[tryton-announces] 6.4.0

2022-05-03 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-product-quantity:



Tryton module to add quantity constraints on sale line

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-product-quantity/6.4.0/

[tryton-announces] 6.4.0

2022-05-03 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-purchase-product-quantity:



Tryton module to add quantity constraints on purchase line

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-purchase-product-quantity/6.4.0/

[tryton-announces] 6.4.0

2022-05-03 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-receivable-rule:



Tryton module to enforce receivable rules

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-receivable-rule/6.4.0/

[tryton-announces] 6.4.0

2022-05-03 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-stock-shipment-cost-weight:



Tryton module to allocate shipment cost per weight

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-stock-shipment-cost-weight/6.4.0/

[tryton-announces] 6.4.0

2022-05-03 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-shipment-cost-weight:



Tryton module to allocate shipment cost "by weight"

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-shipment-cost-weight/6.4.0/

[tryton-announces] 6.4.0

2022-05-03 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-es-sii:



Tryton module that sends invoices to the Spanish SII webservice

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-es-sii/6.4.0/

[tryton-announces] 6.4.0

2022-05-03 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-invoice-date:



Tryton module to compute invoice date of sale

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-invoice-date/6.4.0/

[tryton-announces] 6.4.0

2022-05-03 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-tax-non-deductible:



Tryton module to report non-deductible tax

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-tax-non-deductible/6.4.0/

[tryton-announces] 6.4.0

2022-05-03 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-invoice-watermark:



Tryton module to add watermark to invoice

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-invoice-watermark/6.4.0/

[tryton-announces] Tryton Release 6.4

2022-05-03 Thread News - Tryton Discussion: ced


Tryton Release 6.4


We are proud to announce the 6.4 release of Tryton.
This release provides many bug fixes, performance improvements and some fine tuning. What is also remarkable is the addition of 9 new modules.
You can give it a try on the demo server, use the docker image or download it here.
As usual migration from previous series is fully supported. No manual operations are required.
Here is a list of the most noticeable changes:
Changes for the User
It is now possible for modules to display a notification message from the server while user is filling a form. This is already used by the sale_stock_quantity module to display a message when user select a product with not enough forecast quantity.

Users can now choose which optional columns are display on the list or tree views. All modules have been reviewed to make optional none essential columns and thus provide a lean interface by default.

Some views can now be used for edition but not creation of new record. This can be used for example to set an editable list for modification but creation must always go through the form.
The CSV import now skip empty rows inside One2Many. It is now possible to import many One2Many fields in the same file but with different length.
The CSV import error messages have been improved to include the model, field an column. This eases the task of solving problems.

More (click for more details)
Web Client
The reference fields can now be opened from the list and tree views like the Many2One. They are rendered as a link which open a new tab with the form of the target.
Desktop Client
The CSV export encoded in UTF-8 include by default the Byte Order Mark to increase compatibility with other systems.
The multi-selection widget uses now the same default selection behavior as other list. This solves inconsistency in the behavior.
The reconciliation wizard has now an option to automatically reconcile the default suggestions. This speed up the process for accounting with a lot of entries when the system is well configured.
Similar to the debit type, we now have also an optional credit type on account. Of course an accountant can only have one optional debit or credit type.
The general ledger displays now by default only the debit/credit columns only when there are actually lines in the account for the period. And it display the number of lines.
We now use the invoice date (instead of the accounting date) to enforce the sequence order of the customer invoice. This is more flexible and still valid with most country rules.
When validating interactively a supplier invoice with the same reference as an existing one, Tryton raises a warning because it could be that the user is entering the same invoice twice.
Now lines in a payable or receivable account can only be added to a payment if they have a maturity date. This avoid to create payment for pure accounting lines.
The receivable payments can now be processed without the need of being approved first but just being submitted. This simplify the workflow of receiving payments like checks where there is no need for a second approval.
It is also now possible to edit the amount of a processing payment. This is because sometimes we can read a different amount on a check than what the bank will  read.
We do no more create dunning for lines with a pending payment.
It is no more possible to select reconciled payment or group when entering a statement. This simplify the selection task for the user and for the rare case where he needs to select such payment, he can still unreconcile before selection.
The clearing line of a payment is now automatically reconciled with all the statement lines linked to it.
The user can now choose the allocation method to apply to shipment cost.

More (click for more details)
Tryton can now fill or create the related bank from an IBAN.
When searching for a bank name, Tryton is also searching on the BIC.
The country name on a printed address is always in English following the international standard.
The SIREN and SIRET codes are now managed as identifiers on the party.
A party identifier can now be linked to an address of the party. The SIRET number uses this new feature.
The “autonomous city” are now allowed as subdivision for Spain.
All the lines of the street are used now for the record name of an address.
It is now forbidden to decrease the number of digits of a unit of measure. This prevents to make invalid existing quantity linked to this unit.
We warn now user who try to deactivate a product that still has stock.
The stock move form shows now also the optional linked production.
It is now possible to define a default currency for each supplier.
It is now possible to define a default currency for each customer.
The origin name of invoice line for advance payment is now filled with the advance payment condition name.
The advance payments are now recalled with a negative quantity instead