Re: [ansible-project] lineinfile using insertafter

2020-07-18 Thread S C Rigler
It would be a lot easier to accomplish this with the ini_file module
instead of lineinfile.  For example:

- ini_file:
path: /etc/yum.repos.d/zabbix.repo
section: zabbix-non-supported
option: proxy
value: http://proxy:8080

On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 3:22 PM 'Chris Bidwell - NOAA Federal' via Ansible
Project  wrote:

> Hey all,
> Trying to insert a line to multiple instances in the same file.
> I tried insertafter but that only put in one spot.  Here's the code:
> - name: add proxy to zabbix.repo if needed
>   lineinfile:
> path: /etc/yum.repos.d/zabbix.repo
> state: present
> insertafter: '\[zabbix*'
> line: 'proxy=http://proxy:8080'
>   when:
> - ansible_default_ipv4.address is match('192\.168\.226\.') or
>   ansible_default_ipv4.address is match('10\.172\.226\.')
> Here's the result:
> [zabbix]
> name=Zabbix Official Repository - $basearch
> baseurl=$basearch/
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=1
> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-ZABBIX-A14FE591
> [zabbix-non-supported]
> *proxy=http://proxy:8080    *
> name=Zabbix Official Repository non-supported - $basearch
> baseurl=$basearch/
> enabled=1
> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-ZABBIX
> gpgcheck=1
> I would have thought my insertafter regexp would match both of those
> [zabbix] and [zabbix-non-supported] but it doesn't.
> --
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Re: [ansible-project] Re: Hardening SSH With Ansible

2019-09-05 Thread S C Rigler
All of these regex's seem a little too specific.  Why not just:

regexp: '^PermitRootLogin\b'
line: 'PermitRootLogin no'

If the entry isn't there it will add it (who cares if a commented entry
already exists).  If it already exists and has a different value it will
replace the line with the new value.

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 8:24 AM Stefan Beke  wrote:

> On Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 10:10:17 AM UTC+2, Cyril Stoll wrote:
>>  Small correction:
>> regexp: "^(#|#\s|\s|)PermitRootLogin(\s*)(no|yes)"
>> The brackets around \s* are not needed. So this is correct:
>> regexp: "^(#|#\s|\s|)PermitRootLogin\s*(no|yes)"
> Actually \s* is not *one or many*, but *zero or many*. There should be at
> least one space so `\s+`
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Re: [ansible-project] Issues with an jinja and magic variables script any help would be awesome

2019-08-22 Thread S C Rigler
I'm going to guess that you probably don't have facts cached (or the cache
has expired) for the hosts where the variable is undefined.

On Wed, Aug 21, 2019, 5:15 PM Dennis H  wrote:

> So I'm trying to combine magic variables and jinja. Unfortnately I'm
> running into issues. So This is the jinja script
> {% for host in groups['all'] %}
> {{
> hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['devices']['sda']['partitions']['sda1']['size']
> }}
> {% endfor %}
> I run into this error
> "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'devices'" }
> This works when I target a group with one managed host but not one with
> multiple managedhosts. I have tried with hostvars['host'] and no luck...
> --
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Re: [ansible-project] Can’t reach a server?

2019-08-19 Thread S C Rigler
You can also use the "reboot" module and Ansible will wait for the server
to come back.

On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 1:56 PM Mike Eggleston 

> Mea cupla. You're right. Duh. Of course ansible can't reach the server
> because the server is booting.
> I'll look at the other links.
> Thanks.
> Mike
> On Monday, August 19, 2019 at 1:49:45 PM UTC-5, Jonathan Lozada De La
> Matta wrote:
>> like I mentioned before, that task is failing because it does the reboot
>> then tries to continue working but, can't reach at all. I suggest you look
>> at the links provided more and replace your tasks with those suggestions.
>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 2:15 PM Mike Eggleston 
>> wrote:
>> The "*.retry" file is a list of hosts that the playbook didn't succeed
>> for so you can "retry" the ansible command using "--limit file.retry" to
>> only touch those hosts that previously failed.
>> Here's the output after removin the "yum.retry" file:
>> [meggle1@dvlnx108 playbooks]$ ansible-playbook -u root -k --limit
>> dvlnx115 yum.yml
>> SSH password:
>> PLAY [all]
>> **
>> TASK [Gathering Facts]
>> **
>> ok: [dvlnx115]
>> TASK [checking for yum...]
>> **
>> ok: [dvlnx115]
>> TASK [update all packages (yum)]
>>  [WARNING]: Consider using the yum module rather than running 'yum'.  If
>> you need to use command because yum is insufficient you can add 'warn:
>> false' to
>> this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get
>> rid of this message.
>> changed: [dvlnx115]
>> TASK [update all packages (apt-get)]
>> skipping: [dvlnx115]
>> RUNNING HANDLER [restart server]
>> fatal: [dvlnx115]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Data could
>> not be sent to remote host \"dvlnx115\". Make sure this host can be reached
>> over ssh: Connection to dvlnx115 closed by remote host.\r\n",
>> "unreachable": true}
>> ******
>> dvlnx115   : ok=3changed=1unreachable=1
>> failed=0skipped=1rescued=0ignored=0
>> Puzzling to me is that if ansible is using separate ssh commands, the ssh
>> succeeds gathering facts and checking for yum, but fails on that last part.
>> On Monday, August 19, 2019 at 1:10:43 PM UTC-5, S C Rigler wrote:
>> Curious about this:
>> Using module file /home/meggle1/src/ansible/playbooks/yum.retry
>> Can you remove/rename that file?
>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 10:15 AM Mike Eggleston 
>> wrote:
>> Here’s what I’m working with:
>> [meggle1@dvlnx108 playbooks]$ cat /etc/os-release
>> NAME="CentOS Linux"
>> VERSION="7 (Core)"
>> ID="centos"
>> ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
>> PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"
>> ANSI_COLOR="0;31"
>> CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:centos:centos:7"
>> HOME_URL=";
>> [meggle1@dvlnx108 playbooks]$ ssh root@dvlnx115 cat /etc/os-release
>> root@dvlnx115's password:

Re: [ansible-project] checking firewall form

2019-07-12 Thread S C Rigler
Maybe like this:

- name: Check if firewall running
name: firewalld
state: started
  register: firewall_running
  check_mode: true

- name: Add syslog port to firewall
  when: not firewall_running is changed

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 10:17 AM Anu R  wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to check to see if the firewall is running, if its running I want
> to add the syslog port. If the firewall is not on, i would like to skip the
> step.
> I know i can use the when module but Im stumbling. Can you guys lmk what
> approach to take?
> Thanks!!
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[ansible-project] assert vs fail

2019-07-12 Thread S C Rigler
Is there any advantage to using the assert module vs the fail module to
bail out of a play if an expected condition isn't met?

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Re: [ansible-project] ansible syntax to use "if-else" and "set"

2019-06-03 Thread S C Rigler
In your example of what you're trying to do, you're setting "group" inside
of the template but never returning it to the task.  What you might want is
something like this:

- name: Set Group
group: |
  {% if c == 1 %}
  {% elif c ==2 %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}

-- Steve

On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 12:49 AM Ansar Sahit  wrote:

> Hi All,
> Im trying to choose ansible inventory host group conditionally.
> - name: Set group
>   set_fact:
> group: |
> {% if c == 1 %}
> {% set group = 'grp1' %}
> {% elif c == 2 %}
> {% set group == 'grp3' %}
> {% else %}
> {% group == 'grp4' %}
> {% endif %}
> - debug:
>  var=group
> This doesnt seem to work.
> Whats the right way to use if-else with ansible set??
> Kinldy assist.
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Re: [ansible-project] Including roles dynamically make dependencies runs multiple time

2019-05-03 Thread S C Rigler
I'm not sure if it's the best way, but when including roles I'll do
something like:

- name: Include Some Role if Necessary
name: some_role
  when: SOME_ROLE_RUN is not defined

Then as the last task in "some_role" I'll have a task like this:

- set_fact:


On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 3:58 AM Bleacks  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> (this is my first post BTW, I'll try to be as clear as possible)
> I want to include roles dynamically using this bit of code in my
> `playbook.yml` :
> tasks:
> - name: "Including roles dynamically"
>   remote_user: "{{ target_user }}"
>   include_role:
> name: "{{ item }}"
>   with_items: "{{ roles_to_install | unique }}"
> I have roles like following:
> common
> role1 -> common
> role2 -> role1
> My goal is to always include every role (but I also have another use case
> where I want to specify which roles will be included).
> And using this method, if I try with roles_to_install = ['role1', 'role2']
> These roles will be included :
> - role 2 : 1 time
> - role 1 : 2 times
> - common : 3 times
> I searched through issues posted on git repo, I found some which may seem
> duplicates for me, but no solution was provided. (24326
> , 47374
>  ).
> ansible --version: 2.7.10
> I also tried with `allow_duplicates: no` but the problem is not related to
> role inclusion, but to the dependency inclusion.
> Do you have an idea of what I could have forgotten? Maybe there is another
> way of treating the problem?
> Thank you for your time,
> If you need information I forgot, I'll be glad to add them
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Re: [ansible-project] Ping module status in CSV

2019-04-18 Thread S C Rigler
Maybe use the value of "ping_res.rc".  It's the return code of the command;
so it would be "0" for success.


