Re: [ansible-project] Re: callback plugin log_plays double output in logs

2018-01-30 Thread Ansible Krazy
Is it also work if I use custom ansible.cfg file ... how to call callback
plugins in custom ansible.cfg

On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 2:27 PM, Kai Stian Olstad <> wrote:

> On 09.01.2018 22:00, wrote:
>> So I defined it under /usr/share/ansible/plugins/callback ansible one.
> What do you mean with defined?
> log_plays is bundled with Ansible 2.4 so you only need to set
> "stdout_callback = log_plays" in ansible.cfg or set the environment
> variable ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=log_plays
> --
> Kai Stian Olstad
> --
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Re: [ansible-project] Re: Simple cisco IOS show version

2018-01-30 Thread Surjeet Singh

I would like to share that i managed to collect inventory information with
only minor changes in ansible playbook.

sharing just to help other people who new learner like me.

# write facts in inventory
- name: write the inventory in into file
content: |
  {% for host in ansible_play_hosts %}
  {{ hostvars[host].inventory_hostname}};{{
hostvars[host].facts_output.ansible_facts.ansible_net_hostname }};{{
hostvars[host].facts_output.ansible_facts.ansible_net_model }};{{
hostvars[host].facts_output.ansible_facts.ansible_net_version }};{{
hostvars[host].facts_output.ansible_facts.ansible_net_image }}
  {% endfor %}

dest: /etc/ansible/facts/systems.csv
backup: yes

output will look like below after minor changes in excel.

MGMT_IP HOSTNAME MODEL VERSION IMAGE R1 3725 (R7000) processor 12.4(15)T14 tftp:// R2 3725 (R7000) processor 12.4(15)T14 tftp:// R3 3725 (R7000) processor 12.4(15)T14 tftp:// R4 3725 (R7000) processor 12.4(15)T14 tftp:// router_r5 3725 (R7000) processor 12.4(15)T14 tftp:// R6 3725 (R7000) processor 12.4(15)T14 tftp:// R7 3725 (R7000) processor 12.4(15)T14 tftp:// router_r8 3725 (R7000) processor 12.4(15)T14 tftp://

*Surjeet Singh*
Technical Specialist – Networks DATA
Cell : +917838707047

To become bigger person,need to walk with bigger Vision 

On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 10:16 AM, Surjeet Singh  wrote:

> Thank you for your response.
> I also managed to fix this by modifying my code little bit
> .I will share my updated code with you..
> Regards/Surjeet
> On 29-Jan-2018 2:51 AM, "Claudia de Luna"  wrote:
>> Hi Surjeet,
>> I have a script that is very similar to yours.  I pass it either a file
>> or a path to a directory full of individual files per device with all the
>> show command output.
>> I take the output of each file and append it to a list, fsm_all_results.
>> Once done processing either one file or a directory full of files, i save
>> fsm_all_results to a CSV file.
>> Hope this helps!
>> Good luck.
>> # Make sure we have files to process (at least 1)
>> if len(file_list) > 0:
>> # Open the CSV file to store results
>> csv_results_fh = open_file(results_dir, 'wb')
>> csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_results_fh, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
>> # Iterate through the valid file list. If the script was passed a 
>> filename it will be a file_list of 1
>> # If the script was passed a directory it will be a list of files with a 
>> valid extension
>> for fil in file_list:
>> print("Processing device file: " + fil)
>> # open_file function returns a file handle
>> fh = open_file(fil, 'r')
>> # Read the file contents into a variable for parsing
>> file_contents =
>> # Close file
>> fh.close()
>> # Send TextFSM Template name and data to parse to text_fsm_parsing 
>> function
>> # file_results returns the parsed results and table returns the 
>> header
>> fil_results, table = text_fsm_parse(textfsm_template, file_contents)
>> print("file results of lenght {} from 
>> text_fsm_parse:\n{}".format(str(len(fil_results)),fil_results[1]))
>> # Append fil_results list of results to list of all results
>> fsm_all_results.append(fil_results)
>> # Keep track of files without parser output in the no_output list so 
>> it can be printed later
>> if len(fil_results) == 0:
>> no_output.append(fil)
>> # Write the header row in the CSV file
>> if table:
>> csv_writer.writerow(table.header)
>> else:
>> sys.exit("Parsing Error. Execution aborted.")
>> # Write each row in the fsm_all_results list to the CSV file
>> for re_row in fsm_all_results:
>> for single_row in re_row:
>> csv_writer.writerow(single_row)
>> # print(single_row)
>> On Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 6:29:25 AM UTC-8, Surjeet Singh wrote:
>>> Hi Claudia,
>>> i am strugling with with issue in putting textfsm in loop. i can read
>>> all my file end with .txt but i have issue in moving for loop so i can run
>>> textfsml on all files instead of last file.
>>> can you please help me with that.
>>> import jtextfsm as textfsm
>>> import glob, os
>>> os.chdir("/etc/ansible/facts/")
>>> for file in glob.glob("*_iosfacts.txt"):
>>> input_file = open(file)
>>> raw_text_data =
>>> input_file.close()
>>> # Run the text through the FSM.
>>> # The argument 'template' is a file handle and 'raw_text_data' is a

[ansible-project] Re: Ansible zabbix module issues

2018-01-30 Thread Andrew Morgan
thank you for "Ansible is hard coded to /usr/bin/python"..resolved

