(Originally posted to Ansible Dev by mistake)

Im a newbie trying to automate a few commands across boxes using Ansible. 

I would like the sudo command on certain tasks to be conditional, so 
depending on the node, I'd like to turn on sudo or not. For e.g.  I have a 
development machine (my laptop) and a stage server where I need certain 
sets of commands to be run. On the dev machine, I dont need any of the 
commands to be run as sudo but need them to run as sudo on the stage 

I thought something like

- hosts: all
  - name: Execute Command X
    command: Command X
    sudo: inventory_hostname != 'localhost'

My Hosts file contains entries like
demo7  ansible_ssh_host=... ansible_ssh_port=.. 

would make the task not run as sudo on "localhost" (my dev machine) but 
would run with sudo on the other nodes. Unfortunately, this doesnt happen 
and it always treats this as sudo: False.

Is it possible to have conditionals in sudo ?

UPDATE: Looking through the source, this doesn't seem to be the case. The 
Expression doesnt seem to be evaluated and sent directly to utils.boolean.
Is there any other way of achieving this goal other than running every task 
twice -- once with sudo and once without.


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