{{ (ping_res.rc|int == 0) | ternary('UP', 'DOWN') }}


On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 12:15 AM Vandana Thakur 

> Hello Team,
> I have  created a csv for gathered facts of linux and  windows targets.
> Now i am trying to add a column with Ping module status and result code if
> it fails.
> I  wrote this play in the role- this is for linux targets :
> ---
> *  - ping:  register: result*
> *- debug: var=hostvars[inventory_hostname].result*
> - setup:
>   delegate_facts: True
> - lineinfile:
> create: yes
> dest: /{{csv_log}}/setup.csv
> line: *"Ping,*
> Hostname,CPU_Architecture,OS,OS_VERSION,Customer_name,Location,Project"
> state: present
>   delegate_to: localhost
>   delegate_facts: True
> - lineinfile:
> create: yes
> dest: /{{csv_log}}/setup.csv
> line: 
> *"{{ping_res.stdout_lines}},*{{hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address']}},{{
> inventory_hostname }},{{ ansible_architecture }},{{ ansible_distribution
> }},{{ ansible_distribution_version }}"
> state: present
>   delegate_to: localhost
>   delegate_facts: True
> BUT the issue is , it gives all the output like :
> [root@vuhplabspawx001 tasks]#   cat  /tmp/setup.csv
> Ping,Hostname,CPU_Architecture,OS,OS_VERSION,Customer_name,Location,Project
> [u'PING vuhplabspawx001 ( 56(84) bytes of data.', u'64 bytes
> from vuhplabspawx001 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.039 ms',
> u'', u'--- vuhplabspawx001 ping statistics ---', u'1 packets transmitted, 1
> received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms', u'rtt min/avg/max/mdev =
> 0.039/0.039/0.039/0.000 ms'],
> [root@vuhplabspawx001 tasks]#
> How can i  sort this description to  only status and  result code  if  it
> fails.
> Thanks in advance.:)
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Re: [ansible-project] Filtering and executing tasks based upon facts

2019-03-28 Thread S C Rigler
I think you want 'ansible_distribution == "CentOS"'.  "ansible_os_family"
should be "RedHat" for both CentOS and RHEL.


On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 11:17 AM  wrote:

> I am trying to use conditionals to determine if I run a task,  It seems
> that the when conditional does not work for some tasks.  Is there a syntax
> error here or am i formatting my yaml incorrectly.  Any and all examples of
> working conditionals would be apprecitated.
> ansible-> cat copy-file.yml
> ---
> - name: Copy rpm to script to remote server based upon distro and distro
> version number . redhat 6 or 7
>   hosts: all
>   become: yes
>   strategy: free
>   gather_facts: True
>   tasks:
>   - name: Copying file with owner and permissions
> copy:
>   src: /etc/ansible/rpms/CentOS6.rpm
>   dest: /scripts/CentOS6.rpm
>   owner: ansible
>   group: ansible
>   mode: 0740
> #when: (ansible_facts['distribution'] == "CentOS" and
> ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "6")
> when: ansible_os_family == "CentOS" and  distribution_major_version ==
> "6"
> #  (ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian" and
> ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "7")
>   - name: httpd version check
> command: /scirpts/software.bin
> ignore_errors: yes
> register: output
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Re: [ansible-project] ansible got stuck in remote password query?

2019-03-28 Thread S C Rigler
The "ansible_" variables are facts gathered from the remote system and not
set in your inventory.  They allow you to customize your plays based on the
target system.

Regarding your other question how one bad host can force the playbook to
halt; it happens and you have to find ways to work around it.  We've run
into scenarios where fact gathering halts because of hung NFS mounts, the
yum module hangs because yum is having problems, etc.  There are ways to
work around these.  I frequently use "async" to set a timeout on the tasks
that could potentially hang so that they can at least fail without ruining
the playbook for the rest of the hosts.


On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 9:57 AM Harald Dunkel 

> I don't like to distinguish between these hosts. The RedHat
> host might have been upgraded from 6.x to 7.y, for example. Its
> unreasonable to assume that everybody updates his inventory
> files in such a case.
> But thats not the point. I am highly concerned how one bad
> host can force the whole ansible-playbook task to halt for
>  >70 minutes. Surely this is not best practice, but I wonder
> if this is seen as an acceptable hiccup for using Ansible?
> Regards
> Harri
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Re: [ansible-project] Re: Ansible inventory organization

2019-03-25 Thread S C Rigler
If you want an intersection, try:

ansible-playbook --limit production:\

Or if you just want to run on "servera" and "serverb", you can do it like this:

ansible-playbook --limit ~server[ab]


On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 7:24 AM Sascha Andres  wrote:
> Hi,
> maybe to be clearer: I want the intersection of production & www.
> Kind regards,
> Sascha
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Re: [ansible-project] replace module cannot crashes when encountering Danish characters

2019-03-19 Thread S C Rigler
Assuming you're talking about the local /etc/passwd file, the user
module can handle the gecos field.


