Re: [ansible-project] {"changed": false, "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVarsVars object' has no attribute 'ansible_default_ipv4'"}

2018-11-18 Thread Tom K.
So I've made two more empty hosts and called them *mysql05* and *mysql06* 
and tested on all 3 (this way I don't blow away my working cluster).  Now I 
removed the limit flag and run it like this:

# ansible-playbook -i infra main.yml --tags "mysql" -v

Everything worked well and the */etc/my.cnf* was populated as expected:

[root@mysql04 ~]# cat /etc/my.cnf
wsrep_provider_options="gcache.size=300M; gcache.page_size=300M"
[root@mysql04 ~]#

Still, running the limit on any one, as Stephen suggested, fails with the 
following for any host specified by limit as you mentioned:

ansible-playbook -i infra --limit mysql05 main.yml --tags "mysql" -v --check

fatal: [mysql05]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": 
'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVarsVars object' has no attribute 

ansible-playbook -i infra --limit mysql06 main.yml --tags "mysql" -v --check

fatal: [mysql06]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": 
'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVarsVars object' has no attribute 

But it seems to work opposite to the way described above (Apologies if I'm 
misreading).  The error is thrown for ANY host that I use the *--limit* 
flag on, not the ones that I don't use the limit on.  

I would have expected it to gather facts on the host I'm limiting the run 
too, not the ones I'm excluding.  


On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 5:53:32 AM UTC-5, Stephen C. wrote:
> Hi Tom, 
> Can you try a couple of options and post it to this thread please ? 
> With the same inventory file: 
> [mysql] 
>   mysql01 
>   mysql02 
>   mysql03 
>   mysql04
> ansible-playbook -i infra --limit mysql02 main.yml --tags "mysql" -v
> ansible-playbook -i infra --limit mysql03 main.yml --tags "mysql" -v
> Thnx, 
> Stephen
> On Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 9:15:38 AM UTC-5, Kai Stian Olstad 
> wrote:
>> On 14.11.2018 14:49, Tom K. wrote: 
>> > On Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 3:10:18 AM UTC-5, Tom K. wrote: 
>> > 
>> > Ok.  So I removed a couple of tags from the mysql task "mysql : Copy 
>> > my.cnf 
>> > global MySQL configuration."  and adjusted the play as follows: 
>> The playbook is fine, the problem is the limit option your are using on 
>> ansible-playbook. 
>> > [root@awx01 ansible]# vi main.yml 
>> > --- 
>> > - name: Gather all facts prior to execution 
>> >   hosts: mysql 
>> >   gather_facts: true 
>> >   tasks: 
>> > - debug: msg='{{ inventory_hostname }} has default IP {{ 
>> > ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}' 
>> > - template: 
>> > src: test.j2 
>> > dest: /tmp/test.out 
>> >   tags: mysql 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > - name: Install and configure MySQL 
>> >   hosts: mysql 
>> >   become: true 
>> >   roles: 
>> > - mysql 
>> >   tags: mysql 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > But that didn't work.  Still got the original error with mysql04.   
>> > Until I 
>> > removed mysql01-3 from the infra file leaving only mysql04: 
>> > 
>> > [mysql] 
>> > mysql04 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > And reran using: 
>> > 
>> > ansible-playbook -i infra --limit mysql04 main.yml --tags "mysql" -v 
>> You still have the same problem I commented on earlier. 
>> When you run a with --limit, the task and *gather_facts* is only run on 
>> host specified in the limit. 
>> So when you in you template try using facts for mysql01-03 they don't 
>> exist since you haven't gather them so you get the error message. 
>> So remove you --limit and it will work, the template you have will never 
>> work if you specify limit. 
>> -- 
>> Kai Stian Olstad 

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[ansible-project] How to force Ansible to update PATH?

2018-11-18 Thread Dmitriy Panteleyev
I am installing snapd via Ansible on *buntu.

After installation, snap binaries are linked from `/snap/bin`.  When snapd 
is installed, it adds a script to `/etc/profile.d/` that basically add 
/snap/bin to bash PATH.

My problem is that I cannot find a way to force Ansible to refresh the 
path, so subsequent roles/tasks fail with " 
command not found in PATH"

I have tried:

1. Ansible `meta: reset_connection` task -- fails with message "unable to 
reset this type of connection" (local)
2. In playbook: `environment: PATH: '/snap/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}' -- 
no effect
3. In role: `shell: 'export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin'` -- no effect

Short of forcing a reboot mid-way through a playbook, any other ideas?

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Re: [ansible-project] Parallel execution of tasks in playbook

2018-11-18 Thread Saravanan
Thanks a bunch Jon. It helps a lot.