On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 1:52:57 AM UTC-5, Andrew Morgan wrote:
> Hello All, 
> My ansible module is 
> ansible
>   config file = /ansible/ansible.cfg
>   configured module search path = [u'/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', u
> '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
>   ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
> ansible
>   executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
>   python version = 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Aug 18 2016, 15:13:37) [GCC 4.4.7 
> 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-17)]
> my play is 
> - hosts: zabbix
>   tasks:
>   - name: This is installation
> zabbix_maintenance:
>  name: Zabbix123
>  host_groups: Discovered host,Linux servers
>  state: present
>  minutes: 90
>  server_url:
>  login_user: Admin
>  login_password: yORKKEI1!
>  desc: Setting up maintenance window for builds
> my issue is that when I try to run ansible-playbook playbook.yaml
> I keep getting the error:
> TASK [This is installation] 
> **
> fatal: [zabbix_server]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Missing 
> required zabbix-api module (check docs or install with: pip install 
> zabbix-api)"}
> to retry, use: --limit @/ansible/playbook.retry
> I have installed pip zabbix-api , zabbix_api, pyzabbix and neither works. 
> I have even tried installing them to the targe directory ansible has as 
> python module location /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible
>  but I still get that error.Can someone please help.

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[ansible-project] Re: requests-credssp and credentials encryprion at first hop.

2018-01-30 Thread Jordan Borean
TLDR: for Windows to authenticate with another server (double-hop), it will 
either need a Kerberos ticket with the delegation flag or the user's actual 
credentials (CredSSP/become) there is no way around that. If there is that 
is a security issue with Windows and should be fixed by Microsoft.

CredSSP isn't really the best way to go about this. And I think this post 
> should go on Git as Ansible needs a better way to cover double-hops.

While I agree, it really isn't the best way to go about this and people 
should use Kerberos with delegation instead, CredSSP is still viable in 
some situations and in total Ansible covers 3 ways of allowing this

   - Kerberos with delegation
   - CredSSP
   - Become (Ansible specific implementation)
All 3 allow you to cover double-hops while the 3rd fix even more 
limitations of a network process, I'll go into more detail below.


The way that Windows works is that on a normal local logon, the username 
and password is supplied to LSA who then authenticates the user. This 
password is then available in that logon session and can be used by the 
client to authenticate with a remote server, i.e. connecting to a fileshare 
with the logged on credentials and so on. When authenticated with a server 
over the network (like WinRM), it will use an auth protocol like NTLM, 
Kerberos, CredSSP to authenticate the user and in the majority of cases the 
password of the user is not sent to the server. When LSA creates a logon 
session without a password (from an NTLM hash or Kerberos ticket like 
WinRM), it is unable to do things like calculate an NTLM hash or get a 
Kerberos ticket from the KDC in order to authenticate with another server.

This is usually fine for things like SMB but with WinRM users may want to 
interact with a third server to copy files like they would do locally but 
without that local password this is impossible for Windows to do, i.e. it 
can't calculate the NTLM hash if it doesn't have the password. In order to 
get over this problem, you can either use CredSSP to send the password to 
the remote server that is accessible by LSA or you can use a Kerberos 
ticket with the delegation flag set. With either of these methods, the 
remote server is able to authenticate with another server like you would be 
able to do locally but is unable to delegate to a 4th server from there, 
e.g. local -> remote -> double hop remote -> another hop remote is not 


The first option CredSSP is a protocol designed by Microsoft to allow an 
application (A) to delegate the user's credentials to another server (B) by 
sending the user's password as "plaintext" and not a hash. This delegation 
means that the LSA of the remote host (B) has a copy of the plaintext 
username and password of the user which it can then use to authenticate 
with a third remote server (C). In general the protocol works like this

   - The initial server response returns a HTTP 401 error with CredSSP in 
   the WWW-Authenticate header
   - The client sets up a TLS connection and starts the TLS Handshake which 
   includes things like cipher suite negotiation
   - Once the handshake is complete, the client will send either an NTLM or 
   Kerberos token to authenticate the user
   - After authenticating the user, the client will encrypt the server’s 
   CredSSP public key with the authentication wrap function and send that to 
   the server
   - The server validates that the correct public key was used and there is 
   no middle man in between the client and the server
   - The server then sends it’s public key again with the first bit set to 
   1 also encrypted with the authentication wrap function
   - The client will verify the public key and verify the first bit was set 
   to 1
   - Once both the client and server have verified each other, the client 
   will then encrypt the username and password with the authentication wrap 
   function and send that to the server

As well as the steps that use the authentication wrap function to encrypt 
the data, each step after the TLS handshake is also encrypted with the TLS 
protocol itself, e.g. when sending the username and password it is doubly 
encrypted (auth wrap and then TLS wrap). So the fact that the password is 
sent over the wire is troubling (and rightly unacceptable for some) but 
anyone snooping over the network would have a really hard time to get the 
credentials as it would have to break both the TLS protocol encryption and 
the auth protocol encryption (+1 more TLS encryption if running on the 
HTTPS WinRM listener).


Kerberos with delegation is a slight modification of the normal Kerberos 
process, normally the flow works like (I may be slightly wrong in some 

   1. User contacts the KDC (Domain Controller) to get a Ticket Granting 
   Ticket (TGT) for their logon session (for Windows this happens on logon 
   2. When authenticating with a server, the client uses the TGT and s

[ansible-project] Cygwin breaking ansible

2018-01-30 Thread lpescatore via Ansible Project
Hi folks, I have a WEIRD problem. 
After running cygwin ssh-host-config on my PC, which starts sshd and rsync 
services, suddenly I can no longer run ansible. 
I get this error:

root@Raspi_Ctrl:/ansible/playbook/nuc# ansible -i /ansible/hosts nuc -m 

* [WARNING]: FATAL ERROR DURING FILE TRANSFER: Traceback (most recent call 
last):   File*

line 276, in _winrm_exec*

*self._winrm_send_input(self.protocol, self.shell_id, command_id, data, 
eof=is_last)   File*

line 256, in _winrm_send_input*

*protocol.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq))   File 

*packages/winrm/", line 207, in send_message return 
self.transport.send_message(message)   File*