On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 12:47 PM 'Mark Tovey - DSV' via Ansible
Project  wrote:
> Thanks!
> --
> Mark Tovey - UNIX Engineer
> DSV | 110 N Marine Dr. | Bldg 1 | Portland | Oregon | 97217 | USA
> | +1 503 222-5546
> From: 'Mark Tovey' via Ansible Project 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 10:03 AM
> To: Ansible Project 
> Subject: [ansible-project] replace module cannot crashes when encountering 
> Danish characters
>   I am working on a playbook to replace the comment field in a server's 
> password file.  I was trying to use the replace module to do this.  But it 
> began crashing on one server.  By elimination I was able to isolate the 
> problem to one user's account entry in the password file.  The user is Danish 
> and his name contains the minuscule character (small o with a slash through 
> it, hexadecimal f8).  If I replace that character with the 'o' character, the 
> replace module works fine, but if I put the minuscule charter back, it 
> crashes.  Interestingly, the lineinfile module does not have this problem, 
> only the replace module is affected.
>   The company I work for is based in Copenhagen, so this is going to be an 
> ongoing issue and I don't think I am going to be able to convince everyone to 
> spell their names differently, so the module needs to be repaired.  What is 
> the best way to submit a bug?  The version of Ansible we are currently using 
> is 2.7.5.
> -Mark
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Re: [ansible-project] rpm-python centos5 package package_facts

2019-03-08 Thread S C Rigler
If you can install a newer python on the machines you should be able
to manage them by setting the inventory variable
"ansible_python_interpreter" for them to the path of the alternate
python interpreter.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 2:25 PM Adam E  wrote:
> hey there, i'm trying to manage a bunch of centos5/rhel5 systems with ansible 
> 2.7.5
> On the target host I am able to install python 2.6 from epel which is all 
> good and ansible runs just fine for most stuff.   The issue is with anything 
> related to packages (ie . package_facts and package).  They both rely on the 
> "rpm" python library.
> Problem is, I can't figure out how to install this library on centos 5.   It 
> seems the library is not available in epel
> I tried building from source but I then get the error below:
> # python26
> Python 2.6.8 (unknown, Nov  7 2012, 14:47:45)
> [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import rpm
> UserWarning: The RPM Python bindings are not currently available 
> via PyPI.
> Please install them with your distro package manager (typically called
> 'python2-rpm' or 'python3-rpm'), and ensure that any virtual environments
> needing the API are configured to be able to see the system site packages
> directory.
>   warnings.warn(warning_msg)
> >>>
> If I can't get this working, I guess my only options are to either just not 
> manage packages on the legacy centos/rhel5 boxes or see about running an 
> older version (multiple versions) of ansible within AWX.
> Just wondering if anyone has went through this already and can provide any 
> tips.
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Re: [ansible-project] obtaining hostnames and groups

2019-02-20 Thread S C Rigler
Use "{{ group_names }}".  There can be more than one group, so you'll
likely need to join them with something like "{{ group_names | join(',
') }}"


On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 9:26 AM Swaroop VR  wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are trying to fetch the group names inside the host file in our playbook.
> e.g. this is my hostfile
> *
> [group1]
> host1
> host2
> [group2]
> host3
> host4
> [group3]
> host5
> host6
> [group4]
> host7
> host8
> ***
> And my playbook will be looking like this which takes all the host inside the 
> inventory file.
> ---
> - name: "Fetch host"
>   hosts: all
>   remote_user: c4972295
>   gather_facts: True
>   tasks:
>- name: obtaining hostnames and groups
>  shell: "echo {{ inventory_hostname }},**(( I have to print the group 
> name here )) **"
>  register: groups
> **
> So I want to print the name of the group from the host file and obtain the 
> output in stdout_lines of a register so that I can use it for another 
> iteration purpose.
> looking forward for help.
> Thanks in Advance.
> Swaroop
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Re: [ansible-project] removing a domain form sssd.conf

2019-02-01 Thread S C Rigler
Or you could use the ini_file module to remove the section.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2019, 7:23 AM Lewis Carroll  I am trying to figure out how to use replace or lineinfile to remove a
> domain entry in sssd.conf. Here is example:
> [domain/example]
>> cache_credentials = false
>> enumerate = true
>> ldap_schema = rfc2307
>> ldap_rfc2307_fallback_to_local_users = true
>> ldap_search_base = dc=example,dc=com
>> id_provider = ldap
>> auth_provider = ldap
>> chpass_provider = ldap
>> sudo_provider = ldap
>> ldap_uri = ldaps://, ldaps://,
>> ldaps://
>> ldap_chpass_uri = ldaps://
>> ldap_tls_reqcert = allow
>> access_provider = simple
>> simple_allow_groups = example_admins
> [sssd]
>> ...
>   I tried this:
>>  - replace:
>> path: '/home/admin/sssd.conf'
>> regexp: '.*'
>> before: '[sssd]'
>> backup: yes
> My thought is that this would remove every line before '[sssd]'. But
> instead it pretty much deletes the whole file. I have a workaround using
> sed via the command module. But I'd like to use replace or lineinfile. Any
> ideas? I also figured I could use a loop of regexps. Just seem like this
> should be simple. Heck the sed is simple for this.
> sed -i '/^\[domain\/example\]/,/^$/d' /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
> --
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Re: [ansible-project] Override a role's templates?

