I am trying to list the directory size of certain directory in list of 
servers.   In the below  playbook the ruby script along with ansible task 
will create file with all instance details and saving it 
in region-ec2-list.txt. What I need in lineinfile  is to,  it should insert 
the set_fact output to file /tmp/disk-ec2-list.txt below the line {{ 
inventory_hostname }} as the output of the ruby script will have same {{ 
inventory_hostname }} , that is public ip

    - name: Listing ec2 instance in all regions(us-east-1", "us-west-1", 
"us-west-2", "eu-west-1", "eu-central-1", "ap-southeast-2)
      local_action: command /usr/bin/ruby /root/sree/test/list-all.rb "{{ 
corp_aws_key_id }}" "{{ corp_aws_secret_access_key }}"
      register: output_ruby
      run_once: true
    - name: copy output to file
      local_action: copy content="{{ output_ruby.stdout }}" 
    - name: Execute du -sh /var/lib/mysql
      command: du -sh /var/lib/mysql
      register: disk_usage_mysql
    - set_fact: mysql={{ disk_usage_mysql.stdout }}
    - name: Execute du -sh  /usr/local/zephyr/zephyrdata/attachment
      command: du -sh /usr/local/zephyr/zephyrdata/attachment
      register: disk_usage_zephyrdata
    - set_fact: zephyrdata={{ disk_usage_zephyrdata.stdout }}
    - name: debug
      debug: var="{{ inventory_hostname }} {{ mysql }} {{ zephyrdata }}"
    - name: localaction
#      local_action: copy content= "{{ inventory_hostname }} {{ mysql }} {{ 
zephyrdata }}" dest="/tmp/disk-ec2-list.txt"
#      local_action: lineinfile dest=/tmp/disk-ec2-list.txt insertafter=EOF 
line="{{ inventory_hostname }} {{ mysql }} {{ zephyrdata }}" create=yes

In short: how to insert a file using lineinfile after string "{{ 
inventory_hostname }}"

please help. Also let me know if anymore details is required

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