*"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/winrm/", line 202, in 
send_message raise*

*WinRMTransportError('http', error_message) WinRMTransportError: (u'http', 
u'Bad HTTP response returned from*

*server. Code 500')* | FAILED! => {

"msg": "winrm send_input failed"


root@Raspi_Ctrl:/ansible/playbook/nuc# ansible -i /ansible/hosts nuc -m 

* | UNREACHABLE! => {*

*"changed": false, *

*"msg": "basic: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=5986): 
Max retries exceeded with url: /wsman (Caused by 
ConnectTimeoutError(, 'Connection to timed out. (connect 
timeout=30)'))", *

*"unreachable": true*


*When I run system restore to before this ssd-host-config, I can reach it 
again. *

*rsync uses port 873, sshd uses 22, and I believe ansible uses 5986 so 
there should be no conflict. *

*Has anyone else had this issue?*

*By the way, this is the script that does the config. I do have this set to 
become: so i dont think it's a privelege thing.*


#::Configure sshd service

if ! ssh-host-config --yes --pwd "foo"; then

echo "ERROR: Failed to configure sshd"

exit 1


#echo db_home: /cygdrive/c/home/YRunner > C:\cygwin\etc\nsswitch.conf || 
exit /b 1

if ! net start sshd; then

echo "ERROR: Failed to start sshd service."

exit 1


#configure the rsyncd service

cat < /etc/rsyncd.conf

use chroot = yes


#path = /cygdrive/c/home/YRunner

comment = YRunner Rsyncer

auth users = YRunner

secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets

write only = false

read only = false

list = true

strict modes = false

hosts allow = *


/usr/bin/cygrunsrv.exe --install "rsyncd" --path /usr/bin/rsync --args 
"--daemon --no-detach" -f "Rsync daemon service"

if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then

echo "ERROR: Failed to install rsyncd service"

exit 1


net start rsyncd

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[ansible-project] Linux Compare Two hosts operating system versions and applications versions

2018-01-30 Thread srikanthgali187
This is to check Disaster recovery hosts are having same configuration/OS 
levels/application versions as DC hosts. Any idea how to auto mate this 
with ansible?

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[ansible-project] How to compare two Directories/sub directories in 2 hosts with ansible

2018-01-30 Thread srikanthgali187
We have two linux(RHEL) hosts, I want to compare application directories 
between two  hosts. 

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[ansible-project] Re: Loops in Ansible

2018-01-30 Thread ZillaYT
You can try the loop_control and loop_var technique discussed 

So in one file you may have

deploy_username: deploy-a
- path: /var/www
  owner: www-data
  group: www-data
  permissions: "0770"
  recursive_perms: yes
  - etype: user
permissions: rwX
entity: www-data
  - etype: user
permissions: rwX
entity: "{{ deploy_username }}"

  - incolude_tasks: set-acl.yml
- yes
- no
  loop_var: default_bool

The, in set-acl.yml you have your code:

  - name: Set ACL on directories
  path: "{{ item.0.path }}"
  entity: "{{ item.1.entity }}"
  etype: "{{ item.1.etype }}"
  permissions: "{{ item.1.permissions }}"
  state: present
  default: "{{ default_bool }}"
  recursive: "{{ item.0.recursive_perms }}"
- "{{ directories }}"
- acl

On Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 9:50:31 AM UTC-4, Андрей Климентьев wrote:
> Hi, everyone.
> Would it be possible to somehow merge those two tasks in one? As you can 
> see, the only difference is in *default: [yes|no] *key.
> I have to install both default and non-default ACL on a filesystem object, 
> but I am am stuck with (perceived) deficiencies of Ansible loops. Can I 
> somehow alternate between those two boolean values, whilst also being able 
> to loop *with_subelements*?
>   vars:
> deploy_username: deploy-a
> directories:
> - path: /var/www
>   owner: www-data
>   group: www-data
>   permissions: "0770"
>   recursive_perms: yes
>   acl:
>   - etype: user
> permissions: rwX
> entity: www-data
>   - etype: user
> permissions: rwX
> entity: "{{ deploy_username }}"
>   - name: Set ACL on directories
> acl:
>   path: "{{ item.0.path }}"
>   entity: "{{ item.1.entity }}"
>   etype: "{{ item.1.etype }}"
>   permissions: "{{ item.1.permissions }}"
>   state: present
>   default: no
>   recursive: "{{ item.0.recursive_perms }}"
> with_subelements:
> - "{{ directories }}"
> - acl
>   - name: Set default ACL on directories
> acl:
>   path: "{{ item.0.path }}"
>   entity: "{{ item.1.entity }}"
>   etype: "{{ item.1.etype }}"
>   permissions: "{{ item.1.permissions }}"
>   state: present
>   default: yes
>   recursive: "{{ item.0.recursive_perms }}"
> with_subelements:
> - "{{ directories }}"
> - acl

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[ansible-project] Re: Ansible & Jenkins integration issue

2018-01-30 Thread Malcolm Hussain-Gambles
Are you using the ansible plugin within Jenkins?
Or running it as a cli within jenkins?
I've had no issues (yet) using the ansible plugin.

On Tuesday, 30 January 2018 09:12:33 UTC, GornerM wrote:
> Ansible playbooks passes without any issues, when I run it directly from 
> cli (also inside of Jenkins workspace)
> But I receives the following error 
> "FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "ERROR! the handler 
> 'juniper_junos_facts' was not found" 
> when ansible runs by execution of Jenkins job.
> juniper_junos_facts is the task of Juniper.junos role.
> I have specifide library path in ansible configuration and exported 
> Do you have any ideas, why ansible can not find tasks iside of Jenkins?