2019-01-31 Thread S C Rigler
Maybe something like setting "NAGIOS_TEMPLATE: nagios_local.j2" in
your role's defaults then override NAGIOS_TEMPLATE (inventory variable
or whatever) as needed with a path to an alternate template.

On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 6:44 AM Dick Visser  wrote:
> Hi
> I'm using roles extensively to separate functionality, and I'm trying
> to keep the roles as general as possible. The resulting playbooks are
> very minimal, containing not more than a set of include_role tasks.
> Many roles use templates, which are stored inside the role's templates
> directory.
> Those templates can sometimes be quite specific, and are not usable in
> every scenario.
> So I'm looking for a way to 'override' the templates.
> Putting my custom template next to my playbook doesn't work, but it
> comes close. That path is included in the searchpath - but has lower
> priority:
> - role_path/templates
> - role_path
> - role_path/tasks/templates
> - role_path/tasks
> - playbook_dir/templates
> - playbook_dir
> So I ended up working around this by renaming the template and
> changing the template task to:
> - name: Ensure All-in-one Nagios configuration is available
>   template:
> src: "{{ item }}"
> dest: "/etc/nagios3/conf.d/local.cfg"
>   with_first_found:
> - nagios_local.j2  <-- custom template
> - _nagios_local.j2  <-- default template
> This does actually work, but it feels a bit kludgy.
> Is there a way to change the ordering of the items in the template searchpath?
> BTW - Ideally I would like to be able to use the same inheritance structure
> that is already in place for variables, in particular these concepts:
> - group_templates/all
> - group_templates/mygroup
> - host_templates/myhost
> The same can be said for 'files'.
> --
> Dick Visser
> Trust & Identity Service Operations Manager
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Re: [ansible-project] Running yum updates with ansible

2019-01-29 Thread S C Rigler
I've seen this also.  When the new kernel installs there is a post
transaction scriplet to build the initrd.  In some cases it doesn't
build correctly (I see it fail maybe 1-5% of the time) and you'll get
a panic when the system reboots.  I don't know that I've seen enough
to blame it on Ansible, though.


On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 5:02 PM 'Chris Bidwell - NOAA Federal' via
Ansible Project  wrote:
> Hey all,
> So I've done a lot of yum updates with ansible and several times I get issues 
> where partial updates are run and it says it's been completed, however, I 
> reboot and I'm in a kernel panic because the new kernel didn't update 
> properly so I have to revert to the previous kernel and remove the newest and 
> reinstall it again.  I also often wind up with transactions that haven't been 
> completed.Has anyone experienced this before?
> Thanks!
> Chris
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[ansible-project] Options for filtering hosts

2019-01-23 Thread S C Rigler
We have a static inventory where hosts are grouped by location and
purpose.  I was wondering if there was a way to limit a playbook run
to hosts based on cached facts as a criteria (like only run on rhel 7
hosts, or only run on virtual hosts, etc).  I know I can put the tasks
in a block with a "when" clause to have it only run on hosts that
match the criteria, but it still has to iterate through every host to
decide which to include (which isn't efficient with a large inventory
where only 10% of the hosts might match the criteria).  Any


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Re: [ansible-project] Ansible parallel block execution

2019-01-16 Thread S C Rigler
There is now a "reboot" module (showed up in 2.7?) that will reboot
the host and wait for it to come back.


On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 3:26 AM Raoul  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using in an Ansible playbook blocks to execute reboots on hosts when 
> required after applying updates. I have to ensure that the hosts are back 
> online after reboot.
> Using 'strategy: free' so that all defined tasks aren't executed in linear 
> order and it is not waited for a task to finish, but it looks like the 
> wait_for_connection inside the block definition is blocking the whole 
> playbook until ended.
> My current block looks like this:
> - when: reboot_required.rc != 0
>   block:
>   - name: Rebooting host
> become: true
> shell: 'shutdown -r +1 "Reboot required by Server Updates"'
> ignore_errors: true
>   - name: wait for server to come back
> wait_for_connection:
>   delay: 90
>   timeout: 800
> register: reboot_result
>   - debug: var=reboot_result
> How can I execute more reboots or wait_for_connection in parallel?
> Thanks for any hints,
> Raoul
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Re: [ansible-project] How to set timeout value for a task using shell module?

2018-12-28 Thread S C Rigler
Assuming the target machine is running a modern Linux version, you can
run the "timeout" command in your shell.


- shell: timeout -s 9 10 /usr/bin/command that does something

That will send a "kill -9" to the command if it doesn't finish in 10 seconds.

On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 10:53 AM Saravanan  wrote:
> Hi Ansible Experts,
> We are running tasks using shell module. Sometime these tasks are pending due 
> to backend application server slow response. Is there anyway to set timeout 
> for these tasks to exit after certain time period?
> Regards
> Saravanan
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Re: [ansible-project] Problems notifying handlers in another role

2018-12-08 Thread S C Rigler
I don't know if this is the best way, but I have a role consisting of just
handlers that is included as a metal dependency by other roles. This helps
me get around having multiple handlers that do the same thing and also
allows me to enforce the order that they are run (eg, I have a reboot
handler that would be really counterproductive if it ran before other
handlers, so it is listed last).