On Friday, 16 November 2018 03:35:26 UTC-5, J Hawkesworth wrote:
> Hello,
> Ansible will run tasks in parallel against groups of hosts, so I suggest 
> you convert your 
> apache_sever_list.yaml
> file into ansible inventory format
> and put all the hosts in it into a group called 'apache'
> then you can run tasks against
> - hosts: apache
>   tasks:
>   - name: any tasks here run against all the hosts in apache group 
> simultaneously
> What its nice is you can still use 'delegate_to: localhost' for your uri 
> task and it will still run the task from the ansible controller (but run it 
> in parallel for each host in your 'apache' group).
> Also, have a look at 'template' module I think you will find it a lot 
> easier to create the html file than the combination of shell commands and 
> lineinfile.  
> I don't have time to test this today but try experimenting with organising 
> things as follows:
> Create an inventory file for your apache hosts:
> # file: apache_hosts 
> # this is an ansible inventory file (using 'ini' format but can use yaml)
> # see 
> for more about inventory 
> [apache]
> host1 ap_port=8081
> host2 ap_port=80
> host3 ap_port=8080
> host4 ap_port=8008
> host5 ap_port=8123
> Create a template file like this:
> # ansible template file: apache.html.j2
> # see 
> # for how to use variables in templates.
> List of failed Apache servers
> HostnamePort
> <%for host_result in apache_check_result %>
> {{ examine apache_check_result to find hostname from results }} td>{{ again use apache_check_result to get at the port used | default(
> 'Failed' }}
> Create a playbook like this:
> # playbook: apache_check.yml
> - name: report on apache status 
>   gather_facts: yes
>   hosts: apache
>   tasks:
> - name: Check the apache server status
>   uri:
> url: "{{ ansible_hostname }}:{{ ap_port }}"
> method: GET
> status_code: 200
> body_format: raw
> follow_redirects: all
> return_content: yes
> validate_certs: no
> force: yes
>   register: apache_check_result
>   ignore_errors: yes
>   delegate_to: localhost  
> - name: show results for debugging purposes
>   debug:
>  var: apache_check_result
> - name: template out the results
>   template:
> src: apache_html.j2
> dest: /var/apache.html
>   delegate_to: localhost
>   and run the playbook like this
> ansible-playbook -i apache_hosts apache_check.yml
> Sorry I haven't got time to debug this but I hope the above will 
> illustrate that by using ansible's inventory you can get your tasks to run 
> in parallel (and also that using the 'template' module is a great way to 
> create files from ansible.
> Hope this helps get you on the right track.
> All the best,
> Jon
> On Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 3:40:34 PM UTC, Build Admin wrote:
>> Thank you for your reply.
>> I tried using strategy as free and unable to use async in the task as 
>> task has dependency task. Could you please suggest code change or alternate 
>> method for running the task in parallel.
>> ---
>> - name: Main playbook
>>   gather_facts: no
>>   hosts:
>>   strategy: free
>>   tasks:
>> - name: Create csv file and html file
>>   file:
>> path: "{{ item }}"
>> state: touch
>>   delegae_to: localhost
>>   become_user: awx
>>   become: no
>>   with_items:
>> - /tmp/apache.csv
>> - /tmp/apache.html
>> - include_vars: apache_sever_list.yaml
>> - include_tasks: apache_task.yaml
>>   with_items: '{{ apacheSevers }}'
>> - name: Run the csv2html script
>>   shell: |
>> echo "List of failed Apache servers"
>> echo "" ;
>> echo "HostnamePort"
>> while read INPUT; do
>> echo "${INPUT//,/}";
>> done < /tmp/apache.csv
>> echo ""
>>   delegae_to: localhost
>>   become_user: awx
>>   become: no
>> - name: append
>>   lineinfile:
>> dest: /tmp/apache.html
>> line: "{{ output.stdout }}"
>> insertafter: EOF
>>   delegae_to: localhost
>>   become_user: awx
>>   become: no
>> *apche_task.yaml*
>> - name: Check the apache server status
>>   uri:
>> url: "{{ item.hostname }}:{{ item.port }}"
>> method: GET
>> status_code: 200
>> body_format: raw
>> follow_redirects: all
>> return_content: yes
>> validate_certs: no
>> force: yes
>>   delegae_to: localhost
>>   become_user: awx
>>   become: no
>> - 

Re: [ansible-project] ssh to remote node and run CLI

2018-11-18 Thread vinoth kumar
Hi Abdul,

You could remove the hosts from inventory.ym , else directly mention it in
default hosts inventory file


On Wed, 14 Nov 2018 at 8:26 AM, Abdul Rahim  wrote:

> Thans Brian ,
> It fails with following
> root@ansibile-launch:~/ansible/tasks/add-compute# ansible-playbook -i
> inventory.yml add-compute.yml -
> ansible-playbook 2.7.1
>   config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
>   configured module search path = [u'/root/.ansible/plugins/modules',
> u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
>   ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible
>   executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
>   python version = 2.7.12 (default, Dec  4 2017, 14:50:18) [GCC 5.4.0
> 20160609]
> Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file
> setting up inventory plugins
> /root/ansible/tasks/add-compute/inventory.yml did not meet host_list
> requirements, check plugin documentation if this is unexpected
> /root/ansible/tasks/add-compute/inventory.yml did not meet script
> requirements, check plugin documentation if this is unexpected
> Parsed /root/ansible/tasks/add-compute/inventory.yml inventory source with
> yaml plugin
> ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
>   mapping values are not allowed in this context
> The error appears to have been in
> '/root/ansible/tasks/add-compute/add-compute.yml': line 11, column 23, but
> may
> be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
> The offending line appears to be:
>   - name: Copy Test
>   ansible_user: "{{build_username}}"
>   ^ here
> We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
> missing quotes.  Always quote template expression brackets when they
> start a value. For instance:
> with_items:
>   - {{ foo }}
> Should be written as:
> with_items:
>   - "{{ foo }}"
> root@ansibile-launch:~/ansible/tasks/add-compute#
> root@ansibile-launch:~/ansible/tasks/add-compute# cat add-compute.yml
> ---
> # Demo Adding Compute Node
> - name: Adding Compute Node
>   hosts: build_node
>   connection: local
>   gather_facts: no
>   tasks:
>   - name: Copy Test
>   ansible_user: "{{build_username}}"
>   ansible_ssh_pass: "{{build_password}}"
>   ansible_connection: ssh
>   command: cp /root/arahim/ansible/tasks/add-compute.yml
> /root/arahim/ansible/tasks/add-compute.yml.bak
> root@ansibile-launch:~/ansible/tasks/add-compute# cat inventory.yml
> fabric01:
>   hosts:
> build_node:
>   build_host:
>   build_username: root
>   build_password: 123Abdul123
> It does work with below
> root@ansibile-launch:~/ansible/tasks/add-compute# ansible-playbook -i
> new_inventory test.yml
> [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Instead of sudo/sudo_user, use become/become_user
> and make sure become_method is 'sudo' (default). This feature will be
> removed in version 2.9. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by
> setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
> PLAY [all]
> **
> TASK [Gathering Facts]
> **
> ok: []
> TASK [Copy file]
> changed: []
> **
> ok=2changed=1unreachable=0failed=0
> root@ansibile-launch:~/ansible/tasks/add-compute# cat new_inventory
> [hosts]
> ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=root
> ansible_ssh_pass=123Abdul123
> root@ansibile-launch:~/ansible/tasks/add-compute# cat test.yml
> ---
> - hosts: all
>   user: root
>   vars:
> createuser: 'ansible'
> createpassword: '123Abdul123'
>   tasks:
>   - name: Copy file
> command: cp /root/arahim/ansible/tasks/add-compute.yml
> /root/arahim/ansible/tasks/add-compute.yml.bak
> sudo: true
> Not sure what is wrong with the yml version of inventory and the variables
> called .. but I am able to now make progress , thanks for getting back to
> me on this
> Regards,
> AR
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 1:26 PM Brian Coca  wrote:
>> Without an error I can only guess, one thing i've noticed is that you
>> are incorrectly formatting the task
>> - name: return motd to registered var
>>   command: 'cp /root/setup_data.yaml 

Re: [ansible-project] Nested loop with second loop depending on first item

2018-11-18 Thread 'J Hawkesworth' via Ansible Project
Hmm, would the cartesian lookup help you?

On Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 8:05:32 AM UTC, 
> Hi I have seen ur resolutions in this page i.
> I am also having the same issue with nested loops .
> my scenario is nothing but th*e matrix multiplication of n*n*
> Can some one please suggest how to implement it using ansible loops along 
> with adding conidition of count ++ and count --
> On Monday, June 12, 2017 at 6:39:28 PM UTC+5:30, Q wrote:
>> Guillaume,
>> I have exactly the same problem with setting up OSD via ADM host and I 
>> was pulling my hair for 2 days.
>> I don't know how to thank you:)
>> On Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 3:24:37 PM UTC+1, Guillaume Subiron 
>> wrote:
>>> After reading and realizing it would never do what I wanted, 
>>> I found a workaround. 
>>> On each ceph-ODSs : 
>>> - delegate_to: "{{ ceph-admin }}" 
>>>   shell: echo {{ inventory_hostname }}-{{ item }} 
>>>   with_items: disks 
>>> Anyway, thank you very much for your help :) 
>>> Le 13/12/11 14:53, Guillaume Subiron claviotta : 
>>> > Hum, this is not what I'm looking for, because my action is not 
>>> > executed on the ceph-OSDs, but on another host (a centralized admin 
>>> > node). 
>>> > In this playbook, I'm not doing anything on the ceph-OSDs. 
>>> > 
>>> > What I need to do (only on my admin node) is : 
>>> > 
>>> > - shell: echo {{ item.0 }}-{{ item.1 }} 
>>> >   with_nested: 
>>> > - groups['ceph-OSDs'] 
>>> > - the disks of the current item in the "groups['ceph-OSDs']" loop 
>>> > 
>>> > I want it to print (on the admin host) : 
>>> > 
>>> > osd0-sdb 
>>> > osd1-sdb 
>>> > osd1-sdc 
>>> > 
>>> > Do you understand the problem ? I don't see any workaround. This is a 
>>> > matter of syntax. 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > Le 13/12/11 08:24, Michael DeHaan claviotta : 
>>> > > I think you probably want this: 
>>> > > 
>>> > > - shell: echo {{ item.0 }}-{{item.1 }} 
>>> > >   with_together: 
>>> > >   - groups['ceph-OSDs'] 
>>> > >   - disks 
>>> > > 
>>> > > this will print for the first host 
>>> > > 
>>> > > osd0-sdb 
>>> > > osd1-sdb 
>>> > > 
>>> > > and for the second host 
>>> > > 
>>> > > osd0-sdb 
>>> > > osd0-sdc 
>>> > > osd1-sdb 
>>> > > osd1-sdc 
>>> > > 
>>> > > Let me know if that works for you and if I'm missing something we'll 
>>> figure 
>>> > > it out. 
>>> > > 
>>> > > Thanks! 
>>> > > 
>>> > > 
>>> > > 
>>> > > 
>>> > > 
>>> > > On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 8:21 AM, Guillaume Subiron <
>>> > > 
>>> > > > Le 13/12/11 08:05, Michael DeHaan claviotta : 
>>> > > > > Before we dive into a technical solution let me understand your 
>>> use case 
>>> > > > > and what you are modelling a bit better. 
>>> > > > > 
>>> > > > > So groups['ceph-ODSs'] would be all machines in the ceph-ODSs 
>>> group. 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > That's right. 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > > 
>>> > > > > I'd probably just define a variable like "disks" on the group, 
>>> but I'm 
>>> > > > > unclear why that wouldn't work in your case. 
>>> > > > > 
>>> > > > > I could probably understand more if I could see how "disks" 
>>> differs 
>>> > > > between 
>>> > > > > hosts. 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > It's simple, my Ceph OSD (storage nodes) are all différents. Some 
>>> > > > contains 2 hard drives (sdb, sdc), some contains 10 (sdb, sdc, 
>>> sdd…). 
>>> > > > "disks" is a list of hard drives, which is different from one host 
>>> to 
>>> > > > another. ex: 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > >   inventory 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > osd0 
>>> > > > osd1 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > [ceph-OSDs] 
>>> > > > osd0 
>>> > > > osd1 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > >   host_vars/osd0 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > disks: 
>>> > > >   - sdb 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > >   host_vars/osd1 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > disks: 
>>> > > >   - sdb 
>>> > > >   - sdc 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > In my nested loop, I need to loop over the Ceph Storage nodes and 
>>> > > > their hard drive. The hard drive list is an host variable 
>>> (accessible 
>>> > > > by hostvars[osd0]['disks'], for instance). 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > With the example above, I want my playbook to do : 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > ceph_deploy osd prepare osd0:sda 
>>> > > > ceph_deploy osd prepare osd1:sda 
>>> > > > ceph_deploy osd prepare osd1:sdb 
>>> > > > 
>>> > > > > > > On 11 December 2013 09:53, Guillaume Subiron <
>>> > > > > > wrote: 
>>> > > > > > > 
>>> > > > > > > > Hi, 
>>> > > > > > > > 
>>> > > > > > > > I'm trying to do a special kind of nesting loop, using the 
>>> item of 
>>> > > > the 
>>> > > > > > > > first loop in the second loop: 
>>> > > > > > > > 
>>> > > > > > > > - name: Prepare OSDs 
>>> > > > > > > >   shell: ceph-deploy osd prepare {{ item[0] }}:{{ item[1] 
>>> }} 
>>> > > > > > > >   with_nested: 
>>> > > > > > > > - groups['ceph-ODSs'] 
>>> > > > > > > > - hostvars[item[0]]['disks'] 
>>> > > > > > > > 
>>> > > > > >