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[ansible-project] Re: Azure Auth using 'az login' like Terraform does

2018-01-30 Thread Jordan Borean
This was added with and will 
be available in the 2.5 release. You can checkout the latest devel branch 
if you wanted to try it out today.



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Re: [ansible-project] Re: Loops in Ansible

2018-01-30 Thread ZillaYT
It looked official to me.

(Sorry to hijack the thread)

On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 2:28:27 PM UTC-5, Kai Stian Olstad wrote:
> On Tuesday, 30 January 2018 20.25.19 CET ZillaYT wrote: 
> > I was looking 
> > here 
> I would suggest to use the official documentation and not some random site 
> on the Internet. 
> -- 
> Kai Stian Olstad 

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Re: [ansible-project] Re: Loops in Ansible

2018-01-30 Thread Kai Stian Olstad
On Tuesday, 30 January 2018 20.25.19 CET ZillaYT wrote:
> I was looking 
> here

I would suggest to use the official documentation and not some random site on 
the Internet.

Kai Stian Olstad

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Re: [ansible-project] Re: Loops in Ansible

2018-01-30 Thread ZillaYT
I was looking 

On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 2:23:53 PM UTC-5, Kai Stian Olstad wrote:
> On Tuesday, 30 January 2018 20.16.29 CET ZillaYT wrote: 
> > I'm trying to do the same thing. What version of Ansible are you using? 
> I 
> > use v2.4.2.0 and the acl module does NOT have a recursive parameter, but 
> I 
> > see you use it? 
> Where to you get that from? 
> From the docs 
> recursive (added in 2.0) - Recursively sets the specified ACL (added in 
> Ansible 2.0). Incompatible with state=query. 
> -- 
> Kai Stian Olstad 

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Re: [ansible-project] Re: Loops in Ansible

2018-01-30 Thread Kai Stian Olstad
On Tuesday, 30 January 2018 20.16.29 CET ZillaYT wrote:
> I'm trying to do the same thing. What version of Ansible are you using? I 
> use v2.4.2.0 and the acl module does NOT have a recursive parameter, but I 
> see you use it?

Where to you get that from?
>From the docs

recursive (added in 2.0) - Recursively sets the specified ACL (added in Ansible 
2.0). Incompatible with state=query.

Kai Stian Olstad

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[ansible-project] Re: Loops in Ansible

2018-01-30 Thread ZillaYT
I'm trying to do the same thing. What version of Ansible are you using? I 
use v2.4.2.0 and the acl module does NOT have a recursive parameter, but I 
see you use it?

On Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 9:50:31 AM UTC-4, Андрей Климентьев wrote:
> Hi, everyone.
> Would it be possible to somehow merge those two tasks in one? As you can 
> see, the only difference is in *default: [yes|no] *key.
> I have to install both default and non-default ACL on a filesystem object, 
> but I am am stuck with (perceived) deficiencies of Ansible loops. Can I 
> somehow alternate between those two boolean values, whilst also being able 
> to loop *with_subelements*?
>   vars:
> deploy_username: deploy-a
> directories:
> - path: /var/www
>   owner: www-data
>   group: www-data
>   permissions: "0770"
>   recursive_perms: yes
>   acl:
>   - etype: user
> permissions: rwX
> entity: www-data
>   - etype: user
> permissions: rwX
> entity: "{{ deploy_username }}"
>   - name: Set ACL on directories
> acl:
>   path: "{{ item.0.path }}"
>   entity: "{{ item.1.entity }}"
>   etype: "{{ item.1.etype }}"
>   permissions: "{{ item.1.permissions }}"
>   state: present
>   default: no
>   recursive: "{{ item.0.recursive_perms }}"
> with_subelements:
> - "{{ directories }}"
> - acl
>   - name: Set default ACL on directories
> acl:
>   path: "{{ item.0.path }}"
>   entity: "{{ item.1.entity }}"
>   etype: "{{ item.1.etype }}"
>   permissions: "{{ item.1.permissions }}"
>   state: present
>   default: yes
>   recursive: "{{ item.0.recursive_perms }}"
> with_subelements:
> - "{{ directories }}"
> - acl

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[ansible-project] Getting latest version in `.galaxy_install_info`

2018-01-30 Thread jjelinek

If I have a requirements.yml like this:

- name: abc
  scm: git

it will pull in the role and inside `meta/.galaxy_install_info` the 
contents will look like this:
{install_date: 'Tue Jan 30 16:59:06 2018', version: ''}

What I would like is to always pull in the latest git version in my 
`requirements.yml`, but I want to capture the version as the git sha 
instead of having it empty. Is there a good way to do this?

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[ansible-project] add multiple users

2018-01-30 Thread Joli Martinez

I am looking for a way to add multiple users to both Redhat and 
Debian/Ubuntu based systems with the following criteria
1.  With either no password and have them create one at first login, or all 
with the same password and change it at first login
2.  Be able to add them to the sudo group if needed.

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Re: [ansible-project] when conditionals syntax

2018-01-30 Thread John Harmon

On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 9:23:29 AM UTC-7, Matt Martz wrote:
> Yes, you use of `| "yes"` is not proper jinja2.
> `|` is used to "pipe" something into a filter function, and "yes" is not a 
> filter function.
> Are you trying to check if it also "yes".  Look to using the bool filter 
> (also use `and` instead of `&&`):
> ```
> when: install|default(false)|bool and nagios_user is failed
> ```
> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 10:16 AM, John Harmon  > wrote:
>> Is something wrong with the following?  It seems to get executed no 
>> matter what.  In addition, where can I find more information about this 
>> syntax?  Is this considered jinja2 syntax? or something else?
>> - include_tasks: install.yml
>>   when: ( install|default(false)|lower = "true" | "yes" ) && nagios_user|
>> failed
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Ansible Project" group.
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>> email to .
>> To post to this group, send email to 
>> .
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>> .
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
> Matt Martz
> @sivel

Thanks Matt.  Works perfectly.  I will have to go and look up some jinja2 
documentation.  Thanks again! 