On Sat, Dec 8, 2018, 9:52 AM Andy Smith  Hello,
> Say I have a playbook a bit like this:
> - hosts: some_group
>   roles:
> - {
> role: app,
> }
> - hosts: all
>   roles:
> - {
> role: configure,
> }
> That second role "configure" does something that will require the
> apache2 service on hosts in some_group to be reloaded. However there
> will be multiple other roles that depend on the things that the
> "configure" role does, and it won't always be apache2 that needs to
> be reloaded. It may be some other software that needs to be
> reloaded.
> Therefore, I don't think it's correct to put a handler in
> roles/configure/handlers/main.yml, because I don't know ahead of
> time every possible thing that should be reloaded.
> The "app" role does know what needs to be reloaded, so it seems like
> the handler should be in roles/app/handlers/main.yml and notified
> from the task in roles/configure/tasks/….
> Also, as I do not know the exact services that will require
> reloading, it seems like I should in fact use "listen:" on the
> handler. The idea being that multiple different roles will register
> listeners on that event and then they can all fire to reload what
> needs reloading.
> I put a handler in roles/app/handlers/main.yml like:
> - name: Graceful reload apache2
>   listen: App config has changed
>   command: /usr/sbin/apache2ctl graceful
> When the corresponding notify fires, I get the error that no such
> handler exists.
> If I put the above handler in the same role as where it is notified
> from, i.e. in roles/configure/handlers/main.yml, or add it to the
> playbook like:
> - hosts: all
>   roles:
> - {
> role: configure,
> }
>   handlers:
> - name Graceful reload apache2
>   listen: App config has changed
>   command: /usr/sbin/apache2ctl graceful
> Then it works.
> That's not going to work for me though, because I need other roles
> to manage software that will also want to be reloaded when "App
> config has changed".
> I thought that handlers were a global namespace, and the "app" role
> comes first so why is its handler not being made available to the
> tasks in the "configure" role?
> Is there a better pattern for what I am trying to do?
> Version 2.7.4.
> Thanks,
> Andy
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Re: [ansible-project] Alternate solution needed for winrm connections

2018-11-07 Thread S C Rigler
Try adding a mapping in your domain_realms section to associate
lowercase to realm OPS68.ISYNTAX.NET.
On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 12:35 PM sase kumar  wrote:
> Hi Team,
> In our environment , basic , ntlm ,credssp is disabled by default in 
> windows2012 machines and I tried it out with last option that is kerberos .
> Scenario -
> centos machine has ansible controller
> new domain has been created and it has few servers with it
> I added the domain fqdn in etc/hosts to make it reachable because initially 
> only IP is reachable from ansible
> I installed all kerberos libraries uisng pip and configured krb.conf file 
> accordingly
> includedir /etc/krb5.conf.d/
> [logging]
>  default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
>  kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
>  admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
> [libdefaults]
>  dns_lookup_realm = true
>  ticket_lifetime = 24h
>  renew_lifetime = 7d
>  forwardable = true
>  rdns = false
>  default_realm = OPS68.ISYNTAX.NET
>  default_ccache_name = KEYRING:persistent:%{uid}
> [realms]
>   kdc =
>   default_domain = OPS68.ISYNTAX.NET
>  }
> [domain_realm]
> But still if i try to run playbooks , it says "Cannot find
> KDC for realm \"\" while getting initial credentials",
> Any help is appreciated?
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Re: [ansible-project] Joining Linux server to the Active directory Domain.

2018-10-29 Thread S C Rigler
Hi Fahad,

You could probably get away with changing your task to do something like:

- name: join system to ad
  shell: echo "{{ domain_password }}" | realm join -U ansibleuser

But it's generally bad practice to put passwords on the command line, since
anyone logged onto the target machine could just do "ps" and see the
password exposed.

Another option would be to create a keytab for "ansibleuser" then have the
playbook kinit the service account using the keytab and do an unattended
join.  But you'd have to make sure that everything is cleaned up (keytab
and the associated ticket cache) after the join is complete.

Neither of these are idempotent, however.  So every time you run the
playbook it will just be trying to do the join again no matter the status
of the machine.

