Anyone please ? 

On Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 3:27:40 PM UTC+3, Jeremie Levy wrote:
> Hi
> Trying to send request to my internal zabbix server and i get this error - 
> if anyone knows how to fix it.
> # pip list |grep zabbix
> zabbix-api                            0.5.3
> # ansible-playbook qb-agent-fw.yml --limit hasgqba025.DOMAIN -vvvv
> ansible-playbook 2.5.0                                                   
>   config file = /ansible/scripts/ansible.cfg                             
>   configured module search path = [u
> '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ara/plugins/modules']             
>   ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible 
>   executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook                         
>   python version = 2.7.12 (default, Dec  4 2017, 14:50:18) [GCC 5.4.0 
> 20160609]                                                            
> Using /ansible/scripts/ansible.cfg as config file                         
> setting up inventory plugins                                               
> Parsed /ansible/scripts/inventory/windows.yml inventory source with yaml 
> plugin                                          
> Loading callback plugin default of type stdout, v2.0 from /usr/lib/python2
> .7/dist-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/default.pyc            
> Loading callback plugin ara of type notification, v2.0 from /usr/local/lib
> /python2.7/dist-packages/ara/plugins/callbacks/log_ara.pyc   
> TASK [common : add host to zabbix server] 
> **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> task path: /nfs/iil/disks/eis/ansible/scripts/roles/common/tasks/zabbix.
> yml:2                                                                     
> Using module file /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/modules/
> monitoring/zabbix/                                         
> <localhost> ESTABLISH LOCAL CONNECTION FOR USER: sys_ansible             
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'echo ~ && sleep 0'                           
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c '( umask 77 && mkdir -p "` echo 
> /nfs/site/home/sys_ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1524991995.58-156273026676281
> `" && echo ansible-tmp-1524991995.58-156273026676281="` echo 
> /nfs/site/home/sys_ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1524991995.58-156273026676281
> `" ) && sleep 0'                                                         
> <localhost> PUT /nfs/site/home/sys_ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-
> 37581eafvWL/tmpU8jpCH TO /nfs/site/home/sys_ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-
> tmp-1524991995.58-156273026676281/                         
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'chmod u+x 
> /nfs/site/home/sys_ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1524991995.58-156273026676281/
> /nfs/site/home/sys_ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1524991995.58-156273026676281/
> && sleep 0'                                                              
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python 
> /nfs/site/home/sys_ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1524991995.58-156273026676281/
> && sleep 0'                                                               
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'rm -f -r 
> /nfs/site/home/sys_ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1524991995.58-156273026676281/
> > /dev/null 2>&1 && sleep 0'                                             
> The full traceback is:                                                   
>   File "/tmp/ansible_Yqkkau/", line 704, in 
> main                                                                       
>     zbx.login(login_user, login_password)                                 
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 207, 
> in login                                                                 
>     result = self.do_request(obj)                                         
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 255, 
> in do_request                                                             
>     raise APITimeout("HTTP read timeout",)                               
> fatal: [hasgqba025.DOMAIN -> localhost]: FAILED! => {
>     "changed": false,                                            
>     "invocation": {                                              
>         "module_args": {                                         
>             "description": "hasgqba025.DOMAIN",      
>             "force": true,                                       
>             "host_groups": [                                     
>                 "CI_Windows_QuickBuild_Agents"                   
>             ],                                                   
>             "host_name": "hasgqba025.DOMAIN",        
>             "http_login_password": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER", 
>             "http_login_user": "sys_ansible",                             
>             "interfaces": [                                               
>                 {                                                         
>                     "dns": "hasgqba025.DOMAIN",               
>                     "ip": "",                                
>                     "main": 1,                                            
>                     "port": 10050,                                        
>                     "type": "agent",                                      
>                     "useip": 0                                            
>                 }                                                         
>             ],                                                            
>             "inventory_mode": "automatic",                                
>             "inventory_zabbix": null,                                     
>             "ipmi_authtype": null,
>             "ipmi_password": null,
>             "ipmi_privilege": null,
>             "ipmi_username": null,
>             "link_templates": [
>                 "win_qb_agent"
>             ],
>             "login_password": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER",
>             "login_user": "sys_ansible",
>             "proxy": null,
>             "server_url": "";,
>             "state": "present",
>             "status": "enabled",
>             "timeout": 10,
>             "tls_accept": 1,
>             "tls_connect": 1,
>             "tls_issuer": null,
>             "tls_psk": null,
>             "tls_psk_identity": null,
>             "tls_subject": null,
>             "validate_certs": true,
>             "visible_name": "hasgqba025.DOMAIN"
>         }
>     },
>     "msg": "Failed to connect to Zabbix server: HTTP read timeout"
> }
> Here is my code:
> - name: add host to zabbix server
> local_action:
> module: zabbix_host
> server_url:
> login_user: sys_ansible
> login_password: '{{ ansible_become_password }}'
> http_login_user: sys_ansible
> http_login_password: '{{ ansible_become_password }}'
> host_name: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'
> visible_name: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'
> description: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'
> host_groups:
> - '{{ zabbix_grp }}'
> link_templates:
> - '{{ zabbix_tmplt }}'
> status: enabled
> state: present
> inventory_mode: automatic
> # inventory_zabbix:
> # tag: "{{ your_tag }}"
> # alias: "{{ your_alias }}"
> # notes: "Special Informations: {{ your_informations | default('None') }}"
> # location: "{{ your_location }}"
> # site_rack: "{{ your_site_rack }}"
> # os: "{{ your_os }}"
> # hardware: "{{ your_hardware }}"
> # ipmi_authtype: 2
> # ipmi_privilege: 4
> # ipmi_username: username
> # ipmi_password: password
> interfaces:
> - type: agent
> main: 1
> useip: 0
> ip: '{{ ansible_ip_addresses[0] }}'
> dns: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'
> port: 10050

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