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Re: [ansible-project] when conditionals syntax

2018-01-30 Thread Matt Martz
Yes, you use of `| "yes"` is not proper jinja2.

`|` is used to "pipe" something into a filter function, and "yes" is not a
filter function.

Are you trying to check if it also "yes".  Look to using the bool filter
(also use `and` instead of `&&`):

when: install|default(false)|bool and nagios_user is failed

On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 10:16 AM, John Harmon 

> Is something wrong with the following?  It seems to get executed no matter
> what.  In addition, where can I find more information about this syntax?
> Is this considered jinja2 syntax? or something else?
> - include_tasks: install.yml
>   when: ( install|default(false)|lower = "true" | "yes" ) && nagios_user|
> failed
> --
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> "Ansible Project" group.
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> msgid/ansible-project/299aec3f-6321-4839-83fb-e0ba083be6a6%40googlegroups.
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Matt Martz

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[ansible-project] when conditionals syntax

2018-01-30 Thread John Harmon
Is something wrong with the following?  It seems to get executed no matter 
what.  In addition, where can I find more information about this syntax?  
Is this considered jinja2 syntax? or something else?

- include_tasks: install.yml
  when: ( install|default(false)|lower = "true" | "yes" ) && nagios_user|

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Re: [ansible-project] Question on hosts and group_vars setup, and error when running playbook

2018-01-30 Thread ZillaYT
Thank you, that was the issue. Now I know that my host files MUST be in the 
same directory level as my group_vars directory.

On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 10:43:14 AM UTC-5, Matt Martz wrote:
> Your inventory (hosts) file should not be inside of group_vars.
> Based on what I have read, your inventory is currently 
> at: /path_to_playbooks/inventories/production/host_vars/git
> It instead needs to be located 
> at: /path_to_playbooks/inventories/production/git
> Leaving your host_vars and group_vars where they are
> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 9:27 AM, ZillaYT > 
> wrote:
>> I'm following the guidelines discussed in Laying out roles, inventories 
>> and playbooks , and I 
>> have segregated my development vs. productions files this way
>> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/development/host_vars/git
>> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/development/host_vars/atlassian
>> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/production/host_vars/git
>> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/production/host_vars/atlassian
>> I of course have a host group defined in each host file, for example, I 
>> may have this in my git host file
>> [git_servers]
>> Now I defined corresponding group vars this way. Is this correct?
>> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/development/group_vars/git_servers
>> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/production/group_vars/git_servers
>> In the group vars files, I have variables defined, for example:
>> In /path_to_playbooks/inventories/development/group_vars/git_servers
>> admin_username: git_admin
>> I then have a role that simply prints out the admin_username var
>> - debuyg: msg="Admin user is {{ admin_username }}"
>> ...and run the playbook this way
>> $ ansible-playbook -i inventories/development/host_vars/git setup-git.yml
>> setup-git.yml has
>> ---
>> - hosts: git_servers
>> But I get an error that says
>> fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "'admin_username' is 
>> undefined"}
>> So I'm wondering why Ansible does NOT see "admin_username" defined in my 
>> group_vars file?
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Ansible Project" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to .
>> To post to this group, send email to 
>> .
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>> .
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
> Matt Martz
> @sivel

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[ansible-project] vmware_guest_snapshot module unable to find VM with Ansible 2.4.2

2018-01-30 Thread Patrick Hunt
I have recently updated to Ansible 2.4.2

I have plays that will remove old snapshots from specific VMs and will 
create new snapshots for those VMs.  

The remove playbook is as follows:

- hosts: localhost
- name: username
  prompt: "VCenter username"
  private: no

- name: password
  prompt: "VCenter password"
  private: yes


  - name: Remove Staging snapshots
  validate_certs: false
  datacenter: QAE
  username: "{{ username }}"
  password: "{{ password }}"
  name: "{{ item }}"
  state: remove_all
  folder: /Staging/
delegate_to: localhost
  - vm1.domain
  - vm2.domain
  - vm3.domain
  - vm4.domain

Since the update to 2.4.x these playbooks have stopped working.

Looking at the Ansible module documentation I see the following change for 

no /vm 
Destination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest.
This is required if name is supplied.
The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter
folder: /ha-datacenter/vm
folder: ha-datacenter/vm
folder: /datacenter1/vm
folder: datacenter1/vm
folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1
folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1
folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm
folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm
folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2
folder: vm/folder2
folder: folder2

Our datacenter is "QAE" and one of the folders I want to interact with is 
"Staging".  I have tried updating the "folder: /Staging/" to folder: 
/QAE/Staging/, QAE/Staging/, QAE/Staging, /QAE/Staging and each time this 
fails with the error:

"failed: [localhost -> localhost] (item=vm1.domain) => {"changed": false, 
"item": "vm1.domain", "msg": "Unable to manage snapshots for non-existing 
VM vm1.domain"}

This exact playbook worked in 2.3.x as shown above.  Is anyone else using 
this module and has overcome this issue?  

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Re: [ansible-project] Question on hosts and group_vars setup, and error when running playbook

2018-01-30 Thread Matt Martz
Your inventory (hosts) file should not be inside of group_vars.