-- Steve

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 3:56 PM  wrote:

> Fahad Riaz 
> 3:50 PM (4 minutes ago)
> to ansible-project
> I am working on a project and part of it includes joining the Linux server
> to the Active Directory domain.
> I've tried every possible way to join the server to the AD but can't
> resolve it.
> This is the playbook I try to run
> ---
> - hosts: RHELTEST
>   become: yes
>   vars_files:
>   - /home/ansiblecore/ansiblecore.yml
>   tasks:
>   - name: join system to ad
> command: realm join -U ansibleuser
> responses:
>   Password for ansibleuser: "{{ domain_password }}"
> when I run the command on the command line "realm join -U ansibleuser
> it responds back with "Password for ansibleuser:" and after i enter the
> password it joins it to the domain however I am trying to do the same with
> ansible-playbook.
> When i execute the playbook this is the error i get:
> [WARNING]: Ignoring invalid attribute: responses
> fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd":
> "realm join -U ansibleuser", "delta": "0:00:00.192301",
> "end": "2018-10-29 15:47:16.704292", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc":
> 1, "start": "2018-10-29 15:47:16.511991", "stderr": "See: journalctl
> REALMD_OPERATION=r106172.19338\nrealm: Couldn't join realm: Joining the
> domain failed", "stderr_lines": ["See: journalctl
> REALMD_OPERATION=r106172.19338", "realm: Couldn't join realm: Joining the
> domain failed"], "stdout": "Password for ansibleuser: ",
> "stdout_lines": ["Password for ansibleuser: "]}
> If anyone of you are able to help me out on this matter, i'd highly
> appreciate it.
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Re: [ansible-project] Reinstall package if config dir is missing or different?

2018-10-18 Thread S C Rigler
Assuming you're using RPM, files that are marked "config" files in the
package will not be overwritten by package upgrades (that's how you
end up with ".rpmnew" files).  But if you have missing files you can
file them by looking at the output of "rpm -V".  Then think of some
creative way to trigger a reinstall of the package based on that.
On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 9:02 AM Mauricio Tavares  wrote:
>   As you know some packages install their config files/dir during
> the normal package installation (the first examples that popped in my
> mind are postfix, bind, and apache). I understand that if the
> configuration file I am editing using ansible is different than the
> one I providing (as file or template), it will be overwritten back
> into the desired state next time ansible is run. But, let's say one of
> the other files in that config file is missing. Or I was bored and
> deleted the entire config dir. How would I detect it? I take if I do
> detect I would then want to reinstall said package and then run my
> customization, right?
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Re: [ansible-project] One server is slow to respond to ansible (but does) gather_facts

2018-09-26 Thread S C Rigler
Is normal ssh to the server slow or only with Ansible?

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018, 5:36 PM John Harmon  wrote:

> Marcos,
> I can execute an ad-hoc, but I don't know what you mean by "all the
> debug"--or how to do that.
> If I run the following, it returns promptly:
> root@ansible:/etc/ansible # ansible myserver -m debug
> myserver | SUCCESS => {
> "msg": "Hello world!"
> }
> Kai,
> I cannot find any IO issues on the server in regards to the things you
> specified.  LVM isn't involved, but NFS is.  It is connected to the same
> NFS server as all of my other servers.  In addition, I don't see any stale
> files, or mounts.  Things look normal on the server other than it taking
> longer to respond than my other servers.I am still digging into
> this to see if I can find the cause for the slow response.
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Re: [ansible-project] Copy lines from a file

2018-09-15 Thread S C Rigler
I would use two tasks; one using the shell module to run the remote command
of your choice (tail, grep, whatever) and register the output to a
variable, then a second task using the mail module to send it to recipients.

On Sat, Sep 15, 2018, 4:30 AM Bilal ahmed 

> Hi guys,
> I want to copy a specific line (say last one) from a file (any log file)
> and email it using Ansible playbook. Which module can I use for this?
> Thanks in advance.
> BR,
> Bilal AHMED
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Re: [ansible-project] [Ansible windows] "kerberos: authGSSClientStep() failed: (('Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information', 851968), ('Generic error (see e-text)', -1765328324

2018-08-27 Thread S C Rigler

Please start a new topic instead of hijacking an existing one.

