Dear all,

I am quite new to Ansible and try to "make a tour"...
I am using ansible with cygwin64 on Win7.

I am currently make a personal training and find that I could use a block 
to "enclose" (ok, perhaps wrong term) a couple of task that have some 
common "properties" (like become_user: root ...).
The idea is to change this :

- name: Update Red Hat machine
    update_cache: yes
    name: '*'
    state: latest
  when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum'
  become: true
  become_user: root
  ignore_errors: yes
  notify: "restart {{ ansible_os_family }} host"

- name: Install RedHat tools
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: present
  with_items: "{{ toolList }}"
  when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum'
  become: true
  become_user: root
  ignore_errors: yes
  notify: "restart {{ ansible_os_family }} host"

into a block based syntax so that I can factorize the become / notify and 
when statement.
II have made several trials without any success.
Playing the file below :
  - name: Update Red Hat machine
      update_cache: yes
      name: '*'
      state: latest

  - name: Install RedHat tools
      name: "{{ item }}"
      state: present
      with_items: "{{ toolList }}"

  when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum'
  become: true
  become_user: root
  ignore_errors: yes
  notify: "restart {{ ansible_os_family }} host"

I get this error :
fatal: [ci-server]: FAILED! => {"reason": "Syntax Error while loading 
YAML.\n\n\nThe error appears to have been in 
line 16, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact 
syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n  when: 
ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum'\n  ^ here\n\nexception type: <class 
'yaml.parser.ParserError'>\nexception: while parsing a block collection\n  
in \"<unicode string>\", line 3, column 3:\n      - name: Update Red Hat 
machine\n      ^\nexpected <block end>, but found '?'\n  in \"<unicode 
string>\", line 16, column 3:\n      when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum'\n      

If someone could help I would be very glad ! 

Thanks !

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