Based on what I have read, your inventory is currently
at: /path_to_playbooks/inventories/production/host_vars/git
It instead needs to be located
at: /path_to_playbooks/inventories/production/git

Leaving your host_vars and group_vars where they are

On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 9:27 AM, ZillaYT  wrote:

> I'm following the guidelines discussed in Laying out roles, inventories
> and playbooks , and I have
> segregated my development vs. productions files this way
> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/development/host_vars/git
> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/development/host_vars/atlassian
> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/production/host_vars/git
> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/production/host_vars/atlassian
> I of course have a host group defined in each host file, for example, I
> may have this in my git host file
> [git_servers]
> Now I defined corresponding group vars this way. Is this correct?
> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/development/group_vars/git_servers
> /path_to_playbooks/inventories/production/group_vars/git_servers
> In the group vars files, I have variables defined, for example:
> In /path_to_playbooks/inventories/development/group_vars/git_servers
> admin_username: git_admin
> I then have a role that simply prints out the admin_username var
> - debuyg: msg="Admin user is {{ admin_username }}"
> ...and run the playbook this way
> $ ansible-playbook -i inventories/development/host_vars/git setup-git.yml
> setup-git.yml has
> ---
> - hosts: git_servers
> But I get an error that says
> fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "'admin_username' is
> undefined"}
> So I'm wondering why Ansible does NOT see "admin_username" defined in my
> group_vars file?
> Thanks!
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Ansible Project" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> To post to this group, send email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> msgid/ansible-project/fa135ded-c9dc-4e1b-b69c-07917241a3ba%40googlegroups.
> com
> .
> For more options, visit

Matt Martz

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[ansible-project] Question on hosts and group_vars setup, and error when running playbook

2018-01-30 Thread ZillaYT
I'm following the guidelines discussed in Laying out roles, inventories and 
playbooks , and I have 
segregated my development vs. productions files this way



I of course have a host group defined in each host file, for example, I may 
have this in my git host file


Now I defined corresponding group vars this way. Is this correct?



In the group vars files, I have variables defined, for example:

In /path_to_playbooks/inventories/development/group_vars/git_servers

admin_username: git_admin

I then have a role that simply prints out the admin_username var

- debuyg: msg="Admin user is {{ admin_username }}"

...and run the playbook this way

$ ansible-playbook -i inventories/development/host_vars/git setup-git.yml

setup-git.yml has

- hosts: git_servers

But I get an error that says

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "'admin_username' is undefined"

So I'm wondering why Ansible does NOT see "admin_username" defined in my 
group_vars file?


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[ansible-project] Azure Auth using 'az login' like Terraform does

2018-01-30 Thread Tim Qin
I m trying to use ansible azure module, but the auth methods blocked me:
- Service principles:  it is no go as we are auth through enterprise AD on 
Azure portal
- AD: simply provide username and password are not working because when 
typing my corp email addresses, Azure will redirect to my corp auth page 
and I need to auth using my account-01 number and password, by trying 
different combination of the account-01 username/password or the corp email 
address, I did not get a valid username-password pair.recentl

I noticed Terraform used to rely on Service principle only, however, few 
month ago you could do 'az login' and then seems that Terraform would be 
able to pick up the granted temporary token by a successful az login.

Is there a similar mechanism behind that I could use rather than get a 
dodge account setup?


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[ansible-project] Re: Access Denied Error while installing SQLServer using Ansible on remote Windows host.

2018-01-30 Thread suresh sargar
I tried with Win_shell and Win_command module both are giving same error.

On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 6:25:11 PM UTC+5:30, suresh sargar wrote:
> Hi All,
> i am trying to install SQLServer in silent mode on remote windows machine 
> using ansible. in middle of execution its failed with below error. my 
> target host is Azure Windows.
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Action: 
> Calculating default service account for AS engine Service
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Data: User Name = 
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Data: Role=
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Data: Is Domain 
> Controller =False
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
> determine if the password is required for account 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
> determine if the account 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' is Virtual Account
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
> get local system account name
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
> get NT account from sid S-1-5-18
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
> get account from sid S-1-5-18
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,315 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
> get account sid for user account NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,315 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
> get sid for user account NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,315 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: 
> GetSidForAccount normalized accountName NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM parameter to NT 
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,315 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Data: User Name = 
> NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM after calculating default service account.
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,315 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Result: Completed 
> calculating default service account for AS engine service
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,331 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Action Scenario: 
> Install, Feature Scenario: Install, Resolved Scenario Install 
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,331 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Action Scenario: 
> Install, Feature Scenario: Install, Resolved Scenario Install 
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,347 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - SqlEngine: 
> Calculating default service account for engine service. Current value of 
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,347 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - SqlEngine: 
> Completed calculating default service account for engine service. Final 
> value of SqlAccount: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,382 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Error: Action 
> "Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.FinalCalculateSettingsAction"
> threw an exception during execution.
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - 
> Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionExecutionException: There 
> was an error generating the XML document. ---> 
> Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.ChainerInfrastructureException: 
> There was an error generating the XML document. ---> 
> System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error generating the XML 
> document. ---> System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access 
> is denied.
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools -at 
> System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.Protect(Byte[] userData, Byte[] 
> optionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope scope)
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools -at 
> Microsoft.SqlServer.Common.SqlSecureString.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools -at 
> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriter.WriteSerializable(IXmlSerializable
> serializable, String name, String ns, Boolean isNullable, Boolean wrapped)
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools -at 
> Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationWriterSqlEngineSetupPublic.Write7_SqlEngineSetupPublic(String
> n, String ns, SqlEngineSetupPublic o, Boolean isNullable, Boolean needType)
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools -at 
> Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationWriterSqlEngineSetupPublic.Write8_SqlEngineSetupPublic(Object
> o)
> 2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools ---- End of 
> inner exception stack trace ---
> The problem is how do i run .exe with Run as Administrator mode using 
> Ansible. the current execution user is a part of Administrative group only. 
> Please suggest how do i fix this.
> Please find complete installation log of SQLServer. 
> Thanks,
> Suresh.

