Finally tracked the issue down to my misunderstanding of how lookup() works.

Answer here:!topic/ansible-project/McPi-i-90yU

On Monday, October 15, 2018 at 10:06:00 PM UTC-6, Dmitriy Panteleyev wrote:
> I'm a bit confused how variables are defined when using `include_role`.  A 
> basic example follows.
> */play.yml*
> - hosts: localhost
>   roles:
>     - one
> */roles/one/tasks/main.yml*
> ---
> - name: do a thing with another role
>   include_role:
>     name: two
>   vars:
>    passed_variable:
>      - stuff: "{{ lookup('template', 'role_one_template.j2') }}"
> */roles/one/templates/role_one_template_file.j2*
> bla bla bla bla 
> random bit of stuff
> does not matter what 
> */roles/two/tasks/main.yml*
> ---
> - debug:
>     var: passed_variable
> My expectation is that role "one" will pull the template and pass the 
> *results* of that lookup to role "two".  However, when running the play, 
> I get first a warning, and then an error.  It *seems* as if the template 
> lookup occurs in role "two".  So, what exactly is going on, and how do I 
> fix it?
> looking for "role_one_template.j2" at 
>> "/roles/two/templates/role_one_template.j2"
>> looking for "role_one_template.j2" at "/roles/two/role_one_template.j2"
>> looking for "role_one_template.j2" at "/templates/role_one_template.j2"
>> looking for "role_one_template.j2" at "/role_one_template.j2"
>>  [WARNING]: Unable to find 'role_one_template.j2' in expected paths (use 
>> -vvvvv to see paths)
> ...
>> ...
> ERROR! An unhandled exception occurred while templating '{u'stuff': [{{ 
>> lookup(\'template\', \'role_one_template.j2\') }}]}'.
>> Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: An 
>> unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'template'.
>> Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: the 
>> template file role_one_template.j2 could not be found for the lookup

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