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 4:26 AM Badraj Angirekula <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> please help me.
> Build ec2 instances with attaching multiple tags names :-
>   For example- I have launched one ec2 instance with tag name "websever1"
> the next builds of ec2 instances should start with tag name webserver2 ,
> webserver3  automatically.
> Note: No two ec2 instances have same tag name.
> On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 12:22 PM Jeremie Levy  wrote:
>> Hi
>> In my company we have a forest with multiple domains, EUR / USA ...
>> I can work without any issue with my domain (EUR) with a EUR user
>> Now i'm trying to access a USA server with and got the following failure:
>> # ansible-playbook agent.yml --limit -
>> ansible-playbook 2.6.2
>>   config file = /ansible/scripts/ansible.cfg
>>   configured module search path =
>> [u'/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ara/plugins/modules']
>>   ansible python module location =
>> /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible
>>   executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
>>   python version = 2.7.12 (default, Dec  4 2017, 14:50:18) [GCC 5.4.0
>> 20160609]
>> Using /ansible/scripts/ansible.cfg as config file
>> setting up inventory plugins
>> Parsed /ansible/scripts/inventory/windows.yml inventory source with yaml
>> plugin
>> Loading callback plugin default of type stdout, v2.0 from
>> /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/default.pyc
>> Loading callback plugin ara of type notification, v2.0 from
>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ara/plugins/callbacks/log_ara.pyc
>> PLAYBOOK: agent.yml
>> *
>> 1 plays in agent.yml
>> PLAY [fw]
>> *
>> Trying secret
>> FileVaultSecret(filename='/nfs/site/disks/home30/ansible/.ssh/ansible_vault.txt')
>> for vault_id=default
>> TASK [Gathering Facts]
>> task path: /ansible/scripts/agent.yml:2
>> Using module file
>> /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/modules/windows/setup.ps1
>> on PORT 5986 TO
>> checking if winrm_host is an IPv6 address
>> calling kinit with pexpect for principal
>> fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {
>> "changed": false,
>> *"msg": "kerberos: authGSSClientStep() failed: (('Unspecified GSS
>> failure.  Minor code may provide more information', 851968), ('Generic
>> error (see e-text)', -1765328324))",*
>> "unreachable": true
>> }
>> to retry, use: --limit @/ansible/scripts/qb-agent-fw.retry
>> : ok=0changed=0unreachable=1
>> failed=0
>> my kerberos file:
>> # cat /etc/krb5.conf
>> [libdefaults]
>>  default_realm = EUR.COMPANY.COM
>>  ticket_lifetime = 36000
>>  renew_lifetime = 2592000
>>  default_keytab_name = /etc/krb5.keytab
>>  forwardable = true
>>  allow_weak_crypto = true
>>  dns_lookup_realm = false
>>  dns_lookup_kdc = false
>>  default_tgs_enctypes = des-cbc-crc arcfour-hmac-md5
>>  default_tkt_enctypes = arcfour-hmac-md5 des-cbc-crc
>>  preferred_preauth_types = des-cbc-crc
>> [domain_realm]
>> [libvas]
>>  use-dns-srv = true
>>  use-server-referrals = true
>> [realms]
>> default_domain =
>>   ...
>>   }

Re: [ansible-project] Solution for add keys mutual

2018-08-21 Thread S C Rigler
Look at ssh-copy-id

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018, 7:39 AM Henrik Schuetze  wrote:

> Hi,
> i want to enable ssh between two linux hosts.
> i generate the ssh key on both hosts.
> and then i need to add the keys on the other servers respectively
> Does anyone has a ready solution for that?
> greetings
> Henrik
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Re: [ansible-project] Disable fact gathering as a command line option

2018-08-14 Thread S C Rigler
Hi Jad,

"ANSIBLE_GATHERING" environment variable has same function as "gathering"
ansible.cfg option:


On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 7:12 AM Jad Baz  wrote:

> Is there a way to disable fact gathering at the command line?
> I couldn't find this anywhere in the docs.
> As a use case, I sometimes want to run a tag with two or 3 tasks that
> don't require fact gathering and I don't want to disable it on a playbook
> level.
> Maybe there is something I'm missing, please let me know if I'm thinking
> about this correctly.
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Re: [ansible-project] Speeding up very large playbooks

2018-08-06 Thread S C Rigler
Similar issue here (hopefully not hijacking the topic).  I have a small-ish
playbook that runs a handful of roles that distribute files, set passwords,
cron jobs, etc.  On a single host it runs in about 35 seconds.  With
Ansible 2.4 I could run it across about 1000 hosts and it would complete in
just under 30 minutes.  With Ansible 2.5 it takes 56 minutes and Ansible
2.6 it takes about 63 minutes.  A longer playbook we run nightly across the
same number of hosts in 3 and a half hours with Ansible 2.4 now takes 8 and
a half hours with 2.6.

We've resorted to tricks to speed things up such as running the playbook in
a wrapper that cuts the host list up into groups of 100 for each playbook
run (running the big playbook with free strategy on 1000 hosts is a good
way to exhaust all of the memory on our Ansible server).

Tips to identify the bottlenecks would be great.


On Mon, Aug 6, 2018, 6:46 PM Pshem Kowalczyk  wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a scenario where we pre-generate a lot of configuration on the
> controller host (targets are generally network devices, so not capable of
> running python).
> Typical generation process involves pulling data from a number odelef
> different systems (over APIs), running some local modules - mostly
> 'template'. A typical run for a single devices can have up to 500-700
> tasks.
> A single device can be done under 5 minutes in most cases (including
> deployment). All the generation already runs with "strategy: free". Once we
> go to bigger deployments - 10-15 devices the time that's need gets
> significantly longer (40-50 minutes is not unusual). We tried throwing CPUs
> at the problem, but it looks like only one-two CPUs get ever to 100% whilst
> the rest of them seems to be near-idle (regardless of "fork" values).
> There's plenty of RAM too (utilisation hardly ever goes over 3-4GB).
> Is there a way for Ansible to utilise all the CPUs? I realise this might
> not be a typical case, but we're looking now at deployments that have 30-40
> devices and waiting 3h for completion is not something we'd want to see.
> kind regards
> Pshem
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