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[ansible-project] synchronize not working between

2018-01-30 Thread Gopi Krishna
Hi all, 

synchronize command is not working.

- hosts: target
   - name: "copy between two remote hosts"
   src: /root/gopi/file_149
   dest: /root/gopi/
 #delegate_to: "{{ groups['oraclesource'][0] }}"
 delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
#  - "{{ groups['source'][0] }}"

the task is being idle .any one can help.

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[ansible-project] Access Denied Error while installing SQLServer using Ansible on remote Windows host.

2018-01-30 Thread suresh sargar
Hi All,

i am trying to install SQLServer in silent mode on remote windows machine 
using ansible. in middle of execution its failed with below error. my 
target host is Azure Windows.

2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Action: Calculating 
default service account for AS engine Service
2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Data: User Name = 
2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Data: Role=
2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Data: Is Domain 
Controller =False
2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
determine if the password is required for account 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'
2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
determine if the account 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' is Virtual Account
2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
get local system account name
2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
get NT account from sid S-1-5-18
2018-01-30 12:27:47,300 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
get account from sid S-1-5-18
2018-01-30 12:27:47,315 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
get account sid for user account NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
2018-01-30 12:27:47,315 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: Attempting to 
get sid for user account NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
2018-01-30 12:27:47,315 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Sco: 
GetSidForAccount normalized accountName NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM parameter to NT 
2018-01-30 12:27:47,315 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Data: User Name = 
NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM after calculating default service account.
2018-01-30 12:27:47,315 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Result: Completed 
calculating default service account for AS engine service
2018-01-30 12:27:47,331 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Action Scenario: 
Install, Feature Scenario: Install, Resolved Scenario Install 
2018-01-30 12:27:47,331 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Action Scenario: 
Install, Feature Scenario: Install, Resolved Scenario Install 
2018-01-30 12:27:47,347 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - SqlEngine: 
Calculating default service account for engine service. Current value of 
2018-01-30 12:27:47,347 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - SqlEngine: 
Completed calculating default service account for engine service. Final 
value of SqlAccount: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
2018-01-30 12:27:47,382 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - Error: Action 
threw an exception during execution.
2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools - 
Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionExecutionException: There 
was an error generating the XML document. ---> 
There was an error generating the XML document. ---> 
System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error generating the XML 
document. ---> System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access 
is denied.
2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools -at 
System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.Protect(Byte[] userData, Byte[] 
optionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope scope)
2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools -at 
Microsoft.SqlServer.Common.SqlSecureString.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools -at 
serializable, String name, String ns, Boolean isNullable, Boolean wrapped)
2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools -at 
n, String ns, SqlEngineSetupPublic o, Boolean isNullable, Boolean needType)
2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools -at 
2018-01-30 12:27:47,393 [StandardOutput] INFO PATools ---- End of inner 
exception stack trace ---

The problem is how do i run .exe with Run as Administrator mode using 
Ansible. the current execution user is a part of Administrative group only. 
Please suggest how do i fix this.

Please find complete installation log of SQLServer. 


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[ansible-project] How Ansible Works?

2018-01-30 Thread gracy layla

There are many similar automation tools available like Puppet 
, Capistrano, Chef, Salt, Space Walk 
etc, but Ansible categorize into two types of server: controlling machines 
and nodes.
The controlling machine, where Ansible 
is installed and Nodes are managed 
by this controlling machine over SSH. The location of nodes are specified 
by controlling machine through its inventory.
The controlling machine (Ansible) deploys modules to nodes using SSH 
protocol and these modules are stored temporarily on remote nodes and 
communicate with the Ansible machine through a JSON connection over the 
standard output.

Ansible is agent-less, that means no need of any agent installation on 
remote nodes, so it means there are no any background daemons or programs 
are executing for Ansible, when it’s not managing any nodes.

Ansible can handle 100’s of nodes from a single system over SSH connection 
and the entire operation can be handled and executed by one single command 
‘ansible’. But, in some cases, where you required to execute multiple 
commands for a deployment, here we can build playbooks.
Playbooks are bunch of commands which can perform multiple tasks and each 
playbooks are in YAML file format.

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[ansible-project] Re: requests-credssp and credentials encryprion at first hop.

2018-01-30 Thread Павел Полушин
I see this topic but it not answers to my querstion. Common scenarioo when 
all servers are on windows server is covered in article.

вторник, 30 января 2018 г., 12:43:46 UTC+3 пользователь Павел Полушин 
> Hello. 
> I have security-related question.
> In our environment we use ansible for application deployment. Ansible 
> playbooks running by jenkins.
> Scope for deployment contains Windows-based servers (2008R2+).
> In some cases we are facing with "double-hop" problem when passing 
> credentials is needed.
> CredSSP is intended to solve problems like this but it's insecure (
> ).
> In common cases, credentials are being sent in clear text. Here is picture 
> I'm interested, is this problem solved in requests-credssp module? 
> (Credentials are stored from jenkins. Ansible connects to servers using 
> https.)
> Does anyone tried to investigate it?

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[ansible-project] Re: requests-credssp and credentials encryprion at first hop.

2018-01-30 Thread Varun Chopra
There was a recent post on Reddit about this...

Here it is:

CredSSP isn't really the best way to go about this. And I think this post 
should go on Git as Ansible needs a better way to cover double-hops.

