist/
hbase/1.2.3/hbase-1.2.3-src.tar.gz.mds https://www.apache.org/dist/

Project member signature keys can be found at https://www.apache.org/dist/
hbase/KEYS PGP signatures are available at:https://www.apache.org/dist/
hbase/1.2.3/hbase-1.2.3-src.tar.gz.asc https://www.apache.org/dist/

For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see
https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi#verify Question, comments, and
problems are always welcome at: d...@hbase.apache.org.

The HBase Dev Team

[ANNOUNCE] Apache HBase 0.96.0 is now available for download

2013-10-19 Thread stack
hbase-0.96.0 is now available for download [0].

Apache HBase is a scalable, distributed data store that runs atop
Apache Hadoop.

The hbase-0.96.0 release has been more than a year in the making and
supplants our long-running 0.94.x series of releases.  We encourage users

More than 2k issues [1][2][3][4] are attributed to this version (counting
fixes done against this and the preview 0.95.x developer series of
releases). [7] is the total list of 0.96.0 changes.  1500+ of these changes
are in 0.96.0 alone; i.e. they have not been backported.  At the end of
this note is a sampling of some notable fixes.

High-level, the big themes driving this release have been improved
stability, operability, scaling fixes, and making it so we are in a
situation where we are free to evolve going forward while all the time
maintaining forward and backward compatibility. A bunch of work has been
done to improve Mean Time To Recovery on server and node crash.
Everywhere HBase persists has been moved to protobufs [8] including what we
write across the wire RPC'ing. We have a new balancer, call
tracing, namespaces, revamped metrics, hardened replication and assignment,
client-side types and mountains more of new utility and improvements.

hbase-0.96.0 comes in two flavors; a build that includes and runs
on hadoop-1.x and another for hadoop-2.x. You must chose the hbase that
suits yourhadoop context. You will need to restart your cluster on deploy.
On restart, HBase will run a few migration tasks that will complete in
seconds, and off you go again. hbase-0.94.x clients will not be able to
talk to a 0.96.x cluster. See '3. Upgrading' [5] section in the reference
guide for notes on upgrading and section '3.2. Upgrading from 0.94.x to
0.96.x' [6] in particular. Downstream projects should notice very minor --
if any -- changes in API.

Thanks to legion who contributed to this release.

At your service,
The HBase dev team

This release is dedicated to Shaneal Manek, HBase contributor.

0. http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/hbase/
1. 0.96.0 http://goo.gl/yp74gU
2. 0.95.2 340 issues http://goo.gl/4djjE9
3. 0.95.1 265 issues http://goo.gl/TcdckW
4. 0.95.0 1263 issues http://goo.gl/Iqcx2i
5. http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#upgrading
6. http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#upgrade0.96
7. http://goo.gl/NKoDqp
8. https://code.google.com/p/protobuf/


HBASE-7331 HBASE-6096 Add access control for region open and close, row
locking, and stopping the regionserver
HBASE-7678 HBASE-7667 make storefile management pluggable, together with
HBASE-8015 Support for Namespaces
HBASE-5335 Dynamic Schema Configurations
HBASE-5939 Add an autorestart option in the start scripts
HBASE-2214 Do HBASE-1996 -- setting size to return in scan rather than
count of rows -- properly
HBASE-9505 Enable replication by default
HBASE-8766 HBASE-6814 [WINDOWS] bin/hbase.cmd zkcli is broken
HBASE-4657 Improve the efficiency of our MR jobs with a few configurations
HBASE-6659 Port HBASE-6508 Filter out edits at log split time
HBASE-6055 Offline Snapshots in HBase 0.96
HBASE-7567 [replication] Create an interface for replication peers
HBASE-5305 Improve cross-version compatibility & upgradeability
HBASE-9152 Not able to find HMaster and HRegionServer processes with grep
by process name on ps result because of large classpath as argument.
HBASE-8778 Region assigments scan table directory making them slow for huge
HBASE-7721 Atomic multi-row mutations in META
HBASE-7007 [MTTR] Study assigns to see if we can make them faster still
HBASE-7845 optimize hfile index key
HBASE-7533 HBASE-7898 Write an RPC Specification for 0.96
HBASE-6553 Remove Avro Gateway
HBASE-8505 References to split daughters should not be deleted separately
from parent META entry
HBASE-50   Snapshot of table
HBASE-8214 Remove proxy and engine, rely directly on pb generated Service
HBASE-5844 Delete the region servers znode after a regions server crash
HBASE-7315 HBASE-7263 Remove support for client-side RowLocks
HBASE-6135 Style the Web UI to use Twitter's Bootstrap.
HBASE-4676 Prefix Compression - Trie data block encoding
HBASE-6295 Possible performance improvement in client batch
operations: presplit and send in background
HBASE-4403 Adopt interface stability/audience classifications from Hadoop
HBASE-7008 Set scanner caching to a better default, disable Nagles
HBASE-7942 HBASE-4755 Make use of the plumbing in HBASE-7932 to provide
location hints when region files are created
HBASE-7835 HBASE-7006 Implementation of the log splitting without creating
intermediate files
HBASE-8334 Enable essential column family support by default
HBASE-6849 Make StochasticLoadBalancer the default
HBASE-6066 HBASE-6922 some low hanging read path improvement ideas
HBASE-5074 support checksums in HBase block cache
HBASE-7351 Periodic health check chore
HBASE-5887 Make TestAcidGuarantees usable for system testing.
HBASE-6783 Make read short circuit the default