Finally, I have found the problem... something like between keyboard and 
chair ...
I simply forget to set the jenkins_home (default to /var/lib/jenkins) which 
is actually /var/lib/jenkins within the container, but 
/home/jenkins/jenkins_home on the ansible controler machine which is the 
ansible target for the playbook.

So, thanks for your help ;)
This question is closed.

Best Regards.

Le lundi 24 juin 2019 11:48:20 UTC+2, JiElPe-Fr38 a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I have a problem with the jenkins_plugins module.
> Within a playbook that pull a jenkins docker image 
> (jenkins/jenkins:lts-alpine) and runs it to install the instance and 
> configure it,  I have a task that install a list of plugins on an instance, 
> which is :
> - name: Install plugins
>   jenkins_plugin:
>     owner: "{{ jenkins_process_user }}"
>     group: "{{ jenkins_process_group }}"
>     name: "{{ item }}"
>     state: latest
>     timeout: 120
>     url: "http://{{ jenkins_hostname }}:{{ jenkins_http_port }}{{ 
> jenkins_url_prefix }}"
>     url_username: "{{ jenkins_admin_name }}"
>     url_password: "{{ jenkins_admin_password }}"
>     with_dependencies: yes
>   loop: "{{ jenkinsPlugins }}"
>   register: pluginResult
>   until: not pluginResult.failed
>   retries: 5
>   notify: restart_image
>   become: True
>   become_user: "{{ jenkins_process_user }}"
> It works correctly when the playbook is run for the first time.
> All plugins are installed, and possibly retried in case of problem.
> But, when I relaunch exactly the same playbook, Each and every plugin 
> installation is retried up to the max nbr of retry and fails with (for 
> example):
> failed: [devEnv] (item=blueocean) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", 
> "attempts": 5, "changed": false, "item": "blueocean", "msg": "Jenkins 
> home directory doesn't exist."}
> For sure, I have verified that the jenkins home directory actually exists 
> and has the awaited "{{ jenkins_process_user }}" and 
> "{{ jenkins_process_group }}" owner and group, which is jenkins:jenkins.
> I really cannot explain why I get this error, which clearly makes this 
> playbook not idempotent !
> For sure, I can give the whole playbook if you need additional information.
> Thanks for your help.
> J-L

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