On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 3:13:46 PM UTC+5:30, Павел Полушин wrote:
> Hello. 
> I have security-related question.
> In our environment we use ansible for application deployment. Ansible 
> playbooks running by jenkins.
> Scope for deployment contains Windows-based servers (2008R2+).
> In some cases we are facing with "double-hop" problem when passing 
> credentials is needed.
> CredSSP is intended to solve problems like this but it's insecure (
> ).
> In common cases, credentials are being sent in clear text. Here is picture 
> I'm interested, is this problem solved in requests-credssp module? 
> (Credentials are stored from jenkins. Ansible connects to servers using 
> https.)
> Does anyone tried to investigate it?

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[ansible-project] requests-credssp and credentials encryprion at first hop.

2018-01-30 Thread Павел Полушин
I have security-related question.
In our environment we use ansible for application deployment. Ansible 
playbooks running by jenkins.
Scope for deployment contains Windows-based servers (2008R2+).
In some cases we are facing with "double-hop" problem when passing 
credentials is needed.
CredSSP is intended to solve problems like this but it's insecure 
In common cases, credentials are being sent in clear text. Here is picture

I'm interested, is this problem solved in requests-credssp module? 
(Credentials are stored from jenkins. Ansible connects to servers using 
Does anyone tried to investigate it?

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[ansible-project] Ansible & Jenkins integration issue

2018-01-30 Thread GornerM
Ansible playbooks passes without any issues, when I run it directly from 
cli (also inside of Jenkins workspace)
But I receives the following error 
"FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "ERROR! the handler 
'juniper_junos_facts' was not found" 
when ansible runs by execution of Jenkins job.

juniper_junos_facts is the task of Juniper.junos role.

I have specifide library path in ansible configuration and exported 

Do you have any ideas, why ansible can not find tasks iside of Jenkins?

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[ansible-project] Re: how to disable paramiko log in ansible.log

2018-01-30 Thread Leon Xie
My Linux server is RHEL6

[root@server]# rpm -qa | grep release

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[ansible-project] Re: how to disable paramiko log in ansible.log

2018-01-30 Thread Leon Xie
I am using the below command to run ansible-playbook

ansible-playbook -c paramiko -i ../../inventory/hosts do_something.yml

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[ansible-project] how to disable paramiko log in ansible.log

2018-01-30 Thread Leon Xie
Hi all,

I am using ansible 2.4.2 as below:
[root@server]# ansible-playbook --version
  config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = [u'/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', 
  ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible
  executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
  python version = 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Aug  9 2016, 06:11:56) [GCC 4.4.7 
20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-17)]

when I run ansible-playbook command, I got a lot of paramiko logs in 
ansible log file as below:
2018-01-30 23:48:38,782 paramiko.transport Authentication (publickey) 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,785 paramiko.transport [chan 1] Max packet in: 34816 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,785 paramiko.transport [chan 1] Max packet out: 32768 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,786 paramiko.transport Secsh channel 1 opened.
2018-01-30 23:48:38,788 paramiko.transport [chan 1] Sesch channel 1 request 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,793 paramiko.transport [chan 1] Max packet out: 32768 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,793 paramiko.transport Secsh channel 1 opened.
2018-01-30 23:48:38,803 paramiko.transport [chan 1] Sesch channel 1 request 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,817 paramiko.transport [chan 1] EOF received (1)
2018-01-30 23:48:38,818 paramiko.transport [chan 2] Max packet in: 34816 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,819 paramiko.transport [chan 1] EOF sent (1)
2018-01-30 23:48:38,820 paramiko.transport [chan 2] Max packet out: 32768 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,821 paramiko.transport Secsh channel 2 opened.
2018-01-30 23:48:38,832 paramiko.transport [chan 1] EOF received (1)
2018-01-30 23:48:38,833 paramiko.transport [chan 2] Max packet in: 34816 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,834 paramiko.transport [chan 1] EOF sent (1)
2018-01-30 23:48:38,834 paramiko.transport [chan 2] Max packet out: 32768 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,834 paramiko.transport Secsh channel 2 opened.
2018-01-30 23:48:38,862 paramiko.transport [chan 2] Sesch channel 2 request 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,876 paramiko.transport [chan 2] Sesch channel 2 request 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,898 paramiko.transport [chan 2] EOF received (2)
2018-01-30 23:48:38,899 paramiko.transport [chan 2] EOF sent (2)
2018-01-30 23:48:38,900 paramiko.transport [chan 3] Max packet in: 34816 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,915 paramiko.transport [chan 2] EOF received (2)
2018-01-30 23:48:38,916 paramiko.transport [chan 2] EOF sent (2)
2018-01-30 23:48:38,917 paramiko.transport [chan 3] Max packet in: 34816 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,942 paramiko.transport [chan 3] Max packet out: 32768 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,943 paramiko.transport Secsh channel 3 opened.
2018-01-30 23:48:38,957 paramiko.transport [chan 3] Max packet out: 32768 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,957 paramiko.transport Secsh channel 3 opened.
2018-01-30 23:48:38,968 paramiko.transport [chan 3] Sesch channel 3 request 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,984 paramiko.transport [chan 3] Sesch channel 3 request 
2018-01-30 23:48:38,999 paramiko.transport.sftp [chan 3] Opened sftp 
connection (server version 3)
2018-01-30 23:48:39,000 paramiko.transport.sftp [chan 3] 
2018-01-30 23:48:39,002 paramiko.transport.sftp [chan 3] 
'wb') -> 

I checked ansible document, however, I couldn't find a way to disable those 
paramiko log
will somebody direct me to the right method?
thanks a million in advance.


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